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India's Two-Front War Plans

Why Pakistani always think that if there is a War with India China will open the other side...... I think you should be reminded of our Defence Treaty with Russia and Isreal and Close friends in Europe and Uncle Sam...

You forget when Uncle Sam came for your rescue Nuclear Armed Russian Sub popped up and they had to leave and run back...

Don't you have Guts to fight on your own everytime you bring in your Baap (China) to save your ****.... Imagine same like 1971 war breaks up in Winter... when roads are closed due to snow....

If there is a war with Pakistan and Chinese come in rescue or open other front then don't forget Russian airforce will come and this time entire US Pacific and Gulf fleet will come for India.... why don't you test it out.... Even before the stand off you will see that you are "Declared Terrorist State".... India will go after you only after a Major Terror Attack
You celebrating a victory where our soldiers were isolated, and without logistics is truly shameless.

Ok.. So it was not your soldiers who were defeated by our soldiers.. It was your military leadership and strategic planners who were defeated by our planners and leadership.. Its still a defeat of Pakistan by India.. and there is no shame in celebrating that.. Its Pakistan's bad planning that your soldiers were isolated and without logistics.. If you come to a fight unprepared and get your a$$ whopped, its not your opponent's fault.. Is it?
Atleast our tanks don't fall in the wells and kill our soldiers :lol:

My dear child , grow up. Trolling like this will not take away your frustration. Two-Front war? LOL! We all know that India don't even have balls to do a mere "surgical strike" in Azad Kashmir (A Pakistani-controlled territory) , forget about invading the mainland Pakistan. As they say , barking dogs seldom bite :cheesy:

In maximum case : You'll do a military-buildup on border and then withdraw unilaterally like a sissy girl ...as you did in 2002 srandoff :azn: Remember , at that time , Pakistan was at its WEAKEST against India but still you didn't dare to cross the border...What makes you think your girly establishment will mess with us today , when we cover ALL of India with our Shaheen-II and Ghauri-II nuclear missiles , have a good number of BVR fighters , tactical nuclear missiles , cruise missiles , thousands of tanks deployed and what not? All these things were missing in 2002 and yet you , after disgracefully loosing 700+ soliders , withdraw unilaterally ! :lol:

Yeah now go and sing "Bhartimata tha great...oh oh ..bhartimata the shuppa dhupppa powa...ohoh...bhartimata won all wars...ohoh..bhartimata will defeat Pakistan and China...ohoh ":rofl:

Now thats not true we moved our prithvi missiles to border to attack ....We were searching for a target worthy of prithvi to destroy ....We searched for a target for full day but couldn't find anything worth destroying there...On cost Analysis India would have incurred losses by wasting prithvi missile to destroy a area that not worth its price also.......
Then you guys phoned USA .....USA threatned of Sanction And India decided against it coz u guys are not worth it ....

I say first develop yourself so that we find you worth destroying ...........now shooooo stop wasting my time:D

Pakistan feared India was planning to launch a military strike at the height of tensions over the Mumbai attacks, a senior Pakistani diplomat has said.
Pakistan’s High Commissioner to London said there was evidence that India wanted “to teach Pakistan a lesson”.

Islamabad denies involvement in the attacks which left at least 170 dead, but some of the gunmen are said to have had links to Pakistani militants.

Both sides have taken care not to openly inflame the situation.
High Commissioner Wajid Shamsul Hassan told the BBC World Service’s Newshour programme that he had received the information in the wake of the three-day siege of key sites in Mumbai.
“This is what we were told by our friends that there could possibly be a quick strike at some of the areas they suspect to be the training camps, an air raid or something of that sort,” he said.

Mr Hassan said he alerted his president, Asif Ali Zardari, to the danger and Pakistan urgently passed on its concerns to high level US and British officials, who intervened to calm the situation. “There was circumstantial evidence that India was going to make a quick strike against Pakistan to teach her a lesson,” he said.
Mr Hassan said that in his opinion it was unlikely the two countries, which both possess nuclear weapons and have fought several wars since partition in 1947, would have ended up in all-out conflict.

“We wouldn’t have gone, and I’m sure India wouldn’t have gone for full-scale war,” he said. “But then, on the other side, how would we h
ave reacted? That could be anybody’s guess. We are a smaller country, we have to defend ourselves.”
India has so far made no comment on Mr Hassan’s comments.

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice embarked on a diplomatic mission to ease tensions - flying to Dehli and Islamabad for talks this week.
She also called on both countries to show moderation in their response to the Mumbai attacks.
Analysts say that despite both sides’ rhetoric, there has been no concrete signs by either side of heightened military activity, such as troop movements to border areas.

Hoax call denied
In an earlier indication of how strained relations had become during the attacks, the Pakistani Dawn newspaper reported that the country had been put on high alert during the crisis after what the paper called a hoax call was made to President Zardari. A caller claiming to be Indian Foreign Minister Pranab Mukherjee spoke to the Pakistani leader in a threatening manner on 28 November, Dawn reported.

The newspaper said Mr Zardari’s staff had bypassed usual verification checks for a call to the president.
But Pakistan’s Information Minister Sherry Rehman later denied it could have been a hoax.
“It is not possible for any call to come through to the president without multiple caller identity verifications,” he said in a statement.

“In fact the identity of this particular call, as evident from the CLI (caller’s line identification) device, showed that the call was placed from a verified official Phone Number of the Indian Ministry of External Affairs.”
In another development, Indian police have arrested two men in the eastern city of Calcutta suspected of handling mobile phone cards later used by the Mumbai attackers.

