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Menhan : Hubungan diplomatik RI-Turki sangat penting
Sabtu, 9 Februari 2019 21:10 WIB

Pewarta: Syaiful Hakim


Menteri Pertahanan RI Ryamizard Ryacudu (kiri), bersama Menteri Pertahanan Turki Hulusi Akar (kanan) Saat Upacara Penyambutan Resmi Kenegaraan Bilateral Meeting Menhan RI-Turki bertempat di Kantor Pusat Kementerian Pertahanan Republik Turki, Deviet Mh., Ankara, Jumat (8/2). Bilateral Meeting Menhan RI-Turki bertujuan dalam meningkatkan kerjasama pertahanan di bidang tekonologi dan industri pertahanan Indonesia-Turki. (Puskom Publik Kemhan)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Menteri Pertahanan RI Ryamizard Ryacudu menjelaskan hubungan diplomatik antara Indonesia dengan Turki sangat penting, terlebih sebagai sesama negara dengan penduduk mayoritas muslim dan juga negara demokrasi modern.

"Hubungan diplomatik kedua negara punya perjalanan panjang dan telah dibangun sejak lama," kata Menhan Ryamizard di Kantor Pusat Kementerian Pertahanan Republik Turki, Deviet Mh., Ankara, Jumat (8/2).

Ia juga menyampaikan terima kasih dan penghargaan atas sambutan Menteri Pertahanan Turki, Hulusi Akar selama kunjungan resmi di Turki mulai 7 sampai 8 Februari 2019.

"Indonesia memiliki duta besar di Ankara begitu juga Turki memiliki duta besar di Jakarta, dan konsulat kehormatan di Medan sejak Mei 1996. Kedua negara merupakan anggota penuh World Trade Organization (WTO), Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), dan negara G-20 ekonomi utama," kata Ryamizard dalam keterangan yang diterima, di Jakarta, Sabtu.

Ryamizard mengatakan, Indonesia dan Turki telah memiliki dokumen perjanjian kerja sama industri pertahanan yaitu, "Agreement on Defence Industry Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of the Republic of Turkey" yang ditandatangani di Ankara pada 29 Juni 2010.

Selain itu kedua Menhan juga sepakat soal Draft Defence Cooperation Agreement.

Saat ini antara Kemhan RI dan Kemhan Nasional Turki sedang membahas penyusunan DCA (Defence Cooperation Agreement) sebagai payung hukum bagi kerja sama pertahanan secara komprehensif.

"Indonesia berharap, hal ini menjadi awal yang baik bagi kedua pihak. Dengan kerja sama dan komunikasi kedua pihak, semoga dalam waktu dekat dapat ditandatangani," kata mantan Kepala Staf TNI Angkatan Darat (KSAD) ini.

Dalam lawatan ini, Ryamizard juga bertemu dengan President of Defence Industries Turki, Prof Dr Ismail Demil.

Organisasi yang dipimpin Ismail serupa dengan Komite Kebijakan Industri Pertahanan (KKIP), organisasi yang berada langsung dibawah presiden, yang menangani industri pertahanan.

Kepada Ismail, Menhan Ryamizard berharap dapat dibangun kolaborasi antara industri pertahanan Indonesia dengan industri pertahanan Turki.

Untuk diketahui, kerja sama pertahanan antara Indonesia dan Turki semakin diperkuat dengan adanya kunjungan Kepala Negara Presiden RI Joko Widodo ke Ankara pada bulan Juli 2017.

Selain agreement di bidang ekonomi dan perdagangan, juga disepakati untuk meningkatkan kerja sama pengembangan bidang kedirgantaraan dan komunikasi.

Forum Bilateral Industri pertahanan Indonesia mengapresiasi the Defence Industry Cooperation Meeting (DICM) yang telah berlangsung sejak tahun 2011.

Keberhasilan forum tersebut menjadi tanda semakin eratnya hubungan kerja sama pertahanan antara RI dan Republik Turki.

"Sekali lagi, kami mengucapkan terima kasih dan apresiasi yang tinggi atas penerimaan dari Menhan Turki pada kunjungan ini," kata Ryamizard.

Tanggal 9 Februari 2019, Komando Pertahanan Udara Nasional (Kohanudnas) berusia 57 tahun. Meski sudah berusia lebih dari setengah abad, namun masih banyak orang awam yang kurang paham mengenai posisi Kohanudnas.

