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Indonesia's new aircraft is reason to celebrate: The Jakarta Post
Published Nov 15, 2017, 1:25 pm SGT


President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo and dozens of elementary school students fly paper airplanes next to the N219 aircraft that has just been named Nurtanio at Halim Perdanakusuma Airport in Jakarta on Nov 10, 2017. PHOTO: THE JAKARTA POST/ASIA NEWS NETWORK

JAKARTA (THE JAKARTA POST/ASIA NEWS NETWORK) - It felt like the Indonesian aircraft industry had turned full circle when President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo named the N 219, the latest Indonesian-made aircraft, the Nurtanio, on Nov. 10, as the nation commemorated Heroes Day.

Nurtanio Pringgoadisuryo was among the pioneers of our aircraft industry. Once named after him, the country's aircraft maker is now called PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PT DI), or Indonesian Aerospace (IAe).

The N 219 is a further development of Spain's C-212 Aviocar.

PT DI engineers made several changes to the original design, by, among others, removing the ramp door to reduce weight and redesigning the empennage for a better aerodynamic performance. The modifications were so extensive that they needed a new type certificate (TC) , signifying the N 219 as a new aircraft design.

PT DI engineers envision the 19-seater, twin-engine turboprop, light transportation plane will operate in remote areas and rough terrain. It will help Jokowi fulfill his signature program of Indonesia becoming the global maritime fulcrum, given that air transportation will transport goods and services across the sprawling archipelago in a fast and affordable manner.

The aircraft has been designed using as much local content as possible, not only to keep the price low, but more importantly to develop a local industrial base by establishing an aerospace supply chain.

The N 219 has so far cost Rp 827 billion (S$84 million) in development and research. But before entering serial production it has to undergo 300 hours of test flights and various other tests to get the TC from the Indonesian civil aviation authorities. Another Rp 200 billion may be needed for the flight tests.

PT DI still must obtain certification from the United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) or its European Union equivalent, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) to successfully export the N 219. Obtaining such certification is key to its commercial success.

As one of Indonesia's strategic enterprises, PT DI endured difficult times following the 1997 financial crisis.

The N 219 marks another step in the company's revival, but it will require further government commitment, including funding, for the aircraft to obtain its TCs, to enable PT DI to compete in the global market.

PT DI engineers and employees proved their worth with the successful first flight on Aug. 17 and successive flight tests of the aircraft. It's the government turn to appreciate this by ensuring the N 219 will not end up as another white-elephant program.

Another important lesson from the past is that the government must be ready to provide export credit to foreign buyers interested in buying the N 219. For decades Indonesia has enjoyed long-term export credit with low interest rates to acquire sophisticated foreign technology and products; it's about time for some reciprocity.

Technological capabilities when coupled with financial support will be a potent tool for Indonesia in pursuing its national interests all over the world.


Turkish Aerospace Industries plans to market PT.DI' N219 and collaborate to develop N245

Turkish Aerospace Industries, Inc. (TAI) mengunjungi PT Dirgantara Indonesia untuk melakukan pembahasan Perjanjian Kerangka Kerja (Framework Agreement) dan meninjau secara langsung fasilitas produksi di hanggar Fixed Wing dan Rotary Wing PTDI.


Rombongan TAI yang terdiri dari President dan CEO TAI, Temel Kotil, PhD, beserta rombongan diterima oleh Direktur Utama PTDI, Elfien Goentoro beserta jajaran Direksi dan manajemen PTDI hari ini, Senin (15/1/2018).

Dalam keterangkan tertulis yang diterima detikFinance, setelah 2003 lalu PTDI mengembangkan pesawat CN235-100 militer menjadi pesawat CN235-100 MPA/ASW untuk Angkatan Laut Turki dan pesawat CN235-100 MSA untuk Badan Keamanan Laut Pantai Turki, PTDI kembali bekerjasama dengan Turki, yakni dengan TAI dalam perjanjian kerangka kerja yang ditandatangani pada 6 Juli 2017 di Ankara, Turki.

Hasil kerja sama yang berlanjut dari nota kesepahaman yang ditandatangani antara TAI dan PTDI selama IDEF 2017 ini, perjanjian kerangka kerja tersebut berisi kesepakatan kedua belah pihak untuk menggabungkan upaya pada domain kedirgantaraan untuk mendukung pengembangan kerjasama kedua negara dalam industri kedirgantaraan.

TAI akan berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan perancangan konseptual dari Proyek Pengembangan Pesawat Terbang dan UAV di Indonesia yang dilakukan oleh PTDI.

Pembahasan perjanjian framework agreement ini dilakukan untuk menjabarkan kerjasama strategis antara para pihak dalam program kedirgantaraan dan untuk bersama-sama membentuk dan menetapkan strategi terbaik yang akan dilaksanakan untuk setiap ruang lingkup kolaborasi.

