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Previous news but confirming about our latest propellant production information

RI to focus on 7 weapon
systems this year

Novan Iman Santosa, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | National | Wed, February 19 2014, 7:09 PM

Indonesia will focus on developing and producing seven weapon systems this year to modernize its arsenal and strengthen local defense industries to reduce the dependence on foreign suppliers.

The systems are submarines, jet fighters, medium tanks, missiles, radars, propellants and communications devices, said Defense Industry Policy Committee (KKIP) special staff for cooperation and institutional relations Silmy Karim on Wednesday.

Both the submarines and jet fighters are being developed as national programs with South Korea while the medium tank is being developed in cooperation with Turkish company FNSS Defense System.

While there is already missile cooperation with China, Silmy said the KKIP was still looking at partners for the local production of radar and communication devices.

“We will soon have a propellant factory that is important if we want to develop our own ammunition, missiles and rockets,” he said, without revealing which country the cooperation was being held with. (dhi)

RI to focus on 7 weapon systems this year | The Jakarta Post
Previous news but confirming about our latest propellant production information
RI to focus on 7 weapon
systems this year

Novan Iman Santosa, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | National | Wed, February 19 2014, 7:09 PM

Indonesia will focus on developing and producing seven weapon systems this year to modernize its arsenal and strengthen local defense industries to reduce the dependence on foreign suppliers.

The systems are submarines, jet fighters, medium tanks, missiles, radars, propellants and communications devices, said Defense Industry Policy Committee (KKIP) special staff for cooperation and institutional relations Silmy Karim on Wednesday.

Both the submarines and jet fighters are being developed as national programs with South Korea while the medium tank is being developed in cooperation with Turkish company FNSS Defense System.

While there is already missile cooperation with China, Silmy said the KKIP was still looking at partners for the local production of radar and communication devices.

“We will soon have a propellant factory that is important if we want to develop our own ammunition, missiles and rockets,” he said, without revealing which country the cooperation was being held with. (dhi)

RI to focus on 7 weapon systems this year | The Jakarta Post
I like first 5 Submarines Jet Fighters Medium Tanks and Missile
More Leo2 will came, heavy trucks to carries them starting to operational




Jakarta -PT Dahana (Persero) dengan mitra asal Prancis akan membangun pabrik propelan di Subang, Jawa Barat Oktober tahun ini. Propelan merupakan bahan baku untuk pembuatan peluru, roket, peluru kendali hingga amunisi.

Keberadaan pabrik ini akan memangkas 100% impor bahan baku amunisi hingga roket. Selama ini Indonesia masih tergantung produk propelan dari Belgia. Keberadaan pabrik ini bisa menghemat impor atau devisa dari pembelian propelan Rp 1 triliun per tahun.

"Penghematan bisa signifikan. Kita perkirakan dengan proyeksi kebutuhan itu kurang lebih Rp 1 triliun per tahun," kata Staf Ahli Komite Kebijakan Industri Pertahanan (KKIP) Bedan Kerjasama dan Hubungan Antar Lembaga Silmy Karim saat press conference pembangunan pabrik propelan di Kementerian Pertahanan, Jakarta, Senin (26/5/2014).

Untuk pembangunan pabruk propelan ini, Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) bahan peledak, PT Dahana (Persero) menggandeng perusahaan produsen propelan asal Prancis, Eurenco dan Roxel. Total alokasi anggaran pendirian pabrik sebanyak 400 juta Euro untuk fase I.

Pada produksi tahap awal, Dahana mampu memproduksi nitrogliserin sebanyak 200 ton/tahun, spherical powder sebanyak 400 ton/tahun, propelan double base roket sebanyak 80 ton/tahun dan propelan komposit sebanyak 200 ton/tahun.

Untuk tahap awal, Dahana memproduksi 3 jenis propelan untuk kebutuhan amunisi, roket dan misil.

"Pabrik di Subang, itu milik fasilitas Dahana. Ada 3 jenis propelan akan diproduksi tahap awal yakni amunisi kaliber kecil, roket, dan peluru kendali," sebutnya.

