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Border patrol, Indonesia - PNG

Satgas Pamtas RI-PNG Yonif Raider 323/BP Kostrad melaksanakan patroli pemeriksaan patok perbatasan Negara Republik Indonesia dengan Papua Nugini, Senin (5/2/2018). Patroli ini merupakan salah satu implementasi tugas pokok Satuan Tugas Pengamanan Perbatasan yang disebar di seluruh perbatasan darat wilayah NKRI.

Pelaksanaan patroli ini dipimpin langsung oleh Dansatgas Yonif Raider 323/BP Kostrad, Letnan kolonel Inf Agust Jovan Latuconsina, M. Si (Han) bersama 12 anggota lainnya. Tujuan dilaksanakan pengecekan ini adalah untuk mencegah berbagai upaya yang dapat merusak ataupun merubah kondisi patok dari berbagai ancaman.


Hal itu juga dilakukan untuk menjaga setiap jengkal wilayah kedaulatan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia, sehingga kedaulatan negara tetap terjaga.

Dansatgas Yonif Raider 323/BP Kostrad, Letnan kolonel Inf Agust Jovan Latuconsina, M. Si (Han) mengatakan Patok MM 10 yang kali ini berhasil dicapai oleh tim patroli, setelah sebelumnya sudah 2 patok yang dapat diperiksa oleh tim patroli yaitu patok MM 11.A oleh Pos Rawa Bastop dan MM 11.5 oleh Pos Kweel Satgas Yonif Raider 323 Kostrad.

"Patok MM 10 berada di tepi Sungai Fly yang berbatasan langsung dengan Papua Nugini. Berbagai rintangan dan hambatan berhasil ditaklukkan oleh tim patroli demi mencapai posisi patok tersebut," ungkap Letnan kolonel Inf Agust Jovan Latuconsina, M. Si (Han) di Bovendigoel, Senin (5/2/2018).


Ditambahkan, setelah menempuh perjalanan darat kurang lebih 50 kilometer, tim melanjutkan perjalanan melintasi rawa-rawa dan sungai menggunakan longboat.

"Walaupun perjalanan darat terhambat lumpur akibat hujan deras dan menembus rawa yang terhalang patahan-patahan pohon, patok harus berhasil kita capai", ujarnya.

Sementara itu, Letnan Dua CTP Abdul Ghani perwira Topografi Satgas yang turut bergabung dalam tim. Setelah tiba di patok perbatasan tim melaksanakan pembersihan di sekitar lingkungan patok dan memeriksa kondisi patok tersebut, yang selanjutnya akan di laporkan ke satuan atas sebagai bahan masukan.

Satgas Pamtas RI-PNG Yonif Raider 323 Kostrad memiliki 9 tanggung jawab patok yang harus dijaga dan dipelihara selama bertugas di tanah Papua, mulai dari patok MM 9.1 sampai MM 11.5.

"Ini merupakan perintah dan amanah dari Kolakops, kami akan memeriksa dan menjaga seluruh patok yang dipertanggungjawabkan selama kami bertugas," pungkas Dansatgas.

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From 2018 - 2019 the Indonesian Army will hold buying any weapons and foucs on receiving weapons that had been ordered and making it operational. Btw looks like the Indonesian Army is expecting delivery of a new batch of ASTROS MLRS. Any idea of any other weapons that is due for delivery?

KSAD Pastikan TNI AD Tak Beli Alutsista di Tahun 2018

Dias Saraswati, CNN Indonesia
Jumat, 09/02/2018 02:45


KSAD Jenderal TNI Mulyono mengatakan TNI AD tidak akan membeli alutsista baru sampai 2019 mendatang. (Dok. PENKOSTRAD)

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Kepala Staf TNI Angkatan Darat (KSAD) Jenderal Mulyono mengatakan tahun ini TNI AD tidak akan membeli alat utama sistem persenjataan (alutsista) baru.

Menurut Mulyono hal tersebut merupakan kebijakan yang dibuat oleh dirinya selaku KSAD.