Kerab kali, Kohanudnas disangka sebagai salah satu komando utama (kotama) TNI AU. Meski fungsinya seputar matra udara, Kohanudnas sebetulnya merupakan kotama operasi TNI. Walapun tak dapat dipungkiri, bahwa sebagian besar personelnya memang berasal dari TNI AU.

Dilansir dari laman RMOL (11/ 2), Kotama TNI yang saat ini dipimpin oleh Marsekal Muda TNI Imran Baidirus (menjabat Panglima Kohanudnas sejak Desember 2017) ini membawahi empat Komando Sektor Pertahanan Udara Nasional (Kosekhanudnas). Keempatnya adalah Kosekhanudnas I (berpusat di Jakarta), Kosekhanudnas II (Makassar), Kosekhanudnas III (Medan), dan Kosekhanudnas IV (Biak).

Kohanudnas bertugas menyelenggarakan upaya pertahanan keamanan atas wilayah udara nasional secara mandiri. Atau bekerja sama dengan Komando Utama Operasional lainnya. Dalam rangka mewujudkan kedaulatan dan keutuhan serta kepentingan lain dari Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.

Selain itu juga menyelenggarakan pembinaan administrasi dan kesiapan operasi unsur-unsur pertahanan udara (hanud) TNI AU dan melaksanakan siaga operasi untuk unsur-unsur hanud dalam jajarannya, dalam rangka mendukung tugas pokok TNI.

Salah satu aset utama Kohanudnas adalah radar peringatan dini (early warning radar) yang dioperasikan oleh satuan-satuan radar (Satrad) yang tersebar di seluruh pelosok Nusantara. Ada empat sektor hanud.

Idealnya, Kohanudnas juga dibekali satuan pesawat tempur sergap (interceptor) sendiri. Saat ini, kebutuhan unsur sergap tersebut harus “dipinjam” dari kotama TNI AU yaitu Koopsau (Komando Operasi TNI AU).

Ke depannya, ada rencana reorganisasi yang cukup signifikan. Kohanudnas akan bertransformasi menjadi Kotama TNI AU. Beberapa waktu lalu TNI AU telah mengajukan sejumlah rancangan restrukturisasi dan validasi organisasi baru kepada Markas Besar TNI yang tertuang dalam Rencana Strategis (Renstra) TNI AU periode 2015-2019.

Salah satu pengajuan yang masih menunggu pengesahan adalah penggabungan Kohanudnas dengan Koopsau. Rencananya (jika disetujui), Kohanudnas yang sekarang adalah Kotamaops Mabes TNI, akan ditarik kembali ke TNI AU dan berubah menjadi Komando Operasi Udara Nasional (Koopsudnas).

Di bawah TNI AU, Koopsudnas yang akan dipimpin perwira tinggi bintang tiga TNI AU itu akan membawahi tiga Koopsau/Koopsud yaitu Koopsau I, II, III dan empat Komando Sektor Pertahanan Udara Nasional (Kosekhanudnas) yaitu Kosekhanudnas I, II, III, dan IV.

Sementara untuk koordinasi terhadap unsur-unsur artileri pertahanan udara matra lain di luar TNI AU, misalnya unsur Arhanud (artileri pertahanan udara) TNI AD maupun rudal hanud di kapal-kapal perang TNI AL, akan dilakukan Koopsudnas.

Tampaknya rencana ini, selain untuk memperpendek rantai komando penyergapan pesawat asing yang melanggar wilayah udara nasional, juga untuk mempersiapkan TNI AU mengoperasikan rudal jarak menengah-jauh.

Memang sudah lama Indonesia belum lagi memiliki dan mengoperasikan rudal hanud tipe jarak menengah-jauh. Sejak dipensiunkannya rudal hanud jarak jauh S-75 Dvina buatan Uni Soviet (kode NATO: SA-2 Guideline), sekitar awal dekade 1980-an.
Indonesia, Russia look to deepen defence ties
Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - Jane's Defence Industry
07 February 2019
Indonesia and Russia have vowed to strengthen defence ties to support procurement and military-technical co-operation, according to official statements by the two governments on 7 February.

The pledge was made during a meeting in Moscow one day earlier between Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu and his Indonesian counterpart Ryamizard Ryacudu.

Commenting on talks between the two sides, the Indonesian Ministry of Defence (MoD) said in a statement that Indonesia “seeks a form of increased co-operation with Russia” in various fields including procurement and technologies.

The Russian MoD cited Shoigu as saying that the two countries “stood for the further development of political and military relations at the highest level”, adding that Indonesia and Russia had intensified “political dialogue, [and an] expansion of co-operation in the areas of security, military, and military-technical co-operation.”
Respect to Indonesia!

