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India's poor urged to 'eat rats'

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Oh yes, Chinese/Pakistanis/Bangladeshis/Sri Lankans are all in a conspiracy against you. :lol:

We share something in common, we don't like India sneering at us when they are below everyone in Asia (and the world) in terms of poverty.

You have no place hide, now you have started talking anything and to save your face your are summoning others for help. Bring them on, we will see.

There is no BD member participating in this thread, Sri Lankan coward who posted 2008 news on this thread is still not out but hiding in his rat hole, Pakistani who posted a youtube video edited by another Pakistani has no reason to ride his moral high horse anymore, now remaining Chinese odd one out, link dweller, already gifted with videos of Chinese eating bull dicks and what not is stubborn enough to accept his misery.

If they all are not convinced then even Indians don't give a damn to what bitches have to say about them rather they are brave enough to shove their hands down through their (bitches) throats and showing them the mirror. You la la lander think by living behind not so Great wall of Communist China you have got the right to throw mud at us, and you can make us defencive by talking on the behalf of others, then you are grossly mistaken.

It would be last thing on earth an Indian would trust, be impressed or listen to a third class, compulsive lair.

You are doing what the best you can do, this is the maximum you can do. We have seen worst than you, but still prevailing here and burning lamps under many gluteus maximus at whim.

Go figure it out.
CD you seems to enjoy going round n round in circle , don't you ??
How many times would you post same link ??
Think something new,be innovative rather than reverse engineering Aryan_b's thought process.

Indians were claiming otherwise, even after I posted the link. :lol:

They need a dose of reality, from a UN report.

UN has never done poverty headcount in Pakistan since 2005 and their figure is based in 2005 data. And World Bank which actually spent money in Pakistan believe that poverty in Pakistan as grew by 20% in last 5 yrs.

Statistics reveal stunning increase in poverty

Poverty in Pakistan | Pakistan Today | Latest news, Breaking news, Pakistan News, World news, business, sport and multimedia
How that could be hidden ??So true !!
If doesn't have any logical answer in between any discussion then just post link to derail the whole thread,I know you are good at it .

---------- Post added at 02:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:31 PM ----------

You thoughts are not in sync with real Sri Lankan feeding habit.:taz:

come onnnnnnn:rofl:

btw, I have seen some Indian are eating ants, so if they promote that in that state it will help them too
honestly I didn't know. :D

btw, this article is dated 2008, so now we can talk about the progress of that project. How many rat dishes they have now?
are they eating with tail or without tail ?

That's a long tail but for now I would like reaffirm my support for Indian govt to feed rats to its poor
UN has never done poverty headcount in Pakistan since 2005 and their figure is based in 2005 data. And World Bank which actually spent money in Pakistan believe that poverty in Pakistan as grew by 20% in last 5 yrs.

Statistics reveal stunning increase in poverty

Poverty in Pakistan | Pakistan Today | Latest news, Breaking news, Pakistan News, World news, business, sport and multimedia

LOL, you guys never believe the Pakistani media until it suits you. :lol:

My source is from a UN report, your sources are just speculation.
Well ITS india after all where people don't even know the name of their country. The supa pawa indians brag about giving shelter
to imaginary illegal migrants but at the same time they forget that they can hardly feed 230 mn people living below $2 a day.
Its a pathetic scenario really.:coffee:
Yesterday, I replied with so many links that poverty in Pakistan is about 40% much higher than India's from Pakistani sources. Shall I post the links for that but I don't want to troll right now.

Please stay on topic. Its not about anything but tasty rat eating in India
come onnnnnnn:rofl:

btw, I have seen some Indian are eating ants, so if they promote that in that state it will help them too
Did you recorded that,if you can upload that on you tube then kudos to you else keep smelling your brain farts yourself.
Eating rats is only small things.
In China, people eat even the body fetus.

Chinese Company Reportedly Selling Stamina Pills Made of Human Fetuses | Print |
WEDNESDAY, 10 AUGUST 2011 14:48

A South Korea investigative news team has produced a documentary reporting that the largest hospital in China is selling human fetuses, placentas, and whole corpses of dead babies to a dietary supplement manufacturer for use in its line of stamina-increasing pills.

Witness the following statement taken from a story in the English language China Daily:
The Ministry of Health said on Tuesday that it has launched an investigation in the wake of a media report in South Korea about capsules from China — made from the flesh of dead babies — being used as stamina boosters.

Chinese Company Reportedly Selling Stamina Pills Made of Human Fetuses
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