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India’s new bridge in Himalayas could potentially reignite China border dispute

Being a huge country strains our foreign policy as the state has to look after 1.3 billion people and not just the people in power. The people have varying interests and clearly a rigid policy wont help the most people. Its easier to do if you are a smaller nation with limited or singular threat perception. Btw, I admire the Vietnamese and we should actually grow some spine. We have started to nowadays.

India can do nothing ? Its far away from mainland !!! Bangladesh should take it !!! Guerilla warfae !!! Sounds like you havent got over 1971. The world has changed and people dont just grab territory just because they are more powerful. Case in point - Taiwan.
India is occupying land due to historical legacy colonial dishonesty and this should be righted. If someone is given something in possession by a thief it doesn't mean he is the rightful owner and if a rightful owner comes to collect then they have the right to take it forcefully if it is not given.
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India is occupying land due to historical legacy colonial dishonesty and this should be righted. If someone is given something in possession by a thief it done't mean he is the rightful owner and if a rightful owner comes to collect then they have the right to take it forcefully if it is not given.
The ultimate thieves in the subcontinent were the BRITISH and they are the one who created Pakistan. Your logic's gonna bite you pretty hard.
The ultimate thieves in the subcontinent were the BRITISH and they are the one who created Pakistan. Your logic's gonna bite you pretty hard.

We created Pakistan, every man, woman, child, who stood with Quaid e Azam and the Muslim League

The basic point is, Muslims are not the same nation as Hindus. Pakistanis (Kashmiris included) especially are a completely different race than Indians. Our historical viewpoint is closer to Afghanistan than India, for example. We see many of the same rulers as our progenitors.

When Muslim League got the majority of votes in 1945, Pakistan could no longer be stopped by either the Hindus nor the British.
This type of news is what is wrong with our country. Wrong priority. To puncture your balloon:
1. This is just a Bailey bridge
2.This is refurbished old bridge, not new
3. This bridge already collapsed in the 1990s with a busfull of passengers,not a single person survived and I think even bodies were not found.
4. The roads in the entire state is mud ,slush and holes. During a war our military will die.. from Hunger
So what's there to crow?
India should forget 1962 and be a friend and partner of our northern neighbor. We can exchange students, technology and investment. Our military expenses will be reduced considerably. Improved relations will reduce internal insurgencies. Pakistan will also come to terms when they see the writing on the wall. They may even become friends (if mullahs are ignored)
Both nations are secular and have a shared culture ( Buddhism). We have neither civilisational , religious or sectarian rivalries. So where's the problem?
The problem is with the rabid nationalists you see here..where hating your neighbors equal to patriotism. Patriotism is when you raise the condition of your citizens, till we are poor we shouldn't meddle to much in distant quarrels.
Pakistan will also come to terms when they see the writing on the wall. They may even become friends

As long as Kashmiris are being held hostage, that is not possible.

Now India began a new problem by persecuting Indian Muslims too.

We will stand with the oppressed.
As long as Kashmiris are being held hostage, that is not possible.

Now India began a new problem by persecuting Indian Muslims too.

We will stand with the oppressed.
Ok . One can be practical or one can be emotional all or non type. Practical examples.. Europe was a battlefield for a thousand years but they settled their quarrels with compromises. Example of emotional ones .. Middle East cluster****
If after befriending China the entirety of our military is shifted to your country many many start to think with less emotion. Then South Asian will also prosper like ASEAN.
The ultimate thieves in the subcontinent were the BRITISH and they are the one who created Pakistan. Your logic's gonna bite you pretty hard.
There you go exposing your weird biased logic. Creation of Pakistan was an indigenous Indian idea the only issue was the dishonest and prejudiced land allocation by the British.

This type of news is what is wrong with our country. Wrong priority. To puncture your balloon:
1. This is just a Bailey bridge
2.This is refurbished old bridge, not new
3. This bridge already collapsed in the 1990s with a busfull of passengers,not a single person survived and I think even bodies were not found.
4. The roads in the entire state is mud ,slush and holes. During a war our military will die.. from Hunger
So what's there to crow?
India should forget 1962 and be a friend and partner of our northern neighbor. We can exchange students, technology and investment. Our military expenses will be reduced considerably. Improved relations will reduce internal insurgencies. Pakistan will also come to terms when they see the writing on the wall. They may even become friends (if mullahs are ignored)
Both nations are secular and have a shared culture ( Buddhism). We have neither civilisational , religious or sectarian rivalries. So where's the problem?
The problem is with the rabid nationalists you see here..where hating your neighbors equal to patriotism. Patriotism is when you raise the condition of your citizens, till we are poor we shouldn't meddle to much in distant quarrels.
Seeing sign of surrender already, that's good.
Thus i asked if it can sustain it or not

Sustained in the past with no problem when Indian economy far smaller and military far weaker and leadership far less disciplined on foreign policy.

So no question it can be sustained now.

Like I always like to say recently, let time simply pass and judge.
Sustained in the past with no problem when Indian economy far smaller and military far weaker and leadership far less disciplined on foreign policy.

So no question it can be sustained now.

Like I always like to say recently, let time simply pass and judge.

So you do challenge One China policy despite claiming otherwise as judged over time.
Seems like you Indians haven't learnt your lesson:-

What are the facts which prove that India lost the India-China war in 1962? Did India lose any of its territory? If yes then how much and where? Did India surrender? If yes then are there any details and any other factor which confirms India's defeat in that war?

Baba Vickram Aditya Bedi, Studied East Asian History in College
Updated May 17, 2018


Prime Minister Nehru and Chairman Mao

There are somethings that look different on paper than in the realms of reality. Some occurrences for a nation and people inspire such a magnitude of pain that it becomes hard to express the deepness of this feeling and all expression simply becomes a generality of words which fail to illustrate the meaning of this state of thought. The Indo-Chinese war of 1962 exemplifies this for India. In 1962, the innocence of the Modern Republic of India was broken forever. We had emerged from the long nightmare of colonialism where our very spirit had nearly been t...

Datong Qian, lives in China (1985-present)
Answered Apr 25, 2018

Here are some facts.

China version of story : Indian KIA was almost 4000, 1700 missing and 3968 indian soilders and officers get caught by PLA.


Indian Assam Regiment 5th Battalion Lieutenant Commander Rattan Singh caught by PLA.


indian soilders caught by PLA


the fourth division indian soilders caught by PLA


Brigadier JohnDalvi who didn’t eat anything for 36 hours caught by PLA.


Tibetan girls dance and sing to POWs of india.




seized vehicle, tanks and weaponry of indian army by PLA


Indian mi-4 helicopter shot down by PLA.

footage filmed in 1962 sino-india war by military correspondent.


indian plane in 1962 war


indian surveying staff caught before 1962 war




indian PoWs





PLA give indian PoWs food and cigarette and blanket

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