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India's Role in Quetta Bombing: A Conspiracy Theory?

There are number of reports where Pak is seen to engage with Isis. It is still in beginning stage and not too far away before they are tightly coupled.

Not reports, verbal diarrhea, but there are Indian companies found to be linked to ISIS :)
See my edit, you are the fool... It's the same as saying Japan is involved because they drive toyotas

They supply bombs to ISIS, you made a bigger fool of yourself, now. :enjoy:
They supply bombs to ISIS, you made a bigger fool of yourself, now. :enjoy:
Lol you the bigger fool they were components like fuses and chemicals to companies in turkey from where they wee purchased by Isis. Secondly there are more Chinese companies than India companies in this list along with number of other countries trading with countries like turkey of Erdogan fame and Lebanon.
Please don't show your ifnorance
Lol you the bigger fool they were components like fuses and chemicals to companies in turkey from where they wee purchased by Isis. Secondly there are more Chinese companies than India companies in this list along with number of other countries trading with countries like turkey of Erdogan fame and Lebanon.
Please don't show your ifnorance

Turkey is trading with Syria long before ISIS came into being, you know it is right next to it? right? So is Lebanon.
China is trading with Syria/Iraq/all of the world long before ISIS came into being, that was not the case with Indian companies.

In fact their spokesperson has denied any trade with Syria or Iraq, you have to have a license to sell these components outside.

So since the person has officially denied, it means their are facilitators in the Indian soil that are trading with ISIS. They could be those companies directly, as the spokesperson has only given a statement, which is not an evidence.

And their are many reports of ISIS recruits in Indian soil, but no reports on Pakistani soil.

So the point here is, as India has been found to having links with BLA and TTP, Mukti bihani, Tamil tigers and now ISIS.
It deeply concerns Pakistan.

Not only is India legally or illegally trading with ISIS, supplying them weapons and bomb components they are also providing them recruits.

Not only that as India also has links with TTP and a number of ISIS are TTP, that also hints at their direct connection with ISIS.

And that deeply concerns Pakistan and Pakistan armed forces.
You have some of the wildest illusions or imaginations bro..how you managd them in a single post.

Mate you think I can repsond to one liners without having to lose the intellectual conversation?

As they say, either put up or shut up!?
Threat to #Pakistan's security emanates from #India-managed #Afghan soil, Pak Army Generals told


Top military commanders believe that the terrorist threat is transforming because of a growing nexus between hostile actors in the neighbourhood and ‘facilitators’ within the country.

At a corps commanders’ conference held at the General Headquarters on Tuesday, the generals reviewed the threat perception and discussed measures for countering the imminent security challenges.

“Participants of the conference were given detailed briefings on ongoing military operations and overall external and internal security situation in the country with particular reference to counterterrorism domain,” the ISPR said in a statement.

The meeting, a monthly feature, gained added significance because of the terrorist attack in Quetta a day earlier, which left at least 70 people dead, and an upcoming high-level security meeting that is expected to take important decisions with regards to future direction of counterterrorism operations.

Army Chief Gen Raheel Sharif told his commanders that the Quetta attack was an attempt to undermine the successes of operation Zarb-i-Azb, which is in its final phase.

He had said on Monday that the target of the attack was the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.

“By adopting a whole of nation approach, the armed forces would not allow anyone to reverse our gains against terrorism,” the army chief added.

At the conference, the generals were told that threat was emanating from Afghan soil, which was being managed by Indian intelligence agencies. However, at the same time there was an acknowledgment that a network of ‘facilitators’ within the country provided an enabling environment for the external enemy.

It is unclear who the facilitators of the external enemy are — whether they are extremist and terrorist organisations operating within the country or other anti-state elements?

During his visit to Quetta after the suicide attack on Civil Hospital on Monday, Gen Raheel had ordered intensification of the already under way combing operations against terrorist groups and their sleeper cells. He further directed expansion in the scope and spread of the operations.

“The military and intelligence agencies have now been mandated to go after the terrorists anywhere in the country, … wherever there is a clue,” a security source said.

The commanders were told that the countrywide crackdown had begun to get hold of the facilitators. Furthermore, there was a recognition that civilian law enforcement agencies needed to be enabled to extend a helping hand in the fight against terrorism.

The ISPR said the commanders had been directed “to provide all necessary assistance to provincial LEAs in their capacity building through training, resourcing and planning so as to integrate them effectively in counterterrorism operations”.

There has been criticism that counterterrorism operations are being constrained because of inadequate involvement of the civilian LEAs in the provinces.
I am extremely friendly brother.

I just have a healthy aversion to being violently killed.

Umm ... OK?

So how many Muslims have been violently killed in india over beef consumption rumors? How many children have been burned alive in Kashmir? What about gujrat massacre?

I suggest you immigrate from such a violent, short tempered country, brother. Especially if you have a healthy aversion to being violently killed. Now that narinder moody is in a bad "mood", things might be even worse than they normally are.
Umm ... OK?

So how many Muslims have been violently killed in india over beef consumption rumors? How many children have been burned alive in Kashmir? What about gujrat massacre?

I suggest you immigrate from such a violent, short tempered country, brother. Especially if you have a healthy aversion to being violently killed. Now that narinder moody is in a bad "mood", things might be even worse than they normally are.

On topic brother, were these 74 lawyers in the hospital eating beef?

We're these 74 lawyers killed by Modi?

How many musalmans killed by musalmans just in Quetta brother?

Peshawar? Karachi?

Are the Baloch Hazara butchered for eating beef brother? Are shias dragged out of buses and executed for eating beef brother?

I think I will politely disregard your suggestion brother. Be safe. Be happy. My dua is with you and your people, if not your nation state which is the enemy of mine.
If "a certain neighboring country" stops financing and supporting those nutjobs, there would be no terrorism in Balochistan, Waziristan or Karachi.

But I think you have totally no idea which neighboring country is supporting and funding all that terrorism. Right?
If "a certain neighboring country" stops financing and supporting those nutjobs, there would be no terrorism in Balochistan, Waziristan or Karachi.

But I think you have totally no idea which neighboring country is supporting and funding all that terrorism. Right?

I know who is financing terrorism across the region brother.
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