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Indo-Israeli LR-SAM will challenge Chinese Navy in the Indian Ocean: Chinese Military specialist

I asked you a simple question. They can not buy it from china but can they buy from Russia?
because there is no arm embargo on Russia for purchasing/selling on Nato members, remember russia buys french coverties few year back think @MULUBJA
Not only we believe they are better but others also believe. We can buy weapons from US, Russia, France, UK or any other country which produces weapons. We do not have the restriction like china or pakistan so we shall buy only the best. Now suppose we buy S 400 form russia. If it is not good than why china bought it inspite of having Hq9? Why china bought Su 30 and Su 35 in spite of having 5th generation plane (So called)? You problem is that when you or CHina buys something, it is great. When India buys it, it is bad. When Pakistan bought T80, it was most lethal tank but when India bought T90, it was an ordinary tank.
i would like to say compare to their respected air force think @MULUBJA :p:

We do not claim that. If you believe that, i thank you for that.
you guys always says that indian system best of the best @MULUBJA :hitwall::crazy:
This is about Indian missile. So why is it here? To start a troll war or something? I don't care if Indian Media said that a Chinese Expert or a Namekian Expert said that the Indian missiles are super duper weapon that can even kill a super saiyan, but this sub forum is not Indian Defense Sub Forum. The Indian Def Forum is still at that corner, then turn right. Not here!

@Deino, please take care of this thread, before it become a troll war in this vicinity.
because there is no arm embargo on Russia for purchasing/selling on Nato members, remember russia buys french coverties few year back think @MULUBJA

I hope you know that how mistral class ship deal was canceled though French had to pay a heavy penalty to cancel the deal.

i would like to say compare to their respected air force think @MULUBJA :p:

May be very respected for you but not for us. We believe that our planes are much better. Su 30 MKIs are much better than Su30 MKK. Our Upg Mirages has much better electronics than anything china could come up in next decade. Our Mig 29s (Even Navy) can beat any chinese plane any day. Their J 15 are useless (Chinese scientist st revealed that ) no match to our Mig 29. CHinese media said that LCA tejas is much better than JF 17. If you want to believe that chinese weapons are better, its your choice. I will respect your opinion.

you guys always says that indian system best of the best @MULUBJA :hitwall::crazy:

No we say this sbout very few weapons like Brahmos and LRSAM. We do not say that our planes are best in the world. Have we ever said that Our planes are better than F22 or F35? Have we said that Tejas better than Euro fighter? Have we ever said that INSAS is better than UZI?
May be very respected for you but not for us. We believe that our planes are much better. Su 30 MKIs are much better than Su30 MKK. Our Upg Mirages has much better electronics than anything china could come up in next decade. Our Mig 29s (Even Navy) can beat any chinese plane any day. Their J 15 are useless (Chinese scientist st revealed that ) no match to our Mig 29. CHinese media said that LCA tejas is much better than JF 17. If you want to believe that chinese weapons are better, its your choice. I will respect your opinion.
i am talking manufacturing country not buying country compare your MKI with Su-35, MKK mainly a strike and CAS jet just like F-15E, does your Mirages and MIG-29 have AESA radars yes you are right you undeniable better avionics for IAF IN fighter jets beause you have access full avionics upgrade from the west and Russia, Chinese are alone trying to develop top notch avionic from their own with any country 's help but they have one advantage they have both western and Russian tech trying to develop merging both of western and Russian tech build from scratch and please give me the links that China media says that JF-17 is worst than Tejas and Chinese media saying not Chinese military saying and as for your information most of Chinese jets install AESA radars like J-10B/C, J-11B/BH , J-15 and J-16, do you have a AESA equipped jets in IAF/IN, i am not trolling just asking @MULUBJA

No we say this sbout very few weapons like Brahmos and LRSAM. We do not say that our planes are best in the world. Have we ever said that Our planes are better than F22 or F35? Have we said that Tejas better than Euro fighter? Have we ever said that INSAS is better than UZI?
read all this thread that your countryman insisting
and your Brahmos is basically based 1980's OniKs




download (1).jpg

you're just invest those projects and nothing else think @MULUBJA :enjoy:


