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India's Revenge: RAW Attacks Cricketers in Pakistan

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:tdown:I wish RAW had capabilities to carry out attacks in Pakistan. The idea itself make me hallucinating like a schizophrenic. RAWs capabilities are overly exaggerated without any substantial proof to convince me.

You are so right, SIR !! The 12 or so consulates in Afghanistan , close to the Pakistani border is there so that your nani wont be inconvenienced , the next time, she wants to visit , nana in Jalalabad.
The road from bandar abbas in Iran to central Afghanistan exists to carry khajoors and apples.
Terrorists were picked from Kuwait and transported to Bangalore , without the Kuwaitis knowing , were the handiwork of ISI
BLA funded and armed, Lashkars working against the Pakistani army are all disinformation campaign of the Pakistanis .

RAW toh dudh peeta, dwindling fools hai !! Happy:chilli:
:tdown:I wish RAW had capabilities to carry out attacks in Pakistan. The idea itself make me hallucinating like a schizophrenic. RAWs capabilities are overly exaggerated without any substantial proof to convince me.

Clearly you are a freshie...
The point is both RAW and ISI are overrated across the border and were blamed for incidents that investigators could not explain. ISI has its achievemnts in Afghanistan. RAW has its own achievements.
Here is one place where both sides consider their agency inferior in their quality and the others' as nototrious for covert ops and sabotages.
The only reliable established signs of their action is the Kabul embassy bombing, where ppl found some proof. All others came from namesake arrests and stories.
Dont believe anyone, not even your government.
He's wrongly quoted as the interior minister, Rahman Malik's title is Musheer, Urdu, for Advisor.

And I saw the way he said it on TV, he was walking out of a meeting with Qazi Hussein and the question was raised, and he said he doesn't believe so.
Thoughts from the brink

By Irfan Husain
Saturday, 07 Mar, 2009 | 09:32 AM PST |

PAKISTANIS have become so accustomed to terrorist attacks that they are almost incapable of shock when fresh horror strikes.

But the attempted massacre of the Sri Lankan cricket team penetrated even the thickest skin, and brought home to us yet again what a murderous place Pakistan has become.

However, despite the familiar nature of the attack, many Pakistanis are still in denial, and are muttering darkly about the famous ‘hidden hand’. Within hours of the atrocity, Imran Khan was on television, saying categorically that neither Al Qaeda nor the Taliban were behind the incident. He went on to allege that the whole thing had originated from ‘some other country.’ I wonder how he could be so sure, especially when Salman Taseer, the Punjab governor, stated that the attack had all the hallmarks of the Mumbai massacre of 26/11.

The ease with which the killers calmly made their escape speaks of long familiarity with the city. It also speaks volumes for the sheer incompetence of the police deployed to protect the Sri Lankan cricket team. Considering that the gunfight took place for nearly half an hour in broad daylight in the middle of Lahore, one would have expected reinforcements to rush in from the nearby police station to surround the terrorists.

It seems churlish to be critical of the cops when six of them died in the line of duty. But clearly, the security arrangements provided for the visiting team were shockingly inadequate. The Australian and English officials who barely escaped with their lives were very critical of the police escort, saying they had been abandoned to their fate as they lay flat on the floor of their van during the crossfire.

The traumatised Sri Lankans have been extremely gracious and diplomatic, but even they have said that while they had been promised presidential-level security, there had obviously been serious lapses. Equally obvious is the fact that neither Musharraf nor Asif Zardari have depended on the poorly trained cops who accompanied the visitors. Heavily armed army commandos are on the presidential security detail, and dummy convoys head off along different routes to confuse potential attackers.

Apart from the incompetence of our police and administration, this attack once more underlines the complete breakdown of law and order in Pakistan today. We had thought that Lahore, despite suicide attacks there last year, was safer than the rest of the country. But it seems that no part of the country is beyond the reach of the terrorists who have multiplied in the giant safe haven that is Pakistan.

Christopher Dell, the American envoy to Afghanistan, recently said accurately albeit undiplomatically: ‘Pakistan is a bigger place [than Afghanistan], has a larger population, it is nuclear-armed. It has certainly made radical Islam a part of its political life, and it now seems to be a deeply ingrained part of its political culture. It makes things there very hard.’

