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India's Pakistan Phobia

Why is India's Hindu leadership so paranoid about Pakistan and Pakistanis? Let us examine the source of India's Pakistan phobia by looking at a series of events in South Asia and various statements made by analysts, strategists and Hindu leaders across the political spectrum.

While the Muslim League led by Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah accepted the British Cabinet Mission's plan of May 16, 1946 to grant broad autonomy to states within united India, the Hindu-dominated Indian National Congress rejected it.

The Cabinet Mission plan envisaged a united independent India with the Muslim-majority provinces grouped together with Sind, Punjab,Baluchistan and North-West Frontier Province forming one group, and Bengal and Assam forming another. It provided for the Hindu-majority provinces in central and southern India to form another group. It gave the central government in Delhi the power to handle defense, currency, and diplomacy, and the rest of powers and responsibility to the provinces, coordinated by groups.

After rejecting the Cabinet Mission plan, the Hindu leadership proceeded to vehemently oppose the inevitable creation of Pakistan in 1947.

The Partition:

Since its unsuccessful bid to stop the Partition in 1947, the Hindu leadership of India has made every effort to make Pakistan fail, starting with the division of assets of British India. Pakistan was allocated 17.5% of the assets and liabilities. Cash was held by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) that delayed the transfer of Rs. 750 million for several months after the partition in an attempt to strangle newborn Pakistan in its cradle. In addition, Pakistan was allocated 165,000 tons of military hardware of which Pakistan received only about 20,000 tons by September 1948. The rest of the 145,000 tons never came to Pakistan.

Why is it that India has worked hard to make Pakistan fail? To answer this question, let us look at how various leaders, strategists and analysts see the India-Pakistan relationship:

Washington-based think tank Brookings Institution's Stephen Cohen:

“One of the most important puzzles of India-Pakistan relations is not why the smaller Pakistan feels encircled and threatened, but why the larger India does. It would seem that India, seven times more populous than Pakistan and five times its size, and which defeated Pakistan in 1971, would feel more secure. This has not been the case and Pakistan remains deeply embedded in Indian thinking. There are historical, strategic, ideological, and domestic reasons why Pakistan remains the central obsession of much of the Indian strategic community, just as India remains Pakistan’s.”

India has Pakistan phobia is what you are taught from childhood. This writer is no different using India to get mileage. You are not doing anything great, the view you have posted need not be told, most Pakistani knows it. All these articles of yours mentioned is not going to change Pakistan into a Super power. Such articles will only help your country lead you towards your end faster.

If you really want to be a hero, write about Pakistan's shortfalls, how to build the country & influence the people, that's being a writer, writing for the welfare of the people & country. It's easy to make articles like yours & post it. In a court of law, if two people are accusing each other, the case has no meaning unless somebody has proof.

So Mr. Haq I would like to ask, whats your take on the image of Pakistan in the world.

I have mentioned before, most countries dont want Pakistanis in their countries. That's reason your Passport is considered useless & among the worst to hold.

Under the nationalities deported from different countries across the globe, Pakistan is the No. 1 nationals deported. This implies the whole world has phobia with Pakistanis.

In the international forum your representatives or Leader doesn't have a say or influence in world affairs.

The world is Pakistan phobic, leave alone India.

Why do you find no. of Pakistanis who are critical about your own country. why's it increasing. Tarek Fateh, Altaf Hussain, Hassan Nisar, Hussain Haqani, Syed Jamaluddin, Najam Sethi.

Your country branded Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan & Fatima Jinnah as traitors. This should tell you the story which nation is phobic. Promote Peace & write for uniting people. Do not spread hatred.
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Having an HDI score of 0.609, India is classified as a medium HDI country ahead of Pakistan. For the poverty rate, wait till the updated report is released.

GINI measures relative inequality & not absolute one. It is not possible to compare easily between two countries with different income levels. Anyway is that the reason by 45% of urban Pakistanis live in slums?

Do you know why no one takes this happiness index thingie seriously, except for countries like Bhutan? See the methodology used.

''The 2016 Report includes the ranking of 157 countries based on survey data from 2013 to 2015. Each country had an average sample size of 3,000 people who answered questions pertaining to six variables: gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, healthy life expectancy, social support, freedom, generosity and absence of corruption."

This is why indicators like HDI are used for policy making, while this happiness index isn't.

Sure...I hope what you have is remotely comparable to what they are building in Delhi NCR.



Why should they build the road network by themselves in the first place? Such trunk infrastructure in India is provided by the government. Even in the new cities being built as part of the Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridors or or ones like GIFT city, the government provides roads, power, ICT infrastructure, district cooling & waste management. We don't suck in providing such infrastructure, unlike...

Clutching straws, again ? Many of these skyscrapers are actually commercial ones. The skyscraper building boom in Mumbai & Delhi NCR is indicative of India's economic growth.

In the 2015-2016 global competitiveness report the quality of India's overall, road & railroad infrastructure was ranked as 74th, 61 & 29. The ranking for that of Pakistan was 98,77 & 60 respectively.

