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India's Modi pledges defense procurement overhaul

Rubbish Pakistan wont do any sort of dialogue with this chap and his india. We will only deal with him in the one language he understands.

Set to lose the other half of your country, too. Aren't you?
LOL this time it will be other way around because yr country is no more Nehru's and Ghandi's once country.

Cut the crap and tell me directly : "This time it will be the other way round"...because?
He is going up against the greatest challenge of his lifetime(if he becomes PM) -- THE INDIAN BUREAUCRACY.

I doubt anyone or anything can really challenge Modi's arrogance and authoritarianism. I'm very sure he will keep up all his promises :D
He is going up against the greatest challenge of his lifetime(if he becomes PM) -- THE INDIAN BUREAUCRACY.
Challenge - NO. Most of the Top stateBureaucracy is IAS cader. He worked as a CM for long.
Obstruction - No.
If leader is strong babus copoperate full heartedly.
Rubbish Pakistan wont do any sort of dialogue with this chap and his india. We will only deal with him in the one language he understands.

He doesn't understand the language of 12 hour load shedding. He is a 24*7 electricity generator. Besides, why would Modi want to have a dialogue with a hopeless debauched failed state?
If our bureaucrats worked in the private sector with the attitude they have, they would have found themselves jobless pretty soon.
Look like you dont know that ex-bureaucrats are highest paid managers in many private firms in and out of India.

Almost everybody mistook the standard procedure of govt bussiness to attitude of Babu which is actually not the case. Following line is part of their job. writing that line is part of people's representative's job

Rubbish Pakistan wont do any sort of dialogue with this chap and his india. We will only deal with him in the one language he understands.
Says who ??? You ???

And what if your side come to the dialog ??? You will eat your words ???
Will you accept you were wrong then ???

Your country is not known for something you are saying.I am avoiding the actual word cause it will insult your nationality and I am not like you
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because i told u why kiddo.

You told me crap and I told you to cut it and come to the point.

If you insist that the crap is your point, then I'll have to dismiss you as a desperate troll trying to
get some attention by flinging mud on India's chosen leader. That's not good for you.

Because let me warn you, no one, nowhere in the world, not even UK/Europe, went without regretting that
and having to come to his terms, the hard way. The US may well follow suit.

Case in point, I'm sure Pakistan can never have a leader like India has Modi, so it's natural to try
and taint his image. All the Gandhis you mentioned, which cut Pakistan into half, have failed miserably trying
to do just that.

So you can see how much stronger Modi is, in proportion.
The opposition party is only the opposition in waiting; The bureaucracy (civil service) is the permanent opposition. (Lesson for minister Hacker in 'Yes, Minister'.)

After a long time, I heard that dialogue!
Look like you dont know that ex-bureaucrats are highest paid managers in many private firms in and out of India.

Almost everybody mistook the standard procedure of govt bussiness to attitude of Babu which is actually not the case. Following line is part of their job. writing that line is part of people's representative's job
You stopped underlining midsentence. You should have underlined another five words in that sentence you quoted.

Yes, I know that civil servants work in the private sector after leaving govt service. But they work very differently. The system is different, the bureaucratic machinery does not exist in the pvt sector. (Which accounts for its efficiency.)

The govt bureaucracy in India, inherited from the British, abhors any change just as nature abhors a vacuum. It is not the fault of individual babus, but of the system itself.

Rubbish Pakistan wont do any sort of dialogue with this chap and his india. We will only deal with him in the one language he understands.
1) That has nothing to do with the topic, which is about reforming India's defence procurement policy. It is India's internal systemic matter, and we don't need to dialogue with Pakistan to overhaul our internal procedures.

2) What language is that? Are you saying Pak would use force against India after Modi becomes PM? Good luck, because you will need lots of it. It won't happen, because your generals are wiser than you - after 1971, they have not dared to attack India openly or in uniform. They fear their betters.
Challenge - NO. Most of the Top stateBureaucracy is IAS cader. He worked as a CM for long.
Obstruction - No.
If leader is strong babus copoperate full heartedly.
You have no clue how they work . time will tell.
taming delhi babus will be the most difficult challenge for modi.. in his state he was virtually a dictator with his handpicked bright officers... but in delhi he has to work with outsiders.
India's frontrunner for prime minister Narendra Modi has pledged to speed up corruption-hit defense procurement if he comes to power to ensure the country's military is better prepared for battle, AFP reports. As the nation's general election enters its final stretch, Modi said timely, cost-effective and corruption-free purchase of defense weapons and other equipment was critical for the military.

"The last 10 years has seen our defense preparedness becoming weak on account of several procurement procedures mired by long delays leading to shortage of arms and equipment," Modi told the Times of India in an interview published Tuesday.

"In the past, we have had a paradoxical situation where there was hardly any procurement happening in time and still serious questions of transparency have been raised."

"The ideal situation is an efficient procurement system leading to timely and cost-effective procurement of quality defense equipment, done in a transparent manner," he said.

Modi, a Hindu nationalist hardliner, and his opposition Bharatiya Janata Party are expected to vault to power over the ruling Congress party after a decade in power when results are announced on May 16.

India has faced a long list of failed defense deals over the years as a result of corruption allegation scandals that have left the military short of crucial equipment.

In January, India cancelled a deal with the Italian-owned AgustaWestland to buy 12 luxury helicopters amid allegations the company paid bribes to win the $753 million contract.

The scuppered deals come at the same time as India's military needs are growing, with tensions on its border with Pakistan, an increasingly assertive China and growing ambitions for India's role in world affairs.

In the longer term, Modi said India must reduce its reliance on other defense suppliers - traditionally Russia but now also including the United States, Israel and France.

"We should involve Indian corporates in PPPs (public-private partnerships) for defense manufacturing. We have the scientific and technical know-how but the arms lobby has prevented indigenization of military hardware."

"This must change, making India more self-reliant and also saving foreign exchange," he said.

In the interview, Modi also said ties with arch rival Pakistan could not improve unless the country worked hard to stop militants from carrying out attacks on Indian soil.

"The first step in building any meaningful relationship with Pakistan has to be Pakistan taking effective and demonstrable action against the terror networks that operate from its soil."

"Once that happens, there will an increased trust between the two neighbors which will enable us to pursue a policy of dialogue to solve all the issues."
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This is easier said than done. But given his record, there is a possibility to streamline processes. Of course, a strong mandate would be a plus.
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