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India's Su-30 MKIs to get more advance avionics and radars

No matter what electronics they put on those SU-30s, they would still have their massive RCS meaning JF-17s and F-16s will pick them up before them.
Essentially the same except that Super Sukhoi is supposed to use the AL-41F-1S Turbofan Engine which currently powers the Su-35 in addition sensors, avionics and radar upgrades listed in this article

So its nothing new as boosted here, its an lesser upgrade compared to Super Sukhoi version due to engine.

It’s nearly the same
Except for the RCS reduction plan which has been canceled

If its lesser upgrade package compared to Super Sukhoi then why huge chest thumping?? PAF is preparing to tackle Su-30 on basis of Super Sukhoi or Su-35+ capabilities.
Pre 27/2:
F-16s are old useless planes and dont even talk about JF-17, even 1-2 squadrons of Bisons will be enough to counter PAF.
J-20 is useless chinki maal. Su-30 MKI can detect it flying deep into Chinese territory.

Post 27/2:
We need Rafaels
We need Rafaels
We need Rafaels
We need Rafaels
We need Rafaels
We need Rafaels
So its nothing new as boosted here, its an lesser upgrade compared to Super Sukhoi version due to engine
Some pakistanis here are trolling that this sudden upgrade is due to the downing of an Su-30 on Feb-27th but in reality, these are the same Super Sukhoi upgrades minus the engine. Infact, all military upgrades that happened or signed after Feb-27 were in the cards welll before the conflict, some since a couple of years and were on the verge of being finalized. Also, any defence procurement articles that are published in the past couple of months are being perceived in view of the Feb-27 aftermath but a simple google search would reveal most of those were in the pipeline.

Again, I don't blame y'all completely since it's human tendency and we would've done the same

Only the emergency purchase of AA missiles was confirmed after Feb-27 since IAF realized they didn't have a BVRAAM with enough range on par with AMRAAM
Some pakistanis here are trolling that this sudden upgrade is due to the downing of an Su-30 on Feb-27th but in reality, these are the same Super Sukhoi upgrades minus the engine. Infact, all military upgrades that happened or signed after Feb-27 were in the cards welll before the conflict, some since a couple of years and were on the verge of being finalized. Also, any defence procurement articles that are published in the past couple of months are being perceived in view of the Feb-27 aftermath but a simple google search would reveal most of those were in the pipeline.

Again, I don't blame y'all completely since it's human tendency and we would've done the same

Only the emergency purchase of AA missiles was confirmed after Feb-27 since IAF realized they didn't have a BVRAAM with enough range on par with AMRAAM

Everything has been speedup after beating of 27 February, as prior to that India was underestimating Pakistan, the biggest shock was EW capabilities displayed on that day.
Everything has been speedup after beating of 27 February, as prior to that India was underestimating Pakistan, the biggest shock was EW capabilities displayed on that day.
Again, all of em were in the pipeline and infact most defence deals during the UPA regime have been approved when NDA came into power. Except for the BVRAAMs, all the others happened in their regular timeline
Su30mki’s will serve till 2050
Do u seriously expect them to serve with the specifications Which were set in 1996
The Idea is to replace the PESA radar of su30mki with an AESA radar , improve the Avionics and EW suite as well as add a higher thrust engine since AESA radars require more power.

u guys might be happy with the pulse Doppler radar on your f16s and Jf17s
But we are not

even the f22 which entered full rate production in 2005 is planned to get an MLu in 2025-30

as far as fighter availability is concerned
Su30mki average around 59% availability across the 13 squadrons which translate to 155 of the 260 aircraft being ready for combat at all times
This is a peacetime availability , at wartime that number will rise to 80%

and planes normally don’t fallout of the sky unless their is some issue or being shot at
And I guess u might not have heard about the s400, which has a 600 km tracking range and 400 km kill range against 4th gen fighters
So whose planes are going to get shot down in their own territory .
I think your Kaptaan already know the answer to that

JF-17 Block 3 will have all the aforementioned goodies and more. Better A2A missiles too so your Su-30 MKI will meet the same fate as before. :D

On Topic: So does IAF finally agree that they were inadequately prepared on Feb 27th?? And are admitting defeat??

Cuz if you upgrade your stuff after a confrontation....that most likely means you weren't prepared enough in the first place.
Yes they were not prepared, now after knowing they shot own helicopter i think things are worse.

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