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India’s ‘love jihad’ laws: Another attempt to subjugate Muslims

“If a Muslim girl is married into a Muslim family, she will have to deliver 10 children and when these children grow up they will speak against Hindus. But if that girl is married to a Hindu family, she will not have to deliver that many children and she will be an addition to the Hindu population,” he said.
Cannot negotiate with such hatred. There must simply be annihilation of such ideological hatred.
India’s ‘love jihad’ laws: Another attempt to subjugate Muslims

The new anti-conversion laws not only remove agency from women, but also put a target on the backs of innocent Muslim men and boys.

Apoorvanand Apoorvanand
Apoorvanand teaches Hindi at the University of Delhi. He writes literary and cultural criticism.

15 Jan 2021

View attachment 707234

A civil right activist holds placards during a demonstration condemning the passing of laws against 'Love Jihad' by various state governments, Bangalore, India, December 1, 2020. [Manjunath Kiran/AFP]

On January 6, the Supreme Court of India declined to stay controversial laws recently enacted in several states to tackle love jihad” – a baseless conspiracy theory accusing Muslim men of luring Hindu women into marriage with the aim of forcefully converting them to Islam.

Such laws are currently in place in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Madhya Pradesh. Other states, such as Haryana and Karnataka, have also announced their intention to introduce similar legislation.

By allowing the so-called “love jihad” laws to remain in force, the Supreme Court increased the vulnerability of India’s Muslims, who are already subject to immense discrimination and religious persecution under the rule of Hindu-nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

Interfaith marriages and religious conversions are relatively rare in India – a Hindu-majority nation of 1.3 billion that is home to some 195 million Muslims. Nevertheless, in Utter Pradesh alone, since the promulgation of the anti-conversion ordinance on November 28, 86 people have been named in first information reports (FIRs) related to the law and 54 have been arrested. Of the 85 people booked, 79 were Muslim men accused of “enticing a woman and forcing her to convert to Islam”.

Merely a couple of days after the enactment of the ordinance, on December 2, police in the city of Lucknow violently halted a wedding ceremony between a Hindu woman, Raina Gupta, and a Muslim man, Mohammad Asif, that was to include both Hindu and Muslim rituals. The families, who supported the union, said neither was going to convert religion, but the wedding was still prevented from going ahead.

In mid-December, a Muslim teenager was arrested under the new law in Uttar Pradesh’s Bijnor district after the father of a 16-year-old Hindu girl said the boy “induced his daughter to elope with him” with the “intention to marry and convert her”. While returning from a birthday party, the boy and the girl were attacked by a group of men and taken to the local police station. The Muslim boy was booked under the anti-conversion law and on charges of abduction. He was also charged under sections of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012.

In another case, a Muslim man, Owais Ahmad, was arrested and sentenced to 14-day judicial custody for allegedly trying to pressure a Hindu woman into converting to Islam and eloping in 2019, following a case filed by her father. The woman is now married to a Hindu man, and Ahmad says he had “no link with the woman”.

And the new laws are being used to criminalise and harass not only Muslim men seeking to marry (or daring to have simple social interactions with) Hindu women, but also interfaith couples who had married long before the enactment of the legislation.

In late December, when 22-year-old Muskan, who was born into a Hindu family, and her Muslim husband Rashid went to register their marriage in the Uttar Pradesh town of Moradabad, he ended up in jail and the young woman in a state-run shelter home. Three months pregnant, she suffered a miscarriage. Later, the courts decided the couple were not violating any law and allowed them to continue living together, but the damage was already done.

Despite repeatedly warning their supporters against “love jihad”, the BJP leaders insist that their “anti-conversion” laws are not targeting any specific group and aim only to protect women from being “conned into interfaith marriages”. Nevertheless, as the above examples clearly demonstrate, these laws are achieving nothing other than victimising young couples and putting targets on the backs of innocent Muslim men and boys. Moreover, the laws are undermining India’s secular constitution and denying agency to women.

On December 15, the Allahabad High Court clearly made that point when it stayed the arrest of a Muslim man from Uttar Pradesh’s Muzaffarnagar city under the state’s new anti-conversion law. The man, a 32-year-old labourer named Nadeeb, was accused of “trapping” a married Hindu woman into a “net of love” with the aim of converting her.

