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Defense industry meeting underline China Indonesia military ties
August 2018 Global Defense Security army news industry

This week, Indonesia and China held the latest iteration of their defense industry talks. The engagement highlighted ongoing activity in the defense aspect of bilateral relations in spite of lingering challenges, Prashanth Parameswaran reports in The Diplomat.


Aspects of defense cooperation, such as deals on equipment and technology as well as some exchanges and dialogues, have been going on (Picture source: Tempo.Co)

While Indonesia and China have long had a bilateral relationship, the defense aspect of ties has been strengthened gradually over the past few years in spite of challenges that remain, including with respect to the maritime realm. Aspects of defense cooperation, such as deals on equipment and technology as well as some exchanges and dialogues, have been going on.

One of the aspects of defense cooperation is the Indonesia-China defense industry cooperation meeting. Following a 2011 agreement on pursuing defense industry collaboration, both sides held their first defense industry cooperation meeting in 2012, where they discussed general opportunities and challenges in the area as well as more specific ways to advance ties. Those meetings have since continued as part of the defense relationship.

According to Indonesia’s defense ministry (KEMHAN), during the meeting held this week, both delegations highlighted the capabilities of their defense industries as well as products and policies, while the two sides also discussed opportunities for future collaboration.
Bali police tighten security ahead of IMF-Wolrd Bank meeting
Jumat, 31 Agustus 2018 14:52 WIB - 1 Views

Reporter: Antara


Military and police personnel take part in a roll call ahead of simultaneous regional elections and the Annual Meeting of IMF and World Bank 2018 at the Bali Police Mobile Brigade Station in May 2018) (ANTARA FOTO/Wira Suryantala)

Denpasar, Bali, (ANTARA News) - Police in Bali have tightened security against infiltration of terrorist to the island, which will host the next annual meeting of the International Monetary Fund (IMF and the World Bank in October this year.

Bali police have set up a task force to detect possible infiltration of terrorists backed up by the police`s anti terror squad (Densus 88), Bali police chief spokesman Sr.Com. Henky Widjaja said here on Friday.

Henky said Bali police chief Ins.Gen.Petrus R. Golose has passed an order to act firmly by shooting terrorist on the spot if necessary.

"The regional police chief has issued an order not to hesitate in taking firm actions against terrorism," he said.

He said police are busy not only in Bali, but all over the country to track down suspected terrorists.

"Currently, Bali is peaceful as police have continued to launch anti terrorist and anti criminality operations," he said.

He said police and the military regularly hold security simulation ahead of the IMF-World Bank meeting every week .

Security officers and liaison officers have been made ready for the security of the delegations to the big meeting, he said.

"Police personnel from the Police Headquarters and East Java police are also involved for the security of the IMF World Bank meeting," he said.

In the event of obstacles, police already have Plan B to take mitigation steps, he said, adding Interpol is not involved.

"Cooperation with Interpol is needed only in dealing with criminals in the watch list," he added.

Between 12,000 to 15,000 people are expected to attend the Annual Meetings, including about 3,500 delegates from 189 member countries, roughly 1,000 media representatives, and more than 5,000 participants representing the private sector, the banking community, academic institutions, civil society organizations, and also observers and parliamentarians.

Indonesia hopes to gain from hosting the meeting in drawing more tourists to the country.

The government has prepared tour packages for the delegates with visits to a number of major tourist destinations.

Reporting by I Made Surya Wirantara Putra
Editing by Albert Saragih

Editor: Suharto

Ada yg siap siap


TNI AU dan Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) tengah menjajaki kemungkinan dilaksanakan pelatihan bagi pilot pesawat terbang tanpa awak (UAV) kedua Angkatan Udara.

Hal tersebut tetuang dalam sebuah pembicaraan bilateral antara Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara (Kasau) Marsekal TNI Yuyu Sutisna, S.E., M.M., dan Chief Of Air Staf (RSAF) Major General (MG) Mervyn Tan di Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) Singapura, Kamis (30/ 08).

Dilansir dari laman TNI AU (31/ 08), Tidak hanya pelatihan pilot UAV, pihak RSAF juga menawarkan latihan bersama air refueling (pengisian bahan bakar di udara) dengan pesawat A-330 Multi Role Tangker Transport (MRTT).

