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Teman2 ada yg bisa kasih info lengkap rencana pembelian dan realisasi delivery alutsista selama periode renstra 2010 - 2014?
25.000 police & 25.000 TNI to safeguard jakarta today.

Soldiers to safeguard Constitutional Court ruling
Rabu, 20 Agustus 2014 | 19:40 WIB


JAKARTA. Indonesian Military (TNI) commander Gen. Moeldoko has instructed on Wednesday all military personnel in the country to secure the outcome of the election dispute that will be announced by the Constitutional Court on Thursday.

TNI chief spokesman Maj. Gen. Fuad Basya said that Moeldoko had contacted major units from all services — the Army, the Navy and the Air Force — to secure the outcome of election dispute, especially those located in Java and more specifically Jakarta.

Fuad said military personnel would follow a similar security arrangement to the one carried out by the military for the April 9 legislative election.

“In principle, what we’re going to do will not differ much from when we secured the legislative election and the presidential election,” Fuad said Wednesday.

He said the military would work together with the National Police in securing the outcome of the election dispute.

“The point is that we are ready to help the National Police for security tomorrow (Thursday),” he said.


The court is set to announce the result of an election dispute submitted by presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto and his running mate Hatta Rajasa.

Prabowo and Hatta filed a lawsuit against the General Elections Commission (KPU), claiming planned, massive and structured fraud in the presidential election. (put/nvn)

Soldiers To Safeguard Constitutional Court Ruling - Kontan Online






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Teman2 ada yg bisa kasih info lengkap rencana pembelian dan realisasi delivery alutsista selama periode renstra 2010 - 2014?

Defense equipment for the Air Force in MEF I (2009-2014)


Defense equipment for the Navy in MEF I (2009-2014)


Defense equipment for the Army in MEF I (2009-2014)


Prediction of defense equipment procurement in MEF II (2015-2019)


try google translate it:

Letters From Palestine Gaza: Indonesian Independence Day Greetings to 69 Year


Indonesia's independence day which drew attention to the 69 years the Palestinians, one Palestinian Gazans write congratulations on the independence of Indonesia. The survival following letter greeting:


Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Praise be to Allah, prayers and peace to our master, Muhammad SAW.

Family and relatives of our noble and beloved in Indonesia, on the occasion of Independence Day which has cost the lives of the martyrs, the blood and the resistance fighters.

The fighters Indonesian people already feel as is currently perceived the Palestinians, such as murder and destruction of the land and our nation.

Indonesian nation has fought and expelled the Dutch colonialists with courage and heroism just as our current, the Palestinian fighters who fought against the Zionist occupiers.

Leaders of Indonesia, Sukarno and Hatta had been fighting to repel the invaders and now in Palestine, our nation and our leaders like Abul Abd Haniyeh, Muhammad Addayf is struggling to restore our rights are taken away the Zionist invaders.

It invaders that have committed crimes against humanity which is very unusual for the Indonesian people as well which is currently carried out by the Zionist occupiers of our people in Palestine, especially in Gaza.

For that, we are a nation that had the same feel under pressure to live pain and evil invaders, we hope to God in the near future, as an independent Palestinian nation Merdeka.Kami Indonesia has its own look and feel, the people of Gaza LOVE Indonesian nation in every the corners of the city of Gaza there is assistance that has come to us from lembaga2 humanity from Indonesia.

And Gaza at the time of the Indonesian nation are commemorating the day kemerdekaannya.Semoga an inspiration to us (in Gaza) to liberate Al-Quds, Al-Aqsa and Palestine as a whole.

Greetings from your brothers in Gaza LOVE, LOVE and also greetings from relatives you are still languishing in Zionist jails in the West Bank.

Wassalaamu alaikum warohmatullahi Wabarokaatuhu

Greetings from me,
Fursan Khalifa (Abul Abbas)
Gaza, 08.16.2014


Our friends, Our brothers from Palestine... They say Happy Birthday for Indonesia, for all of us!! Thanks


Not only those who are on the outskirts of the city, those who are in the downtown area were also congratulated.


Indonesian name is known to many residents in Gaza

Although the flag upside down, insyaallah they're: also happy on our big day :)


enthusiastically congratulated "birthday" for the people of Indonesia .. :)


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PINDAD Proposes Turrets and Engines for Medium Tanks


OTO Melara Hitfact 105-120mm turret (photo: Oto Melara)

What is the 'Mysterious' Tank that will be build by PINDAD?