"Alutsista yang baru, jenis baru tidak ada sampai dengan tahun 2019," kata Mulyono di Markas Besar TNI AD, Jakarta, kemarin.

Mulyono menyampaikan hingga tahun 2019 mendatang dirinya akan fokus melengkapi sarana dan prasarana serta alat-alat pendukung alutsista yang telah didatangkan dan yang akan tiba.

"Sehingga sampai dengan 2019 semua (alutsista) harus bisa dioperasikan, itu kebijakan saya," ujarnya.

Mulyono mengungkapkan pada tahun ini TNI AD akan kedatangan sejumlah alutsista yang telah dibeli pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya.

Alutsista itu di antaranya helikopter Apache, mobil peluncur roket ASTROS, serta sejumlah peralatan tempur lain.

Untuk helikopter Apache, dari delapan heli yang dipesan saat ini TNI AD baru mendapatkan tiga unit.

Ketiga unit itu, kata Mulyono, tiba Desember 2017 dan belum sempat diuji terbang karena masih harus dirakut kembali. Sisanya, sebanyak lima unit disebut Mulyono akan tiba April mendatang.

"Tetapi untuk yang uji di negaranya dia sudah pernah dilakukan," ucap Mulyono.

Air defense surveillance radar, product of Defense R&D agency 2017

TSM-Pada tahun 2017, LSKK terlibat dalam pengadaan produk Radar Surveillance Arhanud. Produk ini merupakan produk litbanghan TA. 2017 dan merupakan program kerjasama dengan Pussenarhanud tahun 2017.


Radar Surveillance Arhanud berfungsi untuk dapat memberikan informasi data sasaran pada pelaksanaan prosedur pengendalian operasi satuan arhanud secara langsung bagi satuan tembak (satbak) dan dapat melengkapi satbak-satbak arhanud yang belum dilengkapi dengan radar untuk melaksanakan fungsi pencarian, pengenalan dan penjejakan terhadap sasaran udara.


Setelah pengadaan produk Radar Surveillance Arhanud ini terlaksana, maka diadakan pelatihan radar. Pelatihan ini dilaksanakan dari tanggal 22 Januari 2018 sampai tanggal 26 Januari 2018 bertempat di Cimahi. Terdapat beberapa hal yang dilakukan dalam pelatihan radar, yaitu :

1. Penjelasan mengenai Radar Surveillance
2. Integrasi radar dengan Posko Dahanud Mobile
3. Penyiapan dan operasional radar
4. Troubleshoot software dan jaringan.






Any info's on specs, range,altitude?
Indonesia is already making large landing craft as well as Missile Boats so when we can expect Indonesian Frigate and Destroyer ?

Hmmm we had built and commisioned frigates right now


Destroyer is soon, several maket is being learned

Dont know why, this time Apparently our Philippine brother had been sanctioned arms embargoe by Belgium, Canada and ICJ had bring this matter into their court. Me personnally dislike Du30 policy and idea, but very and strongly against arm embargoe. Indonesia should take stand with Philippine and became what a dependable friend should be in our capacity.

@nufix @anas_nurhafidz @pr1v4t33r
New large Oiler Ship for Navy, indicating new combatant assets will coming too.


Replenishment Tanker
Client: TNI AL
LOA: 122.4 M
Breadth (moulded) : 16.5 M
Depth (moulded) : 9.0 M
Class : BV
This is the 2nd Tarakan class.

Dont know why, this time Apparently our Philippine brother had been sanctioned arms embargoe by Belgium, Canada and ICJ had bring this matter into their court. Me personnally dislike Du30 policy and idea, but very and strongly against arm embargoe. Indonesia should take stand with Philippine and became what a dependable friend should be in our capacity.

