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India's Mars mission to begin its 10-month journey on October 28

China sent it's first man to space in 2003.

From memory; that was when she was the 6th or 7th biggest economy. To put that further into perspective, the manned space program began in the early 90s, with preceding programs from the 80s. In other words, China started its manned space program back when 70-80% of its population was under the poverty line.

their space programme begain in 1960 with help of ready made rockets from Soviet Russia . They continued their rocket programme backed by strong espionage network ...in 1960-70 during which millions and millions perished during so called" great Leap Forward " ....

It took then 6 decades to achieve success in Space programme ...despite ready made prototypes , technical data , and technology from Russia Pre 1960 and Post 1990 along with espionage programme .

They are jealous of India because we are competing with them within such short period of time ....

Their Space programme is 60 year old and our Programme in mere 30 year old ! so obviously they are jealous ....

More so we didn't have to Beg, Borrow and Steal ....like they have been doing all along .

They are still dependent on Russia for all crucial space , defense technology .....
With Zero results and nothing for humanity, Your astronauts did a kungfu circus and came back. ISRO mission success rate is high.

your isro is a low caliber agency
even your people have admitted it

ISRO's research failure may throw space mission out of orbit
Saturday, Apr 16, 2011, 3:00 IST | Place: Chennai | Agency: DNA

ISRO's research failure may throw space mission out of orbit - India - DNA

India's major space missions, including the manned flight scheduled for 2016, could be delayed because of the failure of ISRO to develop cryogenic engine required for putting heavy satellites into orbit.

India’s major space missions, including the manned flight scheduled for 2016, could be delayed because of the failure of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) to develop cryogenic engine required for putting heavy satellites into orbit.

It was on April 15, 2010 an indigenously developed cryogenic engine was used in the Geo-Synchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV-D3). But the mission with GSAT-4, a heavy satellite onboard, fell into the Bay of Bengal within minutes of lifting off from Satish Dhawan Space Centre at Sriharikotta due to the malfunctioning of the cryogenic engine.

Kerala-born K Radhakrsihnan, chairman of had said on that black Vishu (Malayalees’ new year) that ISRO would launch another GSLV mission with an indigenously developed cryogenic engine within one year. But top ISRO scientists feel this may not materialize soon.

“It is not that easy to develop a cryogenic engine which uses liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen as fuel and oxidizer. 17 years of research work into it has proved that we do not have the right kind of people,” a senior ISRO scientist said.Only cryogenic engines can power the launch vehicles required to put heavy communication satellites into orbits at a height of 36,000 km from the earth.

Though the country had launched seven GSLV missions so far, five of them were failures. All but one had cryogenic engines bought from Russia. The last GSLV launched in December 25, 2010 too failed throwing the country’s space programme in disarray. “A fear psychosis prevails among the entire ISRO establishment because of two consecutive failures,” another scientist said.

Australia-born Morris Jones, an international space analyst,
expressed apprehensions over these frequent failures.

“The failure rates are far too high when compared to other nations. India has a mature space programme and should have more reliability than this,” Jones told DNA. He also doubted the possibilities of GSLV getting Man Rated for the scheduled manned space mission. Man Rating is the process of certifying a rocket as fit for carrying astronauts.

The failures of the GSLV missions have unnerved the country’s space managers. This resulted in the twice postponement of the launch of Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-D16 ) mission which was to put into orbit the Resourcesat-2.

I am asking you to post physorg and MIT articles

go back the postings and find them under my handle - not too tedious you lazy people - as usual!
we both suffered from calamities

indians have been starving their people all the time

BUT the fact of indians claiming they are FIRST to discover water on moon is phoney - the biggest lie in the scientific world

Both physorg and MIT have published their papers to deny indian's claims FACT!
You are in a glass house do stop the stone throwing. You want me to show the truthfulness of Chinese government?

