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India’s Pakistan policy comes home to roost

The ambassador can cry for sanity all he wants. India is now looking for war with Pakistan as it fits the pattern of neo-colonialism the current government wants to push. Sadly, the problem with all of this is that the miltiary is painting some rosy picture which hawks like swamy are feeding to Modi. Who at the end is nothing more than a man with a bruised ego after being rebuffed at his peace overtures.

The next few weeks could be very tense.

The war will intensify for sure, but there won't be any direct war.
yawn ... nothing will change

Source is A rediff blog like this guy's fantasy threads!

There's a reason Amb. Bhadrakumar is no longer a diplomat and reduced to writing blogs and columns: his foreign policy is rooted squarely in the past, in Congress's India, with its fabian socialism and foreign policy of NAM and anti-Americanism. He is also an appeaser of China.

No wonder Pakistanis on PDF think he's a sane voice. He's echoing their thoughts.
My Pak Brothers,

The farce is transforming into tragedy.

The indian regime has dug itslef a deep hole and only way it can crawl out is by de-esclating tensions that it has manufactured itself. But it shall not do so....

The self fulfilling prophecies of indian media has conditioned the indian empires public about their invincibility and lust for conquest. The public mood in indian empire is beligerent and politicians are but victims of their own rhetoric.

Sad truth is that now Pak is all on its own and must be prepared for full scale war with definitive US involvement on indian side to not breach nuclear threshold. In other words take the beating with hands tied to the back...at least that is the planning.

You must be prepared for full scale war now..might start with mellowing down through sanctions alla iraq or might be swift indian attack under garb of being a victim. Indian will try to cover international scence through diplomatic dance.. preparing the grounds if you like.

This process is already a couple of years old. So, Pak Brothers be prepared for full war. From within indian terror on Pak soil and from without indian agression.

Please, do no count on any brotherly nations to come to your aid... you are on your own as always.

Be prepared and dont let the evil hegemon surprise you.

This is tragedy unfolding... I am saddened at the loss of possible life...but the imperial lust for expansion in in indian regime has now become too strong for anyone in india to control.

Prepare for greatest struggle of your national life.

Forgive me for saying that but your political class is not mature enough to deal with this organised and very well planned onslaught of indian emperial agression. Poltically and diplomatically you are poorly prepared.

Become One in national need and you are not going down. Never.

Prepare for your Finnest Hour.

Long Live Pakistan!

@PaklovesTurkiye @Stealth @Irfan Baloch @PAKISTANFOREVER @DESERT FIGHTER
@Kaptaan @PAKISTANFOREVER @Oscar @waz @Mentee @IceCold @Areesh @ISI Brothers...channel your engergies into this forum and help the Pak posters find a positive narrative!

The US would not get involved in a war when there is ZERO evidence to justify it.

The international community would probably condemn an attack by India, since attacking another nuclear armed nation on rumors and guesses is about the dumbest thing you can do. Modi is probably using this time however to build a case against Pakistan, we'll see how that attempt plays out.
India’s Pakistan policy comes home to roost

The terrorist attack on the Indian Army base camp at Uri in the early hours of Sunday gives a sickening feeling that the asymmetric war with Pakistan, which began tapering off a year ago, is restarting. (here) What has happened to our Pakistan policy?

There are always ‘red lines’ in diplomacy and the most important ones are always the self-imposed ones. I can ‘declassify’ a vital information, namely, that in the a priori history before Prime Minister Narendra Modi came to power in May 2014, we took care not to violate the ‘red lines’ – crying hoarse over Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan or hobnobbing with Baluchi secessionists.
The present government has breached those ‘red lines’. The National Security Advisor in the government Ajit Doval openly threatened to ‘do another Bangladesh’ to Pakistan by splitting Baluchistan province. PM has now tacitly acknowledged that that threat is actually his government’s policy.

The PM’s admirers are cheering wildly. They are thrilled he is taking a leaf out of Chanakya to put Pakistan in its place – ‘Samam, Danam, Bhedam, Dandam’, et al. They are speculating in the social network sites where our training camps for Baluchi rebels could be located. Some say Jaisalmer in Rajasthan, bordering Sindh, is ideal.