It certainly does. By placing faith at the heart of our political and social discourse, we relinquish responsibility for our actions. When a man-made disaster strikes, those in charge wash their hands of their responsibility by saying that whatever happened was the will of God. This reduced culpability ensures that no remedial steps are taken to prevent a recurrence of the lapse.

When Benazir Bhutto was almost killed on her arrival in October 2007, one had hoped that her security would be tightened. In the event, no lessons were learned and she was assassinated two months later. Similarly, I have no great expectations that security procedures will be revised in the wake of the Lahore attack.

Another factor that is feeding into extremist violence today is the support these jihadis get from large sections of the media. Each time there is a terrorist atrocity, many pundits either go into denial, or ascribe the violence to western policies. How the Sri Lankan cricketers can be held responsible for these policies is something even rabid nationalists will have a hard time pronouncing on.

As Sri Lanka’s Daily News said in an editorial on March 4: ‘Sri Lanka’s cricketers never deserved the horrendous treatment they were subjected to when masked gunmen opened fire on the team bus…. How harming a group of cricketers whose only role is to bring joy and pleasure to the sports-loving public of Pakistan, can achieve whatever object the terrorists had in mind defies understanding.’

Many in Pakistan are searching for clues to prove the presence of the ‘hidden hand’ in this latest act of terrorism. The links between Sri Lanka’s LTTE and jihadi groups are being explored, while others are insisting that somehow, the Indian agency RAW is behind the attack. But the situation in Pakistan is so dire today that local groups must be the first suspects.

After the Mumbai attack, weeks passed before Pakistani officials reluctantly agreed that our nationals and our territory had been involved. Meanwhile, hordes of TV pundits and newspaper columnists were jumping up and down, saying, ‘Where’s the proof?’

By denying that there is a real problem in Pakistan with Islamic terrorism disables us from tackling it. Things have been getting from bad to worse for years while our collective head remains firmly buried in the sand. We either blame Washington for our woes, or we say defensively ‘Where’s the proof?’ And our final defence lies in shrugging, and saying ‘It’s God’s will’.

All three modes of thought and behaviour absolve us of blame, and make corrective action unnecessary. No amount of pain and slaughter seems to convince us that ultimately, we are responsible for what happens within our borders. When we claim sovereignty over our soil, we must also be able to exercise control over it.

We must face the fact that for over three decades, Pakistan has become a breeding ground for religious extremism, and a safe haven for terrorist groups. For years, these gangs have been used by our establishment to further its agenda in the region. Until 9/11, they were provided with money, arms and legitimacy by the Pakistani state. Now, the chickens have come home to roost.

Pakistan can purge itself of these killers only if there is a broad consensus that we will not put up with them any longer. But as long as elements in our security apparatus, our judiciary and our media think that their behaviour can be condoned by ‘western policies’, they will continue to bleed us and ensure our isolation.


DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Thoughts from the brink
Reasons for which Pakistani members believe that RAW is involved in the attack-

1. India is Pakistan's enemy.

2. India has intelligence agency namely RAW.

3. India is responsible for 1971 partition.

4. BCCI has 80% share in cricket wealth. By doing this, it will become 85%.

5. India guessed it right about security of cricket team in Pakistan.

6. India had 26/11.

7. Hindu extremists said "we are making suicide bombers".

8. Terrorists in Lahore incident ran away in few minutes and Indians are coward. :bunny:

9. Zaid Hamid says so.

10. Pakistani youth prefers Urdu over Punjabi. :undecided:

11. Pakistani government is corrupt.

12. India blames Pakistan for Mumbai massacre.

13. Indian media is immature.

14. Salman Taseer has Sikh wife and 'Sikh son' from her. :crazy:

15. US investigators keep coming to Pakistan.

16. India supports LTTE.

17. India demanded that Pakistan should be declared as 'terrorist state'.

18. MS Dhoni said "thank God, we are not in Pakistan".

19. Pakistan helped SL to get over LTTE.

20. It has to be India.

I am sure you can add a few in this list. Go on. :enjoy:

Disclaimer: NO reason is imaginary. You can find each one of them on one thread or the other.
He's wrongly quoted as the interior minister, Rahman Malik's title is Musheer, Urdu, for Advisor.

And I saw the way he said it on TV, he was walking out of a meeting with Qazi Hussein and the question was raised, and he said he doesn't believe so.

