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Indo-Israeli Standoff EMP-Emitting Missile (DEW For SEAD) To Enter Serial Production This Year

Both bolded parts are wrong.

1) There is nothing like "Good islam" on Earth. All muslims consider themselves more or less loyal to their own cult. They don't a shit to non-muslims.
How many Malaysia/indonesia muslim maulvis gave fatwas in support of Ayodhya? Zero. They blame hindus for insulting memories of Afghani invader BABAR.
How many malaysia/indonesia muslims(common people) support Ayodhya as holy city of Hindus and are ready to support it openly? Zero. They consider BABARI mosque as holy as any other mosque.

I think you love living in your own lofty dreams(bollywod/shahruk khan "all religions are same", "islam is peace" syndrome). Reality is different. This is why i always say that muslims are Jews of India, they already control indian government and narrative of India globally(over-marketing, registration of TAJ-Mahal in UN heritage sites, instead of far more ancient buildings/monuments in Bharat).

2) All of above points are true for IRAN also.
IRAN don't allow religious freedom for Hindus. IRAN has banned promotion of Hinduism.
Iranian people(muslims) will goto riots if Hinduism is allowed tobe propagated inside IRAN.
Your "Iran is liberal" excuse is bogus. In 1971, IRAN was far more Liberal than today, and even then IRAN helped pakistan during India-pakistan 1971 War.

By the way, do you belong to Mamata banerjee's TMC? They think like you do. And lot of fools in BJP think same like you("IRAN is our friend").

I fully support Manmohan singh's vote against IRAN in UN. IRAN has nothing to offer other than oil. We should focus on getting Azad Kashmir back to open up that 110 Km long border with Central-asia and get over this 7 decades old blockade.

IRAN is actually telling pakistan - "Good job. Don't give India access to central-asia. Force them towards our Iranian ports. This way we will milk these kafirs from both sides".

bro, relax. there are only few religions who teach their followers to respect every religion. islam is not one of them.
but i support kalam on what he said about Ayodhya issue. he remains neutral in that case, it is a good decision. kalam is the one who was behind india's missile program. do you ever read his book "wings of fire"? it is really inspirational. he also provide a good leadership in the DRDO and ISRO. look at the +ve side. the good things he done to our country will ignore his small weak points, no one is perfect in this world, we all are humans with weakness.

even Akbar, the so called greatest king in mughal empire forces his best and the people he like very much to convert to islam. eg:- tansen, Birbal, Mariam-uz-Zamani:- original name Jodha Bai, his 1st wife.

if i say, the famous hindu king chhatrapati shivaji who was said to be anti-musilims( by some anit-Hindus) was very high tolerance for other religion. these division based on religion was brought to india by mughal.
bro, relax. there are only few religions who teach their followers to respect every religion. islam is not one of them.
but i support kalam on what he said about Ayodhya issue. he remains neutral in that case, it is a good decision. kalam is the one who was behind india's missile program. do you ever read his book "wings of fire"? it is really inspirational. he also provide a good leadership in the DRDO and ISRO. look at the +ve side. the good things he done to our country will ignore his small weak points, no one is perfect in this world, we all are humans with weakness.

even Akbar, the so called greatest king in mughal empire forces his best and the people he like very much to convert to islam. eg:- tansen, Birbal, Mariam-uz-Zamani:- original name Jodha Bai, his 1st wife.

if i say, the famous hindu king chhatrapati shivaji who was said to be anti-musilims( by some anit-Hindus) was very high tolerance for other religion. these division based on religion was brought to india by mughal.

Bro Last time I checked the topic was " Indo-Israeli Standoff EMP Emitting Missile (DEWFor SEAD) To Enter Serial Production This Year"

We can discuss this religious issues in some other forums. Cant we??? :)
what common enemies, Iran and the Palestinian militias are enemies of the state of India ?
No not Iran, Iran's a friend of India. You think who it is? Hint: enemy of India that sent its airforce pilots to fight Israel and later Israel wanted to destroy its reactor just like Iraq's.
Some notes on EMP weapons -

EMP -- the worst weapon you will ever survive.


When I was a teenager I was a ham radio operator. I listened to my short wave radio for hours just about every day. I remember one summer in 1962 when I thought my receiver was broken; I even bought new tubes for it. On every band, on every frequency, there was a loud and annoying hiss that lasted for a couple of days. Communication was impossible.