Ide pembangunan pabrik sudah dimulai sejak 2010. Targetnya produksi perdana propelan bisa dilakukan mulai 2018.


in summary, Indonesian Government allocated 400 million Euros to build phase I propellant factory in Indonesia in cooperation with Roxel and Eurenco France. First production can be used at least in 2018. I hope we can adding and tripling the capacity production in near future
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Two New Aircraft : CN 295s for TNI-AU


With the arrival of two CN-295, the Air Force has received a total 7 aircraft (totally 9 ordered) (photo: Republika)
Indonesia is likely to acquire sophisticated submarine from France

The discourse was raised during bilateral meeting of “Indonesian-French Defense SMEs Bilateral Forum (First Edition)” organized by Indonesian DoD and The French Defense Procurement Agency (DGA).
Representatives from prominent defense companies of France also attended the forum meeting, including Airbus Helicopters, DCNS, EADS, MBDA Missile Systems, and Thales.

Source news in Bahasa Indonesia :

Indonesia Berpeluang untuk Dapatkan Kapal Selam Canggih dari Perancis

Jakarta, DMC – Pemerintah Indonesia dan Perancis dalam suatu forum bilateral “Indonesian-French Defense SMEs Bilateral Forum (First Edition)” membahas kemungkinan Indonesia untuk mendapatkan kapal selam dengan teknologi yang sangat canggih (sophisticated). Hari pertama forum bilateral, Rabu (21/5), diisi dengan seminar tentang “Peluang Kerjasama Industri Pertahanan Indonesia-Perancis dan pembahasan atau diskusi mengenai kapal selam litoral dalam waktu bersamaan (paralel)”.

Untuk itulah forum bilateral ini diselenggarakan untuk mengkaji dengan seksama segala kemungkinan teknologi kapal selam litoral ini dalam menutup celah pertahanan Indonesia yang berkaitan dengan peta dan kondisi perairan Indonesia. Apakah memang harus menggunakan kapal selam dalam menjaga laut dangkal atau cukup dengan sarana pertahanan yang lain?

Mengingat dua pertiga wilayah Indonesia adalah perairan, pengetahuan tentang hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan pemetaan laut adalah esensial. Bagaimana keadaan hidrografi, tingkat kedalaman, kuat dan arah arus setiap musim dan perubahannya harus dipelajari dengan seksama dalam konteks pertahanan.

Hal ini akam melahirkan operation requirement baik untuk laut dangkal dan laut dalam. Misalnya laut yang dangkal akan menuntut kelincahan atau manuver dari kapal selam untuk menghindari pemantauan atau deteksi dari udara sehingga timbullah kekhususan operasional. Oleh karena itu maka dalam menghitung postur kemampuan perang tidak hanya berdasarkan kekuatan an sich tetapi juga berdasarkan kemampuan dan gelar.

Sementara itu ketua delegasi Perancis Admiral (Navy) Jean Claudelle dalam kesempatan tersebut menyatakan bahwa Perancis merupakan salah satu negara di Eropa yang sangat mendukung industri pertahanan yang berdasarakan pada sistem pertahanan otonomi dan kedaulatan. Dalam 50 tahun terakhir ini bidang industri dan peralatan pertahanan serta persenjataan Perancis menjadi hal yang sangat penting.

Hal ini memberikan peluang bagi pemerintah Perancis dan industri pertahanannya kemampuan untuk mengembangkan peralatan dan semua spesifikasi operasionalnya seperti untuk angkatan laut, angkatan udara, helikopter, satelit, missile antar negara dan antar benua.

Seperti diketahui kekuatan persenjataan dan pertahanan Perancis saat ini tersebar di Afrika Selatan, Mali, Guinea dan benua Afrika secara otonom dengan mitra atau partner Perancis tanpa melibatkan kekuatan besar atau super power lainnya. Kemampuan ini menjadi suatu hal yang unik di benua Eropa. Diharapkan hal ini dapat menarik Indonesia sebagai partner Perancis yang menganggap kedaulatan wilayah sebagai sesuatu yang penting.

Seminar yang diselenggarakan Kemhan RI dan The French Defense Procurement Agency (DGA) diikuti oleh berbagai perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang industri pertahanan Perancis seperti Airbus Helicopters, DCNS, EADS, MBDA Missile Systems, Thales dan perusahaan terkemuka Perancis lainnya. Pada hari kedua rangkaian kegiatan, Kamis (22/5), delegasi peserta dari Perancis bertolak ke Bandung untuk mengunjungi PT Pindad dan PT Dirgantara Indonesia.