Menurut kedua pemimpin Angkatan udara, hubungan TNI AU dan RSAF dalam beberapa tahun terakhir menunjukkan intensitas yang sangat erat.

“Kami merasakan sejak kegiatan flypast bersama pada perayaan 50 tahun hubungan bilateral Indonesia – Singapura tahun 2017 lalu, hubungan kita makin erat” kata Maj Gend Mervyn Tan.

Kepada koleganya, Kasau yang didampingi Asrena Marsda TNI Fachru Zaini SH..M.DS, Aspam Kasau Marsda TNI Dwi Fajariyanto, Asops Kasau Marsda TNI Johanes Bercham dan Atase Pertahanan RI di Singapura Kolonel Pnb Tjahya Elang Migdiawan, menyatakan sangat tertarik dengan tawaran RSAF.

“TNI AU akan segera menindaklanjuti secara teknis. Kami juga berharap adanya kerjasama untuk rekrutmen penerbang dan pengoperasian pesawat UAV, termasuk pesawat A-330 MRTT” ujar Kasau.

Photo: Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara (Kasau) Marsekal TNI Yuyu Sutisna, S.E., M.M., dan Chief Of Air Staf (RSAF) Major General (MG) Mervyn Tan. (TNI AU)

Editor: (D.E.S)
Indonesia Confirms Hercules C-130 Purchase, Gets Sanctions Waiver To Buy Sukhoi-35

Indonesia has confirmed a plan to buy Hercules C-130 transport planes from the United States while also getting waiver from US sanctions to purchase Russian Su-35 fighter jets.

"In future, Indonesia plans to buy several primary weaponry systems, including Hercules C-130 planes, and other heavy-duty transport planes from the US," Indonesian Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu said, while paying a courtesy call on US Secretary of Defense James Mattis in Washington DC, on Tuesday, Antara news reported.

In the long run, Indonesia is committed to gradually improving its primary weaponry systems on a self-reliant basis and under a partnership scheme with friendly countries, Ryacudu stated.

Ryacudu thanked the US for exempting Indonesia from secondary sanctions for purchasing Russian weaponry and referred to Jakarta’s Su-35 fighter jet purchase stating that was committed before the US National Defence Authorization Act came into force.

Indonesia has in the past purchased both Russian and US equipment but has now adapted a policy of local production and expects more of its defence equipment needs to be met from domestic companies.

The confirmation of C-130 Hercules buy puts at rest speculation that Indonesia might add to its orders of Airbus A-400M planes of which it bought 5 worth USD2 billion in January 2017. The Indonesian Air Force already has older generation C-130 aircraft which it wants to replace.


President Jokowi sees off Indonesian peacekeeping force to Congo, Lebanon

Sentul, W Java, (ANTARA News) - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) saw off the Indonesian peacekeeping contingent Garuda to Congo and Lebanon on Friday.

"Today, Indonesia is proud of not only our athletes` achievements at the Asian Games and the 30 gold medals they have earned as of today but also of dispatching Garuda Indonesia to join the peacekeeping mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Lebanon," he remarked at the Indonesia National Defense Forces Peacekeeping Center in Sentul, West Java.

The peacekeeping force comprises the Rapid Deployment Battalion (RDB) Task Force of the Garuda Contingent XXXIX-A Congo for the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO) and the Marine Task Force (MTF) of the Garuda contingent XXVIII-K for the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL).

The RDB Task Force of the Garuda Contingent XXXIX-A for MONUSCO has a total of 850 soldiers, including 22 women. The soldiers comprising 644 from the Army, 135 from the Navy, and 71 from the Air Force will be dispatched by plane.

The MTF for UNIFIL has a total of 120 naval personnel, who will be dispatched by Indonesian warship KRI Sultan Hasanuddin to replace 120 personnel currently assigned in the Mediterranean Sea.

"Today, Indonesia is proud of contributing to the maintenance of world peace and order. This is the mandate of our Constitution as the manifestation of Indonesia`s contribution to the world to make the good reputation of our nation and state famous," he emphasized.

He said the Garuda contingent began joining the UN-led peacekeeping mission in Sinai in 1957, more than a decade after Indonesia had proclaimed its independence.

