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Indonesia Aerospace Forum

GMF AeroAsia apparently is one of key players in the MRO industry according to one market research company.

"Aircraft MRO Market Research Report – Global Forecast to 2023"

Market Highlights:

Asia had the largest share of the global aircraft MRO market in 2016. It is an emerging region in the long-haul international market and it relies heavily on small and medium wide-body aircraft. As a result, a number of such airlines have been entering into service, recently such as Indigo, Tigerair Singapore, Tigerair Australia, and Air Asia. Moreover, Asia-Pacific is home to major MRO service providers such as HAECO, GMF AeroAsia, and ST Aerospace, and is projected to witness the highest growth rate, during the forecast period. In addition, due to the low labor rates, North American airlines outsource 60% of their heavy maintenance and airframe MRO, to Asia, where it is a major source of income.

Key Players:

The key players of the global aircraft MRO market are Airbus Group, Air France KLM Engineering & Maintenance, Air Works, Delta TechOps, HAECO, Honeywell International, GMF AeroAsia, Lufthansa Technik, Jet Maintenance Solutions, and ST Aerospace. In 2016, Airbus Group, Air France KLM Engineering & Maintenance, Lufthansa Technik, and ST Aerospace accounted for over 35% of the global market.

Read more: http://www.digitaljournal.com/pr/3467132#ixzz4scfWLUCF

Credit Photos : Gala Indiga
Indonesia’s biggest IPO this year


Share sale: A technician checking the engine of a Garuda Indonesia aircraft. GMF AeroAsia, which conducts maintenance, repair and overhaul of aircraft for 170 customers. It will offer between 20 and 30 of its equity to investors and is targeting an October listing. — AFP

JAKARTA: PT Garuda Maintenance Facility AeroAsia, a unit of national carrier PT Garuda Indonesia, plans to raise as much as US$300mil in an initial share sale to fund setting up of a new unit in an island near Singapore and expand overseas.

GMF AeroAsia, which conducts maintenance, repair and overhaul of aircraft for 170 customers, will offer between 20% and 30% of its equity to investors and is targeting an October listing on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, said president director Iwan Joeniarto.

It will be the biggest initial share sale in South-east Asia’s largest economy since PT Waskita Beton Precast raised US$402mil in September, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

The company, spun off as an independent unit from Garuda in 2002, plans to use the proceeds from the share sale to set up a new facility in Batam island, south of Singapore, and to seek partners for its expansion in Dubai, Australia and East Asia, Joeniarto said.

“Our aim is to grow this company at the pace of 20% to 21% over the next five years,” Joeniarto said in a phone interview on Aug 16, referring to the revenue target. “Right now 65% of our revenue comes from Garuda and the rest from other airlines. In five years that ratio will be reversed.”

Indonesia is an aviation market with one of the world’s worst safety records but had its air-safety rating upgraded by the US Federal Aviation Administration last year, boosting efforts of Garuda, PT Lion Mentari Airlines and other carriers to expand services in the world’s fourth-most populous country.

“Indonesia remains a growth story for the global aviation industry as it’s the biggest commercial airline market in South-East Asia,” Shukor Yusof, founder of aviation consulting firm Endau Analytics, said by phone.

“The success of the IPO will depend on the valuation and the future of the company will hinge on how GMF AeroAsia can build its business outside Garuda.”— Bloomberg

GMF AeroAsia’s revenue may rise to $424.8 mil this year from $388.7 mil in 2016 while net income is seen higher at $58.3 mil from $57.7 mil, Joeniarto said. The company is bidding for the job of interior fitting and livery painting for Garuda’s new ATR propeller planes, and subsequently enhance the scale of that business to bigger aircraft manufactured by Boeing Co. and Airbus SE, he said.

Garuda’s is seeking to lower the acquisition cost of new aircraft by having the planes delivered without paint or even interior and assign those jobs to GMF AeroAsia, the company said last year. — Bloomberg

Read more at http://www.thestar.com.my/business/...as-biggest-ipo-this-year/#qwfoc3RWbPKpFrRK.99
Not only biggest in Indonesia , but biggest IPO in the world's MRO industry in 17 years.


Exclusive: Indonesia’s GMF AeroAsia sets capex at $400m to hit $1b revenue by 2022

August 21, 2017

IPO-bound GMF AeroAsia, a unit of Indonesian national carrier Garuda Indonesia, is setting aside $400 million for five-year capital expenditure (capex) to help the company double its revenue and hit $1 billion in revenue by 2022, its president director told this portal.