I dont know the technicalities, nor do i get to watch Geo TV. I posted what i read in the dawn web.

At 1.50 when the second bacth of 3 arrive, there is van / car that is seen passing them on the main road behind. How come inspite of witnesses seeing gun totting assailants esaping via the bhylanes, police failed to catch them?
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Terrorists were picked from Kuwait and transported to Bangalore , without the Kuwaitis knowing , were the handiwork of ISI
BLA funded and armed, Lashkars working against the Pakistani army are all disinformation campaign of the Pakistanis .

RAW toh dudh peeta, dwindling fools hai !! Happy:chilli:

You are also very Right, Sir!! Like RAW was formed to supply Khajoor and Apples to Pakistan from Afghanistan. Thank you for giving it a credit for funding/arming of BLA (which is controlled by small Marri tribe) and friends(Laskar) turning foes(to **** army) which is impossible precedent to find( Taliban to USA, LTTE to INDIA and so many).:victory: to you.[/QUOTE]

Some coherence and clarity in your writing will do you a world of good and put you in good stead with the intellectual level of this forum :P
You are also very Right, Sir!! Like RAW was formed to supply Khajoor and Apples to Pakistan from Afghanistan. Thank you for giving it a credit for funding/arming of BLA (which is controlled by small Marri tribe) and friends(Laskar) turning foes(to **** army) which is impossible precedent to find( Taliban to USA, LTTE to INDIA and so many).:victory: to you.

Some coherence and clarity in your writing will do you a world of good and put you in good stead with the intellectual level of this forum :P
Reasons for which Pakistani members believe that RAW is involved in the attack-

1. India is Pakistan's enemy.

2. India has intelligence agency namely RAW.

3. India is responsible for 1971 partition.

4. BCCI has 80% share in cricket wealth. By doing this, it will become 85%.

5. India guessed it right about security of cricket team in Pakistan.

6. India had 26/11.

7. Hindu extremists said "we are making suicide bombers".

8. Terrorists in Lahore incident ran away in few minutes and Indians are coward. :bunny:

9. Zaid Hamid says so.

10. Pakistani youth prefers Urdu over Punjabi. :undecided:

11. Pakistani government is corrupt.

12. India blames Pakistan for Mumbai massacre.

13. Indian media is immature.

14. Salman Taseer has Sikh wife and 'Sikh son' from her. :crazy:

15. US investigators keep coming to Pakistan.

16. India supports LTTE.

17. India demanded that Pakistan should be declared as 'terrorist state'.

18. MS Dhoni said "thank God, we are not in Pakistan".

19. Pakistan helped SL to get over LTTE.

20. It has to be India.

I am sure you can add a few in this list. Go on. :enjoy:

Disclaimer: NO reason is imaginary. You can find each one of them on one thread or the other.

fhod dia yaar.....
Unanswered questions Re Lahore 3/3:

1. Who made the last-minute phone call that got the route of the VVIP convoy changed? The phone call shows that the perpetrators were intimately familiar with police procedures.

2. On previous days both cricket teams had left together. Why is it that on 3/3, the Pakistani team was delayed?

3. Why is it that both bus drivers brought their vehicles to a complete standstill? It is important to note that the driver of the SL team bus had kept it stationary in Liberty circle for a full 2 minutes, before he listened to the shouting Sri Lankans and drove away. The driver of the other bus containing the officials had similarly brought it to complete halt and put it into neutral gear.

4. The attackers were coolly walking around and spraying gunfire in Liberty circle for a full twenty minutes, with no sign of any opposition. Sri Lankan witnesses said that the attackers appeared to be under no pressure. How can such lax be possible for a VVIP convoy?

5. All the attackers escaped unhurriedly, it appears that they did not even suffer any injuries.

6. The Liberty market police station was only about 50 metres away! Yet this drama continued unhindered for 20 minutes!!

7. As per cricket officials Chris Broad and Simon Taufel, there were 25 commandos with the VVIP convoy when it left the hotel. It is claimed that 6 were killed. What happened to all the others? Why were the officials abandoned and left to be sitting ducks?

8. The DGP Iqbal Malik had issued an "intelligence warning" that the SL team would be attacked by RAW. Who asked him to do this, and on what basis? Iqbal Malik must be considered to be prime suspect.

