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Review of detailed design review committee confirmed 'prototype production possible'-

❍ The Defense Affairs Agency (CEO Wang Jung-hong) held the KF-X Detailed Design Review (CDR) Meeting * from September 24 to 26, allowing all military requirements to be reflected in the design and proceeding to the prototype production stage. It was confirmed that there is.
* CDR (Critical Design Review): Verify that system requirements and functional requirements are all reflected in the initial product specification that satisfies the detailed design, and proceed to prototype production, system integration, and testing within cost, schedule, and risk. Procedure to formally confirm that this is possible

❍ The Korean fighter system development project is under the supervision of the Korea Aerospace Industries (President Ahn Hyun-ho). The development began in January 2016 and completed the basic design in June 2018. Detailed hardware and software details are now available. The design is finalized and part fabrication is in progress.

❍ Up to three years and nine months from the start of the project, the wind tunnel test, the updating of major system models, and the design and analysis results for each field continuously improved the shape.

❍ In this detailed design review meeting, reviewers composed of government and private experts, including the Air Force, reviewed about 390 technical data to confirm that the military requirements were properly reflected in the design.

❍ The head of the Korean Fighter Project Division, Senior Defense Officer, Kwang Sun-sun, said, “Now, Korean fighter aircraft development has successfully passed the detailed design review stage and faces new challenges in the construction and testing of prototypes.” We will make every effort to make Korean fighters with the performances that the military satisfies through cooperation with related organizations. ”

❍ The head of the Korean Air Fighter Project Division, Kwang-Su Ryu, said, “We have made great efforts to develop Korean fighter aircraft that meet the military needs through perfect quality assurance and ground and flight tests of prototypes based on the output from detailed design after the start of system development. I'll make it successful. ”

❍ The Korean fighter system development project will ship the first prototype in the first half of 2021. It will then begin its first flight test in the first half of 2022 and complete development by 2026. In addition, it plans to exhibit a full-scale Korean fighter model at ADEX (Seoul International Aerospace & Defense Exhibition) held in October this year.
It seems that we have a certain fondness for a two-seater fighter jets.
It seems that we have a certain fondness for a two-seater fighter jets.
Nah its just a poster to confirmed the KF-X/IF-X will have 2 variants single seater and two-seater variant. TNI AU marking can be put on either variant.

This poster its the ROKAF which is the two-seater variant.

LAPAN Reveal Human-carrying Drone


REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Head of the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (LAPAN) Thomas Djamaluddin inaugurated the launch of Dadali, a drone or unmanned aircraft for human transport (urban transporters). This drone was created by PT Aeroterrascan and PT Chroma International.

"This is one of the nation's works that we need to appreciate, and Lapan is encouraging the aerospace industry, one of which is Dadali drones," Thomas said when opening the launch of Dadali drones on the sidelines of the 2019 AeroSummit event, South Jakarta, Tuesday (24/9).

This drone for human transport is equipped with 16 propellers. Dadali can maneuver up to a height of 40 meters above sea level. Being unmanned, its use only needs to determine the destination location and Dadali will move himself to the location.

The human carrier drone can hold a load of up to 120 kilograms, of which 50 kilograms is a load of luggage outside the weight of the passenger. This drone can carry one passenger because it only has one seat.

At present, PT Aeroterrascan and PT Chroma are developing the drones needed for cargo and logistics shipments so that they can be used to deal with shipping goods to the outer islands and able to cross Indonesian waters. "This drone will be an inter-island transport of goods with difficult terrain and unreachable vehicles. This drone is a solution," said Thomas Djamaluddin.

Meanwhile, drones for cargo and logistics shipping are being developed to be able to transport logistics goods up to 120 kilograms. After developing a drone for cargo, the company will step up again with the development of drones for health purposes.

The purpose of its development, which is to transport a patient for example who is trapped in a disaster or traffic jam. In addition to a patient, this drone can carry up to 50 kilograms of patient life support equipment.
There is someone noticed this Acts? It is closely related with defense matter afterall


RUU PSDN Diketok, Militer Legal Mobilisasi Sipil untuk Bela Negara

Reporter: Bayu Septianto
26 September 2019

View non-AMP version at tirto.id

tirto.id - Pimpinan rapat paripurna DPR RI mengetok palu. Rancangan Undang-undang tentang Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Nasional (PSDN) untuk Pertahanan Negara resmi menjadi undang-undang, Kamis (26/9/201) siang.

RUU ini cukup disorot masyarakat sipil karena ada pasal-pasal yang dianggap kontroversial. Salah satunya terkait dengan 'Komponen Cadangan', yang dalam draf terkini dicantumkan dalam Bab IV Pasal 27. Komponen Cadangan itu termasuk warga negara.

Jadi apa yang disebut Komponen Cadangan dapat dimobilisasi untuk memperbesar dan memperkuat komponen utama, yaitu Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI).

