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Prototype of Habibie R80 plane are slated to be build in 2016
(google translate)

R-80 airplane draft (image: Military Kaskus)

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Prototype of the third plane created by President BJ Habibie are called Regio Prop 80 (R80) is targeted to be made in mid-2016, said Commissioner of PT Regio Aviation Industries (RAI) Ilham Habibie.

"We hope that in the middle of next year the design will already completed so that in the middle of next year we have started to make the prototype. There is still a long time in terms of design," Ilham said in Jakarta, Wednesday (07/29/2015).

He says the company is still in the early stages of design creation of the R80, which is in the process of selecting key components such as engines and aircraft control systems.

R80 were previously targeted to start flying in 2019, but due to technical problems, Ilham expects the new aircraft to be ready by 2021.

For now, he said, there are three airlines that ordered the plane that has reached a total of 145 units, namely from Kalstar Indonesia, Nam Water and Water Trigana.

Meanwhile, for the aircraft engines, he said, PT RAI will selects from the three companies, namely the British Rolls Royce, Pratt and Whitney from the United States, as well as General Electric of the United States.

R80 aircraft, according to him, has several advantages over other aircraft, including a much larger size and greater fuel mileage

"I saw that 30-50 percent of operating costs of an aircraft are related to fuel, so the engine is crucial. Another advancement in this plane are also aerodynamics, cabin comfort, it uses more advanced material, but most importantly 10-15 percent more efficient than an ATR aircraft," he said.

With these advantages, Ilham said it is still not yet decided what the estimated price for the R80 because the engine and components to have yet to be decided. However, he estimates that the price will be at 22 to 25 million US dollars per unit.

R80 is the successor of N250 aircraft made by IPTN now called PT Dirgantara Indonesia. While PT RAI which develops R80 is a manufacturer of commercial aircraft belonging to BJ Habibie.

Prototipe Pesawat Habibie R80 Mulai Dibuat 2016 - Kompas.com
Aher and Ilham Habibie sign MoU on aircraft factory
Saturday, 08 August 2015, 00:56 WIB

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDUNG -- Governor of West Java Ahmad Heryawan and President Director of PT Ilthabi Rekatama Ilham Habibie signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to develop a factory to assemble the R80 aircraft.

The MoU was signed by Heryawan, a major shareholder of PT Bandara Internasional Jawa Barat (BIJB), and Habibie, son of former Indonesian president B. J. Habibie, at the latter's residence in Jakarta on Thursday, August 6, night.

According to a press release issued by the West Java administration's Public Relations Division on Friday, the MoU also covers the development of BIJB in Kertajati village in Majalengka district, West Java.

The West Java International Airport, which will be built by PT BIJB, will be the largest air gateway to West Java, to replace Husein Sastranegara Airport in Bandung.
Moreover, Heryawan refused to comment on the signing of the MoU.

"On behalf of the provincial government, I am only a major shareholder," he stated, adding that he hoped the president director of BIJB, Virda Dimas Ekaputra, would elaborate on the MoU.

Ekaputra said that his side, along with the government of West Java, will hold discussions on the aircraft assembling factory and also prepare a plot of land for the purpose.

The R80 is a turboprop aircraft, expected to be ready for use by 2021. Its competitor is the French-Italy-made ATR 72-600.

It is believed that the R80 is 10 to 15 percent more fuel-efficient than the ATR 72-600. This model was designed and developed by B. J. Habibie and his son Ilham Habibie.

Aher and Ilham Habibie sign MoU on aircraft factory | Republika Online
This model was designed and developed by B. J. Habibie and his son Ilham Habibie.

Aher and Ilham Habibie sign MoU on aircraft factory | Republika Online

Of course the design is made by many designer expert, some of them are Indonesian who have worked in Boeing and dont forget that some design made in previous PT Dirgantara plane (N-250) is also used, and the design work is still going on until now. That journalist who made the report is really a naif one....:D
Of course the design is made by many designer expert, some of them are Indonesian who have worked in Boeing and dont forget that some design made in previous PT Dirgantara plane (N-250) is also used, and the design work is still going on until now. That journalist who made the report is really a naif one....:D

According to Ilham habibie, they don't use any design, or part of the design of N-250. They start from a clean sheet. Ilham have his own design team, small one, only a few engineers. And their design is actually only in early stage. They just made the visual design, and research their design using wind tunnel and other BPPT and Lapan facilities.

They still haven't started to work on the detail design and hasn't decided to choose all the hundred of thousand parts that will be use in their design (R-80).

i read somewhere recently.
Indonesia to launch locally made satellite


Indonesia is set to launch a locally made satellite from India on Sept. 27. The LAPAN A2/Orari satellite was produced entirely in Indonesia by the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN) in 2012. It is a successor to LAPAN A1/Tubsat, which was also launched in India in 2007.