These missions are to inspire the younger generation and increase the research capability in our nation. It is funny when a Chinese tries to mock Indians of false pride.
your isro is a low caliber agency
even your people have admitted it

go back the postings and find them under my handle - not too tedious you lazy people - as usual!

This is not chinese tight lipped media whipped by CCP when it crosses the line.

Every one has right to express their opinion in India, this is just an opinion, the achievements of ISRO speaks for itself, no need for anybody to give certificates here.
China sent it's first man to space in 2003.

we didnt claim we were the first to send man in space

From memory; that was when she was the 6th or 7th biggest economy. To put that further into perspective, the manned space program began in the early 90s, with preceding programs from the 80s. In other words, China started its manned space program back when 70-80% of its population was under the poverty line.

indians are worst then, ALWAYS! you still have 1.7 million kids dying nowadays - only counting the under 5 year-old category!
This is not chinese tight lipped media whipped by CCP when it crosses the line.

Every one has right to express their opinion in India, this is just an opinion, the achievements of ISRO speaks for itself, no need for anybody to give certificates here.

They can't understand what is freedom of expression ....they have never experienced it ! Even here they are expressing thoughts of their masters ...

You are in a glass house do stop the stone throwing. You want me to show the truthfulness of Chinese government?

These missions are to inspire the younger generation and increase the research capability in our nation. It is funny when a Chinese tries to mock Indians of false pride.

They are expert in stealing and then mocking others working indigenously ....

they are biggest hypocrites ....
we didnt claim we were the first to send man in space

I think it's common trait among you guys ....to talk without thinking ....and to write before reading ! Is it so difficult to think ?

First read what he wrote and then give your spinal reactions ....Spinal reactions are given when Brains don't work !
It's quite staggering that Indians have the audacity to claim that they discovered water on the moon when 2 superpowers were sending all kinds of probes and rovers to the moon on a consistent basis for years. Yet India magically discovers water on their very first mission :lol:
Yea riiiiiiiight

GTFO you bunch of dirty liars!

Logic tells you that it was so damn obvious it was either one of the US or USSR found water on the moon and we now have 100% confirmation that the USSR did find water on the moon in 1976 yet these shameful lying and cheating Indians want to take credit for something the Soviets achieved decades ago.

ISRO is basically lying agency than a space agency. What's scary is that these liars openly boast about something they deserve ZERO, I mean absolutely zero credit for. India is an incredibly corrupt society that they go to such shameful lengths to lie.

The Soviet Union discovered water on the moon in 1976, END OF STORY!
You are in a glass house do stop the stone throwing. You want me to show the truthfulness of Chinese government?

These missions are to inspire the younger generation and increase the research capability in our nation. It is funny when a Chinese tries to mock Indians of false pride.

whatever you want to inspire but your are making false claims

what is the purpose of going to Mars for when you have millions of your kids not receiving an education getting chicken out of PISA tests?

This is not chinese tight lipped media whipped by CCP when it crosses the line.

We have our space lab in orbit - everyone can see that with visual aid from Earth

We have our own netvigation system in place not to mention we are able to travel back and forth to space multiple times doing space rendezvous and docking etc etc

Every one has right to express their opinion in India, this is just an opinion, the achievements of ISRO speaks for itself, no need for anybody to give certificates here.

you can blow the trumpets for yourselves only

fact is : indians were not the FIRST to discover water on moon

fact is: indians dont have a heavy lift rocket

fact is: nasa assists indians Mars mission
we didnt claim we were the first to send man in space

I think it's common trait among you guys ....to talk without thinking ....and to write before reading ! Is it so difficult to think ?

