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India's Mars mission to begin its 10-month journey on October 28

10 months is a long long period:what:

what wud they do there in such a long time?:undecided:
Stop derailing this thread with your as usual nonsense, if you want to talk about corruption start a new thread. Chinese as$es are still burning to the fact that chandrayaan 1 is discovered water on the moon ...... :lol:

YOu are absolutely right, it is India, the world's most corrupted country from government and institution down to businesses and individual. India first discovered water on mar, LOL. Remember the article India had higher internet household than Japan? Corruption, scams and lies are so rampant that it renders everything irrelevant, including human IQ.

CCP is no police state and cheats do happen, but Chinese data are many times more reliable as it is closely studied and validated by many international institutions.
BTW a manned mission would cost about 10 Billion US dollars for just landing and if we hope to bring them back the cost can go up many times like 30-40 or even 50 Billion US dollars. We do not have the monies to do that. So we will have to be content with just the satellites :(
Absolute number doesn't tell the story, it's the poverty level relative to spending ratio that does.

450 crores,.ie 80 million dollars is nothing compared to our poverty alleviation spending of 70 billion pounds,.ie,115 billion.$ is very small,its just 0.07% of our povery alleviation budget.

And we discovered lunar water.@$$ burning?
450 crores,.ie 80 million dollars is nothing compared to our poverty alleviation spending of 70 billion pounds,.ie,115 billion.$ is very small,its just 0.07% of our povery alleviation budget.

And we discovered lunar water.@$$ burning?

LOL, soviet and US discovered water 30 years ago. Usual indian lies and braggings. Seriously dude, india should STOP doing this to its own people. It might make them feel good, but it makes indians look stupid in the world stage.
LOL, soviet and US discovered water 30 years ago. Usual indian lies and braggings. Seriously dude, india should STOP doing this to its own people. It might make them feel good, but it makes indians look stupid in the world stage.

Yeah right,and whole world came to know of that 30 years ago.

Lunar water is the discovery of Indian instrument MIP on Indian probe Chandrayaan 1.

I can see that you are jealous of our,mars mission.Now please GTHO.
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