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India’s new bridge in Himalayas could potentially reignite China border dispute

I don't think India's "forward policy" is absolutely wrong. It is right but at the wrong time. India should have done that during the time of Chinese civil war or the Korean War, and tried to encroach as many kilometers as they could.

The war of 1962 was not China's victory. In fact, all three nations lost, China should encroach more territory and try to annex Sikkim but they decided to stop. India lost in the 1962 war, but that defeat helped awaken India and defeated Pakistan later. At that time, Pakistan should attack India and annex Kashmir, but they gave up the opportunity.

And the biggest loser is Pakistan.
Not to be rude but perhaps because you have rose shaded glasses. When one has inferiority complex, they see it everywhere. Halo effect.

China builds China towns everywhere in the world so they can live a Chinese lifestyle and have an economy within an economy. Maybe Chinese were poor and beaten down for a few hundred years but history is more than just a few hundred years it is thousands of years. China has always been on top so it is only the norm. Even whites accept that now.

That must be it.
The 'Halo effect'.
I must be seeing everything wrong.
I must be imagining everything, right?
I must also imagine that I see so many non-white people having relationships with ugly white people where the non-white persons think that they have won the jackpot?
Or that a large number of them are Chinese women with loser white men?
And I am also imagining that this does not occur in other Western countries or China?

Like I said before, when I talk about inferiority complex, I do not only mean it in one way (economic or development status), but I mean it in every possible way.

You live in Australia.
If China was on top, why are you not living at the top?
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I don't think India's "forward policy" is absolutely wrong. It is right but at the wrong time. India should have done that during the time of Chinese civil war or the Korean War, and tried to encroach as many kilometers as they could.

The war of 1962 was not China's victory. In fact, all three nations lost, China should encroach more territory and try to annex Sikkim but they decided to stop. India lost in the 1962 war, but that defeat helped awaken India and defeated Pakistan later. At that time, Pakistan should attack India and annex Kashmir, but they gave up the opportunity.

And the biggest loser is Pakistan.

I want to ask an important question: how is Vietnam able to withstand Chinese aggression, and maintain an independent foreign policy. Maybe there will be some lessons for India which Vietnam can teach?
I want to ask an important question: how is Vietnam able to withstand Chinese aggression, and maintain an independent foreign policy. Maybe there will be some lessons for India which Vietnam can teach?

Indians are very intelligent, they learn mistakes and stand up after defeat.
I think India made only one mistake in 1962. Vietnam made even more mistakes. So India does not need to learn anyone.
India already did that prior to 1962

Pro-Chinese Indian rhetoric during Korean war earned India the title of communist appeaser by the West.

Sucking up to Chinese will only invite Chinese aggression. Chinese only respect power

India's neighbor to the east went on the path of China appeasement and now they have Chinese folks eyeing their women

Appeasement? Do u know the meaning of the term appeasement? No Pak didn't do any appeasement as far as China is concerned. Also Pak isn't India's neighbor to the east...but in the opposite direction.
Well yes, as Jyotish said, one has to play their cards right. All I am saying is you can't afford to antagonize the Chinese any less than you do the Americans.

I am willing to trade 629 ugly Indian women to the Chinese. One thing I know they aren't as despo as Indian men: they have certain class. The Chinese have different standards of beauty; from what I know they like our India's kaali kalooti types. Good riddance to that sort of rubbish I say. Hell we should open up brothels near the India-China border. I don't give a shit about that thing as long as the borders are secure, trade is flourishing, and Indian standards of living is improving.

I hope the Chinese can help Indians build 500-600 million flush toilets. In exchange, they can have as much fun as they want in Indian cities. Who cares, life is short.

@Nilgiri The guy value human kind based on their color and appearances, women are just a tool for his standard of living (I wonder how many he sold of his family to get to internet or arrange a ticket to Singapore). Not sure if he is plane raw or just played too hard to sound cool over internet.
@Nilgiri The guy value human kind based on their color and appearances, women are just a tool for his standard of living (I wonder how many he sold of his family to get to internet or arrange a ticket to Singapore). Not sure if he is plane raw or just played too hard to sound cool over internet.

Its the guy spawning like 10 accounts per week here...with all kind of flags and egos and personalities.

He has no life out there (either one person or its some socially-in-touch group), so he wants to make a life in here....his oxygen being replies from people (by taking some predictable extreme position on something) and baiting them...sometimes using 2 - 3 accounts in same thread to do it.....and it seems the main anchor one is the "im muslim honestly!" bart simpson one.

Its best not to try understand it, just let each one wear out its due , because PDF mods obviously have to stay strict to the rules/evidence on how they handle this.

But sane people should read between the lines...(and you can find your own way to have fun at it's expense in the appropriate zing! time)

Easiest way for most part (the meaty useless trolling blab) is to use a filter in post count/account age yourself (and ignore button if you really need it).... Since this thing's accounts eventually get banned somehow for stepping over some line somewhere on something...so it needs to keep spawning new ones, add diversity to them and respawn the old ones again when their bans expire....but it has finite time (and hopefully interest - for its own sake) just like rest of us in the end.

Will be interesting to see which accounts do reach say the 500 post threshold or 1000 post threshold with fair enough positive rating ratio etc. Survival of the fittest!
@Nilgiri The guy value human kind based on their color and appearances, women are just a tool for his standard of living (I wonder how many he sold of his family to get to internet or arrange a ticket to Singapore). Not sure if he is plane raw or just played too hard to sound cool over internet.

India already is using and abusing its own population, so may as well use it in the right way for some benefit. Lol.

Seriously though, at this rate, not only Afghanistan but BD, Nepal, Bhutan, Gulf Arabs will force India to flee.