Navy arrests undersea cable thieves
Mon, May 26 2014

Toboali, Bangka (ANTARA News) - The Indonesian Navy of Bangka Belitung Province has arrested five people for stealing undersea cables belonging to Telkom Company in the Sukadamai waters.

"We made the arrest on Friday, at 3:30 p.m. local time, after the supervisor of PT Trias Endi, who is a Telkom partner, reported the matter to the headquarter," Bangka Belitung Provincial Navy Base Commander Colonel Iwa Kartiwa noted here on Monday.

The officers have seized evidence, such as three cables and detained five people in the Toboali Navy Monitoring Post before they forwarded the case to the South Bangka Resort Police.

"We have seized three windings of cable that are around 600 meters in length. The initials of the perpetrators are RD, FR, RZ, KY, and UC," Iwa remarked.

The perpetrators were caught stealing the cables at a distance of 2 kilometers from the Sukadamai coast with precise geographical coordinates at 03.07.023 S-106.27.406 E.

"The suspects who work for an offshore tin mine admitted that they had committed the crime when their pontoon drifted out to sea, and the anchor got lodged on the cable," Iwa stated.

He further explained that they pulled the cable into the pontoon and cut it into three sections.

Iwa noted that they were planning to sell the cables to a scrap collector.

The Navy arrested the perpetrators when they were conducting their activities, and the cable was on board the pontoon.

"I had rebuked the suspects. However, they were not heedful of the warnings. The Navy then arrived at the location and arrested them," Iwa stated.

Meanwhile, the Operation Staff Officer Mayor Oktaf Bayu Dirgantara along with Toboali Navy Post Commander Sasongko noted that the thieves were traced after receiving a report from Jakarta, which stated that the connection has been disconnected at a distance of 2 kilometers from the Sukadamai coast.

"We are still investigating the suspects. After we have completed the inspection of the suspects and evidence, we will hand them over to the police," he emphasized. (*)

Navy arrests undersea cable thieves - ANTARA News
Two New Aircraft : CN 295s for TNI-AU

PTDI receive ToT for CN-295 aircraft from Airbus Military Spain

Monday, 19 Mei 2014

Jakarta , Airbus Military will deliver Transfer of Technology ( ToT) for the construction of the CN - 295 aircraft to PT DI to be built the aircraft in Bandung, West Java - Indonesia. The plane will be manufactured with ToT is the 8th of the 9 units ordered by the Ministry of Defence from Airbus Military.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Defense would plan to buy seven more aircraft to get full squadron of CN-295. Previously 6 aircraft CN - 295 aircraft has arrived from Spain and the 7th will be coming soon.

This is expressed by the Minister of Defense Purnomo Yusgiantoro on Friday ( 16/5 ), while receiving the honor of the Spanish Ambassador to Indonesia HE Mr. Francisco Jose Viquera Niel at the Ministry of Defense 's office in Jakarta. What is important according to the Minister of Defence is in addition to getting ToT in the construction of the 8th and 9th aircraft in Bandung, PTDI is expected to provide a positive push for Indonesian economy.

The C - 295 is very suitable to Asian geographic region, therefore, the ability of PTDI to build this plane will be followed with interest in neighboring countries to order the aircraft.

To finalize the Transfer-of-Technology program, the Spanish Ambassador stressed the need for joint document on information exchange agreement. It was a mandatory requirement for the ToT because CN-295 aircraft development also involves several other Spanish defense industry outside of Airbus Military. Under the Transfer-of-Technology program, 50 engineers will come from Spain to work with the engineers at PTDI to build the C-295.

. . .
Indonesian Navy establishes new base, deploys near disputed lighthouse

Ridzwan Rahmat, Singapore - IHS Jane's Navy International
26 May 2014

The Indonesian Navy (Tentera Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Laut: TNI-AL) will establish a new naval base at Tanjung Datu, West Kalimantan on Borneo Island.

Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI) commander General Moeldoko told reporters on 26 May that construction of the base is being expedited in light of escalating tensions in the South China Sea and an emerging dispute with Malaysia over the construction of a lighthouse.