The company is also eyeing at least 10 joint ventures (JVs) with international firms following the IPO.

GMF is poised to go public by the end of the third quarter this year. The company aims to raise between $200 million and $300 million in what could be the largest IPO in the maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) industry in 17 years. The last MRO firm going public in the region was SIA Engineering, a unit of the Singapore Airlines Group, where it raised $200 million from the offering.

Growth is expected to remain high as Indonesian airlines’ fleet increases by 9 per cent each year, while value for maintenance raises by 11 per cent. India’s fleet has increased by 13 per cent, while China’s at 11 per cent. Globally, airlines fleet grows by 5 per cent.

Starting out in 1949, GMF AeroAsia originated as the Technical Division of Garuda Indonesia Airlines at the Kemayoran and Halim Perdanakusuma airports in Jakarta, Indonesia. In 1984, GMF AeroAsia was relocated to Soekarno-Hatta International Airport and rebranded itself as the Division of Maintenance & Engineering (M & E), which eventually developed into an independent business unit. Subsequently in 1998, the M & E Division transformed into the Strategic Business Unit (SBU-GMF), handling all Garuda Indonesia’s fleet maintenance activities, thus honing its competitive edge. Eventually in 2002 SBU-GMF was spun off from Garuda Indonesia, and officially became an independent entity under the name of PT Garuda Maintenance Facility Aero Asia.

Read more at: https://www.dealstreetasia.com/stories/indonesia-gmf-aeroasia-400m-capex-80616/
Pesawat N219 Harus Lolos 3 Tes Jika Hendak Diproduksi Massal

Kementerian Perhubungan (Kemenhub) menyatakan pesawat N219 baru bisa diproduksi massal setelah PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) menyelesaikan serangkaian tes. Pesawat hasil kerja sama LAPAN dan PTDI resmi melakukan uji terbang perdana pada Agustus lalu.


Dirjen Perhubungan Udara Kementerian Perhubungan (Kemenhub), Agus Santoso, mengungkapkan ada 3 tes yang harus dilewati N219 sebelum digunakan sebagai pesawat komersial dan diproduksi massal.

"Jadi harus ada tahapan yang ditunjukkan mereka hingga mereka dapat sertifikasi. Ada 3 tes yang harus dilewati," kata Agus ditemui di Kemenhub, Jakarta, Kamis (7/9/2017).

Ketiga uji tersebut meliputi tes penerbangan (flight test) selama 500-600 jam, Tes olah gerak (static test) untuk menguji sejauh mana pesawat ini mampu menahan beban maksimal, dan ketahanan tekanan (fatigue test) untuk mengukur seberapa panjang usia ekonomis pesawat.

Menurutnya, selain ketiga tes tersebut dilakukan secara paralel, uji terbang juga tak mesti harus selama 500-600 jam. Pihaknya menggunakan simulator untuk memastikan pesawat tersebut layak terbaik.

"Kalau tunggu 500-600 jam bertahun-tahun. Itu kami tes dengan menggunakan simulator dengan beberapa (sensor) secara langsung diletakkan di titik-titik pesawat. Agar PT DI bisa segera memenuhi pesanan yang datang," ungkap Agus.

Diungkapkannya, dirinya tak tahu kapan pesawat yang bisa terbang dari landasan 500 meter itu bisa dinyatakan lulus dari ketiga tes tersebut. "Itu saya enggak tahu, tergantung hasilnya," pungkasnya


Pengembangan Pesawat N245 Butuh Rp 3 Triliun

Setelah sukses dengan uji terbang pesawat N219, PT Dirgantara Indonesia segera mengembangkan pesawat N245. Pesawat N245 merupakan turunan dari CN-235 hanya saja tanpa dilengkapi dengan fasilitas ramp door atau pintu di bagian ekor pesawat.


PT Dirgantara Indonesia memperkirakan sertifikasi pesawat N245 butuh dana 225 juta dolar AS atau sekitar Rp 3 triliun. Dalam sertifikasi itu akan dilakukan pengujian komponen vital pesawat, seperti sistem avionik, sayap, kelengkapan kokpit, dan peralatan pendaratan. Proses itu ditargetkan rampung pada 2018.

”Biaya sebesar itu untuk membuat tiga prototipe (purwarupa) hingga merampungkan proses sertifikasi,” kata Direktur Produksi PT Dirgantara Indonesia, Arie Wibowo di Bandung, Rabu (6/9).