Please do tell me, in what parameter is Lahore better?

Airport ?
Rapid Transit Systems ? (Metro, brts, high capacity buses)
Road network, elevated roads & expressways ?

Zero credibility, in fact. The reports I quoted use proper data & techniques for analysis. Pakistani cities are ranked lowest in liveability reports prepared by Mercer & EIU for a reason. Crowd sourced data bases, based on individual perceptions & varying standards can't be compared with them.

Great . When it gets completed then show me. Till then you can keep your imaginary skyscrapers with you. India is associated with being dirty , polluted and poor. You can't just shed that.Mumbai got voted as the dirtiest and Delhi topped most polluted city. Pakistan looks much better to the naked eye a fact that is said by many foreigners that have visited both countries. We dont have thousands and millions of beggars running around on roads or the millions that sleep on your roads. Lets not even go to slums in india. Living there is worst then living in sub saharan countries. 1 toilet for like 500 people.

You can keep on going about HDI and I will keep on going about Happiness report.
Comparing a country that is 1/6 of your size, talk about obsession:lol:

Finally, brother, finally you bring this up.

Development is anything and manythings...

If one person has billlion and is able to build a house..
And the other has a million and builds a house...

Which one is wiser/stronger/smarter?

There is simply no comparison...your good country is keeping the hindu empire from its expansionist dreams..

After ten yeaers of death and destruction imposed upon your people from outside..sponsored, financed and trained...

After hundreds of billions of loss to economy...

Your country still can keep this drak empire from expansion...then who is stronger here?

Neither overestimate nor underestimate the hindu expansionist empire...

If I may ask you...Why is a strong and proserous Pak not in the strategic intersts of the illegal hindu empire?

Remain united.
And India succeeded her citizens by providing them slums worst then sudan and chad ? or giving them the gift of poverty . Your country has the honour of having the most poor in the world living in animal like conditions.
You know, I sometimes wonder on your ignorance when you guys bring any country here (this time Chad and Ethiopia) without checking stats.
Last time Zibago brought Ethiopia.
Later, realized, Ethiopia may not stand anywhere near India, but had higher education Index than Pak for sure.:lol:
We had less than your half GDP per capita 20 years ago, now projecting your double 29 years later.
GDP growth:
India: 7.8% Pak: 4.7%
Population growth:
India: 1.25% Pak: 1.48%
Per capita income growth gap comes out to he double.:D
We wrote same story for literacy, education, HDI and net penetration etc. will do same for poverty ratio as well, don't worry.:D
For poverty ratio, it's 12.3% now (7.7% according to IMF). And better not speak cuz you still do not have record of your own 700 million people. That'll put up all stats correct.
Most of the bureaucrats across the globe are pretty sure Pakistan is going to break up. So they are concerned what will happen to the nuclear facilities & weapons.

Stephen Cohen just has his sympathies for Pakistan. You people are just lucky that he still considers to give a chance to Pakistan. That doesn't mean what you mentioned is true. He definitely feels Pakistan is a danger, not India.

He also believes in what I am saying, the partition was a huge mistake & re-unification will solve most of the problems gradually including Kashmir.
Ask Indian farmers who are cursing your government and committing suicide daily. You won't hear Pakistani farmers doing that so frequently......WE ARE HAPPIER NATION THAN YOU....

Yes farmers commiting suicide is one issue which has to be addressed. But what about the suicide bombing and the Islamic extremism which is eating your country like a Parasite from inside. The latest incident of suicide bombing in Quetta hospital killing majority of lawyers is a testimony to what I am saying.
Yes farmers commiting suicide is one issue which has to be addressed. But what about the suicide bombing and the Islamic extremism which is eating your country like a Parasite from inside. The latest incident of suicide bombing in Quetta hospital killing majority of lawyers is a testimony to what I am saying.
Both India and Pakistan are suiciding but in different way LOL

Just a joke!
Both India and Pakistan are suiciding but in different way LOL

Just a joke!
A farmer commiting suicide due to debt problems in India or a Suicide bomber attacking lawyers who had gone to see their collaegue in Quetta hospital cannot be treated like a joke
Yes farmers commiting suicide is one issue which has to be addressed. But what about the suicide bombing and the Islamic extremism which is eating your country like a Parasite from inside. The latest incident of suicide bombing in Quetta hospital killing majority of lawyers is a testimony to what I am saying.

Save India.....It seems situation over there is bad. Someone has to rescue mother India b4 she remains no more....All People are getting alienated except RSS thugs.....

Save India.....It seems situation over there is bad. Someone has to rescue mother India b4 she remains no more....All People are getting alienated except RSS thugs.....

Are you brain dead man?:crazy:
Why don't you use statistics instead of Google Searching? For RSS, I'm not a Sanghi, yet not alienated.
Pretty funny to your Indophobic source Al Jazeera.
Sometime, meet anywhere, I will tell you about these hypocrites more.:lol:

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