According to the TNI-AL, six Malaysian ships, including a Royal Malaysian Navy vessel, attempted to construct a lighthouse in disputed waters off the Kalimantan coast on 19 May. Malaysia halted construction works on 22 May after official protests were made by the Indonesian government.

"Besides, the situation in the South China Sea also has the potential to escalate and affect Indonesia," said Gen Moeldoko. "Either Natuna or Tanjung Datu will be most impacted should the situation deteriorate."

Gen Moeldoko told media that the proposed naval base will have an airstrip and host an infantry unit of the Indonesian Armed Forces. No details on the size of the unit or airstrip were given.

While the naval base is being established, the TNI-AL will deploy three vessels, the Kakap-class offshore patrol vessel KRI Barakuda , Todak-class guided missile attack craft KRI Lemadang and Kapitan Pattimura (Parchim I)-class corvette Sutedi Senoputra to patrol the waters near Tanjung Datu as an interim measure.

News of the establishment comes on the back of a report by IHS Jane's on 9 May on the upgrade of provincial naval base at Pontianak, also in West Kalimantan, to the status of a district naval base and paving the way for more naval assets in the area.

Indonesia is not a claimant party in ongoing territorial disputes in the South China Sea. However Beijing's unilaterally-declared 'nine-dashed-line' overlaps with Jakarta's claim to an exclusive economic zone in the Natuna Islands region.


A Todak-class guided missile attack craft similar to the one being deployed near Tanjung Datu as an interim measure. Source: TNI-AL

Source : Indonesian Navy establishes new base, deploys near disputed lighthouse - IHS Jane's 360
Indonesian women in uniform servicing the country

Indonesian Policewomen involved in the UN mission in Southern Sudan are assigned in FPU (Formed Police Unit) as well as the Police Advisor.
The Indonesian FPU (Formed Police Unit) in Sudah with a strength of one company along with FPU from other country are responsible for security and escort to UN humanitarian mission while the Police Adviser are individually distributed to all regions in Southern Sudan as instructor to train the local Sudanese Police.

Police Adjunct Commissioner (Captain) Jayanti Mandasari, Police Adviser and Sector Commander of Malakal City, Sudan.



2nd Police Adjunct Inspector (Warrant Officer) Nedrawaty, Police Adviser and Traffic Police Chief Instructor, South Sudan.



Other Pics of Indonesian Policewomen in Sudan
Police Adviser in humanitarian mission.


Indonesian police woman FPU member

Proud to serve the humanitarian mission in Southern Sudan
PT PAL handover Fast Missile Craft KCR-60M to the Navy.

Got no picture yet. anybody?

PT PAL Serahkan Kapal Cepat Rudal Ke TNI AL
Peni Widarti - 28 Mei 2014, 05:41 WIB


SURABAYA — PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) kembali meluncurkan Kapal Cepat Rudal (KCR) 60 meter yang kedua, sekaligus menyerahkan KCR-60 yang pertama kepada TNI Angkatan Laut, Rabu 28 Mei 2014.

Direktur Utama PAL Indonesia M Firmansyah Arifin mengatakan dua dari tiga kapal pesanan Kementerian Pertahanan tersebut dikerjakan dengan tepat waktu sesuai perencanaan.

"Setelah peluncuran ini, rencananya KCR-60 yang kedua akan diserahterimakan pada Juli 2014, sedangkan KCR-60 yang ketiga rencananya pada September 2014," katanya kepada Bisnis, Senin (26/5/2014).

Firmansyah mengatakan kapal berkapasitas 55 orang tersebut diproduksi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan persenjataan yang ada sesuai dengan Undang-Undang No.16 Tahun 2012 tentang Industri Pertahanan.

"Sebagai Negara Kepulauan, Indonesia punya 9 pintu melewati wilayah laut, untuk itu diperlukan kapal perang," ujarnya.

Dia menjelaskan KCR-60 pertama bernama KRI Sampari itu telah melalui proses pengujian dari para ahli dan teknisi sesuai standar yang dipersyaratkan. Pengukuhan penyerahan KCR-60 yang pertama ini diresmikan oleh Menteri Pertahanan Purnomo Yusgiantoro.