Liputan6.com, Bandung - Government programs prepares 7 indigenous defense industry (inhan) ie Development fighter (KFX / IFX), Rocket and Missile, Guard Missile Destroyer (PKR), Submarine, Propellant Industrial Development, National Radar and Tank .

Pursuant to Law Number 16 Year 2012 on Inhan, to Lead Integrator entrusted to state company incorporated in the State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Strategic Industries. One such company is PT Pindad, which was entrusted to handle the program of the National Tank.

Director of Product Operations Hankam PT PINDAD, Tri Hardjono said it has prepared a concept of making armored combat vehicles using chain wheels.

The initial concept would be to build medium tanks with a number of foreign partners, one of which FNSS Military Contracting Company from Turkey. According to geographical conditions, the weight of the tanks selected must not be more than 30 tons.

"Tank medium that we are required to coordinate all activities, engineering design and human sourcing that we do with FNSS.'s Plan is the product of joint research and sharing together. PINDAD got experts, both domestically and around the region," said Tri to Liputan6.com in his office, Bandung, West Java.

Turret systems

For Turret system, PT PINDAD have prepared 3 options namely Cockerill Maintenance & Ingenierie (CMI) Belgium, Oto Melara from Italy and Denel Land Systems of South African origin. As for the election machinery of the State in Europe one of the French defense industry.

"There's also some alternatives, because we've decided to use 105mm medium tanks, we have three alternatives that can supply 105 mm turret. There CMI, Oto Melara, There Denel. Was also proposed to the ministry to KKIP, to the user, related to advantages and disadvantages of each of these turret cannon, "said Tri.


The design of medium tanks Pindad (image by courtesy)


"My friends already have some alternatives. There are 3 options for the engine. Accordance with experience, we prefer using European products., Where they have had many variants, in which the engine can also be used for the commercial," he added.

In addition to the weight of the main requirements, a number of pre-conditions must also be met by designers PT PINDAD and FNSS like Silhouette (shadow). This is done so that the tank is easy to hide while on the battlefield.

"The concept of PINDAD products, we have been providing high designs that should not be more than 2.5 meters above the canon like that-so of PINDAD. Then, what kind of performance it is also from Indonesia. Was that we develop the cooperation with them, eg determination of the source sourcing like Power Pack, Engine. That is very decisive at the time and then later maintenance and so on. We will also provide input, "he explained.

Pindad medium tanks will be completed by the year 2016. PINDAD expect medium tanks can help to replace old TNI Arsenal.

"Mr. Chief of Staff also expects PINDAD immediately releases the vehicle, because of its uses and different needs. because this funding from the State of the Ministry hopes that in 3-year state budget that can be solved," said Tri.

Seperti Apa Wujud Tank 'Misterius' Buatan Pindad?

Airbus D&S to Supply MSSR 2000 I Radar to Indonesia

Monopulse Secondary Surveillance Radars (MSSR) 2000 I radar (photo : Airbus DS)

Airbus Defence and Space (D&S) will supply two Monopulse Secondary Surveillance Radars (MSSR) 2000 I as part of a programme to improve the Indonesian Air Force’s aircraft
identification and air surveillance capabilities. The company was awarded a contract for the radars by SBL Star Technology, announced on 18 August.

The radars will equip mobile air surveillance and tracking systems to be operated by the Indonesian Air Force, helping to improve air traffic control and air defence capabilities over the country’s more than 15,000 islands.

Secondary radars such as MSSR 2000 I complement primary radars in identifying individual aircraft and establishing a comprehensive recognised air picture. Typically, primary radar is able to measure the position of an aircraft at a point of time from reflections of the radar beam without giving a clear identification of the aircraft.

The secondary radar exchanges messages with all the aircraft in its area collecting detailed information such as flight number and destination. MSSR 2000 I sends out interrogation signals according to the latest Mode S standard and collects the responses. In this way, the secondary radar in close cooperation with the primary radar provides a real-time overview of aircraft positions and additional aircraft data which results in a significant improvement in air surveillance and air traffic control.

In the military field, MSSR 2000 I is also used for automatic friend-or-foe identification (IFF) to avoid the engagement of friendly forces.