9. Previously Pakistani officials were blaming Pakistani organizations like the LeT for this. One Dawn news report even spoke of Hafiz Saeed being questioned to track down suspects. Later reports claim that the perpetrators were identified and included one Mohammed Aquil. Latest reports are trying to implicate India without any evidence. What is going on? Pakistan has not yet officially alleged Indian involvement. Why not? Why have they not officially disclosed any evidence, if at all they have any.

Conclusion: The most likely explanation for this bizarre incident is that it was an attempt by the ISI to portray India as a perpetrator of terrorism, and thereby take pressure off Pakistan in the aftermath of Mumbai 26/11.

This has to be seen as a continuation of other wild stories and allegations recently emanating from Pakistan - for example the story of some "Shukla" supposedly arrested for bomb blasts in Lahore, or some "Indian female spy" arrested in NWFP.
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Unanswered questions Re Lahore 3/3:

1. Who made the last-minute phone call that got the route of the VVIP convoy changed? The phone call shows that the perpetrators were intimately familiar with police procedures.

2. On previous days both cricket teams had left together. Why is it that on 3/3, the Pakistani team was delayed?

3. Why is it that both bus drivers brought their vehicles to a complete standstill? It is important to note that the driver of the SL team bus had kept it stationary in Liberty circle for a full 2 minutes, before he listened to the shouting Sri Lankans and drove away. The driver of the other bus containing the officials had similarly brought it to complete halt and put it into neutral gear.

4. The attackers were coolly walking around and spraying gunfire in Liberty circle for a full twenty minutes, with no sign of any opposition. Sri Lankan witnesses said that the attackers appeared to be under no pressure. How can such lax be possible for a VVIP convoy?

5. All the attackers escaped unhurriedly, it appears that they did not even suffer any injuries.

6. The Liberty market police station was only about 50 metres away! Yet this drama continued unhindered for 20 minutes!!

7. As per cricket officials Chris Broad and Simon Taufel, there were 25 commandos with the VVIP convoy when it left the hotel. It is claimed that 6 were killed. What happened to all the others? Why were the officials abandoned and left to be sitting ducks?

8. The DGP Iqbal Malik had issued an "intelligence warning" that the SL team would be attacked by RAW. Who asked him to do this, and on what basis? Iqbal Malik must be considered to be prime suspect.

9. Previously Pakistani officials were blaming Pakistani organizations like the LeT for this. One Dawn news report even spoke of Hafiz Saeed being questioned to track down suspects. Later reports claim that the perpetrators were identified and included one Mohammed Aquil. Latest reports are trying to implicate India without any evidence. What is going on? Pakistan has not yet officially alleged Indian involvement. Why not? Why have they not officially disclosed any evidence, if at all they have any.

Conclusion: The most likely explanation for this bizarre incident is that it was an attempt by the ISI to portray India as a perpetrator of terrorism, and thereby take pressure off Pakistan in the aftermath of Mumbai 26/11.

This has to be seen as a continuation of other wild stories and allegations recently emanating from Pakistan - for example the story of some "Shukla" supposedly arrested for bomb blasts in Lahore, or some "Indian female spy" arrested in NWFP.

hahahahaha the most funniest conclusion.:cheesy: stop posting here from indian sources:disagree:
Halaku Khan

What you should have posted was:

1. Who made the last-minute phone call that got the route of the VVIP convoy changed? The phone call shows that the perpetrators were intimately familiar with police procedures.

A. RAW agents made the calls. The police chief of Lahore and overall chief of Punjab is RAW agent as also Interior Minister, DG ISI and COAS .......:cheers:

2. On previous days both cricket teams had left together. Why is it that on 3/3, the Pakistani team was delayed?

A. Because they too are on RAW payroll too (dont they loose to India in every world cup tie they have?) and RAW had planned to attack SL cricketers so why waste your agents too?

3. Why is it that both bus drivers brought their vehicles to a complete standstill? It is important to note that the driver of the SL team bus had kept it stationary in Liberty circle for a full 2 minutes, before he listened to the shouting Sri Lankans and drove away. The driver of the other bus containing the officials had similarly brought it to complete halt and put it into neutral gear.

A. Because they were RAW controller and deputy controller. So they were coordinating initially and then they covered their acts by acting brave!!!

4. The attackers were coolly walking around and spraying gunfire in Liberty circle for a full twenty minutes, with no sign of any opposition. Sri Lankan witnesses said that the attackers appeared to be under no pressure. How can such lax be possible for a VVIP convoy?

