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India's Modi pledges defense procurement overhaul


Feb 21, 2014
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India's frontrunner for prime minister Narendra Modi has pledged to speed up corruption-hit defense procurement if he comes to power to ensure the country's military is better prepared for battle, AFP reports. As the nation's general election enters its final stretch, Modi said timely, cost-effective and corruption-free purchase of defense weapons and other equipment was critical for the military.

"The last 10 years has seen our defense preparedness becoming weak on account of several procurement procedures mired by long delays leading to shortage of arms and equipment," Modi told the Times of India in an interview published Tuesday.

"In the past, we have had a paradoxical situation where there was hardly any procurement happening in time and still serious questions of transparency have been raised."

"The ideal situation is an efficient procurement system leading to timely and cost-effective procurement of quality defense equipment, done in a transparent manner," he said.

Modi, a Hindu nationalist hardliner, and his opposition Bharatiya Janata Party are expected to vault to power over the ruling Congress party after a decade in power when results are announced on May 16.

India has faced a long list of failed defense deals over the years as a result of corruption allegation scandals that have left the military short of crucial equipment.

In January, India cancelled a deal with the Italian-owned AgustaWestland to buy 12 luxury helicopters amid allegations the company paid bribes to win the $753 million contract.

The scuppered deals come at the same time as India's military needs are growing, with tensions on its border with Pakistan, an increasingly assertive China and growing ambitions for India's role in world affairs.

In the longer term, Modi said India must reduce its reliance on other defense suppliers - traditionally Russia but now also including the United States, Israel and France.

"We should involve Indian corporates in PPPs (public-private partnerships) for defense manufacturing. We have the scientific and technical know-how but the arms lobby has prevented indigenization of military hardware."

"This must change, making India more self-reliant and also saving foreign exchange," he said.

In the interview, Modi also said ties with arch rival Pakistan could not improve unless the country worked hard to stop militants from carrying out attacks on Indian soil.

"The first step in building any meaningful relationship with Pakistan has to be Pakistan taking effective and demonstrable action against the terror networks that operate from its soil."

"Once that happens, there will an increased trust between the two neighbors which will enable us to pursue a policy of dialogue to solve all the issues."
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Only time will tell...

I have a feeling that with VK Singh telling him the soft points in corruption nexus. He will drive into the problem like a white hot poker into the soft flesh of lobbies.

Coincidentally Vajpayee revived Tejas, Arjun and missile development in India.He tried Bhim but a filthy bitch called Renuka Choudhury who unnecessarily stalled it. Otherwise we would have atleast had 400 pieces of much needed 155/52mm artillery.
He is going up against the greatest challenge of his lifetime(if he becomes PM) -- THE INDIAN BUREAUCRACY.

I don't think Indian Bureaucracy is a DEVIL of India, instead we should be proud of it. It just needs a strong leadership & clear vision.
He is going up against the greatest challenge of his lifetime(if he becomes PM) -- THE INDIAN BUREAUCRACY.

The opposition party is only the opposition in waiting; The bureaucracy (civil service) is the permanent opposition. (Lesson for minister Hacker in 'Yes, Minister'.)

I don't think Indian Bureaucracy is a DEVIL of India, instead we should be proud of it. It just needs a strong leadership & clear vision.
There are no gods or devils to praise entirely or blame entirely, but there is very little to be proud of the bureaucracy as a whole. The bureaucratic machinery and red tapism is the biggest hindrance to progress, although politicians get all the blame. If our bureaucrats worked in the private sector with the attitude they have, they would have found themselves jobless pretty soon.

Once again to quote 'Yes Minister', the poor minister wearily tells his secratary (a high ranking civil servant) - "In the private sector, if you screw up, you get the boot. In govt service, if you screw up, I get the boot."
He is going up against the greatest challenge of his lifetime(if he becomes PM) -- THE INDIAN BUREAUCRACY.

Defence procurement is a seriously big business in Delhi. Modi will make even more enemies than he already has if he really tries to disturb the gravy train.
Defence procurement is a seriously big business in Delhi. Modi will make even more enemies than he already has if he really tries to disturb the gravy train.

The ex minister indeed did some good job in changing the DPP. Which should tell us that there are indeed some good bureaucrats at the top and who can work well in accordance of the wish of a minister. Bad apple are everyhere and where, they just need spanking!
The opposition party is only the opposition in waiting; The bureaucracy (civil service) is the permanent opposition. (Lesson for minister Hacker in 'Yes, Minister'.)

There are no gods or devils to praise entirely or blame entirely, but there is very little to be proud of the bureaucracy as a whole. The bureaucratic machinery and red tapism is the biggest hindrance to progress, although politicians get all the blame. If our bureaucrats worked in the private sector with the attitude they have, they would have found themselves jobless pretty soon.

Once again to quote 'Yes Minister', the poor minister wearily tells his secratary (a high ranking civil servant) - "In the private sector, if you screw up, you get the boot. In govt service, if you screw up, I get the boot."
And here i thought i was the only one on this forum who ever watched Yes Minister :)

I don't think Indian Bureaucracy is a DEVIL of India, instead we should be proud of it. It just needs a strong leadership & clear vision.
You really do not know much about the bureaucrats of India than . i guess time will tell.
Nothing will happen unless those Babus are taken to task. Modi will not fail ( if he fails ) because of opposition. These bureaucrats will ensure that status quo continues.
Nothing will happen unless those Babus are taken to task. Modi will not fail ( if he fails ) because of opposition. These bureaucrats will ensure that status quo continues.

Modi will bring his own trusted team of bureaucrats from Gujrat to New Delhi and all non-performers and dishonest babus will be sidelined like he did in Gujrat.
What I know from Gujarat is that he is kinda strict on bureacrates and force them to perform. I hope he will be able to do it again if he becomes PM. Though he needs some good leaders like Amit shah along with him.

Nothing will happen unless those Babus are taken to task. Modi will not fail ( if he fails ) because of opposition. These bureaucrats will ensure that status quo continues.
Thats true but knowing his personality and track record, I am sure bureaucrates will perform like bulls in the field. Also never heard any sort of discussion or talk regarding defence procurement overhaul and policies from any big congressi leader till date so kinda feeling good that atleast a PM candidate has all these in mind.
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Rubbish Pakistan wont do any sort of dialogue with this chap and his india. We will only deal with him in the one language he understands.
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