Sure, i think Indonesia have no problem in assisting AFP in their modernization effort. Although we have limited defense industry capacity, we are open for business and won't put any string attached.
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Hmmm we had built and commisioned frigates right now

View attachment 452844

Destroyer is soon, several maket is being learned
View attachment 452845

Dont know why, this time Apparently our Philippine brother had been sanctioned arms embargoe by Belgium, Canada and ICJ had bring this matter into their court. Me personnally dislike Du30 policy and idea, but very and strongly against arm embargoe. Indonesia should take stand with Philippine and became what a dependable friend should be in our capacity.

@nufix @anas_nurhafidz @pr1v4t33r

Should be quite easy. PH can use Indonesian arm importer as proxy to buy those choppers. We already done the same when we were embargoed by the west following the East Timor referendum. We bought spares from black market and through proxy companies in the PH.
A more detail article of CN-235 from Air Force Technology site.

"EADS CASA of Spain and Dirgantara Indonesia (Indonesian Aerospace), formerly IPTN of Indonesia, formed the company Aircraft Technology Industries, or AirTech, to develop the CN-235 aircraft. Project teams in Spain and Indonesia simultaneously began the design work in 1980 and organised simultaneous aircraft roll out ceremonies in 1983. The aircraft took for its maiden flight in November 1983. The production version of the aircraft first flew in August 1986 and entered service in March 1988."


Eveyone knows in the aviation industries the designation letter N from CN stands for Nurtanio.

AFAIK for the CN-235 IPTN designed the wing, the tail section and the landing gear whereas CASA designed the main fuselage and the nose of the aircraft. Fortunately for me i saw the simultaneous roll-out of the first CN-235 prototype "Tetuko" live on TVRI.

I know that. I know the history of CN235. I watched the roll-out in NHK News TV when I was in Osaka. I saw a Japanese man in the morning train reading the CN235 roll-out in Mainichi Shimbun newspaper. Very proud moment as an Indonesian. Tapi media asing sejak tahun 2000-an selalu menulis CN235 itu under-license. Saya pernah e-mail protes ke mereka soal fakta CN235, tapi nggak digubris. Mungkin mereka pikir PTDI aja nggak protes sama artikel mereka kenapa protes dari saya harus digubris?

No, I think that isn't a big deal and PT.DI doesn't have to bother in responding to that sort of thing. Since the use of "CN" designation itself has been shown to the world if that plane is clearly results of a joint development between CASA Spain and Indonesian IPTN., So whatever is said in those articles will not change that fact!

I disagree. What good is FACT if people don't know it. Apa gunanya fakta kalau yang beredar ( dan dibiarkan beredar ) itu artikel salah ttg CN235? We have to spread the FACTS. Otherwise, we will become the victim of lies. These magazines wrote wrongly about CN235. How will the readers know the fact about CN235 if we don't respond? PTDI has to respond to these articles because they're one of the manufacturers. These are mainstream aviation magazines distributed all around the world. Bukan tabloid aviasi murahan. Bisa cari di toko buku sekelas Periplus. Di bandara Changi, Kansai, di-mana2x ada. Kalo ada majalah setara TIME Magazine bikin artikel salah tentang Indonesia, masak kita nggak respon? Kalo ada TV setara CNN, BBC bikin laporan salah ttg Indonesia, masak pemerintah nggak respon?
February 09, 2018

