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Unscheduled & not under permission Marine Nationale amphibious exercise ( FS Mistral & FS Courbet ) which stopped by KRI Hasanudin. June, 8th 2017.
hmmm ..... for me the goal is to become powerful and not "look" powerful , there's still so much a thing that TNI lack especially the training drill where the scenario always "Pembebasan wilayah" and in that scenario , it's looks like the enemy who attacked us are like having WW2 equipment rather than "modern" one , TNI should consider to build an OPFOR , the scenario lack of enemy having a decent networked environment , electronic warfare , and air superiority (while in reality that's probably the one we're going to face in battlefield ), that's why i said it feels like we were fighting a ww2 troops that somehow manage to time travel into the future and attacked our island :undecided:

should we ramped up our coast guard capability ? the philippines just launched their new OPV today , we should really own a bigger ship like this
We got 110m KN Tanjung Datu and 80m OPV class already, and they're homegrown (perhaps could even be developed further into Corvettes and Frigates), an advantageous aspect for us, ramping up CG's posture is not a problem at all, you can just sit comfortably and they would still continue working to build more ships for Navy and CG. I don't see anything of interest in that Pinoy OPV, it's just an average CG OPV that they bought from France, if they can build it themselves and install idk maybe maritime surveillance drone asset or cruise missile (Lol), perhaps i would be surprised, but that won't happen of course.

I never says specifically about "looking powerful", i said about how Naval power and Amphibious Warfare capability is our strongest potential and our key to properly defend Indonesia. Idk what you are talking about WW2 scenario of this exercise, this is just a fine landing scenario of Navy-Marines, not much different from US Marines' landing exercise today (really, just take a look at AAV landing of US Marines), idk if you are expecting Hollywood-styled explosion and extravagance, well... do you know that some in the region doesn't even have Marine Force? Although i agree on the OPFOR thing, plus if they also to build a fake city for urban scenario exercise, that would be perfect, also more involvement from Air Force's Fighter assets (but we have to wait for more fighters tho).

Have you watched the speech by the Navy admiral? he explicitly said "electronic warfare", "network-centric", "force multiplier", the Military aren't blind for fancy things that you are asking for. In this Armada Jaya 2019, they are exercising to prepare themselves for the upcoming Latgab TNI involving all TNI branches, so expect some early implementation of "network-centric warfare", the TNI already announce their plan for that anyway.
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We got 110m KN Tanjung Datu and 80m OPV class already, and they're homegrown (perhaps could even be developed further into Corvettes and Frigates), an advantageous aspect for us, ramping up CG's posture is not a problem at all, you can just sit comfortably and they would still continue working to build more ships for Navy and CG. I don't see anything of interest in that Pinoy OPV, it's just an average CG OPV that they bought from France, if they can build it themselves and install idk maybe maritime surveillance drone asset or cruise missile (Lol), perhaps i would be surprised, but that won't happen of course.

I never says specifically about "looking powerful", i said about how Naval power and Amphibious Warfare capability is our strongest potential and our key to properly defend Indonesia. Idk what you are talking about WW2 scenario of this exercise, this is just a fine landing scenario of Navy-Marines, not much different from US Marines' landing exercise today (really, just take a look at AAV landing of US Marines), idk if you are expecting Hollywood-styled explosion and extravagance, well... do you know that some in the region doesn't even have Marine Force? Although i agree on the OPFOR thing, plus if they also to build a fake city for urban scenario exercise, that would be perfect, also more involvement from Air Force's Fighter assets (but we have to wait for more fighters tho).

Have you watched the speech by the Navy admiral? he explicitly said "electronic warfare", "network-centric", "force multiplier", the Military aren't blind for fancy things that you are asking for. In this Armada Jaya 2019, they are exercising to prepare themselves for the upcoming Latgab TNI involving all TNI branches, so expect some early implementation of "network-centric warfare", the TNI already announce their plan for that anyway.

Our Navy following the trends, it just the budget cant into the play
Pindad MT-LBu GPM-10, Si Lapis Baja Anti Kebakaran Hutan
Berita by aryo - 17 Juli 20190

Di detik-detik terakhir menjelang Musyawarah Nasional ARCINC yang akan diadakan pada sore nanti, Sekjend Abadi ARCINC Bapa Diki masih menyempatkan untuk datang ke pameran Indo Security Expo & Forum di JCC.

