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Indonesia Bans Sex Outside Marriage

You conservatives are never really smart.
keep your dikhead thinking to yourself,

ou have rejected my assertion of Afghanistan being your dream Islamic state,
YOu assertion as shit as your thinking, which stinks, its no wonder that led you in first place to call Afghnistan as a pure ISlamic state
Once a chutya always a chutya
Rusty bhai, he is also being contemptuous about anyone suggesting that the Taliban dictatorship is an Islamic Emirate. These are his words :
oh I know.
Our disagreement is on what constitutes an Islamic Republic. Every time I ask him what it means to him, he chimps out and throws insults and abuse.

keep your dikhead thinking to yourself,

YOu assertion as shit as your thinking, which stinks, its no wonder that led you in first place to call Afghnistan as a pure ISlamic state
Once a chutya always a chutya
There you go again being obsessed with sex. Why are you conservatives always so obsessed with sex?
Also, no I am going to say what I think and you can't stop me.
Instead of chimping out, why don't you give me your definition of an Islamic republic? Why are you so scared to answer this question? Is it cuz none of you holly warriors can even agree on such a basic thing and would rather spend your time blow yourselves up in mosques and schools.
Chutyas are the ones ideologically backing people blowing up mosques and schools.
Also, since I care about ALL humans, I suggest you start here and get some help
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Every time I ask him what it means to him, he chimps out and throws insults and abuse.
because shit creatures like you deserve that. whatever is Islamic republic definition, it is certainly not the one you have defined as shit state of Afghanistan, there sis no difference between you shity liberal LGBT thinking and those fking extremists, both are extremists to their respective spectrum
because shit creatures like you deserve that. whatever is Islamic republic definition, it is certainly not the one you have defined as shit state of Afghanistan, there sis no difference between you shity liberal LGBT thinking and those fking extremists, both are extremists to their respective spectrum
Champing out just means you have nothing to say but want to act like a child.
It's clear you don't have anything to offer outside of insults.
There is a reason conservatives like you are so easy to manipulate into bowing up mosques and schools, its because you are too stupid to realize how dumb you actually are.
And it's funny, for people who are always crying about LGBT stuff, you people sure do love to molest an awful lot of boys.
And it's funny, for people who are always crying about LGBT stuff, you people sure do love to molest an awful lot of boys.
Fk you for associating me with disgusting mullah creatures that prey on little kids, and fuk you totally,
You dont know jackshit about me and yet you have the audacity to call me out as a predator, FK YOU BC

"Based on the provisions of the new Indonesian criminal code, visitors who visit or live in Bali would not need to worry," said Balinese governor Wayan Koster, adding that there would be "no checks on marital statuses at tourist accommodations like hotels, villas, guest houses or spas, or inspections by public officials or community groups."

"Based on the provisions of the new Indonesian criminal code, visitors who visit or live in Bali would not need to worry," said Balinese governor Wayan Koster, adding that there would be "no checks on marital statuses at tourist accommodations like hotels, villas, guest houses or spas, or inspections by public officials or community groups."
If history tells us anything it starts small, slowly and then it keeps getting extreme, either to the extreme left or right.
I mean look at the extreme left with all he/she/it/her crazy gender stuff, and then things like Iran where you are killed for showing your face. The world has regressed a lot, even in India lot of crazy people want to ban women's freedom and have a stupid mentality. Very sad stuff.
If history tells us anything it starts small, slowly and then it keeps getting extreme, either to the extreme left or right.
I mean look at the extreme left with all he/she/it/her crazy gender stuff, and then things like Iran where you are killed for showing your face. The world has regressed a lot, even in India lot of crazy people want to ban women's freedom and have a stupid mentality. Very sad stuff.

As I mentioned it above, all one has to do is read the Pakistani Book of Zia 1977 to see how all this ends. But, a people's right to determine how they wish to be governed must be respected.
Fk you for associating me with disgusting mullah creatures that prey on little kids, and fuk you totally,
You dont know jackshit about me and yet you have the audacity to call me out as a predator, FK YOU BC
I just put a mirror to your face. What you do with that information is your business.
Here is another person you have enambled with your ideology
You people have created such a safe space for theses mullahs to molest and abuse that I can post links like these for days.

Here is some food for thought, if your ideology is literally enabling child molesters, maybe you are on the wrong side.
LAHORE, Pakistan, June 17 (Reuters) - A Muslim cleric who has led anti-blasphemy rallies in Pakistan has been charged with sexually abusing a student at a religious school, police said on Thursday.
@Areesh, is that you ???? I was right in calling you a NATO-seeded mullah ghey boi. :rofl:

@Areesh, is that you ???? I was right in calling you a NATO-seeded mullah ghey boi. :rofl:

Shut up pervert
Jokowi criticizes European leaders right on his face. He said European cannot force their value to other nation

He criticizing European which their mindset "My standard is better than yours"'

You people have created such a safe space for theses mullahs to molest and abuse that I can post links like these for days.
lol you are sick in your head, and its no wonder that you love posting such stores to feed your fetish, \How conveniently you're dodging the real question by not answering it and posting all irrelevant stuff
The question was, how did you define Afghisntan as a pure Islamic state ? its either tat you hate Islam to the core and are an ex muslim or youre typical shit arse desi who is ignorant as fuk,
Honestly i can't seem to differentiate as you fall in both shit category

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