"Kami juga berencana mengikutkan kapal KCR ini dalam pameran ADAS 2014 a Defence Manila, di Filipina pada 16-18 Juli 2014. Melalui pameran, kami berharap ke depan ada order KCR lagi," imbuhnya.

Adapun KCR-60 meter memiliki fungsi sebagai kapal patroli dengan kemampuan melumpuhkan sasaran di atas permukaan laut maupun udara. Selain itu memiliki kemampuan dalam pengintaian, tugas-tugas SAR, amphibious raid, dan lawan infiltrasi. Kapal tersebut dirancang untuk bisa dipasangi senjata meriam hingga kaliber 57 mm di bagian depan kapal, dan pelucur rudal di bagian belakang kapal.

Dalam pengerjaan 3 proyek kapal perang senilai Rp375 miliar, PAL Indonesia konsisten menggunakan bahan baku dalam negeri sebanyak 35% sesuai regulasi pemerintah, sedangkan 65% impor dari Eropa dan Korea Selatan. Menurut Firmansyah, komponen impor seperti persenjataan, navigasi dan sensor belum dapat diperoleh dari dalam negeri sehingga masih memerlukan komponen asing.

"Perlahan kami terus mengarah dalam penggunaan komponen dalam negeri. Namun beberapa komponen lain sudah ada di sini bahkan pengerjaannya asli karya anak bangsa," tuturnya.

Hingga saat ini PAL Indonesia telah memproduksi 43 kapal patroli mulai berukuran 28 meter hingga 57 meter, serta kapal Perusak Kawal Rudal (PKR) 105. Saat ini, PAL Indonesia juga tengah menyiapkan fasilitas atau sarana pembangunan untuk pembuatan kapal selam

PT PAL Serahkan Kapal Cepat Rudal ke TNI AL | Jawa Timur – Bisnis.com

PT PAL handover Fast Missile Craft KCR-60M to the Navy.


SURABAYA - PT PAL Indonesia ( Persero ) launched the Quick Ship Missile ( KCR ) 60 meters a second , KCR - 60 and presented first to the Navy , Wednesday, May 28, 2014 .PAL Indonesia president director Arifin M Firman said two of the three ships of the Ministry of Defence orders done in a timely manner according to plan ." After the launch , the plan KCR - 60 which both will be handed over in July 2014 , while the third KCR - 60 is planned in September 2014 , " he told Business Monday ( 05/26/2014 ) .Firman said vessel with a capacity of 55 persons were produced to meet the needs of existing weapons in accordance with Law No.16 of 2012 on the Defence Industry ." As an island countries , Indonesia has 9 doors past the sea area , it is necessary to warships , " he said .He explained KCR - 60 was first named KRI Sampari been through the testing process from experts and technicians according to the standard required . KCR - 60 inaugural delivery of the first was inaugurated by Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro ." We also plan KCR ship this quote in a 2014 exhibition ADAS Defence Manila , Philippines on 16-18 July 2014 . Through the exhibition , we look forward to future orders KCR no longer , " he added .The KCR - 60 meter has a function as a patrol boat with the ability to immobilize the target above the sea surface and the air . In addition it has the ability to reconnaissance , SAR duties , amphibious raid , and opponents infiltration . The ship is designed to be fitted to the weapon caliber 57 mm cannon in the front of the ship , and pelucur missile aft .The workmanship 3 projects worth Rp375 billion warship , PAL Indonesia consistent use of domestic raw materials as much as 35 % according to regulations of government , while 65 % of imports from Europe and South Korea . According to Firman , imported components such as weapons , navigation and sensor can not be obtained from within the country that still requires foreign components ." Slowly we continue to lead in the use of domestic components . Yet some other components are already here even process the original work of the nation , " he said .Until now PAL Indonesia has produced 43 patrol boats began measuring 28 meters by 57 meters , and ship Missile Destroyer Guard ( PKR ) 105 . Currently , PAL Indonesia is currently preparing the facilities or the construction of facilities for the manufacture of submarine

MeanwhileTribunnews got this KCR picture in their article

Hari ini, PT PAL Luncurkan Kapal Cepat Rudal - Tribunnews.com


Hari ini, PT PAL Luncurkan Kapal Cepat Rudal - Yahoo News Indonesia

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Indonesian women in uniform servicing the country

Indonesian Policewomen involved in the UN mission in Southern Sudan are assigned in FPU (Formed Police Unit) as well as the Police Advisor.
The Indonesian FPU (Formed Police Unit) in Sudah with a strength of one company along with FPU from other country are responsible for security and escort to UN humanitarian mission while the Police Adviser are individually distributed to all regions in Southern Sudan as instructor to train the local Sudanese Police.

