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Indonesia Defence Forum

BTW , thailand seems like ramped up their military in such a short time with current brahmos procurement plan is ongoing , new subs , and getting over 60+ new Stryker APC , and their new black widow 8x8 APC development project flying under the radar , is that a respond to cambodia alleged chinese military port ?

honestly , im getting sick of this "mid life modernization" plan for our current naval inventory (refer to kri malahyati) , the navy should got new corvette
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BTW , thailand seems like ramped up their military in such a short time with current brahmos procurement plan is ongoing , new subs , and getting over 60+ new Stryker APC , and their new black widow 8x8 APC development project flying under the radar , is that a respond to cambodia alleged chinese military port ?
Probably, but then keep in mind that the Thai submarine, the key asset for their maritime security, are Chinese made. They aren't claimant in the SCS dispute and won't be threatened by Cambodia ever, i personally assumed that they instead got more "friendly" with China more than before, there's already some news about it even 2 years ago. Let's just pretend that they are simply building up their military capability and Chinese made stuffs that made up a large portion of their deal are simply the most "economical" options (hahaha of course there's no political implications behind this hahaha).
Probably, but then keep in mind that the Thai submarine, the key asset for their maritime security, are Chinese made. They aren't claimant in the SCS dispute and won't be threatened by Cambodia ever, i personally assumed that they instead got more "friendly" with China more than before, there's already some news about it even 2 years ago. Let's just pretend that they are simply building up their military capability and Chinese made stuffs that made up a large portion of their deal are simply the most "economical" options (hahaha of course there's no political implications behind this hahaha).
also forgot to mentioned their river class Corvette in disguise as OPV , the new HTMS parachuap Kiri khan had ability to wield 2 x quadruple harpoon launcher

The origin of all rumours about MILGEM from about 7 years ago which was cancelled in favour of SIGMA View attachment 572633

the latest variant of milgem looks really nice


and now STM yard are ongoing keel laying of their new istanbul class frigate
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Mending ga usah ngurusin thread negara berideoligi komunis ,tahu kan diasean yg beritanya baik sepakbola maupun militer , medianya selalu berlebihan ,ga ada media atau akun medsos oposisi . ga ada keseimbangan.

Ga usah kaget kalo warganya terlalu konyol berlebihan dimanapun ,wong sudah di cuci otak lewat media .

1. ga level dari segi apapun , mereka secara alutsista dibawah kita , apa mereka punya infrastruktur TDL ? minimal kek kita lah latihan saja pake real time video, masih jauh ya ..BMS buat army aja mereka ga punya . mau beli tank ,spg, rpg,mortar,manpad ,heli serang ,mlrs,rudal jelajah ,medium SAM sebagus apapun ga guna ... Sekarang jamannya doktrin perang saling share data .main keroyokan , udah ga jaman tank vs tank , fighter vs fighter, fregate vs fregate , apalagi ga pernah latihan antar matra ,jauh ya ..

2. stop ga usah diterusin komenan disana , entar lama lama mereka bakal ngintip thread ini karena penasaran ada apa dg kita ?dan baca kemajuan alutsista kita yg mereka ga punya .

Apa sukhoi mereka punya ACMI , kita punya dan buatan sendiri ... Mereka ngintip akan terbakar perasaan iri , dengki , lama lama minder ... Apa lagi su35 datang .... Mereka kan fansboys sukhoi . ga bisa tidur ..ga bisa tidur..ga bisa tidur ... :lol:
Stop posting like a chauvinist, we still have many flaw too.
About sukhoi procurement some people think that is not a smart decision either. No connectivity with link 16, missile mandul, etc. No certainty of its procurements progress. It's already become a never ending saga like kilo class sub.
And try to use English especially if it is a long post.
Local industries participations in certain projects of arms procurement in 2018
View attachment 572654

Terafulk latest designView attachment 572655
the MCMV would be the frankenthal class right ? hope we could see some VL MICA test on our bung tomo or martadinata class , and sad to see that BCM ship got neglected and become rusty (the latest news about incident of that ship hull steel plate getting looted)