Adapun ruang lingkup kolaborasi tersebut yang pertama adalah tentang pemasaran dan perluasan produksi pesawat N219 mengenai rencana program yang akan ditetapkan setelah penerbangan sertifikasi pesawat N219 mencapai 100 jam terbang serta tentang perjanjian industri dan komersial yang akan ditetapkan 2 (dua) bulan setelah Type Certificate N219 dari DGCA Indonesia diberikan, kemungkinan pada akhir tahun 2018.

Kedua, yaitu pengembangan bersama dan produksi pesawat N245 mengenai rencana program atau rekayasa dan pengembangan industri yang akan ditetapkan dalam waktu 6 bulan setelah kuartal keempat tahun 2017.


Dalam pertemuan yang dilakukan pagi ini pada pukul sekitar pukul 09.00 ini di gedung GPM, PT Dirgantara Indonesia juga dibahas juga tentang pembagian kerja untuk disain dan membangun kesepakatan yang akan ditetapkan pada kuartal ketiga tahun 2017.

Pembagian kerja untuk desain dan pembangunan sarana pengembangan dan produksi di kuartal ketiga tahun 2018 dan mengkomersialisasikan pesawat N245 yang akan ditetapkan pada kuartal keempat tahun 2018.

Pembahasan lainnya juga dilakukan terkait Pemasaran dan Perluasan Produksi Pesawat Terbang Tanpa Awak (PTTA)/UAV serta Kemungkinan Pengembangan Lebih Lanjut Untuk Wilayah Asia Tenggara yang akan ditentukan dalam tahapan diskusi berikutnya.

Definisi kebutuhan pasar serta pembagian kerja teknik dan industri untuk kedua belah pihak agar segera dan diselesaikan dalam waktu 6 bulan setelah penandatanganan Perjanjian framework agreement kali ini.

Hal lain yang dibahas yaitu tentang, aerostruktur. TAI akan melakukan penilaian kemampuan PTDI dalam rangka pemberian pekerjaan komponen aerostruktur di PTDI, pada kuartal ketiga tahun 2017.

Perjanjian komersial hanya dapat ditentukan berdasarkan pada hasil tersebut di atas, kemungkinan pada kuartal pertama tahun 2018.

Kerja sama ini bertujuan untuk menetapkan kolaborasi strategis antara kedua belah pihak dalam bidang kedirgantaraan dan untuk bersama-sama merumuskan serta menetapkan strategi terbaik pada setiap ruang lingkup kolaborasi terkait.

Diharapkan kerjasama ini akan terus berlanjut dan saling menguntungkan kedua industri kedirgantaraan masing-masing negara tersebut.

- Locally made ADS-B air navigation system by PT. INTI to upgrade hundreds of remote airport in Indonesia.
- ADS-B is a satellite based, non-radar air navigation system.
- There are few suppliers of ADS-B in the world, and thus local capability is a must.

From wiki about ADS-B

- ADS-B could replace radar as the primary surveillance method for controlling aircraft worldwide. In the United States, ADS-B is an integral component of the NextGen national airspace strategy for upgrading and enhancing aviation infrastructure and operations.
- ADS–B equipment is currently mandatory in portions of Australian airspace, the United States requires some aircraft to be equipped by 2020 and the equipment will be mandatory for some aircraft in Europe from 2017.Canada is currently using ADS-B for rather limited air traffic control, mainly in the Hudson Bay area.


Modernisasi Airnav Kerek Kapasitas 109 Bandara di Papua

PERUSAHAAN Umum Lembaga Penyelenggara Pelayanan Navigasi Penerbangan Indonesia (Perum LPPNPI) atau Airnav Indonesia melakukan modernisasi layanan navigasi di Papua.

Modernisasi navigasi itu meliputi peningkatan layanan menjadi radar service, impelementasi radar sintetis berbasis satelit atau automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B) dan penerapan prosedur performance-based navigation (PBN).

Menteri BUMN Rini Soemarno mengatakan transportasi udara merupakan moda utama di Papua. Tercatat, dari 283 bandara yang dilayani Airnav di seluruh Indonesia, sebanyak 109 di antaranya berada di Papua. Karena itu, modernisasi layanan navigasi dirasa perlu dilakukan guna meningkatkan kapasitas penerbangan.

"Harapannya, melalui program ini konektivitas udara di wilayah Papua meningkat sehingga turut menunjang pertumbuhan ekonomi dan peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat Papua,” ujar Rini saat meresmikan modernisasi layanan navigasi penerbangan di Papua di Kantor AirNav Indonesia Cabang Sentani, Papua, Jumat (12/1).

