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India's Revenge: RAW Attacks Cricketers in Pakistan

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There was this huge security failure . At least agree to that. RAW is a very large organisation. Given the level of security given to this high value target, even Dombivali hawaldaars with their .303 guns could have done what the terrorists done.

As I said many times , 'apne gerebaan mein jhaak ke dekho'. The lack of security is what caused this terrorism and heads should roll. Blaming RAW is childish. If you leave the doors of your house open, toh phir chor toh ghusega hi !!

Andy the level of security in India was far worst than this. Atleast our policemen have saved the lives of Sri Lankans by sacrificing their own lives.

It is time Indians should stop commenting childishly when it comes to their country as muse said even they fram a cinema ticket recovered from the scene and when it comes to REAL WEAPONS which the world have seen; there is nothing hidden, you are trying to divert attention from alleged role of INDIA in this attack.

Nobody in Pakistan is denying security laps BUT this does not mean Pakistan and the world should close eyes towards the proven reports about Indian plan to attack Sri Lankan team on way to stadium.
Andy the level of security in India was far worst than this. Atleast our policemen have saved the lives of Sri Lankans by sacrificing their own lives.

It is time Indians should stop commenting childishly when it comes to their country as muse said even they fram a cinema ticket recovered from the scene and when it comes to REAL WEAPONS which the world have seen; there is nothing hidden, you are trying to divert attention from alleged role of INDIA in this attack.

Nobody in Pakistan is denying security laps BUT this does not mean Pakistan and the world should close eyes towards the proven reports about Indian plan to attack Sri Lankan team on way to stadium.

Lahore police did a commendable job. I agree to that. However where was the SSG (used exclusively when India cricketers toured Pakistan )

Second , Mumbai 26/11 is no comparison. Any crazed lunatic can go on a murderous rampage against unarmed civilians. The question is of a high value target like the Sri Lankans.

Thirdly , nothing is proven yet, so do not jump the gun !
'apne gerebaan mein jhaak ke dekho'. The lack of security is what caused this terrorism and heads should roll. Blaming RAW is childish. If you leave the doors of your house open, toh phir chor toh ghusega hi !!

Lack of security did not "cause" this - it enabled it, to be sure. Be careful about these words, should a concensus develop in Pakistan that this had any sort Indian involvement - I don't know any better, but I'm more inclined to think that this was the work of pakistani groups allied with Al-Qaida -- then you know it's going to be "on'.

I hope for everybody's sake, it's not the Indian.
Lahore police did a commendable job. I agree to that. However where was the SSG (used exclusively when India cricketers toured Pakistan )

Second , Mumbai 26/11 is no comparison. Any crazed lunatic can go on a murderous rampage against unarmed civilians. The question is of a high value target like the Sri Lankans.

Thirdly , nothing is proven yet, so do not jump the gun !

Yes there is comparison between Mumbai and Lahore attacks.

Both have targeted unarmed people. It does not matter high value or low value targets.

Sri Lankan team has been targted under a well planned plot just to bring bad name to Pakistan worldwide simple as that.

the deployment of SSG does not mean one can prevent the attack.
Pakistan criticised for 'lapses'

Criticism has been mounting over apparent security lapses leading to Tuesday's attack on Sri Lanka's cricket team in the Pakistani city of Lahore.

Up to 14 gunmen took part in the attack which killed six policemen and a driver, and injured eight tour members.

Separately, the Pakistani police have released sketches of some of the suspected attackers.

And two Sri Lankan players wounded in the attack are recovering after surgery in Colombo, their doctors say.
President Asif Ali Zardari has vowed that the attackers will be caught, and punished "with iron hands".

There is no word on the identities or motives of the gunmen, who escaped.

Reports say that, since the government had pledged to provide the highest levels of security to the Sri Lankan cricket team, the attack has undermined confidence in Pakistan's security apparatus.

We were promised high-level security and in our hour of need that security vanished ..