BTW , thailand seems like ramped up their military in such a short time with current brahmos procurement plan is ongoing , new subs , and getting over 60+ new Stryker APC , and their new black widow 8x8 APC development project flying under the radar , is that a respond to cambodia alleged chinese military port ?

honestly , im getting sick of this "mid life modernization" plan for our current naval inventory (refer to kri malahyati) , the navy should got new corvette

Be patientlah mase,

Our government now is still building hundreds of hull platforms from small to big to connect inter-islands and for SAR, navigation ships, fisheries, coast guard KPLP and Bakamla, customs, police and navy patrol.

After all small patrol ships needed are build, we will start to mass build bigger ships for our navy.
not really , 500kv transmission line problem is kinda common , and we just need to be really patient until it get fixed .


the fixing time did not even reach one day , but you're probably also not totally wrong , since the recent arrest of PLN CEO for corruption allegation could mean something .

Jakarta, my area --> no electricity, no internet, no cellular connection (cant make/received call and no internet), no shit :D

I went out to get dinner, all I saw along the street...."orang2 ngerubung di resto/kaki lima yg lampunya nyala, sumpah dah kaya laron ngerubungin lampu :lol::lol::lol:"

Local industries participations in certain projects of arms procurement in 2018
View attachment 572654

Terafulk latest designView attachment 572655

I really hope InfoGlobal can be a major player in a future, also I expect more "Swasta" InHan players to be involved in next 5-10 years. Enough with BUMN being a major player, they need a sparring partner/strategic partnership to be efficient. And Mostly too many political BS involved :D
Jakarta, my area --> no electricity, no internet, no cellular connection (cant make/received call and no internet), no shit :D

I went out to get dinner, all I saw along the street...."orang2 ngerubung di resto/kaki lima yg lampunya nyala, sumpah dah kaya laron ngerubungin lampu :lol::lol::lol:"

I really hope InfoGlobal can be a major player in a future, also I expect more "Swasta" InHan players to be involved in next 5-10 years. Enough with BUMN being a major player, they need a sparring partner/strategic partnership to be efficient. And Mostly too many political BS involved :D
Private sector actually has better performance like PT.DRU compared with state owned PT.Koja Bahari
I still watch 86 from youtube tho, that is also entertaining especially when there is emak emak:lol:

Emak emak is the only one who dare to challenge the police on the street, even there is one who bite police hand I saw on youtube :D
US, Indonesia begin CARAT 2019 Cooperation Afloat Readiness And Training exercise

The U.S. Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard, and the Indonesian Navy and Marine Corps began Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training (CARAT) Indonesia 2019 during an opening ceremony at the Indonesian Navy’s 2nd Fleet Training Command in Surabaya Aug. 1.

The Indonesian Navy, known as Tentara Nasional Indonesia - Angkat Laut (TNI-AL), has been a part of the annual CARAT series since the exercise began in 1995. “We’re proud to continue sailing alongside our important partner and friends” said Rear Adm. Joey Tynch, commander, Task Force 73. “This year marks 70 years of U.S.-Indonesian diplomatic relations and the silver anniversary of CARAT -- 25 years of dedicated commitment -- between our navies to address our shared maritime concerns.”

This year’s exercise will feature hundreds of Sailors, Marines and Coast Guardsmen from both nations. Evolutions will include both onshore and at-sea training, such as visit board search and seizure drills, mobile dive and salvage training, gunnery exercises, explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) drills, jungle warfare training and subject matter expert knowledge exchanges in maritime domain awareness, medicine, aviation, law, and explosive ordnance disposal.

Additionally, several community outreach events are scheduled throughout the exercise, including a number of engineering civic action projects, a sports day and joint public performances by the U.S. Navy 7th Fleet Band and the TNI-AL Eastern Fleet Band.

“Twenty five years of training together through the CARAT exercise series marks a great milestone,” said Capt. Ann McCann, deputy commander of Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 7. “This year’s exercise represents the adaptation and evolution of what we have learned working with each other this past quarter-century.”

