The idea of peace is admirable. Some nations are able to move past past transgressions, animosity and history to become neutral to one another, trading partners, and even allies.
England and Scotland had much bloodshed, but now are biggest parts of the UK. England and France had 100 years war, but now are planning on organizing their military plans together so that they are better co-ordinated. Germany fought two world wars and countless Germans died by the efforts of so many of Germany's CURRENT diplomatic allies. (European Union)
America invaded what is now Canada, and Canadians razed the city of Washington (even burning the White House). Today they are significant trade partners and share the longest undefended border in the world. Their shared culture and geography have prevailed where political divisions first existed, and wars fought. The USA and Canada are stronger for it and the citizens of those two nations benefit. I know, I live a short car drive from the Canadian border myself on the American side.
Some of my co-workers are also Canadians who live in Canada, but drive to work daily to work in America.
What is the point? The point is that peace is *not* a foolish goal, and it should be something that Indian and Pakistan should both be very invested in.
Yes, India and Pakistan have a history of armed conflict against one another. So did all those other nations that I mentioned (Eng, France, Germany, etc). They got over it, and are now succeeding.
I don't see India and Pakistan getting to that stage in the next 100 years. That's fine, though, because this does take a lot of time to figure out. It took countless centuries for Germany and Italy to work together in WWII after the olden times when Rome invaded and conquered Germany (for example). It will take hundreds of years still for the demographic shifts in both nations to FORCE their governments to co-operate.
I hope peace will come, but when both sides can't even talk for 3 hours without even being able to agree on what was talked does not give me immediate hope.
A strong South Asia makes the rest of the world worry -- that's why it's very important for Western forces to maintain the status quo -- make sure that India and Pakistan waste so much time, effort, lives and industry on the issue of hating one another. It's foolish.