Nine of the 10 militants believed to have mounted the attack on 26 November died.
Indian media have named the surviving gunman as Azam Amir Qasab, a Pakistani, and say he has links to a Pakistan-based Kashmiri militant group, Lashkar-e-Taiba. The group denies involvement.
Why Pakistani always think that if there is a War with India China will open the other side...... I think you should be reminded of our Defence Treaty with Russia and Isreal and Close friends in Europe and Uncle Sam...
You forget when Uncle Sam came for your rescue Nuclear Armed Russian Sub popped up and they had to leave and run back...

Don't you have Guts to fight on your own everytime you bring in your Baap (China) to save your ****.... Imagine same like 1971 war breaks up in Winter... when roads are closed due to snow....

If there is a war with Pakistan and Chinese come in rescue or open other front then don't forget Russian airforce will come and this time entire US Pacific and Gulf fleet will come for India.... why don't you test it out.... Even before the stand off you will see that you are "Declared Terrorist State".... India will go after you only after a Major Terror Attack

you are hilarious, when was your Russian help in that war? why they are coming for you? don't even forget in name we are still the ally of the US in the region.
Why the angry outbursts?

Even sane pakistani and chinese members here will agree that its a legit need for india's security to consider a two front war and prepare for it because china-pakistan are not only close but pakistan's dependence on china is growing day by day.

Just take a chill pill, all countries consider all scenarios and so do your own. India in its own capacity will prepare too.
How many kilometer is New Deli from border?

The most viable route can be suggested but first the policy makers in Beijing have to take a firm decision. I think there's is a debate going on about it in the CCP standing committee.
India has to be prepared to a situation like this. Its better to be ready than sorry. India is the only hope for countires like Butan and Nepal. If India wasnt there, we would have been taken over by other large rougue nations and converted as their colonies. Ex: Tibet. All the best to India.
Atleast our tanks don't fall in the wells and kill our soldiers :lol:

My dear child , grow up. Trolling like this will not take away your frustration. Two-Front war? LOL! We all know that India don't even have balls to do a mere "surgical strike" in Azad Kashmir (A Pakistani-controlled territory) , forget about invading the mainland Pakistan. As they say , barking dogs seldom bite :cheesy:

In maximum case : You'll do a military-buildup on border and then withdraw unilaterally like a sissy girl ...as you did in 2002 srandoff :azn: Remember , at that time , Pakistan was at its WEAKEST against India but still you didn't dare to cross the border...What makes you think your girly establishment will mess with us today , when we cover ALL of India with our Shaheen-II and Ghauri-II nuclear missiles , have a good number of BVR fighters , tactical nuclear missiles , cruise missiles , thousands of tanks deployed and what not? All these things were missing in 2002 and yet you , after disgracefully loosing 700+ soliders , withdraw unilaterally ! :lol:

Yeah now go and sing "Bhartimata tha great...oh oh ..bhartimata the shuppa dhupppa powa...ohoh...bhartimata won all wars...ohoh..bhartimata will defeat Pakistan and China...ohoh ":rofl:
Americans are there for that dont you worry :rofl:
What many may not understand.. is that India does not wish war..
war is costly(well so are weapons)..both in terms of men..weapons and the money needed to sustain it.
It is damaging to a countries economy and disruptive to its daily routines.
India does not wish for war with Pakistan... it may end up uniting a fragmented nation which is crumbling as we speak.
WHY on earth would you want to take defeat from the jaws of victory? when your old arch rival is dying anyway without you having to even fire a single shot apart from making the right diplomatic moves and empower your intelligence agencies in the right areas. Oh no.. quietly arm, let Pakistan become the buffer state it was meant to be.. and soon India may be able to reap the benefits of a "Bangladeshque" Pakistan which may be used for trade routes,as an extra market and for making nice Bollywood hits.

India is preparing for a possible war with China..it will only be a two front war if it starts out between India and China first..
It will not be a two front war if it starts with Pakistan.
Oh no.. quietly arm, let Pakistan become the buffer state it was meant to be.. and soon India may be able to reap the benefits of a "Bangladeshque" Pakistan which may be used for trade routes,as an extra market and for making nice Bollywood hits.

While I agree with most of what you have said, and do realise the tone it was said in was different, I do not believe that a Bangladesh type Pakistan is necessarily as derogatory as what it seems like to you.

Bangladesh today does not have the security situation you are suffering.

Bangladesh today does not need to arm and keep pace.

Bangladesh is not in the crosshairs of an increasingly belligerent military superpower.

Bangladesh is no buffer state - it is surrounded by us and buffers nobody else.

We do not need you as a buffer state. We have no issue with anyone on your western flank and beyond.

We have issue only with you. And there is no buffer state in between.
What many may not understand.. is that India does not wish war..
war is costly(well so are weapons)..both in terms of men..weapons and the money needed to sustain it.
It is damaging to a countries economy and disruptive to its daily routines.
India does not wish for war with Pakistan... it may end up uniting a fragmented nation which is crumbling as we speak.
WHY on earth would you want to take defeat from the jaws of victory? when your old arch rival is dying anyway without you having to even fire a single shot apart from making the right diplomatic moves and empower your intelligence agencies in the right areas. Oh no.. quietly arm, let Pakistan become the buffer state it was meant to be.. and soon India may be able to reap the benefits of a "Bangladeshque" Pakistan which may be used for trade routes,as an extra market and for making nice Bollywood hits.

India is preparing for a possible war with China..it will only be a two front war if it starts out between India and China first..
It will not be a two front war if it starts with Pakistan.

This is so true, so minutely accurate!

Are you very sure you didn't have your tongue parked firmly in your cheek? I ask because the tag,"Timeo danaos et dona ferentes" keeps running through my mind.
This is so true, so minutely accurate!

Are you very sure you didn't have your tongue parked firmly in your cheek? I ask because the tag,"Timeo danaos et dona ferentes" keeps running through my mind.

Far from it.. anyone who does put a tongue in their cheek when saying this might end up biting it off.
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