In explaining its decision, the court said Nadeeb and his alleged victim are “adults” who “have a fundamental right to privacy” and “are aware of the consequences of their alleged relationship”. It added that “Article 25 [of the Indian constitution] provides that all persons are equally entitled to freedom of conscience and the right freely to profess, practice and propagate religion, subject to public order, morality and health and to other provisions as Part III of the Constitution (that covers fundamental rights).

Love jihad” is not a new conspiracy. Since the 19th century, far-right Hindutva groups in India have been baselessly claiming that Muslim men are predatory. That they are working to seduce Hindu women to convert them to Islam. That they want to use Hindu women’s wombs to produce Muslim babies and alter the demographics of the Hindu-majority country.

These claims gained renewed prominence in recent years, due to the BJP government’s overt efforts to further marginalise Muslims and remake secular, democratic India into a Hindu nation. In 2018, as the “love jihad” rhetoric became part of the mainstream political discourse, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) conducted an inquiry into interfaith marriages in Kerala. The investigation, as expected, found no evidence of coercion in any of the cases examined. A similar investigation that was conducted in September 2020 in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, reached the same conclusion.

Despite there being no evidence of a Muslim plot to convert Hindu women through marriage, Hindu vigilante groups, with the support of state authorities, have long been working to prevent interfaith marriages. The Special Marriage Act of 1954 provides a clear legal framework for marriages between adults from different religious communities. However, authorities often refuse to register such marriages on frivolous grounds. They also make the couples’ names public during the registration process – a requirement Allahabad High Court recently annulled in a landmark judgement saying it is an “invasion of privacy” – allowing for Hindu vigilante groups to intervene and force the Hindu bride to return to her parents.

With the introduction of anti-conversion laws in several states, the BJP merely cloaked a continuing political project to criminalise and victimise Muslims in legal garb. Now right-wing vigilante groups openly work with the police to break interfaith marriages, undermine India’s secular constitution and, most crucially, put innocent Muslim men and boys behind bars.

From its contentious anti-Muslim Citizenship Amendment Bill to its criminalisation of Muslim “triple talaq” divorces, the BJP has made no secret of its desire to use legal means to silence, disfranchise and alienate Muslims in India. The new “anti-conversion” laws are just another weapon in the ruling party’s anti-Muslim legal arsenal and should be opposed.

Apoorva Nand is a traitor .
Excellent find bro.
Yep as I suspected the same filth that cry love Jihad I engaged in the very same act itself i.e. an all out assault on Muslim females. The girl looked lonely, confused, didn't really want to do everything he said (she did sign papers). Could you imagine the opposite, there wouldn't be a chance for any court papers to be submitted, no nice formalities, just a grab and snatch and the Muslim family usually beaten senseless or even killed.

Historically we have failed to realise, this is organised hate, our leaders and intellectuals have been intellectually dishonest or incapable of original thinking, they just parrot the same logic and the same arguments, reinforcing the hate of these people.
Thank God for the age of information, but most of us still choose to be blind, but there are an increasing number who choose to fight back, and present our own narrative.

Here's another example,
This from a discussion with Sheela Reddy, in one of the literature festivals, she is the author of Mr and Mrs Jinnah, lovely book. This example is not in the book, but she learnt of it, whilst researching the book.

One of Nehru's sister, fell in love with a Muslim guy, her father was dead against it, and tried his hardest to convince her to leave him, without success. Then he sent her off to the special "mahatma" Ghandi. Sheela was shocked what she learnt, Ghandi was preaching the same crap to her as the modern day extremist Hindus, talking of love jihad etc, she was shocked.
I was shocked, this, the father of the Indian nation, preaching hate against Muslims, well, he succeeded, and she decided not to go ahead with her relationship.