Hope Indonesia and India have more military exercises and cooperation in future.

Another batch of Astros MLRS for Indonesia Army


Wakasad Letjen TNI Tatang Sulaiman didampingi Dankodiklatad, Waasops Kasad, Ses Baranahan Kemhan dan Kapuskodal TNI melaksanakan kunjungan ke Pabrik AVIBRAS, Sao Jose Dos Campos, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Selasa (12/02/2019).


Selain menerima paparan, juga melaksanakan peninjauan ke fasilitas perakitan Kendaraan Angkut Militer dan Litbang Cruise Missile.


Wakasad Letjen TNI Tatang Sulaiman didampingi Dankodiklatad, Waasops Kasad, Ses Baranahan Kemhan dan Kapuskodal TNI melaksanakan kunjungan ke Pabrik AVIBRAS, Sao Jose Dos Campos, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Selasa (12/02/2019).


Selain menerima paparan, juga melaksanakan peninjauan ke fasilitas perakitan Kendaraan Angkut Militer dan Litbang Cruise Missile.

Sumber : FB TNI AD

And another batch of three Submarines is in contract lieu

Indonesia enters final stages of negotiations for another three-submarine contract with DSME
Ridzwan Rahmat, Singapore - Jane's Navy International
14 February 2019

A cross-sectional model of an Indonesian Type 209/1400 submarine on display at Indo Defence 2018. Source: IHS Markit/Ridzwan Rahmat
Key Points
  • Indonesia is close to signing a contract for three more Type 209 submarines with DSME
  • Jakarta has been studying several vessel types for the requirement, but is now inclined towards the South Korean option given commonality with earlier boats
Indonesian officials have entered the final stages of negotiations for a follow-on order of three Type 209/1400 diesel-electric submarines with South Korean company Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering (DSME), and an agreement is expected in the next few months.

Industry sources, who have been updating Jane's on the progress of these negotiations since early January 2019, said that if all goes well a formal contract for the boats may even materialise by the end of February or early March.

However, there are several decisions yet to be made, and these mainly pertain to workshare arrangements that can be undertaken for each vessel, the sources confirmed.

Once it materialises, the contract, which includes a support and training package across all three submarines, is expected to be worth about USD1.2 billion.

Jakarta signed a USD1.1 billion deal for three Type 209/1400 submarines with DSME in December 2011. Two submarines under this contract have been delivered, while a third is awaiting launch at PT PAL's premises in Surabaya. The first submarine was commissioned in August 2017 as KRI Nagapasa (403).

As indicated in initial points of discussion seen in a document of the meetings provided to Jane's, the first boat in the follow-on contract, which will be the fourth vessel in Indonesia's Nagapasa class overall, will be assembled at DSME's facilities in Okpo, South Korea.

However, Indonesia has proposed that two of this boat's six modules be constructed by PT PAL in Surabaya, while DSME will build the remaining four in South Korea. Once ready, the Indonesian-built modules will be shipped to Okpo for assembly.

Indonesia enters final stages of negotiations for another three-submarine contract with DSME


A cross-sectional model of an Indonesian Type 209/1400 submarine on display at Indo Defence 2018. Source: IHS Markit/Ridzwan Rahmat

Key Points
  • Indonesia is close to signing a contract for three more Type 209 submarines with DSME
  • Jakarta has been studying several vessel types for the requirement, but is now inclined towards the South Korean option given commonality with earlier boats
Indonesian officials have entered the final stages of negotiations for a follow-on order of three Type 209/1400 diesel-electric submarines with South Korean company Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering (DSME), and an agreement is expected in the next few months.

Industry sources, who have been updating Jane's on the progress of these negotiations since early January 2019, said that if all goes well a formal contract for the boats may even materialise by the end of February or early March.

However, there are several decisions yet to be made, and these mainly pertain to workshare arrangements that can be undertaken for each vessel, the sources confirmed.

Once it materialises, the contract, which includes a support and training package across all three submarines, is expected to be worth about USD1.2 billion.

Jakarta signed a USD1.1 billion deal for three Type 209/1400 submarines with DSME in December 2011. Two submarines under this contract have been delivered, while a third is awaiting launch at PT PAL's premises in Surabaya. The first submarine was commissioned in August 2017 as KRI Nagapasa (403).

As indicated in initial points of discussion seen in a document of the meetings provided to Jane's, the first boat in the follow-on contract, which will be the fourth vessel in Indonesia's Nagapasa class overall, will be assembled at DSME's facilities in Okpo, South Korea.