Arie mengatakan, saat ini, pengembangan N245 sedang dalam tahap desain awal. Menurut dia, targetnya pada 2018 selesai proses sertifikasi dan uji terbang dua tahun kemudian. Baru pada 2022, N245 dijadwalkan masuk pasar komersial.

Arie mengemukakan, potensi pasar N245 sangat besar di dalam negeri, terutama untuk melayani rute-rute yang berjarak antara 1 jam-1,5 jam melalui penerbangan.

”Di Indonesia belum banyak dijangkau penerbangan jarak pendek, seperti Surabaya-Jember, Bandung-Cirebon, Bandung-Pangandaran, yang kalau lewat jalur darat membutuhkan waktu agak lama. Sementara pesawat N219 nanti yang akan mengisi rute-rute perintis,” ujar Arie.

Arie juga menyinggung, kompetitor N245 adalah ATR-42 buatan Peransis. ”Namun, kami tidak khawatir karena keunggulan N245 dapat mendarat di landasan pendek kurang dari 1.000 meter. Banyak bandara di Indonesia yang kondisinya seperti ini, sedangkan pesawat kompetitor tidak mampu mendarat di landasan pendek,” ucapnya.

Menurut Arie, pangsa pasar pesawat kecil dan medium ini di Indonesia relatif besar, untuk N219 sekitar 100 unit. Sementara untuk N245 antara 50-80 unit. Apabila target pasar dalam negeri itu terpenuhi, target angka tersebut bagi PT DI sudah balik modal.

Potensi pasar untuk pesawat N219 dan N245 juga bukan saja di dalam negeri, melainkan di luar negeri. Secara geografis yang cocok dengan Indonesia di antaranya kawasan Asia Tenggara, Afrika, dan Amerika Latin. ”Kami berharap pesawat ini disukai banyak konsumen dari sejumlah negara,” katanya.

Arie mengungkapkan, Pemerintah Turki melalui Turkish Aerospace Industries Inc (TAI) juga berminat menjajaki kerja sama dengan PT DI untuk menjual pesawat itu ke kawasan Afrika. Turki, menurut Arie, mengusulkan agar pesawat N245 juga diproduksi di negara itu. Hal ini untuk memudahkan pemasaran pesawat ke kawasan Afrika yang jaraknya lebih dekat dari Turki dibandingkan dari Indonesia. Dengan demikian akan lebih efisien.

”Tawaran Turki ini sedang dipertimbangkan, bentuk kerja samanya seperti apa. Namun, paling tidak tawaran ini juga menunjukkan pengakuan terhadap produk negara kita,” kata Arie.

Direktur Utama PT DI Elfien Goentoro mengemukakan, PT DI juga perlu bersinergi dengan perusahaan besar dunia seperti Airbus dan Boeing. ”Kami perlu beraliansi dengan perusahaan-perusahaan penerbangan dunia, tapi di sisi lain kita juga harus fokus pada pasar, misalnya pada negara kepulauan dengan memproduksi pesawat kecil dan medium,” ujar Goentoro.

FRIDAY, 22 SEPTEMBER, 2017 | 19:22 WIB
PTDI to Develop N219 Amphibious Airplane for Maritime Tourism
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TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - State-owned aircraft manufacturer PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) will develop an amphibious aircraft called N219. The airplane will have capabilities of taking off and landing on the water surface so that it can be utilized for marine tourism purposes.

PTDI president director Elfien Goentoro said that the amphibious airplane can take off at an airport with minimum infrastructures. He claimed that N219 would reduce the need for investment in airports. “This innovation can reduce the cost of constructing airports,” Elfien said at the Jakarta Convention Center yesterday, Sept. 21.

Read: PT Dirgantara Indonesia Holds Second Trial of N219 Aircraft

With the new airplane, PTDI has set a target to reach the tourist destinations, such as the Wakatobi National Park in Southeast Sulawesi. The tourist destination has the best diving spot with diverse coral species.

“However, the number of tourists visiting Wakatobi is lower than other diving spots because of the flight access and distance issues,” Elfien explained.

The Wakatobi National Park can be reached by taking a commercial flight from Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Cengkareng, to Sultan Hasanuddin Airport in Makassar. Tourists can continue to trip withN219 to Maranggo Airport in Tomia Island, Wakatobi.

The tourist destination can also be reached from Haluoleo Airport in Kendari to Matohara Airport in Wakatobi.