Di salah satu stan, Bapa Diki yang diperkirakan akan kembali terpilih untuk masa jabatan seumur hidup itu menjumpai satu kendaraan lapis baja dengan warna merah menyala.

Tak salah lagi, inilah MT-LBu-GPM-10, versi sipil dari kendaraan penarik/ pengangkut pasukan MT-LB yang dibuat oleh Uni Soviet. MT-LBu-GPM-10 ini Nampak ditempeli stiker PT. Pindad, Persero. Artinya Pindad yang akan menjamin spare part dan servis plus sebagai perwakilan agen penjual.

MT-LBu-GPM-10 sendiri dikonversi dari versi militer, tentu sudah tanpa senjata. Platform ini dikenal sebagai kendaraan lapis baja dengan daya tekan ke permukaan yang terendah, sehingga aman dioperasikan di medan lunak seperti medan gambut.

MT-LBu-GPM-10 sendiri dilengkapi water cannon LSF-40U yang bisa dikendalikan dengan remote dan dipantau melalui layar televisi. Jangkauan semprotan air mencapai 60 meter dan dipasok dari tangki berkapasitas 3.200 liter, diharapkan efektif melawan kebakaran hutan dan lahan. Apabila sumber air tersedia, MT-LBu-GPM-10 juga bisa menyedot air dari sungai atau danau dan menyemprotkannya.

Di bagian depan MT-LBu-GPM-10 tersedia bilah doser dengan lebar 3.090 mm dan tinggi 970 mm, bisa diangkat sampai 18 derajat untuk menciptakan parit atau penghalang untuk mencegah meluasnya kebakaran hutan.

MT-LBu-GPM-10 sendiri diawaki 2 orang dan bisa membawa 7 orang pasukan pemadam lengkap dengan tabung oksigen dan peralatan seperti kapak dan beliung.

Terimakasih Bapa Diki atas perjuangannya untuk ARCINC. Kami doakan terpilih lagi untuk masa seumur hidup.

Late post. Alternatives from Su-35 on 14th Squadron ( F-5E ) replacement programme. Though we already at the state of boredom & care any less on whatever to replace them

LOL, I know right. Anyway what is that "Fat" things on each side of the new F16 Block 72? More fuel?
LOL, I know right. Anyway what is that "Fat" things on each side of the new F16 Block 72? More fuel?
Do you mean CFT ? That's conformal fuel tank, somekind of additional fuel tanks attached to each side of fighter jets to increase the range though reduce the aerodynamics compared with traditional external fuel tanks.
LOL, I know right. Anyway what is that "Fat" things on each side of the new F16 Block 72? More fuel?
Conformal Fuel Tank, or CFT, or Punuk as it is popularly called here. A way to further extend the plane's endurance and fuel capacity while not fucking up with the design too much, also a showcase of "modularity" that is a hot thing these days.
If su35 got canceled, we all know tni just gonna pick f16v. I doubt they will adopt another species to their inventory...
Cromwell post on page 1493 suggest that.
(Which is good in my opinion)

Credit to ihs jane's
Something might enlightens you for strongest alternative from Flankers

Cancelled follow up order for 9 Pakistan intended F-16 and actual TNI-AU plan of F-16 in 1990s

From www.f-16.net

" In March 1996, Indonesian Air Force Chief of Staff, Air Vice Marshall Sutria Tubagus, signed a contract with General Dynamics-Lockheed Martin for procurement of an additional 9 F-16A block 15. The aircraft would be assigned the serial numbers TS-1613 up to TS-1621, and they had already been manufactured for Pakistan but were under embargo following the Pressler amendment. Indonesia's payment for these 9 F-16s was meant to reimburse Pakistan for the already paid for order. All of these F-16s were to be assigned to the 3rd squadron to bring it in full squadron strength of 20 combat aircraft (NATO standard). The Indonesian Air Force or TNIAU, considering her task to protect a territory of in total 12 million square kilometers, intended to acquire a total of 60 F-16s to give an adequate air defense capability. "

Early TNI AU F-16 colour scheme prior to delivery
Credit to www.f-16.net
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