Direktur Utama Airnav Indonesia Novie Riyanto menjelaskan terdapat beberapa BUMN yang terlibat di dalam program modernisasi layanan navigasi penerbangan tersebut. Airnav Indonesia menggunakan ADS-B yang dikembangkan oleh BPPT yang diproduksi oleh PT INTI.

"ADS-B ini telah tersertifikasi oleh Kementerian Perhubungan," kata Novie.

Sebanyak tujuh ADS-B yang dipasang di beberapa wilayah Papua dan ditempatkan di lahan milik Bank Mandiri, BRI dan BNI. Nilai investasi yang digelontorkan untuk pemasangan ADS-B mencapai sekitar Rp35 miliar.

Novie berharap modernisasi navigasi melalui ADS-B bisa meningkatkan kapasitas penerbangan di Papua sehingga konektivitas semakin lancar. "Sesuai amanah Pak Presiden Jokowi dalam Nawacitanya, kita harus memperhatikan daerah terluar," imbuhnya. (X-12)
Indonesia's PTDI Announces Progress on N219

Indonesia’s aircraft manufacturer PTDI (Stand G39) has announced the first firm orders for the N219 twin-turboprop 19-seater. The first flight was made last August, and a second prototype is expected to join the flight test program in March or April. The STOL design is a key feature.


“We have flown about 18 hours on 15 flights, and everything is going as expected,” director of production Arie Wibowo told AIN. The plan is to fly up to 350 flight-test hours with the two prototypes, while two fatigue test examples are subjected to 3,000 cycles. Wibowo said that the target date for Indonesian certification is the end of this year. PTDI is talking to long-term partner Airbus about subsequently achieving EASA CS-23 certification.


The first production aircraft have been ordered by Indonesian carriers Pelita Air Service (20, plus 80 options) and Trigana Air Service (five, plus five options). Pelita will also operate and maintain two N219s for the regional government of Kalimantan, and another one for Puncak Jaya (Indonesian Papua). The government of Aceh province has expressed interest in acquiring 50 aircraft, and contributing parts for the aircraft from a new production facility. PTDI is planning to deliver the first aircraft to Pelita in early July 2019, and to build its production capacity to as many as 36 N219s per year.

Yesterday PTDI also signed a framework agreement at the show with Avitra Aerospace Technologies, for the possible production of the N219 in China. Both countries have similar needs for a rugged, low-cost aircraft that can help in development of rural areas. The N219 has been designed for cargo as well as passenger transport, and can also act as an air ambulance.

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Dirgantara signs deal to build 75 Nurtanio aircraft

State aircraft manufacturer PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) has signed a framework agreement on the sideline of the Singapore Airshow 2018 to build 75 units of its N219 Nurtanio aircraft for three national aviation companies. PTDI corporate secretary Ade Yuyu Wahyuna said in a written statement on Wednesday that the Aceh provincial administration, PT Pelita Service and PT Trigana Air Service had respectively ordered 50, 20 and five Nurtanio airplanes.


“Under the agreement, the operation and maintenance of the N-219 Nurtanio airplanes will be carried out by PT Pelita Service,” said Ade in the statement, adding that the North Kalimantan administration planned to sign a similar agreement on Thursday.

The N-219 Nurtanio airplane is a 19-seat, twin turboprop airplane that was designed and developed by PTDI in cooperation with the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN).

The plane was developed to meet air transportation needs for remote areas of the country, and can provide passenger, cargo and air ambulance services.

The Nurtanio is expected to complete its 300th test flight this year, with a maximum flight time of 17 hours as of Feb. 2.

Singapore Airshow 2018: PTDI continues expanding its portfolio

PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) will deliver three NC-212i light transport aircraft – one to Vietnam and two to the Philippines – by midyear, Shephard learned at Singapore Airshow 2018.


Arie Wibowo, director of production at PTDI, said that certification for the NC-212i’s Genesys Aerosystems S-Tec 5000 digital autopilot system, a process being led by Airbus Defence & Space, should occur by ‘this summer’. Once achieved, this will allow three aircraft to be delivered to the Vietnam People’s Air Force and Philippine Air Force (PAF) respectively.

The Vietnamese aircraft is currently being used for the certification process. The aircraft were completed at PTDI’s Bandung facility some time ago, but have been awaiting their certificate. Delivery of the PAF aircraft has been delayed well after the original anticipated handover date of late 2015.

As well as manufacturing NC-212i and CN-235 aircraft, PTDI also manufactures fuselages for the Airbus H225M, as well as tail booms and door panels for the Bell 412.

PTDI is currently building a CN-235-220M transport aircraft for the Nepalese Army Air Wing. The Indonesian company expects a contract for a second aircraft to materialise this year too.