Newly fitted planes to create an air bridge to remote areas in Papua
  • News Desk
    The Jakarta Post
Jakarta | Fri, September 22, 2017 | 05:38 pm

N219 aircraft is produced by state-owned aircraft maker PT Dirgantara Indonesia in Bandung, West Java. (kompas.com/Reska K. Nistanto)
Indonesian Aircraft manufacturer PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) is preparing three types of planes -- CN235-220, NC212i and N219 – that will be fitted to distribute equipment to remote areas in Papua.

PTDI president director Elfien Goentoro said in Jakarta on Thursday that the NC235-220 plane could transport 6,000 kilograms of equipment.

“The plane can be used to distribute equipment from Mozes Kilangin Airport in Mimika to cities in Papua,” said Elfien in Jakarta on Thursday on the sidelines of the Indonesia Business & Development Expo 2017 that was held at the Jakarta Convention Center as reported by tempo.co

Read also: Indonesian N219 aircraft succeeds in first test flight
The NC235-200 and NC212i planes could land on Sentani Airport, which has a 3,000-meter long runaway, he said, adding that the NC212i plane were able to continue the flight on to Rendani Airport in Manokwari where the runway is 2, 000 m long.

Meanwhile, the N219 plane, which can transport 2,313 kg of equipment, is designed to land on airports with shorter runways like Merdey Airport in West Papua that has a 600-meter soil runway.

Elfien said the planes made by PTDI were expected to become “the air bridge” to implement Presidential Regulation No. 70/2017 on logistic transportation service to less developed regions, remote areas, outermost islands and border areas. (bbn)
Habibie invites Indonesians to contribute to R80 plane development
  • News Desk
    The Jakarta Post
Jakarta | Fri, September 29, 2017 | 06:00 pm
Former president B.J. Habibie has invited Indonesians to contribute financially to the development of an 80-seat passenger plane, the R80, which he had designed.

As part of the program, PT Regio Aviasi Industry (RAI), a company established by Habibie and his son, Ilham Habibie, is cooperating with digital platform kitabisa.com.

“If we failed to develop the R80, it would be the end of our aircraft industry; there would be no human resources because [the people] are not motivated,” Habibie said in Jakarta on Thursday as reported by tempo.co.

Read also: Habibie’s new plane to start production in 2024
Construction of the propeller-driven aircraft will reportedly involve around 1,000 engineers.

Kitabisa.com CEO Alfatih Timur welcomed Habibie’s invitation to collaborate.

“We are enthusiastic because it will show that we still have the spirit of gotong royong [teamwork],” Alfatih said.

In an effort to attract participants, the names of those who contributed Rp 100,000 [US$7.42] to the project will be placed on the prototype of the aircraft.

After three weeks, the campaign has so far collected Rp 425 million, but Alfatih said that donations were not the main source of funding for the project.

RAI president director Agung Nugroho said the R80 was currently in the preliminary design phase and needed about six years of development before it could fly.

“Then the planes will go through various tests for about two years. We can start selling the planes in 2025,” Agung said.

Habibie is among the main founders of state-owned aerospace firm PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI). (bbn)
http://www.straitstimes.com/asia ... lat-earth-believers

JAKARTA • Indonesia's National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (Lapan) is facing an age-old problem as it strives to achieve its goals to advance the country's technology and aeronautical field: flat-earth believers.

The group, which became a social media phenomenon last year, believes the earth is flat instead of round.

They often cite modern conspiracy theories, as well as literal, non-mainstream readings of the holy scriptures, as the basis of their statements.
Believers of the theory have been swarming Lapan's social media accounts for months, including a Facebook group of which the institution head Thomas Djamaluddin is a member.

Their only purpose: to challenge the fact that the earth is a sphere.

This has forced Mr Thomas to purge his Facebook group of any users that push this archaic point of view, by deleting their comments and blocking them from the group.

"This attempt is meant to (keep) the discussion useful for others to learn (about aeronautics and space). The fairy tale of a flat earth is a public duping attempt," Mr Thomas wrote in a post on Oct 9.

Lapan spokesman Christianus Dewanto said on Tuesday that he regretted the appearance of such challenging comments after Lapan had welcomed flat-earth believers to its offices for a discussion.

"The discussion was intense," he said.

He referred to a meeting between Mr Thomas and a representative from the Indonesian Flat Earth Society at Lapan's offices in Jakarta late last year.