Indonesia to launch locally made satellite | The Jakarta Post
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According to Ilham habibie, they don't use any design, or part of the design of N-250. They start from a clean sheet. Ilham have his own design team, small one, only a few engineers. And their design is actually only in early stage. They just made the visual design, and research their design using wind tunnel and other BPPT and Lapan facilities.

They still haven't started to work on the detail design and hasn't decided to choose all the hundred of thousand parts that will be use in their design (R-80).

i read somewhere recently.

What I mean is texture design



Indodefence 2014

From @faries

Kemhan Siapkan Infrastruktur Pengembangan Pesawat Tempur KF-X/IF-X
Berita Terkini | 2015-09-02 18:51:52 | 82 Kali Dibaca


Bandung, DMC Dalam rangka memenuhi program Minimum Essential Force (MEF) TNI agar dapat dicapai sesuai target dan untuk mewujudkan kemandirian dalam pembangunan penguatan pertahanan negara, Kementerian Pertahanan melalui program kerjanya mewujudkan sistem pertahanan negara yang tangguh. Salah satu program yang menjadi prioritas adalah penguatan industri pertahanan nasional dengan implementasi programnya yaitu pengembangan pesawat tempur KF-X/IF-X.

Untuk itu, pada tahun 2015 ini. mulai dilakukan penyiapan infrastruktur pengembangan pesawat tempur KF-X/IF-X dengan ditandai oleh peletakan batu pertama pembangunan hanggar pesawat tempur KF-X/IF-X di kawasan PT. Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) Bandung. Peletakan batu pertama pembangun hanggar yang berlangsung hari ini, Rabu (2/9), dilakukan Sekjen Kemhan Letjen TNI Ediwan Prabowo, S.Ip bersama-sama dengan Direktur Utama PT. Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) Budi Santoso, Kabalitbang Kemhan Dr. Ir. Anne Kusmayati, M.Sc, Tim Ahli KF-X/IF-X Marsdya TNI (Pur) Eris Herryanto dan Komandan Koharmatau (Komando Pemeliharaan Materiil TNI AU) Marsda TNI Robert S. Marut

Pembangunan hanggar pesawat tempur KF-X/IF-X diatas tanah seluas 4 ha dan diharapkan selesai pada bulan Desember 2015 ini menjadi momentum bersejarah bagi kebangkitan industri pertahanan nasional dan realisasi program industri pertahanan Indonesia dalam rangka memperkuat sistem pertahanan negara. Sistem dan strategi pertahanan negara secara terus menerus disempurnakan untuk mewujudkan sistem pertahanan semesta berdasarkan kapabilitas pertahanan agar secara simultan ditunjukkan untuk mencapai kemampuan mengatasi ancaman dan memiliki penggetar.

Dalam sistem tersebut, pertahanan negara didesain agar mempunyai kemampuan menangkal ancaman di wilayah Indonesia dan kemampuan untuk mempertahankan wilayah daratan serta mengawasi dan melindungi wilayah yurisdiksi laut Indonesia dan ruang udara nasional. Penguatan industri pertahanan diharapkan dapat memberikan multiplier effect baik terhadap pembangunan ekonomi maupun penguasaan teknologi bangsa Indonesia. Dengan demikian, prinsip defence supporting economy dapat diwujudkan di masa mendatang.

Seperti diketahui program pengembangan pesawat tempur KF-X/IF-X generasi 4.5 ini merupakan program kerja sama antara pemerintah Indonesia dengan pemerintah Korea Selatan. Program ini didasari oleh Letter of Intent (Lol) tahun 2009 danMemorandum of Understanding (MoU) pada tahun 2010. Tahap pengembangan ini diselesaikan pada tahun 2013 dengan menghasilkan System Operational Requirement dan System Configuration. Pada tahun 2014 ditandatangani Project Agreementantara Menteri Pertahanan Rl dan The Defense Acquisition Program Adminitration (DAPA) Korea Selatan sebagai payung hukum implementasi program tersebut.

Selain itu sebagai payung hukum implementasi program tersebut adalah Peraturan Presiden Nomor 42 Tahun 2010 tentang Komite Kebijakan Industri Pertahanan (KKIP) dan Undang-Undang Nomor 16 Tahun 2012 tentang Industri Pertahanan yang mengamanatkan kepada seluruh pemangku kepentingan untuk secara sinergis mewujudkan kebangkitan industri pertahanan. (ERA/SPD)


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Kemhan Prepares Infrastructure for Fighter KF- X / IF- X Development

Bandung, DMC - In order to meet the program Minimum Essential Force (MEF) in order to achieve the appropriate military targets and to achieve independence in the development of strengthening the country's defense, the Ministry of Defence through its work program embodies a strong national defense system. One of the programs the priorities are the strengthening of the national defense industry with the implementation of the program is the development of fighter aircraft KF-X / IF-X.