No one spoke about it on the news, nothing was written -- it was "top secret" at the time -- but I later learned that it was the result of an atmospheric nuclear explosion. The 1.4 megaton detonation, called "Operation Starfish Prime"
occurred 250 miles above Johnston Island in the Pacific. Not only did the explosion shut down short wave radio communications in America, but it also overloaded and blew out over 300 streetlights in Oahu, Hawaii -- some 740 miles away!

Scientists learned that nuclear explosions, in addition to the blast, heat and deadly gamma radiation, also produce a strong electromagnetic pulse that is capable of passing thousands of volts of electrical energy to just about anything that conducts electricity.

The pulse is generated by the interaction of gamma rays, released by a nuclear explosion, with the atmosphere and the Earth. Called the "Compton effect", the resulting pulse is like a radio signal and any metallic object acts like a receiving antenna. Whereas a radio signal might produce a thousandth of a volt or less in a receiving antenna, an EMP pulse produces thousands of volts. Antennae, pipelines, underground gas and water pipes, metal fences, iron railroad tracks, power lines, telephone wires, electric cables -- all suddenly act like antennae and become the recipient of huge currents, starting fires, explosions and frying all forms of circuitry beyond repair.

Because our bodies do not conduct this current, the EMP does not directly harm humans or other living organisms. But, as you will see, that's not necessarily good news.

Back to the stone age... in 1 nano-second!
Look around you. Right now you are using a computer. You probably also depend on a cellphone and, most likely, you have a car to get you from home to work or to the market.

Most vulnerable to this high current of EMP are transistors, those small devices that are inside computer chips, radios, cellphones, ATM machines, automotive ingnition systems, the gas pumps, calculators, lights, clocks and just about everything that requires batteries. All of these would be useless after an EMP and repairing them would not be an option. They would all have to be trashed and replaced.

An EMP lasts just 1 nano-second! It radiates at 50 kv/m at the speed of light. At such a high altitude, it could happen in the blink of an eye and might not be immediately associated with any type of explosion or blast.

Imagine surviving an EMP only to find you cannot call your family to see if they are safe, cannot get cash from your ATM or bank (since they cannot access your records), cannot buy food at a supermarket (no scanners) or even drive your car (ignition destroyed). Everything relying on modern electrical technology will be useless.

When you finally walk to your home, city water will not be pumped, lights will not come on, sewage treatment will be off-line, heat and air conditioning will be gone and the production, harvesting and transport of food will have come to a grinding halt. What's even worst is that the lack of radio and television news will keep most people from understanding what has happened or how to respond. Confusion and eventually anarchy would reign. This is the reality of an EMP weapon.

Yes, it gets even worse...

If an EMP device were detonated, most of the electronics that control our many nuclear energy plants would be destroyed. With no way to control the fission reaction these nuclear plants would eventually run away, reach critical states and melt down, releasing nuclear material in explosions similar to those in Fukushima, Japan. There would be no way to shut them down safely or regulate cooling systems. Victims of an EMP explosion would suffer a nuclear nightmare.​

[above] In the film "The Day the Earth Stood Still," an alien visitor stopped every electrical apparatus all over the globe as a demonstration of his power. An EMP, although not effecting the entire world, would cause a similar catastrophe.
Can't we shield against this somehow?

It is possible to shield electronic equipment from EMP radiation, but it is extremely difficult. The protected components must be completely enclosed in a copper shield. Even a small hole will allow the radiation to enter and any wires extending outside the shield will defeat the protection. For all practical purposes, this is not possible.

John Kappenman, the chief science adviser to the US EMP commission, believes it would require just $1 billion to harden an estimated 5,000 power transformers around the country to shield them from the impact of an EMP-like event.

"We built this infrastructure without any awareness of this threat. We have no design code that takes this threat into account. We've been doing everything to design the grid to make it greatly more coupled, and therefore more vulnerable, to this threat." [ibid]

Air Force One, the President's jet, and certain other strategic aircraft have been equipped with special shields to reduce the effects of the radiation. Oddly, old radio equipment using vacuum tubes are less likely to be hurt by the radiation than transistor circuitry and many existing Russian aircraft still maintain these old systems for this reason.