However, Indonesia has proposed that two of this boat's six modules be constructed by PT PAL in Surabaya, while DSME will build the remaining four in South Korea. Once ready, the Indonesian-built modules will be shipped to Okpo for assembly.

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Looks like Russia finally decided that natural rubber would be the main commodity for the Su-35 deal.

Russia Ready To Buy Natural Rubber From Indonesia Under Contract On Su-35 Fighters -Rostec

Mohammad Ali (@ChaudhryMAli88) 9 hours ago
Fri 15th February 2019 | 07:53 PM

MOSCOW (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 15th February, 2019) Russia is interested in purchasing natural rubber and other agricultural and industrial goods from Indonesia as part of the contract on the supply of Russia's Sukhoi Su-35 multirole combat aircraft to the Southeast Asiancountry, Viktor Kladov, the director of international cooperation and regional policy at Russian state-owned corporation Rostec, said in an interview with Sputnik.

The contract, which envisages the sales of 11 Russian aircraft, was signed last February. Half of the value of the over $1 billion contract is set to be covered through supplies of Indonesian commodities.

"We did not define [the commodities in the contract], it would have tied our hands.

We have set up a working group that will be determining each time the goods that Indonesia would like to export and that would be beneficial for us to buy. This can be caoutchouc, for instance. We are interested in [buying] high-quality caoutchouc to produce sports rubber," Kladov said, adding that a whole series of other agricultural and industrial goods could be a part of the deal.

The Su-35 aircraft is a forth-generation highly-maneuverable fighter, capable of flying at a maximum speed of around 2,500 (1,553 miles) kilometers per hour. The aircraft is equipped with a 30-milimeter gun and has 12 hardpoints.

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Image Credit: Indonesian Navy
Indonesia, South Korea Close to Signing Attack Submarine Deal
Indonesian is close to signing a contract for three more Type 209/1400 diesel-electric attack submarines.


By Franz-Stefan Gady
February 14, 2019

Indonesia and South Korea are close to signing a follow-up order for three Type 209/1400 Chang Bogo-class diesel-electric attack submarines (SSK), for the Indonesian Navy (Tentara Nasional Indonesia – Angkatan Laut), according to media reports.

A final agreement for the three boats, to be built by South Korean defense contractor Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering (DSME) with cooperation from Indonesian state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL, is expected to be signed in the coming months. According to IHS Jane’s, the contract is estimated to be worth around $1.2 billion. Indonesia is reportedly still considering other options.

“Industry sources, who have been updating Jane’s on the progress of these negotiations since early January 2019, said that if all goes well a formal contract for the boats may even materialize by the end of February or early March,” IHS Jane’s writes on February 14. “However, there are several decisions yet to be made, and these mainly pertain to workshare arrangements that can be undertaken for each vessel, the sources confirmed.”

The Type 209/1400 Chang Bogo-class SSK is a license-built variant of the German Type 209 submarine produced by DSME. The 1,400-ton SSK class has an operational range of around 11,000 nautical miles and has an endurance of about 50 days. The sub is a multipurpose platform capable of conducting anti-surface warfare, anti-submarine warfare, and special forces missions. The SSK can be armed with heavyweight torpedoes, anti-ship missiles, and mines.

Indonesia and South Korea concluded a $1.1 billion contract for three Type 209/1400 Chang Bogo-class (Nagapasa-class) SSKs in December 2011 as part of the Indonesian Ministry of Defense’s 2024 Defense Strategic Plan, which calls for the procurement of at least 10 new submarines for the Indonesian Navy. The new SSK class is expected to serve in Indonesia’s Navy for at least 30 years.

The first-of-class SSK, KRI Nagapasa, was commissioned in August 2017 in South Korea and is now homeported at the Palu Naval Base in the Watusampu province of Central Sulawesi. The second SSK of the class has also already been delivered to the Navy, while the third is still under construction at a PT PAL shipyard in Surabaya, Indonesia’s second-largest city, located on the northeastern coast of Java island, under a PT PAL-DSME technology transfer agreement.

As my colleague Prashanth Parameswaran pointed out, even with the three additional SSKs the Indonesian Navy would still be under-equipped to fulfill its mission and police Indonesian territorial waters. According to Indonesian defense officials, the Navy needs at least 12 modern boats to do so. Notably, the last time the Indonesian Navy received new submarines was in the 1980s with the delivery of three German Type 209/1300 (Cakra–class) diesel-electric attack submarines.

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