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India's Tejas and China's Xiaolong fighters compared

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JF-17 is a Joint China-Pak jet that is on the way to block III

Block III without Block II. What is block III? Some change in Avionics? Our upgrades make our plane more potent than your 2 block + planes.
Tejas is a multinational jet which still can't fly.

JF-17 is a Joint China-Pak jet that is on the way to block III

SO NO comparison
Yeah wonder how its gets IoC-1,2 if it can't Fly

And over 2000 sorties and flying hours
Thunder is a jet of today, because it flies today
Tejas is a is of future, because it MAY fly in future.

btw use of composite in itself is not a feature and does not make any jet great, this is just a way to reduce weight, improve fuel efficiency and increase load carrying capacity. But all these things happen only when the jet actually starts to fly and gets inducted in an air force.
Same argument used with Arjun and AK comparison. Now conventily changed to Arjun being a failure for so and so reasons of imported junk, to big to work, hmmm...gun doesn't work... so on.
what about present sir at present your spearhead for any air war is 18 Blk 52 F 16s against at least 5squads Mkis ,3squads each of upgraded mirage 2000s & mig 29s and the job of your mirages will be done by owr jags while bisons will perform thejob of your f7s what will you do or are doing to counter this thread scenario ?
Dear Sir,plz dnt forget the upgraded F-16 sqns which may not be at par with Blk 52s but arent less potent too.Plus thunders have taken role of effective air policing now so y exclude them.MKIs are no doubt a worthy machine but IAF had long struggled with its Reliability and Serviceability issues so point is that would they be available in greater strength when needed?Yes Mirage 2000s,Mig 29s and Jags are in good shape and doing good though.Our F-7 fleet is a history may be in a couple of years max with being replaced by may b Block II/ III thunders .Plus plz dnt underestimate PAF Mirages as they might come with a big surprise to most of people.Well its never ending debate though but its not me who is pointing this out but rather its IAF and MOD who is in a fix as how to counter for all the emerging requirements in short time and that is why "Made in India" policy was sidelined in case of 36 Rafale deal.
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Actually chinese media deserve complement for accepting the truth and writing this neutral article. In recent time they have made many such revelations exposing the chinese plane such as J15, J 31 , J 20 and others. Is it a sign of media in China are getting some freedom? If yes than it is very good. I would say that china is on right path.
Block III without Block II. What is block III? Some change in Avionics? Our upgrades make our plane more potent than your 2 block + planes.

There's already block II mate...
Block III might have AESA
Yeah wonder how its gets IoC-1,2 if it can't Fly

And over 2000 sorties and flying hours

Doesn't matter how much upgrades it has. Truth is its still a diaper kid after 40+ years of development
There's already block II mate...
Block III might have AESA

Might have. Means not certain and your fellow member says that tejas a paper plane while ther are going for Block III.
No main difference is that you airforce induct it when it cant even fire missile but our airforce can not compromise with quality.

So main difference BTW both force is quality. All your present fighter is of IOC standard. Only your airforce can induct under develop fighter in large numbers.

Tejas is not flying in parade because till now its not achieve FOC and not inducted in IAF.

Sir I would rather object to that.If Tejas can fly in Aero India 2015 then y cant it do so in parades?Seriously Pilots irrespective of nationality would feel offended to see a fighter pilot in G suit and just standing by as model with his aircraft which is loaded on a truck and shown to people around......
Secondly when it comes to FOC of PAF aircraft then word ALL is a bit inappropriate.It simply would mean that we have been flying Mirages since late 60s, F-16s since early 80s and F-7s since late 90s without FOC? No Sir we would rather be offended then.
I'm as Chineses as mike 2000. Just because I'm no pro Indian make me a Chines.lol

When you open your mouth, it is not difficult to predict who are you. American are never such nonsense. This is the trademark of your country.
One has to be extremely cautious while going through such reports - especially when they are being compiled by the Chinese Media - Believe me their think tanks are clever enough to not to undermine the strength of their adversaries. A couple of years back their media even ranked Arjun MBT above their own Type-99 MBT while ranking 10 world leading tanks.

Asitimes: China's media ranks 10 world leading tanks

No reason to be flattered by such reports - we need to improve - Tejas Mark II is going to be very crucial - better we concentrate on our strengths and weaknesses rather than considering such reports by our adversaries.

You base rankings on those spouted by opinion articles? That's interesting.

yes it did but many chinese and specialli pakistani members will never aknowledge it for the obvious reasons :D

The obvious reasons being that the article comes from a Taiwanese website and that it has no technical backing whatsoever.
Actually chinese media deserve complement for accepting the truth and writing this neutral article. In recent time they have made many such revelations exposing the chinese plane such as J15, J 31 , J 20 and others. Is it a sign of media in China are getting some freedom? If yes than it is very good. I would say that china is on right path.

So, any opinion that undermines the capabilities of Chinese aircraft are the fruits of "press freedom", while those who do not are "propaganda"?

You base rankings on those spouted by opinion articles? That's interesting.

No, I don't believe in rankings - as simple as that - Wonder if you were really able to comprehend my post? That's what I meant to say already.
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