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India's sixth largest city 'runs out of water'

Infact, in our NE India it's a part of our culture.
Chennai used to be green. After IT revolution it went to mass transformation as concrete jungle and also we have desalination plants too
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Chennai used to be green. After IT revolution it went to mass transformation as concrete jungle
Exactly my point, our cities are being transformed into urban heat islands. These sprawling mega complexes and high rises are all built using the groundwater that took thousands of years to percolate. Each citizen of India has equal rights over our groundwater.
India is a big country different needs, different weather pattern. we are doing water management for 1000s of years. we can handle it. this is temporary due to Mass urbanization.


It is not, It is effective during droughts

It not temporary trust me I have been to your shithole of *** country, people defecating in the streets, water being wasted, water tankers needed to bring water into the cities, India is just a big shithole.
It not temporary trust me I have been to your shithole of *** country, people defecating in the streets, water being wasted, water tankers needed to bring water into the cities, India is just a big shithole.
You are a Visitor and I am resident. I know my city lol
those who try to stop other's water get karma * 2

You guys are blessed with having more wishes than you are capable to handle, so enjoy its fruits.

With regards to water, India knows to cater its needs and GoI is trying to interlink rivers even when TN politicians are not ready to cooperate due to their belief that, more economically weaker people, easier to divert the attention from their corruption.

I hope by next summer many of water problems will be erased or contained and few will remain as interconnecting rivers are in full swing.
Just saw some report on Tamil nadu selling all the water in coimbatore city to a french suez (i think) company...all the water in coimbatore city belongs to that french company now...they are now shutting down public water pipes so they can meter the water and bill it...in like 10 years all the water in tamil nadu will be sold to suez like corporations...and tamils have to pay water bill just like electricity bill to wash their a$$...poor people who cant afford the get water to clean their A$$... the dravidian parties will assure them in their election manifesto that if they win the next election...they will give free toilet paper to all those who cant afford water :omghaha:.
ust saw some report on Tamil nadu selling all the water in coimbatore city to a french suez (i think) company...all the water in coimbatore city belongs to that french company now...they are now shutting down public water pipes so they can meter the water and bill it...in like 10 years all the water in tamil nadu will be sold to suez like corporations...and tamils have to pay water bill just like electricity bill to wash their a$$...poor people who cant afford the get water to clean their A$$... the dravidian parties will assure them in their election manifesto that if they win the next election...they will give free toilet paper to all those who cant afford water :omghaha:.
Dont peddle fake news to justify your ego. There is no french SEZ. ALL SEZ in TN are TN Gov owned https://www.sipcot.com/
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States just dont do anything through out the year. I mean what happened to river linking project? Tamilnaddu was supposed to get water from Krishna river if I am not wrong?

@RPK ?
Try our glacier water from Heavenly Xizang 西藏:

The world's puriest:




here's a good video reporting on this from Quint

Official government response is to instruct local Hindu shrines to pray to some rain god lol

Nothing funny about it. Every religion, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity have some sort of rituals or prayers for rain. Making fun of other people's religious beliefs is a very low blow.
That what a totalitarian government can do for the people living the the world second biggest desert where has basically no rainfall at all. Yes, wea are totalitarian country that village officials have to work at the site to make sure that they can get things done on time or before the deadline, otherwise they may be punished or demoted.

Xinjiang ensured safe drinking water for the poorest families living in the desert, safe drinking water projects covers every one and no one is left behind, now every family living in the desert has access to running water which is safe for drinking.
Before people living in the desert had to get water from some muddy puddles which always had dead animals in them, people developed many health problems by drinking that putrid water. Now every household is connected to the running water systems which provide safe clean drinking water, people now developed healthy habits of brushing teeth and take daily showers, the health standard in the desert region has been greatly improved.









Village officials have to work at the site to make sure that they can get things done on time or before the deadline, otherwise they may be punished or demoted.









Ground water levels are going down at an enormous rate even in some big cities in Pakistan. It should be a cause of concern for both India and Pakistan as to how to tackle the situation. In Karachi, ground water has been sucked up by big industries. The deforestation and making the city a concrete block added to the water crisis. 90% of the rain water goes to sea. A few decades back, every other society in Karachi used to have play grounds, parks and other open areas, and green belts on the roads. Where I grew up, every house had one or more trees in front of it. Now that space has been taken away by more parking spaces and other things..

Unless and until the rain water will not be stopped from going to the sea, the situation will not get better. That requires large open spaces, parks, playgrounds, trees, and the most important thing... awareness among people to spend less water. A shower everyday requires only 5 mins, even less.. and I have seen people of standing in a shower for 15 or more mins. We should teach our children, and train ourselves of closing the tap when not required, such as when we brush our teeth.. but no... we don't.. we let the clean water flow away to the sewer system and then we complain there is a water shortage..
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