First read what he wrote and then give your spinal reactions ....Spinal reactions are given when Brains don't work !

you are miserable

the key is FIRST as indians are making false claims of being the first to discover water on moon
From wiki

Lunar water is water that is present on the Moon. Liquid water cannot persist at the Moon's surface, and water vapour is decomposed by sunlight, with hydrogen quickly lost to outer space. However, scientists have since the 1960s conjectured that water ice could survive in cold, permanently shadowed craters at the Moon's poles.
Water (H2O), and the chemically related hydroxyl group (-OH), can also exist in forms chemically bound[how?] to lunar minerals (rather than as free water), and evidence strongly suggests that this is indeed the case in low concentrations over much of the Moon's surface.[1] In fact, adsorbed water is calculated to exist at trace concentrations of 10 to 1000 parts per million.[2]
Inconclusive evidence of free water ice at the lunar poles was accumulated from a variety of observations suggesting the presence of bound hydrogen. In September 2009, India's ISRO Chandrayaan-1 detected water on the Moon[3][4] and hydroxyl absorption lines in reflected sunlight. In November 2009, NASA reported that its LCROSS space probe had detected a significant amount of hydroxyl group in the material thrown up from a south polar crater by an impactor;[5] this may be attributed to water-bearing materials[6] – what appears to be "near pure crystalline water-ice".[7] In March 2010, it was reported that the Mini-RF on board the ISRO's Chandrayaan-1 had discovered more than 40 permanently darkened craters near the Moon's north pole which are hypothesized to contain an estimated 600 million metric tonnes (1.3 trillion pounds) of water ice.[7][8]
Water may have been delivered to the Moon over geological timescales by the regular bombardment of water-bearing comets, asteroids and meteoroids [9] or continuously produced in situ by the hydrogen ions (protons) of the solar wind impacting oxygen-bearing minerals.[10]
The search for the presence of lunar water has attracted considerable attention and motivated several recent lunar missions, largely because of water's usefulness in rendering long-term lunar habitation feasible.

I can show various sources. Now stop your as$ burn.

It's quite staggering that Indians have the audacity to claim that they discovered water on the moon when 2 superpowers were sending all kinds of probes and rovers to the moon on a consistent basis for years. Yet India magically discovers water on their very first mission :lol:
Yea riiiiiiiight

GTFO you bunch of dirty liars!

Logic tells you that it was so damn obvious it was either one of the US or USSR found water on the moon and we now have 100% confirmation that the USSR did find water on the moon in 1976 yet these shameful lying and cheating Indians want to take credit for something the Soviets achieved decades ago.

ISRO is basically lying agency than a space agency. What's scary is that these liars openly boast about something they deserve ZERO, I mean absolutely zero credit for. India is an incredibly corrupt society that they go to such shameful lengths to lie.

The Soviet Union discovered water on the moon in 1976, END OF STORY!

Soviets were the first!

What first ?? :lol:

give credible sources.
You are pathetic ....amount of water contained in polar caps would be sufficient enough to allow modest life environment. Any life supporting facilities are useless in absence of water ....!!!

do your science from primary school level kid, whoops better start with your elementary math, reading and comprehension:

In the Solar System's habitable zone only three natural satellites may be found - Earth's Moon, and Mars' moons Phobos and Deimos - none of which sustain an atmosphere or water in liquid form. Tidal forces[5][6] are likely to play as significant role as stellar radiation in the potential habitability of natural satellites.

Natural satellite habitability - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We have our space lab in orbit - everyone can see that with visual aid from Earth

We have our own netvigation system in place not to mention we are able to travel back and forth to space multiple times doing space rendezvous and docking etc etc
India is a part of International space lab. Right now India is concentrating more on Mars. Our priorities are different, we don't copy what others do and feel happy about it. We go in an innovative way.

you can blow the trumpets for yourselves only

fact is : indians were not the FIRST to discover water on moon

fact is: indians dont have a heavy lift rocket

fact is: nasa assists indians Mars mission

India is also going to gets its navigation system within 2 years. Chinese copy cat Russian tech and claim it as their own .... :lol:

Indians are not first to find water on moon ...... :omghaha:

You people are yelling like head less chickens in this thread with out sources .... Pathetic isn't it?
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