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India's Role in Quetta Bombing: A Conspiracy Theory?

Militants return to #Pakistan, hitting #China’s economic plans #CPEC #QuettaAttack


Quetta: A militant attack in Pakistan’s southwestern Balochistan province has shattered government claims it has been successful in its fight against terrorism.
Striking along the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) in Quetta, three armed men wearing suicide vests broke into a police academy late on Monday in a deadly assault that has since been claimed by the Daesh via a statement published on its Amaq news agency.
“These attacks are aimed at destabilising Balochistan and to create problems for CPEC, which certain countries don’t want to see as a success story,” said retired Brigadier Asad Munir, a defence analyst who served in Pakistan’s tribal regions.
Pakistan claims to have largely defeated militants who had wrecked the nation’s economy by violent strikes in past two years and killed thousands of people since the South Asian nuclear power joined the US war on terror in 2002.
But such brazen strikes indicate the battle is not over.

“The numbers and the way they were martyred, it has made all efforts of yours and security agencies futile,” Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan told newly graduated police officers in Islamabad hours after the attack.
China’s reaction to the attack was low-key, suggesting its economic projects were not the target of the militant attack.
“It’s unrealistic to expect Pakistan’s domestic security situation to undergo fundamental changes in the near future,” said Zhao Gancheng, director of the Centre for South Asia Studies at the state-backed Shanghai Institutes for International Studies. “The attack on the police training academy last night was a reflection of Pakistan’s internal security risk; it happened in the province that the CPEC passes, but didn’t target the CPEC.”
China will cautiously push ahead with its projects and provide a boost in support for Pakistan’s military, he said.
The attack on the academy is the second worst in Pakistan this year, since a suicide bomber killed 70 people in Quetta’s government-run hospital in August.
Security authorities blamed Al Qaida-linked Lashkar-e-Jhangvi Al Alami for the attack, state-run radio reported citing Balochistan’s paramilitary force chief. By Tuesday afternoon, Daesh claimed responsibility.
The former security chief of Pakistan’s tribal regions, Mahmood Shah, cast doubt on the Daesh claims, saying Lashkar-e-Jhangvi Al Alami has a history of attacks in Balochistan and were trained by Al Qaida for urban fighting.
“The government has got to chalk out a new security plan for Quetta, Balochistan as militants keep coming and attacking it,” he said. “You want to have CPEC there and raising just a force isn’t enough.”
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, who aims to boost country’s economy to 7 per cent before his terms ends in 2018, condemned the attack and expressed concern over the safety of cadets.
Pakistan is banking on China’s $46 billion investment into the corridor that runs from China’s western part to Pakistan’s southwestern Balochistan to boost and develop the country’s economy.
Thanks for the info; it was a good piece of mere literature to read! all the best with finding the actual people involved.

RIP to innocents killed in this dastardly attack! I condemn them wholeheartedly
No role of India,
If yes, then ISPR or other govt officials announce.

Laughable at best, and holding a camera in one hand & a AK in the other. You can make him recite the entire Mahabharata in Urdu, or dictate the 10 commandments. This doctored video hold's quite literally little to no credibility.
When a country is at war, it is foolish to waste energy on apportioning the blame and finding scapegoats. It should rather work on strengthening itself and at best should attempt to raise the cost of such operations by the enemy
Laughable at best, and holding a camera in one hand & a AK in the other. You can make him recite the entire Mahabharata in Urdu, or dictate the 10 commandments. This doctored video hold's quite literally little to no credibility.

Just like your fake surgical strike, this monkey has admitted guilt in carrying out terrorist activities in Pakistan, then you have your own prime minister who is a mass murderer.
Laughable at best, and holding a camera in one hand & a AK in the other. You can make him recite the entire Mahabharata in Urdu, or dictate the 10 commandments. This doctored video hold's quite literally little to no credibility.
better than pigeon bs your amry produces every other week!
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