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Indonesia Defence Forum

Oh wow, thanks for the information. I really dont know why and how they got there. I would love to hear more about it.

Aircraft Parts Export - Interesting data, thanks.

He went to France? Geezz I thought we only do US for overseas military education, silly me. Where else did we go outside US?
Well there was period when we sent our cadets to Breda, Netherlands and West Germany during Cold War even opposition leader Prabowo Subianto was educated in Germany for counter terrorism school
MoD is build facility to training in FIBUA, there is plan since long but only recently getting traction and approval nods.


Menteri Pertahanan Ryamizard Ryacudu bersama Kasad Jenderal TNI Andika Perkasa meresmikan Ground Breaking pembangunan Fasilitas Latihan Pertempuran Kota (Faslat Purkota) untuk Pasukan Khusus TNI, Kamis (1/8) di Pusat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Pasukan Khusus (Pusdiklatpassus) Batujajar, Bandung.

Dilansir dari laman Kemhan (1/ 8/ 2019), Ground Breaking dimulainya pembangunan Faslat Purkota tersebut ditandai dengan penekanan tombol sirine dan penandatangan prastasi oleh Menhan bersama Kasad. Turut pula mendampingi Danjen Kopassus Mayjen TNI I Nyoman Cantiasa, Komandan Korps Marinir Mayjen TNI (Mar) Suhartono M.Tr. Han. dan Komandan Korpaskhas Marsekal Muda TNI Eris Widodo Y, S.E., M.Tr (Han).

Pembangunan Faslat Purkota yang diinisiasi oleh Menhan tersebut dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dan profesionalisme Prajurit TNI khususnya pasukan khusus Kopassus, Marinir dan Korpaskhas dalam menghadapi potensi ancaman perang kota di wilayah Indonesia.

Menhan mengatakan, Faslat Purkota ini merupakan komitmen Kemhan untuk terus meningkatkan kemampuan Prajurit Pasukan Khusus dalam menunaikan tugas yang bercirikan kemampuan khusus dengan tingkat kecepatan gerak dan keberhasilan tinggi di dalam menghadapi berbagai macam dimensi ancaman khususnya ancaman terorisme dan radikalisme.

Upaya peningkatan kualitas SDM melalui pendidikan dan pelatihan terus ditingkatkan antara lain melalui intensitas latihan yang dikembangkan secara terus menerus dalam bentuk latihan perorangan, latihan satuan, latihan gabungan, maupun latihan bersama dengan negara lain.

“Latihan sangat penting, bagi saya dari dulu latihan itu adalah kesejahteraan bagi Prajurit”, ungkap Menhan.

Faslat Purkota ini dibangun di Batujajar agar nantinya fasilitas latihan pertempuran kota ini dapat digunakan bersama – sama oleh infantri yang ada di lingkungan TNI AD, kemudian oleh pasukan Koopsus TNI yang baru dibentuk, Satuan Marinir TNI AL, Satuan Paskhas TNI AU dan satuan pasukan khusus lainnya, baik untuk latihan khusus TNI maupun untuk latihan persiapan operasi.

Sementara itu, Danjen Kopassus menyampaikan bahwa pembangunan Faslat Purkota yang ideal diperlukan untuk menggambarkan situasi sebenarnya guna dijadikan tempat latihan prajurit TNI.

“Kebutuhan Faslat Purkota sangat mendukung operasi baik dalam negeri maupun luar negeri termasuk juga dalam rangka kegiatan kerjasama dengan negara sahabat”, ungkapnya.

Danjen Kopassus lebih lanjut menyapaikan terima kasih kepada Menhan yang telah memberikan ide sekaligus sebagai pencetus dalam pembangunan Pusat Latihan Pertempuran Kota tersebut.

Terima kasih juga disampaikan kepada Kasad yang terus mendukung dan mensupprt untuk terus membangun Sumber Daya Manusia khususnya TNI dan TNI AD agar semakin profesional.

Photo: Ground Breaking Fasilitas Latihan Pertempuran Kota di Pusdiklatpassus Batujajar (Kemhan)

Indonesian coffee is da shit
Yeah literally, the real luwak coffee aka poop coffee.
*But it is already cleaned and safe to drink.

I don't think they use luwak. Think how many luwak you need to produce it in huge industrial scale?
That's why I said the real luwak coffee not luwak coffee (brand), even when not in the industrial scale I've seen lots of luwak caged and forced to eat only coffee bean.
Maybe its possible to make it on industrial scale but with good treatment to the animal. It will be very expensive exotic coffee.
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I don't think they use luwak. Think how many luwak you need to produce it in huge industrial scale?

Yeah literally, the real luwak coffee aka poop coffee.
*But it is already cleaned and safe to drink.

That's why I said the real luwak coffee not luwak coffee (brand), even when not in the industrial scale I've seen lots of luwak caged and forced to eat only coffee bean.
Maybe its possible to make it on industrial scale but with good treatment to the animal. It will be very expensive exotic coffee.
caged luwak coffee is sinful , the real luwak coffee with humanely ways is to letting free civet in coffee plantation complex , that way you could tell the civet actually really does eat the best "coffee bean" they found , and not forced to eat bad coffee bean like the caged one . and their presence on plantation could also deter dangerous animal like snake .



another example of soekarno speech about "musuh dari bangsa sendiri"
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caged luwak coffee is sinful , the real luwak coffee with humanely ways is to letting free civet in coffee plantation complex , that way you could tell the civet actually really does eat the best "coffee bean" they found , and not forced to eat bad coffee bean like the caged one . and their presence on plantation could also deter dangerous animal like snake .


View attachment 572789

another example of soekarno speech about "musuh dari bangsa sendiri"

Hmm why you put the post like this one? When other member trying so hard to argue against other countries member? In the past i will just lashing and bashing this type of shit posting until the said member become hater or dont posting here anymore, you should refrain from this type of shit posting
Hmm why you put the post like this one? When other member trying so hard to argue against other countries member? In the past i will just lashing and bashing this type of shit posting until the said member become hater or dont posting here anymore, you should refrain from this type of shit posting
care to elaborate about that "shitposting" , i kinda don't get what were you saying ?

Upper right pic is that our F-16 being upgraded? I see IFF Bird Slicer.
Well well good catch. I just realised that part after you said so. I can't wait untill 1st MLU F-16 finished and the pictures + specs are released to public.
it's lockheed martin F-16 base render design for their advertisment on their website


I was referring to the upper right pic not the render one.

did not caught that yellow airframe F-16 pic one on my phone , thanks to pointing that out
Cropped it for you to see.


Well well good catch. I just realised that part after you said so. I can't wait untill 1st MLU F-16 finished and the pictures + specs are released to public.
Not only IFF Bird Slicer but our F-16A/B will be equipped with SNIPER ATP Pod.

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