Here's another gem of a video, again watch fully if you wish to learn, and I would say share, but the crux of the video is from 22:30, where they are teaching the girls that according to Islam, the Muslims are allowed to eat their women, if they have no food left in the house. I mean......lol

sorry bro, hope you don't mind me tagging you, only the stuff I really feel would interest you.
They are tense because India is a hindutva extremist communal shithole

It's a disaster of a state and Indian Muslims are now desperate for solutions to defend themselves and fight back
So muslims have a right to be communal in India but if Hindus look out for themselves ,the country becomes extremist ?
very convenient , can you show muslim majority countries where minorities have right to marry and convert muslim girls ?
are they all disaster of states ?
So muslims have a right to be communal in India but if Hindus look out for themselves ,the country becomes extremist ?
very convenient , can you show muslim majority countries where minorities have right to marry and convert muslim girls ?
are they all disaster of states ?

This is why we told you a United India for all would be a utter shithole

Partition of india was the ONLY way

Ensure Sikhs have their own state
Ensure Indian Muslims have multiple states
Ensure Indian Christian get a state

Then hindu states can either go independent like TN or become hindutva shitholes

ANYTHING but a giant turd of a India where everyone hates each other and everyone is stuck together

this is still the ONLY path
This is why we told you a United India for all would be a utter shithole

Partition of india was the ONLY way

Ensure Sikhs have their own state
Ensure Indian Muslims have multiple states
Ensure Indian Christian get a state

Then hindu states can either go independent like TN or become hindutva shitholes

ANYTHING but a giant turd of a India where everyone hates each other and everyone is stuck together

this is still the ONLY path
India is not a cake which one can cut and eat it too,

Besides sikhs ,christians ,jains ,parsis ,jews have no problem ,only muslims want to convert Hindu girls for marriage which is responded with such laws.

simply stop trying to convert people to islam and live peacefully

or simply leave.

Are you telling me every community in pakistan loves each other ? people living in glass houses should avoid throwing stones.
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Yeah, they tried similar thing in UK,
all of them are rotting in jails.

Worse will happen in India. If they are lucky they will end up in jail.

May be people from certain communities are ok with girls and women in their families have one night stand or do even naughtier things with men who hide their identities.
If so, they can place ads to welcome men to have a go at the women in their lives.

you don’t get locked up in uk for one night stands stop lying . Lol at certain communities every community has one night stands .

you don’t take a ho to be a housewife after a party
The girl agrees the man agrees and they book a room . No strings attached . Hindus call it love jihad rest of world calls it one night stand .

“ hi my name is dimple and I’m 21 said rani 27 to Tony on the dance floor “for no strings attached sex on a rainy night in Delhi .
lol no wonder you guys don’t know what a woman needs .
Lying to pick up girls, by hindutva standards a big chunk of men across the world would be in jail

if a Hindu girl sleeps with a man who told her he was a doctor and has a Ferrari, is it still love Jihad?

if he’s names Barry from London is it love crusade:D
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If your divine revelation tells you whom to MARRY and whom to NOT MARRY and whom to CONVERT BEFORE MARRYING, can you please spare us, the normal humans beings, from telling what is LOVE, what is HATE and how to convert one to another?

Thanks in advance.

Vagina for pleasure between man and wife . Not for display in temple to feed milk and ladoo :D:tup:
India is not a cake which one can cut and eat it too,

Besides sikhs ,christians ,jains ,parsis ,jews have no problem ,only muslims want to convert Hindu girls for marriage which is responded with such laws.

simply stop trying to convert people to islam and live peacefully

or simply leave.

Are you telling me every community in pakistan loves each other ? people living in glass houses should avoid throwing stones.

Buddy everyone has problems in India

Simple farmer protests are scratching beneath the surface and revealing a mountain of HATRED

What was the point of trying to get everyone stuck together, when separation is the need

You can't trap hundreds of millions of people into a poisonous cesspit
So muslims have a right to be communal in India but if Hindus look out for themselves ,the country becomes extremist ?
very convenient , can you show muslim majority countries where minorities have right to marry and convert muslim girls ?
are they all disaster of states ?
Is India a Hindu state or isn't it?

By all means, declare your intentions. But don't cry to white people that you are a bastion of secularism/democracy/liberty at the same time as swinging trishuls around your heads.

Pakistan would LOVE IT if India declared its true intentions. Drop the Nehru Gandhi b.S. once and for all.