PT DI Received Order 79 Aircraft N219 at Singapore Airshow 2018

February 09, 2018 N-219 Nurtanio aircraft (photo: Good News)
BANDUNG - PT Dirgantara Indonesia (DI) participated in the International Exhibition of Singapore Airshow 2018 which opened at Changi Exhibition Center, Singapore, yesterday. In this event, PT DI signed a cooperation framework for the ordering of 79 N219 Nurtanio aircraft with a number of companies or agencies. The signing of a framework agreement is planned to be held today. The cooperation includes procurement, maintenance and commercialization of N219 Nurtanio aircraft. There are five companies as well as domestic agencies in cooperation with PT DI, namely Pelita Air Service, Trigana Air, North Kalimantan Provincial Government, Pemkab Puncak Jaya, and the Provincial Government of Aceh. Booking the largest aircraft is the Provincial Government of Aceh as many as 50 units. "If for the Aceh Provincial Government related to the development of human resources and aerospace facilities, if we open production facilities there, they will order 50 units," said Corporate Secretary PT DI Ade Yuyu Wahyuna in Bandung yesterday. In addition, PT DI will also sign a partnership with Avitra Aerospace Technologies in the marketing, procurement and production of N219 Nurtanio aircraft. On the other hand, PT DI also sign a framework agreement with Airbus Defense & Space (ADS) related service collaboration for CN295 aircraft and written statment "Commercial, Industrial and Services Agreement (CISA)" with Airbus Helicopters (AH) related Local Support & Services development cooperation.
"At Singapore Airshow, N219 IPTN will be excellent as our booth is named N219 IPTN, and we are still marketing other excellent products, there are CN 235-220 and NC 212 i," said Ade. N219 Nurtanio aircraft introduced to the public last year is a passenger aircraft with a capacity of 19 passengers supported two turboprop engines that refer to the regulation of CASR Part 23. The idea and design of the aircraft developed by PT DI, with the development of programs conducted by PT DI and Lapan. N219 Nurtanio aircraft was basically developed to meet the needs of national air transportation in pioneer areas and N219 Nurtanio aircraft can be used for various needs, such as passenger transport, freight transport, air ambulance. "N219 aircraft will be produced in stages, initially will be produced 6 units using existing production capacity," he said. The next step PT DI will run the automation system in the manufacturing process, so that gradually delivery ability will continue to increase until reaching 36 units per year. (Okezone)
Singapore Airshow 2018: Honeywell details proposals to upgrade Indonesian F-16s

Ridzwan Rahmat, Singapore - Jane's Defence Weekly
09 February 2018

Key Points
  • Honeywell has revealed a suite of upgrade options available for Indonesia’s F-16s
  • The upgrades will enhance a pilot's situational awareness, and maintain load capacity
Honeywell has revealed its suite of proposals to upgrade the Indonesian Air Force’s (Tentara Nasional Indonesia – Angkatan Udara: TNI-AU’s) fleet of 24 ex-US Air Force (USAF) F-16 fighter jets.

Honeywell TPE331 engine (Honeywell)

In response to questions from Jane’s at the Singapore Airshow 2018, Tim Van Luven, the company’s vice-president of aftermarket sales for defence in the Asia-Pacific region pointed to Honeywell’s advanced central air data computers (ACADC), which provides reading of the aircraft’s environment, as a key component that is being offered for the platform. The system computes mission-critical parameters, including speeds and altitude.

Honeywell is also offering its enhanced programmable display generator (ECPDG), which features 4x4-inch multifunction display, and has been designed to operate under harsh mission environments.

The combination of the ACADC and the ECPDG provides TNI-AU pilots with better situational awareness under all lighting conditions, including in operations that require night-vision goggles, said Van Luven.

Besides an upgrade of the computer and display systems, Honeywell is also offering to improve the platform’s air cycle machine. This upgrade will reduce contamination in airflow, and maintain the F-16’s load capacity, Van Luven said, adding that the company is constantly in discussion with the Indonesian defense ministry on these possible upgrades.

When asked whether there will be opportunities for technology transfer arrangements in its proposals, Van Luven described Indonesia as one of its important markets in Southeast Asia, and that the company is committed to creating opportunities to help to strengthen local defence industry capabilities through both technology and skills transfers.

I know that. I know the history of CN235. I watched the roll-out in NHK News TV when I was in Osaka. I saw a Japanese man in the morning train reading the CN235 roll-out in Mainichi Shimbun newspaper. Very proud moment as an Indonesian. Tapi media asing sejak tahun 2000-an selalu menulis CN235 itu under-license. Saya pernah e-mail protes ke mereka soal fakta CN235, tapi nggak digubris. Mungkin mereka pikir PTDI aja nggak protes sama artikel mereka kenapa protes dari saya harus digubris?

