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India’s Su-30s were able to see Chinese J-20 Stealth aircraft?

If you are really in the US, your English needs to be better than this !

Please read the question again. I am simply asking where does the article state that the Chinese Stealth jet cannot, repeat cannot see the MKI.

You are free to discuss this with your friend ;-).
you clear mind of your about stealth or LO (low observable) tech even US can't claim that their F-22, F-35 is totally invicible to all electromagnetic waves, your MKI will detected by far far earlier by J-20 and your MKI will detect J-20 far far closer than J-20 will detect MKI and fire its BVR and run because low RCS as compare to MKI @Telescopic Sight :p: that the whole point @Telescopic Sight :enjoy:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stealth_aircraft @Telescopic Sight :p:
you clear mind of your about stealth or LO (low observable) tech even US can't claim that their F-22, F-35 is totally invicible to all electromagnetic waves, your MKI will detected by far far earlier by J-20 and your MKI will detect J-20 far far closer than J-20 will detect MKI and fire its BVR and run because low RCS as compare to MKI @Telescopic Sight :p: that the whole point @Telescopic Sight :enjoy:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stealth_aircraft @Telescopic Sight :p:

Oh for cryin out loud ! Will you please read my question ? I even sent you the link to my post !
This is your Air Power 'expert' friend's post :

" the J-20 (Stealth) was picked up but the Chinese fighter never saw the SU-30 which is not stealthy."

To that I asked :
Where in this article does it say that ?

If you can, ask him yourself. Otherwise I give up. His lies and your refusal to read 2 sentences of my question are now enough for today.

If you are really in the US, your English needs to be better than this !

Please read the question again. I am simply asking where does the article state that the Chinese Stealth jet cannot, repeat cannot see the MKI.

You are free to discuss this with your friend ;-).
The so called Indian expert on English can not even comprehend simple terms, if you would pay attention to the subject rather than trying to be whiter than whites, you wouldn't get up humiliated every time....now see if you can pick up the difference between Didnot repeat Didnot (Which i wrote) and Cannot (which you keep harping) ... How many times have i busted you but you shamelessly keep sticking your neck out for more.....now run along and dig up some more old posts to try and salvage your tiny ego.
Oh for cryin out loud ! Will you please read my question ? I even sent you the link to my post !
This is your Air Power 'expert' friend's post :

" the J-20 (Stealth) was picked up but the Chinese fighter never saw the SU-30 which is not stealthy."

To that I asked :
Where in this article does it say that ?

If you can, ask him yourself. Otherwise I give up. His lies and your refusal to read 2 sentences of my question are now enough for today.

look at heading kid its stated clearly stated that your BS ACM said that Su-30MKI is superior to J-20 @Telescopic Sight :hitwall::hitwall::crazy::crazy::crazy: Title/Heading says all @Telescopic Sight :blah::blah::blah:
Didnot (Which i wrote) .
Ok. Where in the article does it say that either ?
;-) ;-)

It doesn't, does it ?

Actually , you better plead with the mods and get me banned. You've lost so much face and credibility in so many threads ( I am not the one doing it most of the time ).
Once you beg your way and I am gone along with the other members who point out your fake posts, only then there will be peace in Faisalabad ;-)
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Ok. Where in the article does it say that either ?
;-) ;-)

It doesn't, does it ?

Actually , you better plead with the mods and get me banned. You've lost so much face and credibility in so many threads ( I am not the one doing it most of the time ).
Once you beg your way and I am gone along with the other members who point out your fake posts, only then there will be peace in Faisalabad ;-)
It's not just hilarious but pathetic. hell if you were chocolate you would eat yourself.
First your own English comprehension got busted and out of steam you are still trying hard to salvage your tiny ego......I tell you what, now i will tag the Mods and ask them to go through the thread and decide who is the poor loser here, let them decide, if it's me i will duly apologies and call it a day but if it's you the habitual poor loser than i will treat you the way you deserve.
@Oscar @waz @Jungibaaz @Zaki @Horus
Guys, kindly look into this issue of the member having major comprehension issues.