Have some self preservation. China is a reality, Pakistan is a reality. Learn to live in your neighborhood.
India already is using and abusing its own population, so may as well use it in the right way for some benefit. Lol.

Seriously though, at this rate, not only Afghanistan but BD, Nepal, Bhutan, Gulf Arabs will force India to flee.

Have some self preservation. China is a reality, Pakistan is a reality. Learn to live in your neighborhood.

Thank you for your post. Keep pleasing Chinese as that guy suggest, would you? If yes, we are two different people, lets not engage each other.
India cannot match China in many ways (conventional warfare is just one of them).
Sometimes it is better to swallow your pride and accept the leader.
And China leads in Asia.

The USA the greatest military power on earth tried to cow and defeat the Vietnamese for many many years. They were defeated and had to run from Vietnam.
Of course it was the the great power France which had earlier tried to defeat the Vietnamese . They failed utterly and ran with their tail between their legs.
Then came the Peoples Republic of China. The Vietnamese taught them a lesson too .They avoid military entanglements with Vietnam because they would lose.
The Chinese tried to grab land from the Russians too. They had to settle cause of MAD.

Only frightened children look at China as invincible. It has cultivated this image and the weak feeble unthinking fall into this bad reasoning.

No one should pick a fight with China, but if China tries militarily to exercise its imperial ambitions then not only should they be vigorously confronted but be assured of a war that it cannot win.
Some flaky individuals are foolish to imagine that China can a military option in India in this century without suffering massive retaliation, not just the Indian MAD but a International MAD as neither the US Europe or Russia could stay out of such a conflict.

There is a reason that no significant casualties, Indian or Chinese, has been killed since the 60's in military action. That is 60 years ago and both armies now posses nuclear weapons that can cause unsustainable and permanent loses from which they would never recover EVER.
There would be NO WINNER. That is why any border problem we discuss for decades and move an inch by meticulous inch
Both countries have agreed history has left them with thorny issues and both are committed to solve them peacefully over the next few centuaries
Thank you for your post. Keep pleasing Chinese as that guy suggest, would you? If yes, we are two different people, lets not engage each other.

You are on PDF, if you don't want to engage Pakistanis, maybe find another place.
India already did that prior to 1962

Pro-Chinese Indian rhetoric during Korean war earned India the title of communist appeaser by the West.

Sucking up to Chinese will only invite Chinese aggression. Chinese only respect power

India's neighbor to the east went on the path of China appeasement and now they have Chinese folks eyeing their women


Aah, you need to turn the map around, or to stop commenting while you are doing Shirshasana. It's west, our neighbour to the west. WE are the neighbour to the east.

I am not talking about appeasement.
India should work with China, but if China would show agression, through incursions in Indian territory, for example, then India should quickly respond.
However that does not mean that after these incursions India should start a war.
A quick and strong reply should be enough.

Umm, we ARE doing precisely that. Just saying....

You are wrong. The Chinese you encounter in Netherlands are IMMIGRANTS. All immigrants have to somewhat suck up to their hosts anywhere in the world. That sometimes leads to inferiority complex.

These people have a dual identity. They see themselves as Dutch first.

But the inferiority complex of Indians is on a whole another level. Each time a White man comes to India, all the Indians line up to suck his weiner. Again I have seen it with my own eyes, in Indian offices.

That's revolting on so many levels. So many Indians have no concept of self-respect. That is why a trashy blowhard like Narendra Modi becomes the Prime Minister.

Even the Pakistanis, and Nepalis aren't bending over backward so much like Indians are. The Nepali Gurkhas in the UK are widely respected and many join the British army.

Many? Four thousand of them, NONE recruited in the UK, every one (about a 100 a year) recruited in Nepal. That's against 100,000 Gorkhas in the Indian Army, all widely respected in India, who move about freely in India without eyebrows being raised, as it is for Bangladeshis, real or mythical, thought to be in India.

Appeasement? Do u know the meaning of the term appeasement? No Pak didn't do any appeasement as far as China is concerned. Also Pak isn't India's neighbor to the east...but in the opposite direction.

You got your compass right. Now that's a good enough takeaway from a post.
I am not talking about appeasement.
India should work with China, but if China would show agression, through incursions in Indian territory, for example, then India should quickly respond.
However that does not mean that after these incursions India should start a war.
A quick and strong reply should be enough.
There is little India can do if China decides to take territory that belongs to them. This remote region is quite far from India and it's obvious that it really isn't part of India. Bangladesh should take the Silguri corridor and China should annex everything East of it. The natives of that region despise India as is evident by the ongoing separatist guerrilla war and would welcome China to take over. SikKim , Bhutan, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur and Meghalaya should all go to China.
Indians are very intelligent, they learn mistakes and stand up after defeat.
I think India made only one mistake in 1962. Vietnam made even more mistakes. So India does not need to learn anyone.
Being a huge country strains our foreign policy as the state has to look after 1.3 billion people and not just the people in power. The people have varying interests and clearly a rigid policy wont help most of our people. Its easier to do if you are a smaller nation with limited or singular threat perception. Btw, I admire the Vietnamese and we should actually grow some spine. We have started to nowadays.

There is little India can do if China decides to take territory that belongs to them. This remote region is quite far from India and it's obvious that it really isn't part of India. Bangladesh should take the Silguri corridor and China should annex everything East of it. The natives of that region despise India as is evident by the ongoing separatist guerrilla war and would welcome China to take over. SikKim , Bhutan, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur and Meghalaya should all go to China.
India can do nothing ? Its far away from mainland !!! Bangladesh should take it !!! Guerilla warfare !!! Sounds like you havent got over 1971. The world has changed and people dont just grab territory just because they are more powerful. Case in point - Taiwan.
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