To that end, in 2015's. begin preparation of infrastructure development of fighter aircraft KF-X / IF-X marked by the laying of the first stone hangar fighter aircraft KF-X / IF-X in the PT. Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) Bandung. Builders laying the first stone hangar that took place today, Wednesday (2/9), conducted Secretary General Kemhan Ediwan Lt. Gen. Prabowo, S.Ip together with the Director of PT. Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero), Budi Santoso, Kabalitbang Kemhan Dr. Ir. Anne Kusmayati, M.Sc, Expert Team KF-X / IF-X Marsdya Army (Ret) Eris Herryanto and Commander Koharmatau (Material Maintenance Command Air Force) Air Vice Marshal TNI Robert S. Marut

Hangar construction fighter aircraft KF-X / IF-X on land area of 4 ha and is expected to be completed in December 2015 has become a historic momentum for the revival of the national defense industry and the realization of Indonesia's defense industry in order to strengthen the country's defense system. Systems and national defense strategy is continuously enhanced to create the overall defense system based defense capability in order to simultaneously shown to achieve the ability to cope with the threats and have vibrators.

In such systems, the country's defense is designed to have the ability to ward off the threat in Indonesia and the ability to defend the mainland as well as monitoring and protecting sea jurisdiction of Indonesia and the national air space. Strengthening the defense industry is expected to provide a good multiplier effect on economic development and technological mastery of the Indonesian nation. Thus, the principle of supporting defense economy can be realized in the future.

As is known fighter development program KF-X / IF-X generation 4.5 is a program of cooperation between the Indonesian government and the South Korean government. The program is based on the Letter of Intent (Lol) in 2009 danMemorandum of Understanding (MoU) in 2010. The development phase was completed in 2013 to produce System Operational Requirements and System Configuration. In 2014 the Minister of Defence signed Project Agreementantara Rl and Adminitration The Defense Acquisition Program (DAPA) South Korea as a legal umbrella for the implementation of the program.

In addition, as the legal umbrella of the program implementation is Presidential Decree No. 42 of 2010 on Defence Industry Policy Committee (KKIP) and Law No. 16 Year 2012 on Industry Defense mandates to all stakeholders to synergistically to realize the revival of the defense industry. (ERA / SPD)
It needs about 600 engineers to make R-80 aircraft in which PT RAI will get most of them from PT Dirgantara Indonesia. R-80 project is a work collaboration between a private company lead by Ilham Habibie with a state owned company, PT Dirgantara Indonesia, and also some help from LAPAN/BPPT as government agency in technology research. Estimated investment on the project is 700 million USD. The design work will be conducted by 100 % Indonesian engineers just like N-219 project that is also currently underway.
. . .
N-219 to be Rolled Out at October 28th
Created on Monday, 14 September 2015 05:49

28 oktober later, it could be a great day for PT. Dirgantara Indonesia. If nothing goes wrong, coinciding with the oath of youth day, n-219 aircraft will be displayed to the public.


Currently workmanship n-219 prototype aircraft has reached more than 50%. Totaly in future PT Dirgantara Indonesia will produce 4 pieces prototype: 2 prototype for the flight test, while the other 2 for the static test, and aircraft structures test. This exam to obtain certification from the ministry of transportation before the N-219 entering the mass production period.

N-219 itself is a light aircraft with a capacity of 19 passengers. This aircraft is suitable for pioneer's aviation since it has the ability to fly and land on short runways and grassy (to interconnecting 17.000 islands in Indonesia). Besides, the N-219 is designed to be capable of operating for 20 to 30 years.


Although designed as a pioneering aircraft, the N-219 has adopted digital glass cockpit or cockpit. This is evident from the simulator designed from PT.DI. According to the program manaje N-219, Budi Sampurno, installation Glass cockpit is believed to facilitate the work of the pilot, so the ends will improve flight safety. Until now there are 3 airlines that signed the MoU would buy N-219 with total orders reaching more than 70 aircraft.

Meanwhile, seen various bustle underway. Such as CN-295 on test period (nomo AX-2909 series), also the assembly pieces of NC-212-400 (Philippines,Thailand and other orders).