[Above] Special Air Force E-4 being tested for EMP shielding.
Kalyani group ties up with Rafael to make Spike missiles


Bharat Dynamics Ltd., will be the system integrator.

In a move that will further deepen India-Israel strategic cooperation, Rafael of Israel and India’s Kalyani Group are forming a manufacturing Joint Venture (JV) to produce Spike Anti-Tank Guided Missiles (ATGM) in India and Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL) will be the system integrator, informed sources told The Hindu.

Spike is a third generation, fire-and-forget, man-portable, anti-tank missile. In all, about 40,000 missiles are required to equip the Army’s 382 infantry battalions and 44 mechanised regiments.

In October last year the Defence Acquisition Council chaired by then Defence Minister Arun Jaitley had cleared the Spike ATGM deal worth Rs. 3,200 crore deal for 8,000 plus missiles, 300 plus launchers and requisite transfer of technology to an Indian firm. The U.S. had lobbied hard for its Javelin missiles with offer of joint development and production of next generations missiles for use by both countries.

The companies are in talks with the Telangana government to procure land to set up a manufacturing facility in Hyderabad as BDL’s missile unit is located there. The JV will conform to the Foreign Direct Investment guidelines with 51% ownership held by the Kalyani Group.

Sources said the plan was to start production in about two years.

Source:- Kalyani group ties up with Rafael to make Spike missiles - The Hindu
Wait for few months for Pakistan/China to buy the same shit from Ukrain and RE it.
Kalyani group ties up with Rafael to make Spike missiles


Bharat Dynamics Ltd., will be the system integrator.

In a move that will further deepen India-Israel strategic cooperation, Rafael of Israel and India’s Kalyani Group are forming a manufacturing Joint Venture (JV) to produce Spike Anti-Tank Guided Missiles (ATGM) in India and Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL) will be the system integrator, informed sources told The Hindu.

Spike is a third generation, fire-and-forget, man-portable, anti-tank missile. In all, about 40,000 missiles are required to equip the Army’s 382 infantry battalions and 44 mechanised regiments.

In October last year the Defence Acquisition Council chaired by then Defence Minister Arun Jaitley had cleared the Spike ATGM deal worth Rs. 3,200 crore deal for 8,000 plus missiles, 300 plus launchers and requisite transfer of technology to an Indian firm. The U.S. had lobbied hard for its Javelin missiles with offer of joint development and production of next generations missiles for use by both countries.

The companies are in talks with the Telangana government to procure land to set up a manufacturing facility in Hyderabad as BDL’s missile unit is located there. The JV will conform to the Foreign Direct Investment guidelines with 51% ownership held by the Kalyani Group.

Sources said the plan was to start production in about two years.

Source:- Kalyani group ties up with Rafael to make Spike missiles - The Hindu

what it had to do with emp ?
Wait for few months for Pakistan/China to buy the same shit from Ukrain and RE it.

Which EMPs Ukraine possess??? EMP is a high end tech bro.

All Ukraine have done so far is to present some posters during Aero India 2015.
DRDO Working on Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) Systems

DRDO's CHESS (Center for High Energy Systems and Science), Hyderabad is developing Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) systems.

One of the DEW weapon systems being developed would target UAV's.

On March 2, 2015 CHESS invited tenders for Off-axis concave and convex parabolic mirrors.

The concave mirror is required to have a parent focal length of 2000mm and mirror diameter of 150mm, while the convex mirror is required to have a parent focal length of 200mm and a mirror diameter of 25mm.

In early July 2015, DRDO's IRDE (Instruments Research & Development Establishment), Dehradun invited tenders for supply of High Resolution thermal imager for CHESS platform.

The IRDE tender seeks a Thermal Imager based on Pelican-D 640x512 MWIR IDDCA with 14.5X zoom capability. The Imager is required to have recognition range capability of 5-km against a 1.5m x 3m UAV target.

IDDCA (Interleaved Double Dynamical Clustering Analysis) is a sampling algorithm based on clustering.

It appears that the imager being sought by IRDE would be used to aim a DEW developed by CHESS for use against UAVs.
Very nice development!!
This show the strategic relation b/w India and Israel and I wonder how many projects are kept under the wraps!:victory::guns::dance3:
Any senior member pl guide

How much area is effected by this one
Or it targets only specific unit/radar

Thanks in advance
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