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India's Revenge: RAW Attacks Cricketers in Pakistan

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ok....read somewhere the official count is 36 for the bus.

Not on the bus but i think he was talking about the police vehicle.

The TV channels were showing the spot with one or two magazin lying on ground.
Alright, Bull, it's all an illusion.

The bodies on the ground have tomato ketchup on them, the Sri Lankan team were all lying when they said they were shot at.

They just felt like diving on the floor for a bit of fun and cut themselves.

Pure Bollywood indeed.
A slap on the face of conspiracy theorists that India is involved in this attack.

No question of Indian involvement, Colombo tells Islamabad

Independent enquiry sought into Lahore attack

COLOMBO: Sri Lanka has officially conveyed to Pakistan that there is absolutely no reason to suspect any Indian involvement in the Lahore terror attack on the Sri Lankan cricket team on Tuesday. It has asked for an independent enquiry to get to the truth behind the horrific incident.

According to informed official sources, Sri Lankan Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogolollagama told Pakistan’s top leaders during his talks in Islamabad on Wednesday: “India is fully with us. There is no question of it being involved in the terror attack.”

President Mahinda Rajapaksa, who was on a state visit to Nepal the day the Lahore attack took place, directed his Foreign Minister to rush to Islamabad to hold talks with Pakistani leaders on the issues related to the terror attack. Mr. Bogolollagama was also asked to convey Sri Lanka’s condolences and deepest sympathies to the families of the Pakistani security officers and civilians killed in the attack.

Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani telephoned Mr. Rajapaksa in Kathmandu and profusely apologised to the people and the government of Sri Lanka for the harm caused to some members of the cricket team in the attack. They assured Mr. Rajapaksa that Islamabad was determined to combat terrorism and would work with the international community and Sri Lanka to defeat terrorism.

In response, Mr. Rajapaksa strongly condemned the Lahore attack and asserted that terrorism should be countered with a firm resolve worldwide in all its forms and manifestations. The Sri Lankan President cut short his visit to Nepal by a day and returned to Colombo on Tuesday evening.

The impression within the Sri Lankan government, based on accounts from cricketers seated near the team bus driver, Mehar Mohammad Khalil, is that the primary objective of the terror attack might not have been to kill the Sri Lankan cricketers. Given the circumstances of the attack and the heavy weapons the terrorists had, they could have easily blown up the coach and the whole cricket team. The plan might have been to target the driver and kidnap the cricketers. But as things developed, some of the world’s best cricketers were in mortal danger and escaped fortuitously, with fairly minor injuries, thanks to the driver’s heroism.