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Typical indian, they hate China, but somehow they claim their 'achievement' was superior because some 'Chinese expert' outta somewhere say so. So they believe anything Chinese say now? Hahaha...
FOrget about big planes our Jaguar has better AESA than any chinese aircraft.
Please explain how its basically low level strike and CAS jet with limited capabilities and its design in late 60s
CHinese has got a lot more technology from US and Russia in the coldwar time. Educate yourself.
Yes i knows that but i am trying to they have both concepts western and Russian they are willing to merge both concepts to develop something new to merge those tech to produce design from scratch think @MULUBJA
Chinese AESA is like chinese plane. They are asking Russia go give them better Radars like they gave to India in MKI. Ask them why are they doing it in spite of so called best technology
In 90's and in early 2000 yes they looking to latest military tech to Russia but not now they are trying to develop almost everything in house from jets to submarines from radars to engines do research before you post @MULUBJA
Brahmos has best technology in the world which your fast friend china is trying o copy in cx1 but has failed miserably.
You're again wrong main threat for western naval forces is not all supersonic supersonic ANTISHIP missiles because they have big IR and radar RCS which mean they are easily detectable,trackable and engageable from sophisticated short range SAM like US RAM,Chinese FL-3000 and UK CAMM, the main threats for western navies is Russian sizzlar type weapons (SUBSONIC AT CRUISE WITH TERMINAL SUPERSONIC DASH) because at subsonic cruise they very low radar and IR RCS and terminal Sprint to the target have less time reaction time to react even in 90s older sea sparrow of USN successfully intercepts supersonic ANTISHIP missiles in tests think @MULUBJA :p::enjoy:
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May be very respected for you but not for us. We believe that our planes are much better. Su 30 MKIs are much better than Su30 MKK. Our Upg Mirages has much better electronics than anything china could come up in next decade. Our Mig 29s (Even Navy) can beat any chinese plane any day. Their J 15 are useless (Chinese scientist st revealed that ) no match to our Mig 29. CHinese media said that LCA tejas is much better than JF 17. If you want to believe that chinese weapons are better, its your choice. I will respect your opinion.

Tip of the day: don't trust someone who claims X is "better" than Y as if aircraft are simple enough to be compared in such a manner.

FOrget about big planes our Jaguar has better AESA than any chinese aircraft.

CHinese has got a lot more technology from US and Russia in the coldwar time. Educate yourself.

Chinese AESA is like chinese plane. They are asking Russia go give them better Radars like they gave to India in MKI. Ask them why are they doing it in spite of so called best technology

AESAs are not a new technology for the PLAAF; they've been installing AESA systems on their J-10C, J-11D, J-16, J-20, and are in the process of doing so on their J-15s. In fact, the Chinese have been fielding AESA-equipped aircraft long before the Russians have.
Chinese AESA is like chinese plane
do you know what is capabilities of a Chinese jets and their AESA, you're just bashing against Chinese system with no prove you're reported for your baseless bashing against China, you might not consider a threat of J-15 but USN consider J-15 as threat in the term of maneuverability and agility as compare to F/A-18E/F, is IN is better than USN @MULUBJA o_O:lol::rofl::enjoy:;):p:

should watch youtube binkov battleground.

In any china vs india scenario, the top of the line PLA equipment will be used against India.

Which includes stealth jets, AIP subs, nuclear submarines with remote missile launch, anti ship ballistic missile, latest MBT etc

The older equipment is meant for china's weaker neighbours.

In any case, china may not take on indian navy in the indian ocean especially on surface warfare, because its challenging for their logistics capability and a risk to trade.

Chinese surface ships may not even have air cover since J-31 navalised version is not out yet.

Guess chinese subs will always threaten india
It might be a way better SAM but i was talking abt Indian navies capability.

If you talk about Indian Navies Capability and not China, then you're at the wrong sub-forum bro. This is Chinese Defense Sub Forum, we talk about China military capability, not Indian. There is a neighbor sub-forum that talk mainly about Indian defense capability. You should go there, not here.
Just back from family visits ... and I think we should close this thread together with that IMO similar stupid F-35-thread. It has in fact no value to the Chinese military, became more or less a bashing thread and is based on a quite dubious "source" (I would not even rate one.

Anyone agrees?

If you talk about Indian Navies Capability and not China, then you're at the wrong sub-forum bro. This is Chinese Defense Sub Forum, we talk about China military capability, not Indian. There is a neighbor sub-forum that talk mainly about Indian defense capability. You should go there, not here.

Oh is it sorry i just read the article and shared my opinion that MRSAM and Bhramos 800 will be a game changer for Indian navy :cheers:. I didn't know that we cant post such comments in this sub-forum :) Ill remember that next time.
Just back from family visits ... and I think we should close this thread together with that IMO similar stupid F-35-thread. It has in fact no value to the Chinese military, became more or less a bashing thread and is based on a quite dubious "source" (I would not even rate one.

Anyone agrees?


Yes totally just shut it down :cheers:
Yes totally just shut it down :cheers:

But then or now this must do another moderator, since I'm only able to moderate the Chinese section, where this thread was before ...
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