Chris Broad, ICC match referee

A Pakistani opposition lawmaker has said the incident is a "source of embarrassment at the international level".
"This government should be ashamed and make those responsible for criminal negligence in their duties accountable," Ahsan Iqbal was quoted as saying by the Associated Press.

Australian cricket umpire Steve Davis, who was part of the team of referees for the match, has criticised Pakistan for failing to protect the team.

"There's a bit of anger there that we were let down - we had all sorts of assurances before and I'm sure the [Sri Lankan] team feels that way too," Mr Davis said.

"Despite all that, this was still able to happen and we were put in a very vulnerable position and felt very helpless."

Simon Taufel, another umpire who was caught up in the attack, has also criticised the lack of security.

"We were promised a nine [out of ten for security] and got delivered a two," Mr Taufel was quoted as telling reporters by the AFP news agency.
"The gunfire .. it just kept going. We thought, when's it going to stop? Who's going to come and save us, how are we going to get out of here? " he said.

"You tell me why supposedly 20 armed commandos were in our convoy and when the team bus got going again, we were left on our own? I don't have any answers to these questions."

Match referee match referee Chris Broad said Pakistan had not provided adequate protection for the team.

Mr Broad, who was in the bus when it came under fire, has accused Pakistani security forces of "vanishing" during the attack.

He said he had raised concerns about security before the team travelled to Pakistan but had been promised high level security protection.

Video footage shot during the attack showed "terrorists shooting past our van, sometimes into our van - and not a sign of a policeman anywhere," said Mr Broad.

"They had gone, left the scene, and left us to be sitting ducks.

"I am extremely angry that we were promised high-level security and in our hour of need that security vanished."

Mr Broad's claims were strongly denied by Ijaz Butt, chairman of the Pakistan Cricket Board, who referred to the policemen killed by the attackers.

Separately, two Sri Lankan cricketers who were injured in the attack have undergone surgery in a Colombo hospital, doctors say.

Tharanga Paranavitana, who had a bullet lodged in his chest, and Thilan Samaraweera, who had shrapnel in his leg, will need around six weeks to completely recover, a senior Sri Lankan sports official told the AFP.

Massive ramifications

Meanwhile, Pakistani television has broadcast what it says is footage of gunmen fleeing the scene of the attack.

Chris Broad says he is 'angry' about the lack of security
The grainy and edited footage, broadcast on Pakistan's GEO network, shows a man arriving in what appears to be a side street on a motorbike.
Masked men opened fire on the bus, killing six policemen escorting the Sri Lankans and a driver.

Seven players and an assistant coach were wounded. The team later flew back to Sri Lanka.

The attacks are expected to have massive ramifications for the cricket world, with the ICC considering whether Pakistan can co-host World Cup matches in 2011.
Its not hard to get a Indian issued RPG-22 or else the Russian or American issued counterparts in the black markets. If intelligence agencies start doing these kind of silly mistakes, then there is no point in calling them intelligence agencies. I am not arguing that Taliban did this attack but by some one who did not think intelligent enough that leaving an Indian issued equipment at the crime scene is dumb strategy to make RAW responsible for this attacks.
Please remember that when you implicate Pakistan the next time based on Milk Pak cartons and butterscotch candy wrappers.

I'm not declaring the finality of the guilt upon RAW based on the RPG-22, but its just another thing indicating towards ONE culprit only. More evidence is needed and an arrest would either implicate or exonerate India.
Why is EVERYONE stuck on " who did it" ?

Shouldn't we be wondering how to stop them & prevent the next one ?
Third eye - both are important , Pakistan need to look into both issues with equal importance -
who did it and how to stop it.
Once they punish the culprit here - second time he will think twice before attacking!
and that in it self is one step to stop it. If they hit you with bullet hit them with bomb.

Pakistan received Intelligence that Indian RAW (Research and Analysis Wing) has assigned its agents the Task to Target the Sri Lankan Cricket Team, during its current visit to Lahore, especially while travelling between hotel and stadium or at hotel during their stay.