Was the LTTE involved in the Lahore terror strike? While considering it unlikely, Colombo has not ruled out the possibility.
by Dr. A. Z. Hilali
Since the Mumbai attacks, India is struggling to intensify diplomatic and military pressure on Pakistan and by and large they have been successful due to defensive response of Pakistan. Regrettably, the United States was also on the side of India and pressurized Islamabad to accept Delhi's rhetoric or massive diplomatic offensive moves against Pakistan. The recent ferocious armed attack on Sri Lanka's cricket team launched by terrorists trained by Indian intelligence agency, the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) at famous Liberty market in Lahore, Pakistan's most populous city and commercial hub, left at least six cops and two passerby dead and around seven players wounded. It all started on March 3rd morning, when the assailants used Kalashnikovs, hand-grenades, rocket-launchers and other sophisticated weapons during the well-coordinated assault and targeted the entire Sri Lankan cricket team with the core objective to destabilize friendly relations between Sri Lanka and Pakistan. Reportedly, all the synchronised attacks were perpetrated by a group of young boys who were out to induce panic by causing maximum civilian casualties and damaging the large scale public services and facilities that are imperative for economic activity. The terrorists completed their operation and after that successfully escaped and local administration, including the police, failed to suppress the attackers. In fact, the tragic incident has left a number of unanswered questions, foremost being who was responsible for it and why they selected the Sri Lankan cricket team. In diplomacy and war studies "truth is the first casualty of war," and even Lahore terror attack seems to be unfolding but experts started finger-pointing towards India's intelligence agency RAW for all its woes, be it confirm that terrorists attack is also the result of home-grown political upheavals and the terrorists successfully used security vacuum as an opportunity to prove that Pakistan is not a safe-heaven. The overwhelming body of evidences is available that the Lahore carnage is being supported by the RAW agency and there are equally several veiled accusations that India's involvement cannot ruled out because India was unhappy with Sri Lanka's cricket tour to Pakistan. According to Sunday Times reports, the tour was hastily arranged by Pakistan and New Delhi pressurized Sri Lanka to refuse but Sri Lanka government accepted the invitation to oblige Pakistan and counter India's bully role. So, it was clear that the decision of Mahinda Rajapaksa government "had irked the Indian authorities" and they expressed their displeasure over the tour and treated the Sri Lankan move as a snub to the Indians mainly as fallout from the Indian Premier League (IPL) issue. On the other hand, the tour becomes a diplomatic issue for Colombo because Pakistan is an important strategic factor for Sri Lanka's diplomatic efforts to defeat Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). In the circumstance, it is not difficult to believe that repercussions of the attacks have spread beyond Pakistan's borders. Mounting evidence exist that since the Mumbai attacks India is busy in hurting Pakistan by covert and overt activities and not letting any chance to isolate the country or not digesting cordial relations between Pakistan and Sri Lanka. In fact, this inclination in India's establishment has been interpreted by analysts as India's vision of South Asia as a region where only India will be the arbiter of events. So, it is crystal clear that the incident has happened in Pakistan and part of the conspiracy has been hatched in India somewhere and the Sri Lanka media is full of speculations that the RAW is at the back of the gruesome Lahore massacre and it is obvious that the group that carried out attack is based outside the territory of Pakistan. In the past, Indian officials claimed that Pakistan military personnel have been involved in planning offensives against the LTTE since 2003 and LTTE also claimed that Pakistani officials are involved in offensive planning against the Tamils. In this regard, Indian establishment always disliked growing Pakistan and Sri Lanka's diplomatic and strategic relationship and feeling threat for their hegemonic designs. India's security establishment does not like Pak-Sri Lanka defence cooperation and they also have reservation about Sri Lanka's tilt towards Pakistan. It is interesting to note that India has already refused to meet Colombo's needs with regard to lethal weapons and at the same time, they want to disturb cordial relations between Pakistan and Sri Lanka with regard to the charting strategy against the country's territorial integrity. In reality, diplomatic and strategic relations between Sri Lanka and Pakistan are not a new phenomenon because both countries have long-time understanding and close association. However, presently Islamabad is one of the Colombo's largest suppliers of military equipment and it has no problem to supply lethal weapons to Sri Lanka for its counter-insurgency operations. According to reports published in Jane's Defense Weekly, Sri Lanka has given order to Pakistan for different varieties of weapons worth about US$60 million other than military list is pegged at about $20 million and for Sri Lanka's Air Force (SLAF) is to be worth about $38.1 million. A recent report indicated that Pakistan also sold 22 Al-Khalid tanks to Sri Lanka in a deal worth some $110 million. According to Western media Pakistan Air Force (PAF) personnel are deeply involved in directing Colombo's air strikes on Tamil areas. A former director of the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), B Raman has pointed out that "about 15 members of the Pakistani armed forces, including five from the PAF are stationed in Colombo to guide the Sri Lankan security forces in their counter-insurgency operations. Moreover, PAF officers have reportedly been guiding the SLAF officers in effectively carrying out air-mounted operations against the LTTE and are also involved in drawing up plans for a decapitation strike from the air and to destroy sanctuaries of LTTE with bunker-buster bombs. According to Times of India, Pakistan Air Force (PAF) is not only guiding the Sri Lankan military operations, even their pilots are flying SLAF jets to target Tamils areas. Furthermore, India has concern over growing Pakistan's influence on Sri Lanka's and Islamabad's new envoy in Colombo, Air-Vice Marshal Shehzad Aslam Chaudhry, believed to be the architect of new air strikes launched against Tamils rebels and India perceived that Colombo is using his expertise in aerial bombing of insurgency-racked areas. So, India wants to prevent Pakistan from gaining more ground in the region and for this purpose, in the recent past RAW arranged blast through LTTE on August 14, 2007 and targeted Bashir Wali Mohammed, Pakistan's outgoing High Commissioner to Sri Lanka because of the defence cooperation between Sri Lanka and Pakistan. In this context, RAW has a long history of subversive activities in South Asian countries, including Pakistan and Sri Lanka. They are sponsoring sabotage and separatists movements to Balkanize the countries and for this purpose they are creating instability, political anarchy, and terrorism and always exploiting racial, cultural, sectarian, religious differences for further deteriorating the conditions to other countries. Nevertheless, Pakistan's elites must carefully handle the critical situation and should avoid pleasing India or the United States at the cost of national interests. Although the present shocking incident resembled with the Mumbai attacks but there is no need to blame or involve unnecessarily Pakistan's charity organizations. Thus, the country's establishment must realise the security failure to trace out the culprits and also take care about the India's evil designs to destroying the peaceful fabric of our country. Moreover, day-by-day the frequency of suicide bombings has increased, and terrorists are striking deep into urban areas. So, the new democratic government has to develop a new policy based on national consensus to deflate the terrorists. The people of Pakistan hope that new democratic leadership will show their will to tackle the emerging challenges, rather than becoming a puppet of others because the people believes that the real authority is lying elsewhere in the global political hierarchy.
Says the Hindu Times...... :enjoy:

Exactly indian members are coming up with just indian news sources and we've seen throughout the years what kind of news indian sources post about Pakistan. Ask them to find a Pakistani news source that says the same as what their indian news source say, they wont be able to find it.

Indian news sources are irrelevant when it comes to Pakistan.

Exactly indian members are coming up with just indian news sources and we've seen throughout the years what kind of news indian sources post about Pakistan. Ask them to find a Pakistani news source that says the same as what their indian news source say, they wont be able to find it.

Indian news sources are irrelevant when it comes to Pakistan.

Here is some news for you closer to home.This is from DAWN, Pakistans most respect rag ! Since you the official LET spokesperson for this forum, lets see how you wriggle out of this !!

Investigators see LeT footprints in Lahore attack
By Mubashir Zaidi and Irfan Raza
Friday, 06 Mar, 2009 | 04:41 AM PST |

The authorities have approached Jamaatud Dawa chief Hafiz Saeed to help authorities in tracking down the attackers.—AP

ISLAMABAD: Investigators are zeroing in on the footprints of the banned Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), according to preliminary investigations by the Joint Investigation Team probing Tuesday’s attack on Sri Lankan cricketers at Lahore’s Liberty Chowk.

Sketchy details of the initial probe suggest that a group of headstrong Lashkar activists, who went underground and remained in hiding in Rawalpindi after the crackdown on Lashkar and Jamaatud Dawa in December, had acted on their own and carried out the attack.

Although officials would not confirm the involvement of Lashkar, they categorically ruled out the possibility of involvement of the Indian spy agency RAW (Research and Analysis Wing) or the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) as no evidence has been found so far pointing in their direction.

At least eight people, six policemen among them, were killed after 12 gunmen attacked the bus carrying Sri Lankan cricketers to Qadhafi Stadium.

The attack has killed hopes of any international sports events in Pakistan for months, if not years, and seriously damaged Pakistan’s reputation to host any international sporting event, including the 2011 Cricket World Cup.

The prime minister’s adviser on interior, Rehman Malik, refused to comment on the investigations when asked.

‘At this moment I can only say that investigations into the Lahore attack are going in the right direction. We have also involved the National Database Registration Authority (Nadra) to determine the identity of the attackers,’ he told Dawn.

Interestingly, officials working at Nadra told Dawn that they had no facility to match the sketches with the database. ‘It is a very expensive technology and we do not have it here. So Nadra cannot do anything in this regard,’ a top official of Nadra said.

But asked specifically about the involvement of Lashkar in the Lahore attack, Mr Malik said he could not reveal anything at the moment. ‘The preliminary report will be finalised by Friday. At this moment I can only say that reports regarding the involvement of LeT are speculation,’ he added.

Later he told reporters in Parliament that al Qaeda could be involved in the attack. He also said so far investigations had not yet found any Indian connection.

He told journalists that the involvement of India’s Raw had not been proved so far. But, he added, the final answer could only be given once the investigations were completed.

Mr Malik claimed that investigators had not found any link between the attackers and Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi, a key Pakistani suspect in the Mumbai attacks and the alleged trainer/handler of the suicide squad that wreaked havoc in India’s commercial hub in November last year.

But he refused to share details with media of the arrests made by the law enforcement agencies so far.

The investigators involved in the probe believe that the attackers got their commando training in the camp of Lashkar’s operational commander Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi as their modus operandi had similarities with the Mumbai attackers.

Lakhvi was detained by authorities on suspicion of involvement in the Mumbai terror attacks. He was picked up from his camp in Muzaffarabad on Dec 10 last year.

Investigators believed that one of the attackers had assured the chief suspect in Mumbai terror attacks that his followers would take revenge against Pakistani authorities for his arrest and subsequent trial.