Whoever advised PM to ride the Baluchi tiger must be a moron of the first order. Make no mistake, the attack on Uri army base is an act of retaliation from across the border.

I wrote only two days ago that Americans could be in possession of intelligence regarding likelihood of a terrorist strike. (See my blog Washington’s Modi blues.) There are obviously grey areas that need explaining by the government. Couldn’t the security establishment anticipate that a Pakistani retaliation was inevitable?

The public opinion should comprehend how dangerous is this shift in our country’s policies. The Indian policy consistently factored in that a realistic solution to the Kashmir problem would somehow devolve upon international recognition to the Line of Control.

Not even mavericks thought it was within the realm of possibility to annex Azad Kashmir. Equally, we knew that even if public sentiments in Azad Kashmir turned critical of Islamabad, that didn’t mean tilt favouring integration with India. As for Gilgit and Baltistan, chances of annexing those remote regions are simply non-existent.

Nonetheless, we did invoke Azad Kashmir now and then – never Gilgit and Baltistan, though – whenever we needed to nail Pakistani propaganda. Period. We secretly hoped for the integration of Azad Kashmir, Gilgit and Baltistan as full-fledged Pakistani provinces (similar to the process currently under way with regard to FATA), hoping that would erode Pakistan’s locus standii on Kashmir. (Smart thinking today should be to encourage China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.)

However, government legitimised our propagandistic stance as India’s official policy. And it took a great leap into the dark by making Baluchi nationalism the stuff of our prime ministerial diplomacy.
Had PM ever visited Pakistan, even once, he’d have known how deeply scarred that country’s psyche is even today, after four decades, that India cut open its womb once and took away one half. No matter the sound rationale of our ‘humanitarian intervention’ in East Pakistan, the fact of the matter is that no country ever did such a thing to a neighbouring country in all of modern history.
Yet, the ruling elites are strongly signalling that India planned to team up with Afghanistan to dismember Pakistan. The Indian Express newspaper commented editorially that Afghan President Ashraf Ghani’s recent visit to Delhi marked the launch of an interventionist policy similar to the saga in Sri Lanka in the eighties. (here) The Uri attack came 5 days after Ghani’s visit.

Unless there is a careful course correction, the ensuing entanglement with Pakistani ‘non-state actors’ threatens to become full-time job for Doval – and PM Modi. Now, do we want to fall into Hafeez Saeed’s trap? What happens to ‘Make in India’ and Swaatch Bharat and Yoga? How do we bring J&K back to normalcy?

If the government does nothing by way of a response to the Uri attack, the Hindu nationalists will feel let down. On the contrary, if India responds militarily, it is 100% certain UN Security Council will meet in New York to discuss Kashmir. The UN Commissioner for Refugees has just condemned the situation in the Kashmir Valley.

The PM’s secretariat in Islamabad on Saturday issued an ominous statement – that Nawaz Sharif left for New York on his “most important foreign visit”, intending to invoke UN Security Council’s resolutions on Kashmir, and underscore the imperative need to settle the “longstanding Kashmir dispute which is among the oldest items on the UN agenda”. (Xinhua)

[Ambassador MK Bhadrakumar served as a career diplomat in the Indian Foreign Service for over 29 years, with postings including India’s ambassador to Uzbekistan (1995-1998) and to Turkey (1998-2001). He writes the “Indian Punchline” blog and has written regularly for Asia Times since 2001.]


Right, everything was hunky-dory when we didn't cross the so called 'red line' during the UPA time, MMS & Nawaz were singing "Yeh dosti hum nehi torenge' while riding a bike together from Lahore to Goa.
My Pak Brothers,

The farce is transforming into tragedy.

The indian regime has dug itslef a deep hole and only way it can crawl out is by de-esclating tensions that it has manufactured itself. But it shall not do so....

The self fulfilling prophecies of indian media has conditioned the indian empires public about their invincibility and lust for conquest. The public mood in indian empire is beligerent and politicians are but victims of their own rhetoric.

Sad truth is that now Pak is all on its own and must be prepared for full scale war with definitive US involvement on indian side to not breach nuclear threshold. In other words take the beating with hands tied to the back...at least that is the planning.