First expressed during the time of the ancient Greeks, the flat-earth misconception has often reared its head over the centuries.

The latest reappearance occurred last year when many people posted videos on YouTube, in which they claimed that the concept of a round earth was part of a global conspiracy theory.

In Indonesia, the misconception has found its supporters, with the Facebook group Indonesian Flat Earth Society having attracted more than 20,500 members as of Tuesday.
http://www.straitstimes.com/asia ... lat-earth-believers

JAKARTA • Indonesia's National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (Lapan) is facing an age-old problem as it strives to achieve its goals to advance the country's technology and aeronautical field: flat-earth believers.

The group, which became a social media phenomenon last year, believes the earth is flat instead of round.

They often cite modern conspiracy theories, as well as literal, non-mainstream readings of the holy scriptures, as the basis of their statements.
Believers of the theory have been swarming Lapan's social media accounts for months, including a Facebook group of which the institution head Thomas Djamaluddin is a member.

Their only purpose: to challenge the fact that the earth is a sphere.

This has forced Mr Thomas to purge his Facebook group of any users that push this archaic point of view, by deleting their comments and blocking them from the group.

"This attempt is meant to (keep) the discussion useful for others to learn (about aeronautics and space). The fairy tale of a flat earth is a public duping attempt," Mr Thomas wrote in a post on Oct 9.

Lapan spokesman Christianus Dewanto said on Tuesday that he regretted the appearance of such challenging comments after Lapan had welcomed flat-earth believers to its offices for a discussion.

"The discussion was intense," he said.

He referred to a meeting between Mr Thomas and a representative from the Indonesian Flat Earth Society at Lapan's offices in Jakarta late last year.

First expressed during the time of the ancient Greeks, the flat-earth misconception has often reared its head over the centuries.

The latest reappearance occurred last year when many people posted videos on YouTube, in which they claimed that the concept of a round earth was part of a global conspiracy theory.

In Indonesia, the misconception has found its supporters, with the Facebook group Indonesian Flat Earth Society having attracted more than 20,500 members as of Tuesday.

The title of the above article is:
Indonesian space institute battles flat-earth believers

and NASA is facing the same problem too with these flat-earthers.

Jakarta - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has just inaugurated the N-219 plane named it 'Nurtanio'. The Mexican government immediately interested and want to buy the plane.



This was conveyed by the Director General of Air Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation, Agus Santoso, who today, Friday (10/11) was meeting with the Mexican government.

"On this day, we will all witness the process of a bilateral air deal between the Director General of Civil Aviation of the Republic of Indonesia and the Director General of Civil Aviation of Mexico, as well as the Letter of Intent between Indonesia Aerospace (IAe / PT Dirgantara Indonesia) and Promotora Aerospacial El Paso (PAEP) for buy N219 aircraft, "said Agus in his written statement on Friday (10/11/2017).

Also read: This N219 Aircraft Named Nurtanio by Jokowi

Agus said the cooperation between Indonesia and Mexico has a long history. Both countries are bound by a sense of solidarity as members of the Non-Aligned State.

"In the past, the first Indonesian President, Mr. Soekarno, has visited Mexico several times, and recently we just heard that the Mexican Government allows us to place the statue of Sukarno in this city.Can our highest appreciation to the Government of Mexico on this matter , "he explained.

Agus also expressed his appreciation and gratitude for the agreement between Indonesia and Mexico related to the purchase of N-219 'Nurtanio' aircraft.

"In relation to the purpose of this meeting, I would like to thank the Government of Mexico, on this occasion represented by the Director General of DGAC on this excellent opportunity to discuss the aviation issue between the two countries We hope this cooperation can be formulated in the form of the Covenant Agreement Air Bilateral, "he said.

Read also: Again, This Female Pilot Successfully Aircraft Flight N219

Agus explained that the current passenger and cargo of aviation industry in Indonesia grows significantly which is supported by 60 holders of Air Operator Certificate (AOC). The AOC's operations are supported by a number of Approved Maintenance Organizations (AMO / MRO, repair and maintenance improvements) of various types of aircraft and components as well as pilot schools and engineers.

"We have also built an aircraft factory that is Aerospace Indonesia which has produced various types of aircraft and helicopters based on production with license, design cooperation and also design of homemade aircraft," he explained.

Also read: Photos: Long N219 Aircraft Travel To Be Produced Massively

Agus continued that the type of commuter aircraft manufactured by Aerospace Indonesia is NC212, CN235, N250 prototype and new type of aircraft currently in the certification process, N219, and for helicopters are BO 105, Bell 412, Super Puma.