Police Adjunct Commissioner (Captain) Jayanti Mandasari, Police Adviser and Sector Commander of Malakal City, Sudan.



2nd Police Adjunct Inspector (Warrant Officer) Nedrawaty, Police Adviser and Traffic Police Chief Instructor, South Sudan.



Other Pics of Indonesian Policewomen in Sudan
Police Adviser in humanitarian mission.


Indonesian police woman FPU member

Proud to serve the humanitarian mission in Southern Sudan
Which Gun is carried by women in last picture and you are getting equipment more for Navy and less for Air Force and Army is also doing good so any plans to increase number of soldiers let say by 2025 What will be size of your Army and Navy and Air Force in terms of number of men and women ? @Indos @Reashot Xigwin @madokafc
Which Gun is carried by women in last picture and you are getting equipment more for Navy and less for Air Force and Army is also doing good so any plans to increase number of soldiers let say by 2025 What will be size of your Army and Navy and Air Force in terms of number of men and women ?

Pindad's SS-2 variant.
I dont know for sure the exact type of the weapon but all i know the Police Mobile Brigade use one of the latest variant of SS-2 assault rifle.

By 2011 the number of Indonesian Army personnel is 328,000 while total of the Armed Forces (Include Air Forces and Navy) around 450,000 personnel.
Indonesian army divided in Battalion Level distributed to Territorial Military Command (Kodam) and 2 full division under Kostrad (Includes Airborne Brigades).
Indonesian Marine Corps numbered around 40,000 personel divided in 2 Marine Division (Pasmar 1 ad Pasmar 2).
Based on our strategic plan, the Kostrad (Strategic Reserve Command) will ad 1 more Division and the Marine Corps will also add 1 Marine Division (Pasmar 3). While the additional Marine Division will add about 15,000 personnel, the Kostrad new division will be filled with existing elements drawn from the existing Territorial Battalions.

Right now there is still uncertain about the policy for menpower in Indonesian Army.
The Commander of Armed Forces, Gen. Moeldoko once stated that we are still need more men but the Defense Ministry also gives their own view which is reducing the numbers of our Armed Forces below 300,000 personnel with explanation that lesser numbers will be compensated with better quality or armaments and equipments, and also better remuneration and welfare to the soldiers.

Maybe other Indonesian members can give us more updated info about this.
Pindad's SS-2 variant.
I dont know for sure the exact type of the weapon but all i know the Police Mobile Brigade use one of the latest variant of SS-2 assault rifle.

By 2011 the number of Indonesian Army personnel is 328,000 while total of the Armed Forces (Include Air Forces and Navy) around 450,000 personnel.
Indonesian army divided in Battalion Level distributed to Territorial Military Command (Kodam) and 2 full division under Kostrad (Includes Airborne Brigades).
Indonesian Marine Corps numbered around 40,000 personel divided in 2 Marine Division (Pasmar 1 ad Pasmar 2).
Based on our strategic plan, the Kostrad (Strategic Reserve Command) will ad 1 more Division and the Marine Corps will also add 1 Marine Division (Pasmar 3). While the additional Marine Division will add about 15,000 personnel, the Kostrad new division will be filled with existing elements drawn from the existing Territorial Battalions.

Right now there is still uncertain about the policy for menpower in Indonesian Army.
The Commander of Armed Forces, Gen. Moeldoko once stated that we are still need more men but the Defense Ministry also gives their own view which is reducing the numbers of our Armed Forces below 300,000 personnel with explanation that lesser numbers will be compensated with better quality or armaments and equipments, and also better remuneration and welfare to the soldiers.

Maybe other Indonesian members can give us more updated info about this.
Sorry Sir less than 300000 should not be an option Indonesia should have 400000 of Army at least and 60000 each Navy and Air Force that makes total of 520000 of total Armed Forces and should have around 200000 highly trained and equipped Para Military
and 40000 Marines are part of Navy right ?

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