The authorities have also approached Jamaatud Dawa chief Hafiz Saeed, who is currently under detention at his Johar Town residence in Lahore, to help authorities in tracking down the attackers.
Pak CID suggests RAW agents involved in Lahore attacks

According to Pakistan CID reports, there has been a clear suggestion towards the alleged involvement of the RAW agents involved in the attack on Sri Lankan cricket team in Lahore.

Just two days after the Lahore attack, Pakistan hasn't blamed or pointed fingers at the LeT, the Al-Qaeda or even the Taliban but has tried to put India's reputation at stake.

Pakistan intelligence has made available a source letter written by the CID, which talks of a possible attempt by RAW, Indian Intelligence Agency, to sabotage Sri Lanka's tour of Pakistan.

Even former Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf has expressed surprise at the manner in which the police completely abdicated their responsibility. Musharraf has already denounced the attack on Sri Lankan crickerters, citing it was a clear conspiracy against Pakistan.
Pak CID suggests RAW agents involved in Lahore attacks- Hindustan Times
Tamil rebels claim India is behind Lahore attack

COLOMBO: Tamil rebels have claimed Indian involvement in attack on the Sri Lankan cricket team in Lahore.

The rebels’ news website claimed India is behind Lahore attack to keep Sri Lanka at distance from Pakistan and China.

The statement said that the attack on Pakistan ambassador in Colombo was also planned by the Indian spy agency “ RAW”.
Tamil rebels claim India is behind Lahore attack
LTTE has its own reasons to hate India. You tv show talkers still keep ranting about India helping LTTE. Thats not true*. If you understand this, you will know how much truth the rebels talk about. Anyway how could the rebels conclude something from srilanka when even Pakistani investigators could not find anything?
*There are Tamil politicians(extemely localized, only in Tamilnadu) like Vaiko who talk about supporting LTTE but they get into jail often for talking for a terrorist organization(LTTE is a banned terror org in India).
The common Tamil people are always apprehensive about the condition of Tamil civilians living in Srilanka. They organized rallies with people like cine stars to ask Indian government to make Srilanka stop the war to protect Tamils. But the Indian government did not care about these then. That is how LTTE fell so easily. Now LTTE want to blame India so that Srilankan government may have one less friend.
Dont fall for such meaningless claims. Atleast the claims of some Pakistanis, of RAW involvement citing INdia's support for LTTE make sense, in terms of motive even if they lack in facts. But this LTTE's claim is absurd. Don't you think? If it were not for LTTE(hypothetically if at all India supports LTTE) why would they do this anyway?
Anyway how could the rebels conclude something from srilanka when even Pakistani investigators could not find anything?

But they have found many things.

You pick and choose your reports.

There's the CID report, the weapons and statements by officials that point towards RAW.

One report suggesting RAW has been ruled out amongst the many showing RAW agents active in Lahore in the last couple of months does not make everything true all of a sudden . The investigation has not even begun ;) Noone can be ruled out at this stage.
I agree. I countered only the LTTE story.
Noone can be ruled out at this stage.

Also the report about Srilanka rejecting Indian involvement is more recent.
I agree. I countered only the LTTE story.
Noone can be ruled out at this stage.

Also the report about Srilanka rejecting Indian involvement is more recent.
LTTE has its own reasons to hate India. You tv show talkers still keep ranting about India helping LTTE. Thats not true*. If you understand this, you will know how much truth the rebels talk about. Anyway how could the rebels conclude something from srilanka when even Pakistani investigators could not find anything?
*There are Tamil politicians(extemely localized, only in Tamilnadu) like Vaiko who talk about supporting LTTE but they get into jail often for talking for a terrorist organization(LTTE is a banned terror org in India).
The common Tamil people are always apprehensive about the condition of Tamil civilians living in Srilanka. They organized rallies with people like cine stars to ask Indian government to make Srilanka stop the war to protect Tamils. But the Indian government did not care about these then. That is how LTTE fell so easily. Now LTTE want to blame India so that Srilankan government may have one less friend.
Dont fall for such meaningless claims. Atleast the claims of some Pakistanis, of RAW involvement citing INdia's support for LTTE make sense, in terms of motive even if they lack in facts. But this LTTE's claim is absurd. Don't you think? If it were not for LTTE(hypothetically if at all India supports LTTE) why would they do this anyway?

to add, LTTE is a designated terrorist org in 32 countries. India was the first one to designate them terrorist org
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