I disagree. What good is FACT if people don't know it. Apa gunanya fakta kalau yang beredar ( dan dibiarkan beredar ) itu artikel salah ttg CN235? We have to spread the FACTS. Otherwise, we will become the victim of lies. These magazines wrote wrongly about CN235. How will the readers know the fact about CN235 if we don't respond? PTDI has to respond to these articles because they're one of the manufacturers. These are mainstream aviation magazines distributed all around the world. Bukan tabloid aviasi murahan. Bisa cari di toko buku sekelas Periplus. Di bandara Changi, Kansai, di-mana2x ada. Kalo ada majalah setara TIME Magazine bikin artikel salah tentang Indonesia, masak kita nggak respon? Kalo ada TV setara CNN, BBC bikin laporan salah ttg Indonesia, masak pemerintah nggak respon?

Agree, - a repeated lie can be the truth if left unchallenged -, by saying it is mere under license it negates very much Indonesia's part in developing it. Not every one knows right away what "N" is stands for and usually the article doesn't care to explain it either. Seems little and unimportant thing but enough to make people to sneer at our capability. I know because I had seen examples here on PDF, fortunately there are Indonesian members here to correct them, but what about out there?

We have to admit we are very very weak on this matter, in general, we tend to ignore what other says about us, it is good and bad at the same time.

And our medias are just mbeeehhh..., According to Tempo, we have the most number of media outlets in the world but (ironically) almost never they went out to set/correct things right let alone helping to create a strong positive image of Indonesia.

eniwei ...


Ryacudu exhorts domestic firms to produce strategic weaponry
Sabtu 10 February 2018 10:30 WIB

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, DENPASAR -- Indonesia's Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu has extended support to local companies to produce primary weaponry defense system. He hoped Indonesia could reduce dependency on other countries.

"I hope the state-run enterprises join in a company to produce defense strategy. High technology could increase production for our interests and for export," Ryamizard said on the sidelines of a coordination meeting of the national defense and hightech industries (NDHI) here on Friday.

He said the domestic industry has the capability to produce strategic weaponry, including aircraft, tanks, and submarines, which are manufactured by PT PAL and PT Dirgantara Indonesia.

"Malaysia, the Philippines, and Africa have ordered vessels manufactured by PT PAL. This is good and strategic in developing the country's economy," he said, adding that the industry would need to improve its human resources.

The minister has expressed hope for domestic defense industry to keep up their enthusiasm to produce strategic weaponry for domestic market and for import.

"Strategic defense weaponry is quite expensive. For instance, Sukhoi is very expensive. If we can produce it at home, it would be advantageous. It could also improve people's prosperity," he said.



Indonesia's armed forces chief receives award

Straits Times - 10/2/2018

Indonesia's armed forces chief Hadi Tjahjanto has received a prestigious Singapore military award for his role in strengthening defence ties between the Indonesian Air Force and the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) in his previous capacity as Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Air Force.

Air Chief Marshal (ACM) Hadi was awarded the Pingat Jasa Gemilang (Tentera) - or Meritorious Service Medal (Military) - conferred by President Halimah Yacob.

He was presented with the award by Minister for Defence Ng Eng Hen on Thursday.

The Singapore and Indonesian air forces carry out regular bilateral exercises.

Last September, they conducted the largest combined flypast to date between the RSAF and a foreign air force, to commemorate 50 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

ACM Hadi was visiting Singapore for the first time as Indonesia's armed forces chief.

On Thursday, he called on Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Dr Ng and Chief of Defence Force Perry Lim.

He also reviewed a guard of honour at the Ministry of Defence and visited this year's Singapore Airshow.


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1 Ton Sabu Disita dari Kapal Berbendera Singapura, Nilainya Capai Rp 1,5 T


Empat ABK Kapal Sunrise Glory dijaga ketat pasukan KRI Sigurot 864 usai diamakankan kemarin. Tidak saja menggunakan dokumen palsu, kapal ini juga kerap berganti bendera dan memiliki dua nama kapal(KOMPAS.COM/ HADI MAULANA)

BATAM, KOMPAS.com - MV Sunrise Glory, kapal yang diamankan KRI Sigurot 864 sekitar pukul 15.30 WIB, Rabu (7/2/2018) lalu, ternyata mengangkut narkotika golongan I jenis sabu sebanyak 1 ton yang disimpan dalam 41 karung beras.