ARCinc.ID - N-219 akan Roll Out 28 Oktober
PT TES is a private owned company made by several former PT Dirgantara employee who focuses on building simulator. Currently it has 100 staff. Located in Bandung in which many high tech Indonesian companies are located (mostly state owned), particularly in defense, electronic, software, and aerospace sector.

NB: This news is in April, currently F-16 Simulator is already being tested for Indonesian Air Force

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PT TES Makes Multi Tank and F-16 Simulator




Some of the products

Various simulators for aircraft and combat vehicles are produced by PT Technology and Engineering Simulation (TES). One that is quite interesting is a simulator that can be used for several types of combat vehicles.

The type of this simulator is the order of the Education Center Cavalry Army. Unlike simulators in general where one simulator is for one type of tool, Multiranpur simulators can be replaceable (program).

"We are building Multiranpur, 3-year project hopefully will be completed this year. It is quite unique, to save as replaceable 3 types of tanks," said President Director of PT TES Muhammad Mulia Tirtosudiro in office, Mekar Wangi village, Lembang , West Bandung, West Java, on Thursday (04/09/2015).

Multiranpur can be changed to the cabin simulator Scorpion tanks, tank Stormer and AMX tanks. Looking ahead, TES will develop to make the main cabin Leopard battle tank.

With such efficiency, means that the government can save considerable cost. The reason for the creation of the simulator is not fairly cheap price.

"The simulator is designed to operate for 20 years. The price is approaching the price of the aircraft, depending on the configuration. If the world over defense equipment purchased price it costs. If we are almost close to the original," explains Business Development Manager of TES, Muhammad Iqbal Tirtusudiro in the same location.

Multiranpur Simulator is the only simulator in the world that could be changed for some type of combat vehicle. Iqbal was the artificial TES simulators can compete with foreign-made products, especially the staff of PT TES itself is still young and has a lot of potential.

"Actually, they can compete like in the simulator accuracy and simulator packet data. In the world there are many source so it does not have to rely on just one source ( country). It can be done because of regular cooperation between the companies. The principle that we want is to maintain technical competence. Keep what goods, if our program can make it. Clearly if the government want to make it, we will be very happy, "said Iqbal.

"We are good at simulation software. So if we want to use the module so Korea, we can, depending on the agreement. We are 90 percent locally made. Software, mathematical models, the connection between software, visual database are all local made. It can and are ready to compete," continued the ITB (Bandung Institut of technology) graduates.

Multirampur Simulator built in Padalarang Cavalry Education Center, Bandung, in 3 stages. The first stage is for the Scorpion, the second stage for Stormer, and which is currently in the process of completion are cabins for AMX tank.

This simulator designer turns come directly from the Army Research and Development Center. In manufacturing, PT TES takes 4 years in which a special year to make the concept. Taiwan is said as being negotiated for the manufacture of this Multiranpur simulator.

"Yes is being negotiated. Perhaps the concept is the same, but the visual is difference. Due to be distinguished for the same country outside," said Business Development PT TES, Gerald S Manurung added.

A number of simulators have been developed by this company. Like Hawk simulators for Malaysia and Indonesian Air Force, CN-235 simulators for Malaysia, tank simulator for ACV 300 (5 pieces) for Malaysia. Simulator for other Indonesian Air Force that has been made by PT TES are simulators for Hawk fighter, Super Puma helicopter, and Bell 412 helicopter.

Projects which are still under development is Multiranpur, F-16 simulator, and anti warships flight simulator for the (Indonesian) Navy. PT TES is also exploring local content for the manufacture of Sukhoi simulator.

"Actually, the most important in the manufacture of the simulator is to make the model or the software to be able to actually represent such defense equipment," added Gerald.

PT TES Buat Simulator Tank Multiranpur Untuk Efisienkan
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First Flight Test of Josaphat Laboratory Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (JX-1) memorial photograph



The UAV is made by Indonesian private owned company, PT Uavindo Nusantara, a company specialize on making UAV and wind tunnel. King Fadh University (Saudi Arabia) wind tunnel is also made by this company. Currently this company is collaborating with LAPAN (Government Agency in aerospace research) to modernize LAPAN wind tunnel that as a plan will be used for testing next aircraft project (N 245). Similar like PT TES history, PT Uavindo Nusantara founders are former PT Dirgantara Indonesia employees.

Joshapat Remote Sensing laboratory is the biggest Remote Sensing laboratory in the world financed by Japanese (and also located in Japan) and lead by Indonesian remote sensing experd (Joshapat Tetuko Sri Sumantyo)


Joshapat Sri Sumantyo
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good :) Indonesia is advancing a lot
my support
in future BD should try buying from Indonesia KF X R80 cn295 n219 satellite drones
the su35 will help Indonesia to understand better about aircraft
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