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Indo-Pak conflict should end now: Malik



Buddy if you have more pictures like this feel free to post it ok..It will help to have a lighter moments in this forum apart from usual war mongering and trolling :cheers:
I think we guys need to look at our country and our area. It is not how big the a country in land mass be but how prosperous the country with respect to technology, food , and other things.

The problem with us is that we have to get our system right in our country.

We may scream at the top of our voice that India, US Israel and all the enemies of Pakistan is trying to De stabilize Pakistan or take the nukes away but look at how many people of Pakistan are dyeing, Why don't we put our effort in correcting our system and then blame others.

Come on as a human being it is a shame that we still thinking of War and not speaking a single word to fix up our system. Sad very sad.

I am proud to be a PAKISTANI but when i hear things said by Zaid Hamid i feel very bad because he is trying to give a wrong image and create things from his imaginary world. I know in Pakistan we love him but that's is again because he speaks what we want to hear but does he speak the truth, come on. We have corruption spread from top to bottom, poverty, foreign deposit going empty , Rupee is touching the sky, Normal day to day life of a normal Pakistani is becoming harder by the day. I am not saying no other country has this problems a lot of the country has it , but we Pakistani instead of worrying about these issue and trying to make life easy for our fellow citizen we want to have a war, or want to capture more area, or just keep on playing the blame game all the time. This is just ridiculous.

Stop it Yaar, come on lets really make a difference in Pakistan and make it s better place.

I know this comment of mine a lot of fellow Brother will not like it , but before criticizing and writing back and swearing at me , think once again and try to get an honest answer from inside and then write back. I will take all Ur comments seriously.


Kudos. Only if more Pakistanis can think along these lines!
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