Nilainya minimal mencapai sekitar Rp 1,5 triliun. Angka tersebut diperkirakan bisa menyelamatkan 5 juta jiwa pengguna narkoba dengan asumsk 1 gram sabu dikonsumsi oleh 5 orang.

Kapal yang dikomandani Mayor Laut Arizzona itu ditangkap di perairan Selat Phillip, perbatasan antara Singapura dan Batam.

Barang haram ini ditemukan di atas tumpukan beras dalam palka tempat penyimpanan bahan makanan dan minuman.

Hal ini terungkap setelah kapal digeser dari Dermaga Batu Ampar ke Dermaga Lanal Batam dan dilakukannya pemeriksaan oleh Tim WFQR Lantamal IV/Lanal Batam, BNN Pusat, Bea Cukai Pusat serta Bea Cukai Batam.

Tepat pada pukul 18.00 WIB, Jumat (9/2/2018) Tim berhasil menemukan barang bukti tersebut

Komandan Lanal Batam, Kolonel Laut (E) Iwan Setiawan membenarkan temuan tersebut. Bahkan ia mengatakan temuan ini akan disampaikan langsung oleh Wakasal.

"Kalau tidak ada halangan pagi ini, Sabtu (10/2/2018) bertempat di Dermaga Lanal Batam, dilaksanakan Pers Conference oleh Bapak Wakasal tentang hasil tangkapan TNI AL dari KRI Sigurot-864, berupa sabu-sabu sebanyak 1 ton dari kapal MV Sunrise Glory berbendera Singapura," kata Iwan, Jumat (9/2/2018) malam tadi.

Pres Conference ini juga akan dihadiri dihadiri Kabareskrim Polri, Ka BNN, Aspam Kasal, Pangarmabar, Kadispamal dan Kadispenal.

Awalnya, KRI Sigurot 864 mengamankan kapal Sunrise Glory karena diduga menggunakan dokumen palsu dan kerap ganti bendera sesuai negara yang dilewati.

Proses penangkapan berawal saat KRI Sigurot-864 sedang patroli di perairan Selat Singapura. Petugas kemudian mendeteksi adanya kapal nelayan berbendera Singapura melintas di luar jalur pelayaran dan memasuki wilayah perairan Indonesia.

Selama proses pemeriksaan awal, ditemukan MV Sunrise Glory merupakan kapal ikan yang mengibarkan bendera Singapura dengan empat orang ABK berkewarganegaraan Taiwan.

Kapal Sunrise Glory seharusnya berbendera Indonesia, karena seluruh dokumen kapal berasal dari Indonesia.

Sesuai informasi dari nahkoda, kapal tersebut berlayar dari Malaysia menuju Taiwan. Namun setelah dicocokkan dengan dokumen Port Clearance, kapal tersebut berlayar dari Malaysia menuju Thailand.

Parahnya lagi seluruh dokumen yang dimiliki kapal hanya foto copy atau tanpa dokumen asli. Dan kapal ini rencananya akan digunakan menangkap ikan di perairan Taiwan.

Kapal ini juga diduga Phantom Ship karena berbendera ganda. Kapal diduga memiliki nama Sun De Man 66.

Itu artinya, kemungkinan kapal memiliki beberapa nama, serta diduga pernah menjadi Target Operasi (TO) karena membawa narkoba atau barang selundupan.

Tidak hanya itu, setelah dilakukan pemeriksaan detail, tak satupun ikan hasil tangkapan yang ditemukan. Bahkan alat tangkap ikan juga tidak ada.

KRI Sigurot 864 of TNI-AL apprehended Singapore Flagged ship carrying 1 tonne of Shabu equal to 1.5 Trillion Rupiah. This 1 tonne shabu could be used by 5 million drug users. Salute!!

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