Secret Documents copies can be seen below:

That's a good find, Neo.

Yes, I'd tend to agree with many messages so far.

Pakistan's security perhaps should have been higher (poor leadership, but note everyone got out with minor cuts).

It seems there was intelligence to indicate a RAW planned or RAW backed attack.

The motivation is there with India. From the "war through media" it announced after Mumbai to graze Pakistan's image interntionally, to the Indian minister's castigation of the Sri Lankans for daring to tour Pakistan. Isn't it odd that when the minister warns them for touring Pakistan, cricketers, for the first time in history get attacked, odd for sure.

The RPG-22, being an Indian-issue is significant. It shows military planning, moreover it shows that they were not ordinary Taliban, if indeed they were Taliban. They were well armed, well funded, well trained. Ordinary Taliban issue is RPG-7. RPG-22 is not within their ranks.

At a time when the Pakistani Taliban made peace deals and agreed to join with the Afghani Taliban, it is indeed odd why they'd suddenly re-launch an attack on Pakistan. The shady hand of the Indian security services is appearing all over this one.
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Why is EVERYONE stuck on " who did it" ?

Shouldn't we be wondering how to stop them & prevent the next one ?
Sure, but this thread is about the who dunnit, and more specifically if RAW has dunnit...

It's vital, Pakistan needs to make examples of the culprits, there should be consequences for conducting terrorism in Pakistan. We have already tried lets not focus on the who dunnit, approach. It doesn't work, till the culprit faces some consequences.
Sure, but this thread is about the who dunnit, and more specifically if RAW has dunnit...

It's vital, Pakistan needs to make examples of the culprits, there should be consequences for conducting terrorism in Pakistan. We have already tried lets not focus on the who dunnit, approach. It doesn't work, till the culprit faces some consequences.

The reason why I am not sure if this will work is that Pak has done very little on those who " did" it in Mumbai except for FIR's.
Please remember that when you implicate Pakistan the next time based on Milk Pak cartons and butterscotch candy wrappers..

You are denying something that your govt has accepeted. While submitting the case file in court the investigators have clearly mentioned that the proof they have wont be enough to implicate state actors in Pakistan, but they have proofs of private elements in Pakistan.
Sure, but this thread is about the who dunnit, and more specifically if RAW has dunnit...

It's vital, Pakistan needs to make examples of the culprits, there should be consequences for conducting terrorism in Pakistan. We have already tried lets not focus on the who dunnit, approach. It doesn't work, till the culprit faces some consequences.

Well on one hand you say RAW did it and on the other hand the investigating agencies are finding it difficult to get the clues. Other than those sketches and 10 people who are rounded up.
How did the RAW do all these ???

  • Punjab Govt shuffle the police officers
  • Punjab Govt ignore specific threast on SL team, specific as in as specific as it can get.
  • Make the anonymous call that made authorities change the route.
  • And then know about the changed route.

This is definitly another plan by the same Pakistani based guys ( LeTor ISI etc) who did 26/11 to divert the attention. This attack helps these 26/11 conspirartors as they were feeling the heat from GOP / India and Int'l communities. With 3/3 Pakistan has got a wonderfull oppurtunity to cut a sorry figure and buy symphaty.

If you look at the biggest benefeciary, its GOP and not India. Now from 26/11 they can cry about being 3/3 victims and ask for $$$ and UAVs. The very fact that Srilankan players were left unhurt, proves that the attackers were there to show 'presence' and not 'perform the act'. And why would any terrorist do that? Attack in the same way as they did in 26/11, similar dress and with foot soldiers. This is blatant attempt to show that the guys who atacked India on 26/11 also has attacked Pakistan on 3/3 and both countries have to 'fight' terrorists as they both are 'victims' togther.

Drama enacted well.

  • RPG misses two buses and flys over the roof.
  • Grenade rolls under the bus.
  • 10 AK 47 rifle continous assault for 25 minutes leave only a mere half a dozen bullet marks on front windsheild. Where they aiming moon.
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