Do it. We won't stop you. We can deal with an aggressive Hindu state on a level playing field, no problem. It's the constant lying to white people that annoys us.
Law will be repealed once Supreme Court throws it out
I doubt, because already court has passed judgement that for marrying you can't change the religion. You have to study and accept to be converted. I be;ive Islam doesn't a;;ow marriage between musim and a hindu.
Now the love jihad law states in the same line.
India’s ‘love jihad’ laws: Another attempt to subjugate Muslims

The new anti-conversion laws not only remove agency from women, but also put a target on the backs of innocent Muslim men and boys.

Apoorvanand Apoorvanand
Apoorvanand teaches Hindi at the University of Delhi. He writes literary and cultural criticism.

15 Jan 2021

View attachment 707234

A civil right activist holds placards during a demonstration condemning the passing of laws against 'Love Jihad' by various state governments, Bangalore, India, December 1, 2020. [Manjunath Kiran/AFP]

On January 6, the Supreme Court of India declined to stay controversial laws recently enacted in several states to tackle love jihad” – a baseless conspiracy theory accusing Muslim men of luring Hindu women into marriage with the aim of forcefully converting them to Islam.

Such laws are currently in place in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Madhya Pradesh. Other states, such as Haryana and Karnataka, have also announced their intention to introduce similar legislation.

By allowing the so-called “love jihad” laws to remain in force, the Supreme Court increased the vulnerability of India’s Muslims, who are already subject to immense discrimination and religious persecution under the rule of Hindu-nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

Interfaith marriages and religious conversions are relatively rare in India – a Hindu-majority nation of 1.3 billion that is home to some 195 million Muslims. Nevertheless, in Utter Pradesh alone, since the promulgation of the anti-conversion ordinance on November 28, 86 people have been named in first information reports (FIRs) related to the law and 54 have been arrested. Of the 85 people booked, 79 were Muslim men accused of “enticing a woman and forcing her to convert to Islam”.

Merely a couple of days after the enactment of the ordinance, on December 2, police in the city of Lucknow violently halted a wedding ceremony between a Hindu woman, Raina Gupta, and a Muslim man, Mohammad Asif, that was to include both Hindu and Muslim rituals. The families, who supported the union, said neither was going to convert religion, but the wedding was still prevented from going ahead.

In mid-December, a Muslim teenager was arrested under the new law in Uttar Pradesh’s Bijnor district after the father of a 16-year-old Hindu girl said the boy “induced his daughter to elope with him” with the “intention to marry and convert her”. While returning from a birthday party, the boy and the girl were attacked by a group of men and taken to the local police station. The Muslim boy was booked under the anti-conversion law and on charges of abduction. He was also charged under sections of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012.

In another case, a Muslim man, Owais Ahmad, was arrested and sentenced to 14-day judicial custody for allegedly trying to pressure a Hindu woman into converting to Islam and eloping in 2019, following a case filed by her father. The woman is now married to a Hindu man, and Ahmad says he had “no link with the woman”.

And the new laws are being used to criminalise and harass not only Muslim men seeking to marry (or daring to have simple social interactions with) Hindu women, but also interfaith couples who had married long before the enactment of the legislation.

In late December, when 22-year-old Muskan, who was born into a Hindu family, and her Muslim husband Rashid went to register their marriage in the Uttar Pradesh town of Moradabad, he ended up in jail and the young woman in a state-run shelter home. Three months pregnant, she suffered a miscarriage. Later, the courts decided the couple were not violating any law and allowed them to continue living together, but the damage was already done.

Despite repeatedly warning their supporters against “love jihad”, the BJP leaders insist that their “anti-conversion” laws are not targeting any specific group and aim only to protect women from being “conned into interfaith marriages”. Nevertheless, as the above examples clearly demonstrate, these laws are achieving nothing other than victimising young couples and putting targets on the backs of innocent Muslim men and boys. Moreover, the laws are undermining India’s secular constitution and denying agency to women.