U.S. assets participating in CARAT Indonesia 2019 include staff from CTF 73 and DESRON 7, the Independence-variant littoral combat ship USS Montgomery (LCS 8), the Spearhead-class expeditionary fast transport USNS Fall River (T-EPF 4), the Legend-class Coast Guard cutter USCGC Stratton (WMSL 752), MV Carolyn Chouest, Navy Environmental and Preventive Medicine Unit 6, Naval Construction Regiment 30, Naval Special Warfare Unit 1, Mobile Dive and Salvage Unit 1, the U.S. 7th Fleet Band and a P-8 Poseidon aircraft.

Participating assets from TNI-AL include corvette class frigate KRI Sultan Iskandar Muda, Fatahillah class frigate KRI Nala and fast attack craft KRI Sampari, as well as additional aircraft, staff and special operations forces.

CARAT, the U.S. Navy's longest-running regional exercise in South and Southeast Asia, strengthens partnerships between regional navies and enhances maritime security cooperation throughout the Indo-Pacific.

CARAT builds upon other engagements in South Asia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands including Pacific Partnership, the largest annual multilateral humanitarian assistance and disaster relief preparedness mission, Maritime Training Activity Malaysia, Maritime Training Activity Philippines, Pacific Griffin with Singapore and Southeast Asia Cooperation and Training (SEACAT), which involves nearly a dozen partner nations. These engagements bring like-minded naval forces together routinely based on shared values and maritime security interests.

Kadang butuh lah yang namanya "laughing stock", mayan lah ada bukti nyata kalo hype dan pride mereka sebagai "we want to be like Germany", "we are more advanced than Indonesia in every aspect", "we are East Asian use chopstick, muh cultured, muh genius IQ, muh hardworking", "we copy China so we will be as advanced as China" hanyalah monolog omong kosong dan tidak lebih dari delusi katak dalam tempurung.

Saya merasa mereka ini pingin (atau malah merasa sudah) menjadi "pemimpin ASEAN", "ASEAN numba one country", mereka kayaknya sangat suka melebihkan "prestasi" mereka, katanya "in 1990 Indonesia is much more advanced than Vietnam, but now on the same level", kayaknya itu cuma mitos, nyatanya dua pernyataan dalam satu kalimat itu salah dua-duanya :D. Namanya juga kura-kura, bisa "lari" itu sudah kebanggaan bagi dia, tapi kalo udah di level merasa cuma dia sendiri yang bisa "berkembang pesat", tolol itu namanya.

Menurutku mereka jadi nomor 3 di ASEAN itu sudah patut mereka syukuri, tapi kalo sampe ngincer spot 1 itu goblog namanya, gak sadar jarak populasi, GDP dan demografik. Dia mau "nyalip" negara yang populasinya 2.6 kali lipat punya dia dan umur mediannya masih tergolong muda, padahal level produktivitas warganya masih setengah daripada Indonesia, dan diatas itu mereka merasa 7% growth di GDP 220 billion USD itu wow banget sampe merasa superior dibanding negara ASEAN lain, picik sangat lah.

Gak suka aku kalo negara terbesar di ASEAN ini yang mainnya cantik, utamakan diplomasi halus, dan tidak menggunakan kekuatannya untuk koersi tetangga, tapi kemudian ditantang-tantang sama bocah tengik yang merasa dia lebih pantes jadi kekuatan dominan di kawasan, tolol lah mana ada yang mau mengakui kalo gitu cara mainnya??.
Nanggepin mereka..cukup pancing emosi mereka..biar mereka yang rusuh..laporin mod..ada yg manasin mod..biar ke ben..ga perlu kt seperti mereka..

also forgot to mentioned their river class Corvette in disguise as OPV , the new HTMS parachuap Kiri khan had ability to wield 2 x quadruple harpoon launcher

the latest variant of milgem looks really nice


and now STM yard are ongoing keel laying of their new istanbul class frigate
Dunno..but in my opinion its better that we develop sigma program than to made new program like milgen..we had knowing well sigma design..and its take much time to learn develop new fregate..maybe forsometimes we can join research with turkey..just like medium tank..
Btw..i heard an issue from someone in mod that tni will negotiate for next batch of leo 2..its just an gosip..dont take it seriously..