"The aircraft is manufactured in various configurations such as for passengers, cargo, medical evacuations and both for civilian and military purposes," he said.

"I believe that we are ready to receive requests from the Mexican aviation industry for the configuration of these aircraft as well as various types of aircraft maintenance," he added.

Agus also said, N-219 is prepared to meet the needs of flights that can serve a short route with 19 passengers. This type of aircraft is very fitting to connect many remote areas in the mountains as well as in other extreme conditions.

"With initial performance, the N219 is able to land on short runways with minimum airport facilities, so we expect the aircraft to meet the needs of small aircraft for our country and our friendly countries," he said.

"I would like to extend our gratitude to the Government of Mexico for this valuable opportunity We look forward to strengthening our future cooperation in any form, especially in meeting the needs of commuter aircraft in Mexico with our products and also serving your fleet at AMO / Our MRO, "added Agus.
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Jakarta - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has just inaugurated the N-219 plane named it 'Nurtanio'. The Mexican government immediately interested and want to buy the plane.



This was conveyed by the Director General of Air Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation, Agus Santoso, who today, Friday (10/11) was meeting with the Mexican government.

"On this day, we will all witness the process of a bilateral air deal between the Director General of Civil Aviation of the Republic of Indonesia and the Director General of Civil Aviation of Mexico, as well as the Letter of Intent between Indonesia Aerospace (IAe / PT Dirgantara Indonesia) and Promotora Aerospacial El Paso (PAEP) for buy N219 aircraft, "said Agus in his written statement on Friday (10/11/2017).

Also read: This N219 Aircraft Named Nurtanio by Jokowi

Agus said the cooperation between Indonesia and Mexico has a long history. Both countries are bound by a sense of solidarity as members of the Non-Aligned State.

"In the past, the first Indonesian President, Mr. Soekarno, has visited Mexico several times, and recently we just heard that the Mexican Government allows us to place the statue of Sukarno in this city.Can our highest appreciation to the Government of Mexico on this matter , "he explained.

Agus also expressed his appreciation and gratitude for the agreement between Indonesia and Mexico related to the purchase of N-219 'Nurtanio' aircraft.

"In relation to the purpose of this meeting, I would like to thank the Government of Mexico, on this occasion represented by the Director General of DGAC on this excellent opportunity to discuss the aviation issue between the two countries We hope this cooperation can be formulated in the form of the Covenant Agreement Air Bilateral, "he said.

Read also: Again, This Female Pilot Successfully Aircraft Flight N219

Agus explained that the current passenger and cargo of aviation industry in Indonesia grows significantly which is supported by 60 holders of Air Operator Certificate (AOC). The AOC's operations are supported by a number of Approved Maintenance Organizations (AMO / MRO, repair and maintenance improvements) of various types of aircraft and components as well as pilot schools and engineers.

"We have also built an aircraft factory that is Aerospace Indonesia which has produced various types of aircraft and helicopters based on production with license, design cooperation and also design of homemade aircraft," he explained.

Also read: Photos: Long N219 Aircraft Travel To Be Produced Massively

Agus continued that the type of commuter aircraft manufactured by Aerospace Indonesia is NC212, CN235, N250 prototype and new type of aircraft currently in the certification process, N219, and for helicopters are BO 105, Bell 412, Super Puma.

"The aircraft is manufactured in various configurations such as for passengers, cargo, medical evacuations and both for civilian and military purposes," he said.

"I believe that we are ready to receive requests from the Mexican aviation industry for the configuration of these aircraft as well as various types of aircraft maintenance," he added.

Agus also said, N-219 is prepared to meet the needs of flights that can serve a short route with 19 passengers. This type of aircraft is very fitting to connect many remote areas in the mountains as well as in other extreme conditions.

"With initial performance, the N219 is able to land on short runways with minimum airport facilities, so we expect the aircraft to meet the needs of small aircraft for our country and our friendly countries," he said.

"I would like to extend our gratitude to the Government of Mexico for this valuable opportunity We look forward to strengthening our future cooperation in any form, especially in meeting the needs of commuter aircraft in Mexico with our products and also serving your fleet at AMO / Our MRO, "added Agus.

A good development for Indonesia's aerospace industry ... Nurtanio is more respectable than BJ Habibie who spend much money for nothing for your nation ...:yahoo:
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