On December 15, the Allahabad High Court clearly made that point when it stayed the arrest of a Muslim man from Uttar Pradesh’s Muzaffarnagar city under the state’s new anti-conversion law. The man, a 32-year-old labourer named Nadeeb, was accused of “trapping” a married Hindu woman into a “net of love” with the aim of converting her.

In explaining its decision, the court said Nadeeb and his alleged victim are “adults” who “have a fundamental right to privacy” and “are aware of the consequences of their alleged relationship”. It added that “Article 25 [of the Indian constitution] provides that all persons are equally entitled to freedom of conscience and the right freely to profess, practice and propagate religion, subject to public order, morality and health and to other provisions as Part III of the Constitution (that covers fundamental rights).

Love jihad” is not a new conspiracy. Since the 19th century, far-right Hindutva groups in India have been baselessly claiming that Muslim men are predatory. That they are working to seduce Hindu women to convert them to Islam. That they want to use Hindu women’s wombs to produce Muslim babies and alter the demographics of the Hindu-majority country.

These claims gained renewed prominence in recent years, due to the BJP government’s overt efforts to further marginalise Muslims and remake secular, democratic India into a Hindu nation. In 2018, as the “love jihad” rhetoric became part of the mainstream political discourse, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) conducted an inquiry into interfaith marriages in Kerala. The investigation, as expected, found no evidence of coercion in any of the cases examined. A similar investigation that was conducted in September 2020 in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, reached the same conclusion.

Despite there being no evidence of a Muslim plot to convert Hindu women through marriage, Hindu vigilante groups, with the support of state authorities, have long been working to prevent interfaith marriages. The Special Marriage Act of 1954 provides a clear legal framework for marriages between adults from different religious communities. However, authorities often refuse to register such marriages on frivolous grounds. They also make the couples’ names public during the registration process – a requirement Allahabad High Court recently annulled in a landmark judgement saying it is an “invasion of privacy” – allowing for Hindu vigilante groups to intervene and force the Hindu bride to return to her parents.

With the introduction of anti-conversion laws in several states, the BJP merely cloaked a continuing political project to criminalise and victimise Muslims in legal garb. Now right-wing vigilante groups openly work with the police to break interfaith marriages, undermine India’s secular constitution and, most crucially, put innocent Muslim men and boys behind bars.

From its contentious anti-Muslim Citizenship Amendment Bill to its criminalisation of Muslim “triple talaq” divorces, the BJP has made no secret of its desire to use legal means to silence, disfranchise and alienate Muslims in India. The new “anti-conversion” laws are just another weapon in the ruling party’s anti-Muslim legal arsenal and should be opposed.
Is India a Hindu state or isn't it?

By all means, declare your intentions. But don't cry to white people that you are a bastion of secularism/democracy/liberty at the same time as swinging trishuls around your heads.

Pakistan would LOVE IT if India declared its true intentions. Drop the Nehru Gandhi b.S. once and for all.

Do it. We won't stop you. We can deal with an aggressive Hindu state on a level playing field, no problem. It's the constant lying to white people that annoys us.
Why are you so obsessed with white people ?

England /UK the epitome of "white people" is not secular.

We don't need any validation from white people,neither are they flag bearers of secularism or democracy( if you follow what is happening in USA).

We are secular or Hindu not has nothing to do with pakistan,Why can't you live in your own skin ?

Besides anti conversion laws are not anti-secular, neither are they new in India they were present before Modi govt unfortunately they were not properly enforced the only difference is now they are.

We are a democratic country running on clearly indentified laws suited for our country made by our elected leaders which are in line with the constitution made by our independence struggle leaders.
Buddy everyone has problems in India

Simple farmer protests are scratching beneath the surface and revealing a mountain of HATRED

What was the point of trying to get everyone stuck together, when separation is the need

You can't trap hundreds of millions of people into a poisonous cesspit
Those farmers have sent soldiers to Indian army and most of the north Indian police comes from those villages.

They are peacefully asking for changes in laws,made by our parliament nothing else,none of it shows any separatist activities.

Don't worry about India it is too complicated for you to understand.
Does it apply the other way, when Hindu men go after Muslim girls in India?

Now hindus are encouraged to marry Muslim girls by modern Sanatana dharma .but Muslim threaten to kill such boys .
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