Wibowo highlighted the state-owned firm’s involvement in customising Airbus ‘green’ Fennec and Panther helicopters for the Indonesian military, including integrating weapon systems and FLIR sensors.

PTDI is putting a concerted effort into improving aerospace safety, with Wibowo noting that a new training facility will be set up within the next two years, likely in Bandung.

Wibowo said PTDI is exploring technological collaboration with Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) on a customised Anka MALE UAV solution for the Indonesian military.

A framework agreement will be signed in due course for what it considers a low-risk proposal. PTDI expects that an operational prototype could be ready with 12 months of an agreement being signed.

The Indonesian Air Force has a stated requirement for a MALE UAV, and the country would like to develop its own platform with technology transfers from a foreign OEM. Certainly, China is one manufacturer offering to cooperate with Indonesia.

However, because this indigenous development would take a considerable amount of time, PTDI is promoting an Anka-based solution to the government as a faster stop-gap solution. It is thus a business-to-business initiative.

PTDI continues to be involved in the joint KF-X fighter development programme with Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) as well, despite struggles in keeping up with payments to South Korea. Approximately 80 PTDI technicians are currently working on the project in South Korea.

As the TNI-AU eyes the potential purchase of up to four Airbus A400M transport aircraft and 11 Sukhoi Su-35 fighters, PTDI expects to gain some involvement in terms of MRO as well. Given PTDI’s long experience of cooperation with Airbus, the company will be hoping for significant component or system production in the A400M programme.

Indonesian Manufacturer RAI to Build R80 Prototype With Help From Leonardo, LAER

Indonesian aviation company Regio Aviasi Industri has signed up Italian-based Leonardo's Aerostructures Division and aeronautical manufacturer LAER to help complete the development of its R80 turboprop airplane over the next four years in an effort to tap into growing demand for short-haul flights across the archipelago. (Antara Photo/Yudhi Mahatma)

By : Sarah Yuniarni | on 9:55 AM February 23, 2018
Category : Business, Corporate News

Jakarta. Indonesian aviation company Regio Aviasi Industri has signed up Italian-based Leonardo's Aerostructures Division and aeronautical manufacturer LAER to help complete the development of its R80 turboprop airplane over the next four years in an effort to tap into growing demand for short-haul flights across the archipelago.

Under a memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed on Thursday (22/02), Leonardo and LAER will help RAI in the transfer of technology to build the aircraft.

Both the European companies will also invest in the Indonesian manufacturer to help fund the R80's development.

"Besides Leonard and LAER, who plan to invest in the project, 60 other companies expressed their interest to also invest in our R80 project," Regio Aviasi Industri president director Agung Nugroho told reporters, without disclosing any prospective investors' names.

RAI plans to build about 400 units of the R80 turboprop aircraft over a span of 20 years. The company completed a preliminary design and feasibility test of the aircraft -- which has an 80-90 seat capacity -- in 2016.

The company will soon enter the second phase of development on the R80, which involves detail designing and prototype manufacturing, and which is scheduled to be completed by 2019.

This year, RAI hopes to build at least six prototypes, four of which will be tested for a maiden flight from 2020 to 2022, while the remaining units will be tested for aircraft structural integrity.

Between 2019-2021, RAI will construct and develop a manufacturing facility for its R80 turboprop project at the Kertajati International Airport in West Java.

Once the aircraft successfully passes its first maiden flight, the company will still need to secure a certificate from aviation regulators issued by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) by 2025.

Agung said the cost of one R80 aircraft is estimated at $25 million. RAI also needs an additional $1.6 billion to continue developing the R80, which the company expects to secure from bankers and investors.

Local celebrities and ordinary citizens have raised Rp 8.57 billion ($600,000) for the R80 over the past year through crowdfunding platform kitabisa.com, in a move that has raised awareness and support for the project among Indonesians.

Ample Orders

So far, RAI has received 155 orders for the R80 from local carriers.

Agung said NAM Air — a subsidiary of local carrier Sriwijaya Air — has ordered 100 units of the R80, while Pontianak-based airline KalStar has ordered 25 units, Jakarta-based Trigana Air has ordered 20 units and Aviastar has ordered 10 units.

RAI's plans to cater to the burgeoning demand from local airlines, as the country's aviation industry has grown by 11 percent per year, according to Agus Santoso, the Ministry of Transportation's civil aviation director said earlier this month.

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) also projected that the number of air travelers will jump to 355 million by 2036, from 235 million of air travelers in 2016.

RAI is affiliated with B.J. Habibie, who serves as a chairman of the company. His son, Ilham Habibie, was appointed as a commissioner.

The company aims to challenge the dominance that Italian-French builder ATR and Brazil's Bombardier have on the global turboprop market.

In the next stage of development, RAI wants to expand into regional markets, such as Vietnam, Malaysia and the Philippines.
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