Thomas Müller, head of electronics business, Airbus D&S, said: ‘Air traffic control authorities all over the world are facing continually increasing air traffic density. Together with military air traffic, this situation requires a high-performance guidance system ensuring safety, comprehensive data exchange and efficient allocation of airspace. With our system in operation in around 30 countries we have proven our capability to provide a reliable solution.’
The system is scheduled for delivery before the beginning of 2015.

try google translate it:

Letters From Palestine Gaza: Indonesian Independence Day Greetings to 69 Year


Indonesia's independence day which drew attention to the 69 years the Palestinians, one Palestinian Gazans write congratulations on the independence of Indonesia. The survival following letter greeting:


Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Praise be to Allah, prayers and peace to our master, Muhammad SAW.

Family and relatives of our noble and beloved in Indonesia, on the occasion of Independence Day which has cost the lives of the martyrs, the blood and the resistance fighters.

The fighters Indonesian people already feel as is currently perceived the Palestinians, such as murder and destruction of the land and our nation.

Indonesian nation has fought and expelled the Dutch colonialists with courage and heroism just as our current, the Palestinian fighters who fought against the Zionist occupiers.

Leaders of Indonesia, Sukarno and Hatta had been fighting to repel the invaders and now in Palestine, our nation and our leaders like Abul Abd Haniyeh, Muhammad Addayf is struggling to restore our rights are taken away the Zionist invaders.

It invaders that have committed crimes against humanity which is very unusual for the Indonesian people as well which is currently carried out by the Zionist occupiers of our people in Palestine, especially in Gaza.

For that, we are a nation that had the same feel under pressure to live pain and evil invaders, we hope to God in the near future, as an independent Palestinian nation Merdeka.Kami Indonesia has its own look and feel, the people of Gaza LOVE Indonesian nation in every the corners of the city of Gaza there is assistance that has come to us from lembaga2 humanity from Indonesia.

And Gaza at the time of the Indonesian nation are commemorating the day kemerdekaannya.Semoga an inspiration to us (in Gaza) to liberate Al-Quds, Al-Aqsa and Palestine as a whole.

Greetings from your brothers in Gaza LOVE, LOVE and also greetings from relatives you are still languishing in Zionist jails in the West Bank.

Wassalaamu alaikum warohmatullahi Wabarokaatuhu

Greetings from me,
Fursan Khalifa (Abul Abbas)
Gaza, 08.16.2014


Our friends, Our brothers from Palestine... They say Happy Birthday for Indonesia, for all of us!! Thanks


Not only those who are on the outskirts of the city, those who are in the downtown area were also congratulated.


Indonesian name is known to many residents in Gaza

Although the flag upside down, insyaallah they're: also happy on our big day :)


enthusiastically congratulated "birthday" for the people of Indonesia .. :)



In the middle of war and they still congrats us... palestinian are amazing.

Sometimes i wonder, the muslim brotherhood thing. I will not lie that there is the urge to. But in the end, i think our goverment policy is the best for palestinian by keep pressing voice in UN and sending humanitarian aid.

About the aid, i heard about israel attack on hospitals and medicinal facilities. So any news of our humanitarian volunteers? Are they safe?
In the middle of war and they still congrats us... palestinian are amazing.

About the aid, i heard about israel attack on hospitals and medicinal facilities. So any news of our humanitarian volunteers? Are they safe?

Indonesian volunteers and Indonesian hospital still stand

. .
Indonesian volunteers and Indonesian hospital still stand
As long as they keep Hamas rocket launcher away from the hospital, it wont be targeted by the IDF.

Defense equipment for the Air Force in MEF I (2009-2014)


Defense equipment for the Navy in MEF I (2009-2014)


Defense equipment for the Army in MEF I (2009-2014)


Prediction of defense equipment procurement in MEF II (2015-2019)


Thanks a lot brother
As long as they keep Hamas rocket launcher away from the hospital, it wont be targeted by the IDF.

Agree, Indonesians in Gaza, regardless their emotional relations with the Palestinians, should stay away from directly involving in the conflict and focus on humanitarian mission instead, that won't give the IDF any reason to bother killing Indonesians in there.
Indonesian Soldiers in Lebanon (Indobat), working near Lebanon-Israel border

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Apel Pasukan TNI Anggota dari TNI AU mengikuti apel kesiapan pasukan TNI terkait pengumuman sidang putusan perselisihan hasil pemilihan umum presiden dan wakil presiden di JIExpo, Jakarta Pusat, Kamis (21/8). Sebanyak 5000 personil yang terdiri dari Kostrad, Kopassus, Marinir dan Paskhas disiapkan untuk menjaga stabilitas keamanan pasca putusan MK. (ANTARA FOTO/Vitalis Yogi Trisna)

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