You must be prepared for full scale war now..might start with mellowing down through sanctions alla iraq or might be swift indian attack under garb of being a victim. Indian will try to cover international scence through diplomatic dance.. preparing the grounds if you like.

This process is already a couple of years old. So, Pak Brothers be prepared for full war. From within indian terror on Pak soil and from without indian agression.

Please, do no count on any brotherly nations to come to your aid... you are on your own as always.

Be prepared and dont let the evil hegemon surprise you.

This is tragedy unfolding... I am saddened at the loss of possible life...but the imperial lust for expansion in in indian regime has now become too strong for anyone in india to control.

Prepare for greatest struggle of your national life.

Forgive me for saying that but your political class is not mature enough to deal with this organised and very well planned onslaught of indian emperial agression. Poltically and diplomatically you are poorly prepared.

Become One in national need and you are not going down. Never.

Prepare for your Finnest Hour.

Long Live Pakistan!

@PaklovesTurkiye @Stealth @Irfan Baloch @PAKISTANFOREVER @DESERT FIGHTER
@Kaptaan @PAKISTANFOREVER @Oscar @waz @Mentee @IceCold @Areesh @ISI Brothers...channel your engergies into this forum and help the Pak posters find a positive narrative!

We have sent the message across the border......:-)

India’s Pakistan policy comes home to roost
The terrorist attack on the Indian Army base camp at Uri in the early hours of Sunday gives a sickening feeling that the asymmetric war with Pakistan, which began tapering off a year ago, is restarting. (here) What has happened to our Pakistan policy?

There are always ‘red lines’ in diplomacy and the most important ones are always the self-imposed ones. I can ‘declassify’ a vital information, namely, that in the a priori history before Prime Minister Narendra Modi came to power in May 2014, we took care not to violate the ‘red lines’ – crying hoarse over Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan or hobnobbing with Baluchi secessionists.
The present government has breached those ‘red lines’. The National Security Advisor in the government Ajit Doval openly threatened to ‘do another Bangladesh’ to Pakistan by splitting Baluchistan province. PM has now tacitly acknowledged that that threat is actually his government’s policy.

I am actually pleasantly surprised. Extremely well written article, fair to all issues. This is the difference when a career diplomat writes something vs. fan boys on here, high on fake patriotism. Professional opinions, advise and writings stand out and leave lasting impressions like this article does. :tup:

Another thought-provoking post as always.

Brother, would you mind sharing, in a little more detail, the rationale behind your views above. Thanks.

My dear Pak Brother,

Firstly, I strongly believe that this so called terror attack is a staged event. Perfect timing just before the UN meeting. So once again the biggest terror sponsor and terrorist state will fake victimhood.

Second, who benefits is the fundamental question? Not Pakistan or Kashmir. So who benefits from this act?

Thirdly, the window of opportunity to attack Pak is closing fast on india... the illegal, oppressive empire has bitten more than it can chew. CPEC is not only gamechanger for Pak but it will neutralise indian empire's hegemonic designs in the region and in the Afro-Asian aka indian Ocean.

So, Pak will break free economically, scoially and militarity from indian hegemony. In other words this sick and evil oppressor will remain boxed in the south asian planes... forever. And all its dreams of becoming super power bite the dust.

So after creating terror in Pak and destroying thousands of families and lives... it failed. It started to openly challenging CPEC and then it raised the game of openly sponsoring the break up of Pak through its sick Baloch gamble... each and every move has failed.

What is left now for this sick and expansionist state now?

Either it has to accept reality and become constructive state in the region and solve the Kashmir oppression peacefully OR it has to up the ante and go for biggest gamle of all...

This indian regime is not rational... it suffers from its own propaganda... which is a dangerous environment to be in.

The indian regime is prone to make a mistake...it has to distract attention from Kashmir. In its calculus it can slove this problem by annexing your southern province where it has proxies and some parts of your Punjab...

This is crazy but the regime is not rational... the modi regime is in a bunker mentality and in this group think they will do silly things.

You all need to be prepared and united.

In adversity also lies strength and rebirth.

The defining moment is reaching event horizon both for Kashmir and Pak... your road to progress goes through Dhelli.
I truly, hope so
Not to worry. There will be all out war by other means but it will not go hot. Indian's as a people in history have always demonstrated timidiness. And right now with nuclear deterance in place there is zero possibility of nation that is only fit to fight against nations that are far smaller than it is and even then can only do anything if it get's outside help. Case in point is 1971. India joined the Banglas against a small beseiged army far away from home.

