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TNI Minta Anggaran Rp1,5 Triliun untuk Koopsus
Abi Sarwanto, CNN Indonesia | Rabu, 05/09/2018 15:14 WIB

Panglima TNI Marsekal Hadi Tjahjanto. (CNN Indonesia/Hesti Rika)

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) mengajukan anggaran sebesar Rp1,5 triliun untuk pembentukan Komando Operasi Khusus (Koopsus) dalam rapat kerja dengan Komisi I DPR. Mereka menyatakan dana itu buat menyokong operasional unit khusus itu.

"Koopsus TNI itu Rp1,5 triliun, terdiri untuk pembangunan sarana dan prasarana, pemilihan material khusus, senjata dan perlengkapan lainnya," kata Panglima TNI Marsekal Hadi Tjahjanto di kompleks parlemen, Jakarta, Rabu (5/9).

Hadi mengatakan anggaran untuk pasukan khusus gabungan tiga matra TNI itu bakal tersedot buat pembangunan infrastruktur dan peralatan khusus.

"Karena kalau pasukan khusus beda dengan yang lain, harus memiliki material khusus," katanya.

Hadi mengatakan anggaran itu juga digunakan untuk pembangunan jaringan ke daerah agar Koopsus dapat mendeteksi dan mengantisipasi ancaman keamanan yang tidak terduga.

Di sisi lain, Wakil Ketua Komisi I DPR Satya Yudha meminta agar pembentukan Koopsus yang merupakan amanat Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 2018 tentang Tindak Pidana Terorisme dipercepat.

Sebab, Satya mengatakan pembentukan Koopsus bukan berlandaskan Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) yang memerlukan persetujuan banyak sektor, melainkan hanya melalui Peraturan Presiden (Perpres).

"Kami minta panglima dipercepat pembentukannya agar bisa dioperasionalkan, sampai sekarang belum selesai. Mereka katakan Mei 2019 baru bisa, dan perlu diskusi dan sinkronisasi di pemerintah," kata Satya terpisah.

Gabungan pasukan elite dari tiga matra TNI nantinya diatur lewat instrumen Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) sebagai payung hukum pelaksana dari Undang-Undang Nomor 34 Tahun 2004 tentang TNI.

Hadi menjelaskan pembentukan Koopssusgab ini merupakan bagian dari operasi militer selain perang (OMSP) yang diatur Pasal 7 UU TNI, salah satunya untuk ikut dalam menanggulangi tindak pidana teroris

Koopssusgab TNI dibentuk oleh Moeldoko selaku Panglima TNI pada 2015 lalu. Tim ini merupakan gabungan pasukan elite dari tiga matra TNI, yakni Sat-81 milik TNI AD, Denjaka milik TNI AL, dan Satbravo-90 dari TNI AU.

Jumlah pasukan khusus ini 90 personel. Mereka disiagakan di wilayah Sentul, Bogor, Jawa Barat dengan status operasi, sehingga siap siaga setiap saat jika diperintahkan untuk terjun menanggulangi teror. (ayp)


Indonesia Armed Forces Chief of Staff asked for a budget of IDR 1.5 trillion to form Special Operations Command covering specialized materials, weapons and other equipment. This Indonesian SOCOM has only 90 operators consisting of Special Forces of the Army (Sat-81 Kopassus), Navy (Denjaka) and Air Force (Satbravo-90). They are set to stand by and ready to be deployed at 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Sat-81 Kopassus: specialized unit of Kopassus tasked for terrorism
Denjaka: specialized unit formed by selected members of Taifib and Kopaska
Satbravo-90: specialized unit formed by selected members of Kopaskhas

This is special of the specials, truly an elite and hardcore unit.

90 of 350,000+ TNI soldiers? Hell...nobody wants to mess with these guys...
A screenshot of the New Klewang FAMC during last month Indonesian Defense Minister visit to PT Lundin (North Sea Boats) in Banyuwangi East Java.



^^ By looking at the screenshot looks like Lundin is building the New Klewang using the same design as the first one.
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What would Indonesia like to have from Pakistan in military terms?
What would Indonesia like to have from Pakistan in military terms?

Pakistan got ahead in several military industry sector like ammunition and ATGM and manpads and Indonesia is in needed. In case, Pakistan industry several times got beaten by Eastern European supplier in several tender procurement (Bulgarian for RPG and Recoilles riffle, Serbian for 105 mm howitzer munition, Russian for ATGM, and so on)
I am not talking about ammunition or small arms.

Pakistan got ahead in several military industry sector like ammunition and ATGM and manpads and Indonesia is in needed. In case, Pakistan industry several times got beaten by Eastern European supplier in several tender procurement (Bulgarian for RPG and Recoilles riffle, Serbian for 105 mm howitzer munition, Russian for ATGM, and so on)
Turkish, Indonesian tank ready for mass production

Medium-weight military tank qualifies tests in Indonesia, says Turkey-based defense company

05.09.2018 Jeyhun Aliyev Ankara


By Goksel Yildirim


A medium-weight military tank jointly developed by Turkey-based defense company and its Indonesian partner is ready for mass production, Anadolu Agency has learnt.

Turkey's FNSS Savunma Sistemleri (FNSS) General Director Nail Kurt said in an interview on Wednesday that the KAPLAN MT tank successfully passed the required qualification tests in Indonesia.

"The tank was successful in tests conducted to gauge its durability and shots, which stretched over nearly three months," Kurt said.

Kurt noted that the 30- to 35-ton tank was built on a project model agreed upon by Indonesia's PT Pindad, to meet the country's need for medium-weight tanks.

"There was a plan to turn it into a production project, we are now in that phase. A five-year budget is coming after 2019. The total need is between 200-400 units, we are talking about very serious quantities."

Kurt said they expect to sign an export contract by 2019, adding that the two countries will equally contribute to the manufacturing process.

He said a "small order" of 20-25 tanks could be taken even in 2018.

Kurt pointed out that the medium-weight class tank has important advantages such as easy deployment and low operation costs, adding that they were currently negotiating with "three or four countries".

Read more: https://www.aa.com.tr/en/asia-pacific/turkish-indonesian-tank-ready-for-mass-production/1247122
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