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India's Two-Front War Plans

wheras no one cares about those poor tibetans

Then India should be brave for once, and openly change their stand. :lol:

Instead of kowtowing to China and dragging the Tibetan protestors kicking and screaming in their underwear just to score a few brownie points with visiting Chinese officials.

Mihir S Sharma: Our shameful kowtow to China - Business Standard

Tibetans being rounded up, made to squat in the sun; the ever-sensitive Delhi Police indulging in the worst sort of racial profiling, demanding that people who look even vaguely Tibetan prove their credentials or be locked up. People of Manipuri descent wondered why they left home without their passports. Those living in dozens of Tibetan-dominated areas were cordoned off from the rest of the city like Palestinians on the West Bank. The Tibetan poet, Tenzin Tsundue, was bundled offstage by the cops after an academic discussion at the India Habitat Centre, and sent to Tihar.
As for energy supply, Easy. China got 70% of energy from COAL and half oil in home oil lands.

While India's domestic oil supply makes up to less than 1/4 of it's demand and most of it located in vulnerable north-east India which is well below the nose of Chengdu Military Region.

What are u smoking most of india's oil comes from mumbai high and jamnagar refinery in gujarat.Mostly in the arabian sea.Also what gave u the impression u are going to penetrate deep into the NE?

Then India should be brave for once, and openly change their stand. :lol:

Instead of kowtowing to China and dragging the Tibetan protestors kicking and screaming in their underwear just to score a few brownie points with visiting Chinese officials.

Mihir S Sharma: Our shameful kowtow to China - Business Standard

If china continues to see our attempts at keeping things civil as weakness then we will change our stance,no doubt.
lol the israeli's destroyed the arab air forces not to mention had Israeli agents in high positions of power in the arab countries, israel intelligence and planning. lol did you hear about the israeli agent that almost made it to becoming the leader of syria he told all the Syrians artillery to hide near trees and gave the info to israel so golan fell in israeli hands, India agents in china come on now.
Stop saying Arab countries, we weren't in 67 war.only sent few troops to help. Only Egypt was humiliated in the war.
Stop saying Arab countries, we weren't in 67 war.only sent few troops to help. Only Egypt was humiliated in the war.

Syria, Egypt Jordan, are they not arab, also remember the war you fought with egypt ? Egyptians killed 100,000 Saudis, Jordanians and other Yemenis loyal to you in there.
Tibet was part of China, we did reclaim, not occupied it. :coffee:

There are less Tibetans total, than there are police in China. Not to mention that only the slave owning class supports you.

have u people even talked to a tibetan before? do u know how much they hate you? do u know we are stuck in between all that?

It depends , china has all the advantages the issue of the tibetians siding china has planned for that with a counter han population change overnight. not to mention tanks in tibet are really hard it's going to be just soldiers in that situation both air and land is going to be used.

India has no capability in tibet it's rather a dream good luck on getting the materials and tanks over the terrain into there.

:lol: India has no capability in tibet because we dont control tibet.

but as u said, the terrain on the indian side is a complete nightmare, making logistics impossible. its not surprising that the chinese retreated in 62 after crossing over.. all it does is provide a good defence.
Why not the fallout ?

Hiroshima and Nagasaki were taken out by Atomic weapons of few kilotone yield..here we are talking about nuclear weapons of ten times the yield.

It depends on the cities i've edited my, also if you know china built thousands of underground cities due to Nuclear war with the USSR on which they almost did, in many of it's cities.
What are u smoking most of india's oil comes from mumbai high and jamnagar refinery in gujarat.Mostly in the arabian sea.Also what gave u the impression u are going to penetrate deep into the NE?

It dosen't matter where your domestic oil come from. The fact is that 3/4 of your oil supply depends on import. And India's oil production is less than 25% of China's production. If both sides try to cut out the other's oil supply India will be dead first.

Good luck buying oil from Saudi Arabia when you in a war against Pakistan.
If china continues to see our attempts at keeping things civil as weakness then we will change our stance,no doubt.

Keeping things civil, yeah right. :lol:

There is a big difference between fear and friendliness. And this is not the latter.
have u people even talked to a tibetan before? do u know how much they hate you? do u know we are stuck in between all that?

:lol: India has no capability in tibet because we dont control tibet.

but as u said, the terrain on the indian side is a complete nightmare, making logistics impossible. its not surprising that the chinese retreated in 62 after crossing over.. all it does is provide a good defence.

didn't you say india would get into tibet ? well yes the supply and logistics were the biggest factor currently now it's in china's favor however the chinese are smarter then pakistan and won't do a kargil.
Doesn't matter.nukes on the agricultural hubs will cause mass starvation leading to same result as that on direct city strikes.Billions will die on both sides.
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