Bagi sebagian pihak, ini adalah upaya militerisasi sipil.

Ketua Komisi I DPR RI Abdul Kharis Almasyhari meminta kekhawatiran itu dihilangkan karena dia menegaskan tidak ada unsur paksaan di dalamnya. Dia tidak seperti wajib militer.

"Terdapat hal penting, yaitu penambahan sifat sukarela dalam keikutsertaan warga negara menjadi Komponen Pendukung dan Komponen Cadangan," ucap Abdul Kharis di ruang rapat paripurna.

Dia lantas bilang, aturan ini dibuat agar pertahanan Indonesia semakin kuat. Menurutnya TNI dan Polri tidak bisa selalu diandalkan selamanya. Dengan ada peraturan ini mobilisasi masyarakat nanti, jika dibutuhkan, jadi legal.

Setelah mendengarkan penjelasan Abdul Kharis, Wakil Ketua DPR yang bertindak sebagai pimpinan sidang, Agus Hermanto, lalu menanyakan persetujuan kepada para anggota yang hadir.

"Apakah pembicaraan tingkat II pengambilan keputusan terhadap RUU tentang Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Nasional (PSDN) untuk Pertahanan Negara dapat disetujui sebagai UU?" tanya Agus.

"Setuju..." sahut seluruh anggota yang hadir.

DPR lantas diapresiasi Menteri Pertahanan Ryamizard Ryacudu.

"Dengan disetujuinya UU ini, maka terbentuklah payung hukum bagi usaha bela negara, penataan komponen pendukung, serta pengaturan mobilisasi untuk pertahanan negara," katanya di lokasi yang sama.
It seems that we have a certain fondness for a two-seater fighter jets.
Not really, su35 is a single seater, they have more f16 a/c than b/d.

But double seater has significant advantages though. That's mean you have extra pair of eyes and brain, so more effective working load, especially on long endurance missions.
How many F-16s and of which block does Indonesian Air Force has???
correct me if im wrong , if i remember correctly , over 32 in current inventory consisted of (A/B/C/D) version , the older A/B version is ongoing eMLU program (enchanced Mid Life Upgrade) which "hearsay" said the upgrade was meant to make the A/B version on par with block 50/52

There is someone noticed this Acts? It is closely related with defense matter afterall


RUU PSDN Diketok, Militer Legal Mobilisasi Sipil untuk Bela Negara

Reporter: Bayu Septianto
26 September 2019

View non-AMP version at tirto.id

tirto.id - Pimpinan rapat paripurna DPR RI mengetok palu. Rancangan Undang-undang tentang Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Nasional (PSDN) untuk Pertahanan Negara resmi menjadi undang-undang, Kamis (26/9/201) siang.

RUU ini cukup disorot masyarakat sipil karena ada pasal-pasal yang dianggap kontroversial. Salah satunya terkait dengan 'Komponen Cadangan', yang dalam draf terkini dicantumkan dalam Bab IV Pasal 27. Komponen Cadangan itu termasuk warga negara.

Jadi apa yang disebut Komponen Cadangan dapat dimobilisasi untuk memperbesar dan memperkuat komponen utama, yaitu Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI).

Bagi sebagian pihak, ini adalah upaya militerisasi sipil.

Ketua Komisi I DPR RI Abdul Kharis Almasyhari meminta kekhawatiran itu dihilangkan karena dia menegaskan tidak ada unsur paksaan di dalamnya. Dia tidak seperti wajib militer.

"Terdapat hal penting, yaitu penambahan sifat sukarela dalam keikutsertaan warga negara menjadi Komponen Pendukung dan Komponen Cadangan," ucap Abdul Kharis di ruang rapat paripurna.

Dia lantas bilang, aturan ini dibuat agar pertahanan Indonesia semakin kuat. Menurutnya TNI dan Polri tidak bisa selalu diandalkan selamanya. Dengan ada peraturan ini mobilisasi masyarakat nanti, jika dibutuhkan, jadi legal.

Setelah mendengarkan penjelasan Abdul Kharis, Wakil Ketua DPR yang bertindak sebagai pimpinan sidang, Agus Hermanto, lalu menanyakan persetujuan kepada para anggota yang hadir.

"Apakah pembicaraan tingkat II pengambilan keputusan terhadap RUU tentang Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Nasional (PSDN) untuk Pertahanan Negara dapat disetujui sebagai UU?" tanya Agus.

"Setuju..." sahut seluruh anggota yang hadir.

DPR lantas diapresiasi Menteri Pertahanan Ryamizard Ryacudu.

"Dengan disetujuinya UU ini, maka terbentuklah payung hukum bagi usaha bela negara, penataan komponen pendukung, serta pengaturan mobilisasi untuk pertahanan negara," katanya di lokasi yang sama.

could something like JROTC program maybe would be useful ??
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