Nanggepin mereka..cukup pancing emosi mereka..biar mereka yang rusuh..laporin mod..ada yg manasin mod..biar ke ben..ga perlu kt seperti mereka..

Dunno..but in my opinion its better that we develop sigma program than to made new program like milgen..we had knowing well sigma design..and its take much time to learn develop new fregate..maybe forsometimes we can join research with turkey..just like medium tank..
Btw..i heard an issue from someone in mod that tni will negotiate for next batch of leo 2..its just an gosip..dont take it seriously..
CG's 110 looks nice too. Wonder if we can develop something out of it.
US, Indonesia begin CARAT 2019 Cooperation Afloat Readiness And Training exercise

The U.S. Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard, and the Indonesian Navy and Marine Corps began Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training (CARAT) Indonesia 2019 during an opening ceremony at the Indonesian Navy’s 2nd Fleet Training Command in Surabaya Aug. 1.

The Indonesian Navy, known as Tentara Nasional Indonesia - Angkat Laut (TNI-AL), has been a part of the annual CARAT series since the exercise began in 1995. “We’re proud to continue sailing alongside our important partner and friends” said Rear Adm. Joey Tynch, commander, Task Force 73. “This year marks 70 years of U.S.-Indonesian diplomatic relations and the silver anniversary of CARAT -- 25 years of dedicated commitment -- between our navies to address our shared maritime concerns.”

This year’s exercise will feature hundreds of Sailors, Marines and Coast Guardsmen from both nations. Evolutions will include both onshore and at-sea training, such as visit board search and seizure drills, mobile dive and salvage training, gunnery exercises, explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) drills, jungle warfare training and subject matter expert knowledge exchanges in maritime domain awareness, medicine, aviation, law, and explosive ordnance disposal.

Additionally, several community outreach events are scheduled throughout the exercise, including a number of engineering civic action projects, a sports day and joint public performances by the U.S. Navy 7th Fleet Band and the TNI-AL Eastern Fleet Band.

“Twenty five years of training together through the CARAT exercise series marks a great milestone,” said Capt. Ann McCann, deputy commander of Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 7. “This year’s exercise represents the adaptation and evolution of what we have learned working with each other this past quarter-century.”

U.S. assets participating in CARAT Indonesia 2019 include staff from CTF 73 and DESRON 7, the Independence-variant littoral combat ship USS Montgomery (LCS 8), the Spearhead-class expeditionary fast transport USNS Fall River (T-EPF 4), the Legend-class Coast Guard cutter USCGC Stratton (WMSL 752), MV Carolyn Chouest, Navy Environmental and Preventive Medicine Unit 6, Naval Construction Regiment 30, Naval Special Warfare Unit 1, Mobile Dive and Salvage Unit 1, the U.S. 7th Fleet Band and a P-8 Poseidon aircraft.

Participating assets from TNI-AL include corvette class frigate KRI Sultan Iskandar Muda, Fatahillah class frigate KRI Nala and fast attack craft KRI Sampari, as well as additional aircraft, staff and special operations forces.

CARAT, the U.S. Navy's longest-running regional exercise in South and Southeast Asia, strengthens partnerships between regional navies and enhances maritime security cooperation throughout the Indo-Pacific.

CARAT builds upon other engagements in South Asia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands including Pacific Partnership, the largest annual multilateral humanitarian assistance and disaster relief preparedness mission, Maritime Training Activity Malaysia, Maritime Training Activity Philippines, Pacific Griffin with Singapore and Southeast Asia Cooperation and Training (SEACAT), which involves nearly a dozen partner nations. These engagements bring like-minded naval forces together routinely based on shared values and maritime security interests.


hoping someone from our admin visiting and having a joy ride with that poseidon
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