A. Told you GoP from top to bottom is RAW infilterated as also the agencies involved.

5. All the attackers escaped unhurriedly, it appears that they did not even suffer any injuries.

A. RAW provided bullet proof whole dresses for them as also instructed the RAW agent Lahore police not to fire on them.

6. The Liberty market police station was only about 50 metres away! Yet this drama continued unhindered for 20 minutes!!

A. How tiresome you can be ...... told you RAW controls everything!!!

7. As per cricket officials Chris Broad and Simon Taufel, there were 25 commandos with the VVIP convoy when it left the hotel. It is claimed that 6 were killed. What happened to all the others? Why were the officials abandoned and left to be sitting ducks?

A. Again RAW did not want all agents killed sir!!

8. The DGP Iqbal Malik had issued an "intelligence warning" that the SL team would be attacked by RAW. Who asked him to do this, and on what basis? Iqbal Malik must be considered to be prime suspect.

A. He didnt get his regular paycheck from RAW (which gave him a taste of economic slowdown) so he was smarting .......!!!!

9. Previously Pakistani officials were blaming Pakistani organizations like the LeT for this. One Dawn news report even spoke of Hafiz Saeed being questioned to track down suspects. Later reports claim that the perpetrators were identified and included one Mohammed Aquil. Latest reports are trying to implicate India without any evidence. What is going on? Pakistan has not yet officially alleged Indian involvement. Why not? Why have they not officially disclosed any evidence, if at all they have any.

A. Because if they go official they will displease RAW which may not give them further paychecks. Yet leaks can help in making sure the Pakistani CItizen is scared out of his wits and does not oppose Indian stooges in GoP-simple!

Conclusion: The most likely explanation for this bizarre incident is that it was an attempt by the ISI to portray India as a perpetrator of terrorism, and thereby take pressure off Pakistan in the aftermath of Mumbai 26/11.

This has to be seen as a continuation of other wild stories and allegations recently emanating from Pakistan - for example the story of some "Shukla" supposedly arrested for bomb blasts in Lahore, or some "Indian female spy" arrested in NWFP

A. Again wrong here. RAW released this report so that they could show they work and ask for pay hike post 6th Pay Commission ......!
Reasons for which Pakistani members believe that RAW is involved in the attack-

1. India is Pakistan's enemy.

2. India has intelligence agency namely RAW.

3. India is responsible for 1971 partition.

4. BCCI has 80% share in cricket wealth. By doing this, it will become 85%.

5. India guessed it right about security of cricket team in Pakistan.

6. India had 26/11.

7. Hindu extremists said "we are making suicide bombers".

8. Terrorists in Lahore incident ran away in few minutes and Indians are coward. :bunny:

9. Zaid Hamid says so.

10. Pakistani youth prefers Urdu over Punjabi. :undecided:

11. Pakistani government is corrupt.

12. India blames Pakistan for Mumbai massacre.

13. Indian media is immature.

14. Salman Taseer has Sikh wife and 'Sikh son' from her. :crazy:

15. US investigators keep coming to Pakistan.

16. India supports LTTE.

17. India demanded that Pakistan should be declared as 'terrorist state'.

18. MS Dhoni said "thank God, we are not in Pakistan".

19. Pakistan helped SL to get over LTTE.

20. It has to be India.

I am sure you can add a few in this list. Go on. :enjoy:

Disclaimer: NO reason is imaginary. You can find each one of them on one thread or the other.

Will you spare us the BS and keep the sarcasm out. Have you ever wondered why only India is having problems with almost all of its neighbors Pakistan, China, BD, SriLanka? Give it a thought if India is what you portray it to be, then i don't understand why should it face any problems w.r.t its neighbors.:disagree:
Will you spare us the BS and keep the sarcasm out. Have you ever wondered why only India is having problems with almost all of its neighbors Pakistan, China, BD, SriLanka? Give it a thought if India is what you portray it to be, then i don't understand why should it face any problems w.r.t its neighbors.:disagree:

Ice, he has only listed the reasons mentioned by various members on this forum. You can check out the thread yourself and then declare his post as BS. He loves his country as much as you do to yours.

Regarding India's and its relationship with its neighbour, that has got nothing to do with this thread.
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