Recently when Modi was in London meet, he started chest thumping about the so called surgical strikes and went on to claim that Indians had to phone and inform their Pakistani counterparts about the strikes and asked them to collect their bodies, the frivolous ones went into euphoria, while those with sanity asked if the strikes as claimed were carried out several miles inside Pakistan, then how come any bodies are with Indians. Busted.!!! And all those who questioned this weren't exactly military personal or historians.
Here the Indians claim to have detected the J-20s (Stealth) but the likes of faker @Telescopic Sight don't have the brains to think or comprehend the incident from the other side. This clown doesn't understand that why can't tables be turned.....he expects every one else to be dumb like him, no questions asked, no explanation given
I guess that's the difference between a wanna be expert and some one with little knowledge in the field.
How did the IAF know whether the J-20s were using Luneburg lens or not?

The J-20 reportedly is fitted with the Saturn AL-31, an older Russian-made jet engine. Another fifth generation fighter jet, the Shenyang J-31, is equipped with the Klimov RD-93. China is currently working on its own jet engine, the WS-13 Taishan turbofan, a derivative of the Russian Klimov RD-33 turbofan. Both the J-31 and J-20 are purportedly incapable of super cruising — sustained supersonic flight.
The J-20 reportedly is fitted with the Saturn AL-31, an older Russian-made jet engine. Another fifth generation fighter jet, the Shenyang J-31, is equipped with the Klimov RD-93. China is currently working on its own jet engine, the WS-13 Taishan turbofan, a derivative of the Russian Klimov RD-33 turbofan. Both the J-31 and J-20 are purportedly incapable of super cruising — sustained supersonic flight.

That doesn't answer the question, not to mention the J-20 has begun testing with the WS-10 engine while FC-31 has reportedly tested the WS-13E.
That doesn't answer the question, not to mention the J-20 has begun testing with the WS-10 engine while FC-31 has reportedly tested the WS-13E.

Russian and Chinese defense industries are working together and even the armed forces . UNSC resolutions even shows thier real friendship. Russians and Chinese are all weather friends. Chinese and Pakistanis are all weather friends. Iranian and Russians are all weather friends. But in reality its the Russians and Chinese who are all weather friends , the rest have to follow thier foreign policy.
Russian and Chinese defense industries are working together and even the armed forces . UNSC resolutions even shows thier real friendship. Russians and Chinese are all weather friends. Chinese and Pakistanis are all weather friends. Iranian and Russians are all weather friends. But in reality its the Russians and Chinese who are all weather friends , the rest have to follow thier foreign policy.

Not really, besides the sales of Al-31 there really isn't much modern Russian input into Chinese turbofan projects; besides the geopolitical cordiality between China + Russia is more due to their mutual wariness of the United States rather than cultural or political similarities.
Guys, lets ignore the Jovial Fighter-17 and Jangery-20 aircrafts, they them self know the capability of super duper aircraft which is born to rule the world in 21st century. One day it will make Indian, Russian, US, France, UK airforce has sitting ducks.
Not really, besides the sales of Al-31 there really isn't much modern Russian input into Chinese turbofan projects; besides the geopolitical cordiality between China + Russia is more due to their mutual wariness of the United States rather than cultural or political similarities.


In October 2016, media reported that China signed a contract on the delivery of 224 D-30KP2 engines worth over $658 million produced by Russia’s NPO Saturn Company. Fifty-four of them will be reportedly installed on Ilyshin Il-76/78 military transport aircraft operated by the Chinese Air Force while 170 units will be installed on China’s new Y-20 military transport plane.

"Russian-Chinese military-technical cooperation has been developing positively. Contacts have been concluded for selling to China S-400 air defense systems, multirole fighters Sukhoi-35 and anti-ship systems," Shoigu said at the opening of the second national youth forum International Military-Political and Military-Economic Cooperation: Modern Trends at the MIGIMO University.

Russia has traditionally supplied aviation equipment to China and the potential of Russian-Chinese cooperation in the aviation sector is great.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — The Russian Helicopters company discussed with Chinese partners possible deliveries of Mi-26TS heavy transport helicopters, the company’s press service said Friday in a statement.
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