On the occasion, President Jokowi, TNI Chief Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, Commander of PMPP TNI Brigadier General Victor H. Simatupang, and Foreign Minister Retno L. P. Marsudi took a group photo along with members of the Garuda contingents for Congo and Lebanon.

Since 1957, Indonesia has dispatched more than 38 thousand soldiers to join the UN-led peacekeeping missions.

Indonesia is one of the 10-largest countries sending peacekeeping troops.

With the dispatch of 3,552 personnel on Friday, Indonesia has reached 88.3 percent of its target to send four thousand personnel to join the UN-led peacekeeping mission.

"I instruct (all relevant sides) to achieve the target of four thousand personnel soon. What also makes us proud is that the Garuda contingent will use domestic strategic products in performing their duties," he noted.

Reporting by Desca Lidya Natalia
Editing by Suharto
Editor: Suharto

I wonder if one of our neighbor also getting the same waiver for buying spare parts for their Sukhoi fleet (assuming Russia no longer embargoed them) :cheesy:

"In future, Indonesia plans to buy several primary weaponry systems, including Hercules C-130 planes, and other heavy-duty transport planes from the US,"

the list for next shopping spree is impressive

1. 3 squadrons MRF
2. one flight Air refuel tanker
3. One flight AEW/AWACS aircraft
4. One flight special missions Aircraft
5. Two squadrons worth SAR combat helicopter
6. Two flight Logistic Aircraft (C130J)
7. One flight Heavy lift Aircraft
8. OTH radar system
9. Air Defense Radar system
10. Trainer Aircraft basic
11. APC for Paskhas
12. Medium SAM systems
13. Advance AA gun systems
14. Integrated Command Systems/ Air Defense control systems
Any info?
>Heavy-duty transport planes from the US, then A400M out of the AF list?
BULOG gonna use A400M, and IAF gonna use US made planes but still will be able to taste both (If allowed in the agreements) then IAF can use the A400M for STOL operations and the US made planes(C17?) for long range operations.
But for all we know C17 production line already closed, the phrasing of 'heavy-duty transport planes from the US' really make me curious.
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"In future, Indonesia plans to buy several primary weaponry systems, including Hercules C-130 planes, and other heavy-duty transport planes from the US,"

Any info?
>Heavy-duty transport planes from the US, then A400M out of the AF list?
BULOG gonna use A400M, and IAF gonna use US made planes but still will be able to taste both (If allowed in the agreements) then IAF can use the A400M for STOL operations and the US made planes(C17?) for long range operations.
But for all we know C17 production line already closed, the phrasing of 'heavy-duty transport planes from the US' really make me curious.

Just hope for the bigger one, viz. C5 galaxy
Just hope for the bigger one, viz. C5 galaxy

You got to be kidding right? C5 is a hangar queen. In fact you might wana learn more in it's history.
From operational perspective, chartering B-747F is far better choice compare to operating C5.

But for all we know C17 production line already closed, the phrasing of 'heavy-duty transport planes from the US' really make me curious.

Desert surplus, and there is also surplus (brand new) in Boeing Iron work
You got to be kidding right? C5 is a hangar queen. In fact you might wana learn more in it's history.
From operational perspective, chartering B-747F is far better choice compare to operating C5.

No, I'm not.

B747 freighter from ground to cargo room floor is too high, it needs a hydrolic lifter.

No hydrolic lifter operated in airport can lift a leopard mbt.

B747 freighter needs 3000 - 3300 meters runway length to take off while C5 galaxy only needs maximum 2400 meters runway length.

A C5 galaxy can fly loaded 129 - 130 ton of cargoes (for disaster relief support) only in one sorty as much as 6 sorties of C130J herky (1 sorty of c130j only could fly 19 - 20 ton of cargoes).

Thus 1 unit of C5 galaxy could represent of 6 unit C130J.

And one flight (4 unit) of C5 galaxy could represent of 4 x 6 = 24 unit of C130J herkies.

If we plan to have 40 unit of herkies plus 4 unit of C5s, it represents 64 unit or 16 unit x 4 squadron of herkies with combination of 10 units of c130 plus 1 unit C5 in each squadron.
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