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Indonesia Aerospace Forum

Despite pandemic and many current airline experience lost, there is new Indonesian airline emerge and will operate soon. The company will focus on domestic route and low cost airline

Super Airjet

This newest Airline that start their business in the pandemic period has already been operating now

PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Indonesia Aerospace) celebrates its 45 years existence


Rocket test, LAPAN (Indonesia Space Agency), RX 450


Launching Pesawat Udara Nir Awak (PUNA) Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) Elang Hitam
R 80 developed by PT Ragio Aviasi

And its likely competitor

Financial Situation during Pandemi and current program

In 2020, Indonesian Aerospace (PTDI) experience lost of around 7 million USD. This is due to cancellation of several orders made by Indonesian government and Philippine Armed Force. For comparison, in 2019 Indonesian Aerospace get net profit of 10 million USD. It is still much better than big aerospace companies like Boeing and Airbus which experience huge lost during 2020 period due to collapse of Airline industry (pandemic related effect)

Current ongoing programs by Indonesian Aerospace (PTDI):

N 219 Amphibious
KF21/IFX -with KAI (Korean Aerospace) and ADD Korea
MALE UCAV Elang Hitam (Black Eagle)- with SOE consortium and ITB (Bandung Institute of Technology)
Cruise Missile-with SOE consortium


Other program

RX 450 and RX 550 rocket program is handled by LAPAN
Cargo drone program is handled by LAPAN (Indonesia space and Aerospace Agency)
R 80 program is run by PT RAI
N 245 program look like being pending
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Dawn Aerospace To Empower The Indonesian Space Agency’s Tsunami Warning Satellite Constellation
AUGUST 9, 2021


The National Institute of Aeronautics and Space of Indonesia (LAPAN) has selected Dawn Aerospace‘s green propulsion for a new satellite constellation used for the early detection of Tsunamis.

Indonesia, located along the Pacific Ocean’s Circum-Pacific belt, or “Ring of Fire,” is geographically prone to tsunamis; several tectonic plates meet and frequently cause volcanic and seismic activity. As a result, around 90 percent of the world’s earthquakes occur in the area.

With Indonesia’s history of earthquakes and tsunamis, a new Tsunami Warning System (TWS) is expected to save countless lives and result in economic benefits for the nation.


A TWS uses buoys and satellites to measure wave heights after an earthquake. It can provide warnings of up to several hours, depending on the quake’s location.

After receiving a signal of unusual activity from sea bed sensors, the buoys then transmit data to satellites, sending warnings to ground stations and tsunami warning centers. The public is then informed to evacuate via sirens or text messages. The planned constellation is for nine satellites in an equatorial orbit, providing constant coverage for the nation.

Our industry often talks about going to space to improve life on Earth,” said Jeroen Wink, Dawn Co-founder. “We are incredibly proud to be part of a project designed to save lives.”

Dawn has recently announced contracts with customers ALE Co., Ltd. Japan and UARX Space. The companies will use Dawn’s new, smallsat propulsion architecture.


PTDI has more than 40 years of experiences in:

  • Engineering work package for new product development, product testing and certification, reverse engineering development, etc.
  • Design and manufacture tools and jigs.
  • Detailed part manufacturing, metal forming/fabricated part, composite components, bonding components, etc.
  • Sub-assembly, major assembly, and final assembly.
PTDI is a well-known, reliable sub-contractor for Airbus Defence & Space, Airbus Helicopters, Bell Helicopter Textron Inc. (BHTI), Spirit Aero System UK, and KAI.

  • Final Assembly Line, Delivery Center, Aerostructure Package (horizontal and vertical tail plane, rear fuselage), customer support (Service Center and Computer Based Training) for CN295.
  • Delivery Center, Customization, and Customer Support for H225/H225M, H215, AS365/AS565, H125/H125M, H135/H135M, H145/H145M.
  • Production and commercialization for Super Puma AS332 C/C1/L/L1.
  • Produce tail boom and fuselage for MKII Super Puma/Cougar Family.
  • Produce tail boom, door assy, door post, pylon and ducts for BELL 412 series and BELL Huey II.

Airbus A380 Component
  • Manufacture and Sub assembly of the Inboard Outer Fixed Leading Edge wing assembly
  • Current Schedulled assembly rates 1 set per month
  • Contract awarded achieved in Oct 2003
  • First delivery achieved in Feb 2003
A380 Project is Manufacture and Sub assembly of the Inboard Outer Fixed Leading Edge (IOFLE) wing assembly. This Project signed oon 2002 for 300 shipsets component order. The current status of A380 project is 36% from delivery wich is 107 of 300 shipsets. Plan Delivery for this prpject is 36 sets a year.


AirbusA320/A321 Components
A320/A321 Program with Spirit AeroSystems
  • A320/A321 Program with Airbus Defence & Space since year 2005, specifically for :
    - Leading Edge components
    - Pylon Assembly components
    - Dnose components
  • First delivery in year 2005.

MK II Super Puma
Industrial Framework Agreement with Airbus Helicopters for MK II Tailboom & Fuselage
  • Industrial Framework Agreement with Airbus Helicopters for MK II Tailboom & Fuselage since year 2008
  • PTDI as Global Supply Chain has delivered Fuselage & Tailboom for 125 units MK II H225 & H225M
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From this Indonesian Aerospace yearly report for the year 2020, there are several program going on

1. CN235 Flying Test Bed
2. 3 CN 235 from Malaysian Airforce that are undergone conversion into MPA/MSA role
3. N219 Amphibious development
5. More development of N 219 Basic after getting Type certificate in Desember 2020

Another 2020 yearly report from PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Indonesia Aerospace)

CN 235 modernization and development program




KF 21/IFX Program (2020 activities)

Despite Indonesian Aerospace engineers are coming home in May 2020 after the completion of design in the end of 2019 (CDR is in September 2019). The work keep continuing and being sent to KAI from Indonesian Aerospace office. It is related to tandem seat prototype where the construction hasnt been made and also component manufacturing for first protoype.

This is the work being done by Indonesian Aerospace from their home office in Bandung after 116 Indonesian engineers coming back from Korea in May 2020. This is the activity after May 2020.

Wing Access Cover Design & Analysist

Tandem seat forward Fuselage Structural Test Article

Air Frame Manufacturing for First Prototype

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