Other than that this huge elephant will not do anything and if it is prodded by anything that resembles it's own size it will run away and hide. Any doubts and you have your experiance in 1962 when the Chinese Army gave the Indian Army diarrhoea that did not go away until they ran down the mountains to the plains of Holy Ganga and rinsed themselves in the Holy waters.

Pakistan meantime will probably flex it's defence posture as a warning sign. There will be some flexing back and lot of jaw, jaw and then Indian's will go back to watching Bollywood dancing. Don;t forget these were soldiers who were killed. India did not even do anything when New Delhi came under attack or more recently when some Rambo went loose in Mumbai.
Not to worry. There will be all out war by other means but it will not go hot. Indian's as a people in history have always demonstrated timidiness. And right now with nuclear deterance in place there is zero possibility of nation that is only fit to fight against nations that are far smaller than it is and even then can only do anything if it get's outside help. Case in point is 1971. India joined the Banglas against a small beseiged army far away from home.

Other than that this huge elephant will not do anything and if it is prodded by anything that resembles it's own size it will run away and hide. Any doubts and you have your experiance in 1962 when the Chinese Army gave the Indian Army diarrhoea that did not go away until they ran down the mountains to the plains of Holy Ganga and rinsed themselves in the Holy waters.

Pakistan meantime will probably flex it's defence posture as a warning sign. There will be some flexing back and lot of jaw, jaw and then Indian's will go back to watching Bollywood dancing. Don;t forget these were soldiers who were killed. India did not even do anything when New Delhi came under attack or more recently when some Rambo went loose in Mumbai.

War is the most hideous of all monsters... those who threaten war are even more hideous.

Your analysis is valid. It is just the rationality of the regime that is concerning. They have fed their masses too much of delusional propaganda...it breeds false sense of superiority.

I wish you and all Pak brothers/sisters peace and prosperity. Yet do not underestimate maddness and obssession.

Even today, despite superior forces, China does not underestimates indian regime's ability to backstab and betray.
backstab and betray.
Jump on shoulders of others (like Banglas) to attack is a possibility but straight on attack. No chance. These peoples have demonstatred a history of thousands of years that like sheep, they are timid. Leave everything else asides.

*Think 1948. Do you think tiny Burma could have snatched 1/3 of Yunan Province from China? And then after snatching it kept it till today? Tiny Burma?

*Think 1948. A tiny struggling state, newly emerged, without Rupee in reserve - Pakistan managed to gouge it out of mighty humongous India 1/3 of Kashmir. A cat snatching the bread right under the nose of the huge elephant?

And it still has it nearly 70 years later. Now you make your own conclusions?
Jump on shoulders of others (like Banglas) to attack is a possibility but straight on attack. No chance. These peoples have demonstatred a history of thousands of years that like sheep, they are timid. Leave everything else asides.

*Think 1948. Do you think tiny Burma could have snatched 1/3 of Yunan Province from China? And then after snatching it kept it till today? Tiny Burma?

*Think 1948. A tiny struggling state, newly emerged, without Rupee in reserve - Pakistan managed to gouge it out of mighty humongous India 1/3 of Kashmir. A cat snatching the bread right under the nose of the huge elephant?

And it still has it nearly 70 years later. Now you make your own conclusions?

My conclusion is already drawn, my brother.

I doubt not your valour or resolve... I loath the laughters of hyennas... as I have always said here at PDF this indian state is a mob..they find their strength in numbers and can only opress the weak and fragile... Kashmir in point... Even today I see 47, 48, 62, 65, 71.... I see what this sick empire is made of. Never ever to be trusted. EVER.

Yet we will underestimate the cunning and deception of this sick and vile empire on our own peril. It is not the frontal open attack that bothers me..it is the unleashing of new terror against Pak.

Anyhow, I just deeply wish from all my heart that this menace never materialise and Pak would channel all her engergies in progress and social development.

Sino-Pak axis has to find a lasting solution to this hollow hegemon.

Forgive my poor english and bad spellings...I know it doesnt matter but nevertheless...

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