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India’s ‘love jihad’ laws: Another attempt to subjugate Muslims

My name is Tony my age is 24 said Tarik who’s 31 to pick up a girl for a one night stand .:D

love jihad . :lol:

Yeah, they tried similar thing in UK,
all of them are rotting in jails.

Worse will happen in India. If they are lucky they will end up in jail.

May be people from certain communities are ok with girls and women in their families have one night stand or do even naughtier things with men who hide their identities.
If so, they can place ads to welcome men to have a go at the women in their lives.
My name is Tony my age is 24 said Tarik who’s 31 to pick up a girl for a one night stand .:D

love jihad . :lol:

Lying to pick up girls, by hindutva standards a big chunk of men across the world would be in jail

if a Hindu girl sleeps with a man who told her he was a doctor and has a Ferrari, is it still love Jihad?
Why Muslim men are so interested in marrying Hindu women in the first place?

Isn't it against laws of Islam to marry non-Muslim?

Again why Pakistani Muslims are so supportive of this?

Would Pakistani Muslim change law in Pakistan to allow non-Muslim to marry Muslims?

Its the other way around, Hindu girls are dying to marry Muslim men. Why? I know the answer but I believe the forum rules don't allow me to be write it openly.
In isolated cases maybe, but if a Muslim family killed a Hindu boy over this it would trigger a riot with Muslims taking the most losses.
Do you have any links about Hindus being criminalised over such behaviour, not that I'm denying it, it's just on the media all you here is love jihad.

The duplicity,
The vile hatred,
The double standards are recorded in this documentary, it is only 20 minutes long, and needs to be watched fully to understand the story of structurally organised love Jihad/Hindu Jihad against a Muslim girl.

If you really want to see the crux of the whole documentary, you'll find it from 14:10 in one minute.

@lightoftruth @pothead @masterchief_mirza @hussain0216 @jamahir @EasyNow @Mugen @terry5 @Suriya @Chakar The Great @User @Clutch
Yeah, they tried similar thing in UK,
all of them are rotting in jails.

Worse will happen in India. If they are lucky they will end up in jail.

May be people from certain communities are ok with girls and women in their families have one night stand or do even naughtier things with men who hide their identities.
If so, they can place ads to welcome men to have a go at the women in their lives.
What exactly are you and other Hindus butthurt about? Is it the one night stand bit or the lying (lying is perfectly legal as long as statutory rape doesn't occur of course) to get a girl bit?

Do you get out much, aside from the annual tech support workers dinner event?
If your divine revelation tells you whom to MARRY and whom to NOT MARRY and whom to CONVERT BEFORE MARRYING, can you please spare us, the normal humans beings, from telling what is LOVE, what is HATE and how to convert one to another?

Thanks in advance.
The duplicity,
The vile hatred,
The double standards are recorded in this documentary, it is only 20 minutes long, and needs to be watched fully to understand the story of structurally organised love Jihad/Hindu Jihad against a Muslim girl.

If you really want to see the crux of the whole documentary, you'll find it from 14:10 in one minute.

@lightoftruth @pothead @masterchief_mirza @hussain0216 @jamahir @EasyNow @Mugen @terry5 @Suriya @Chakar The Great @User @Clutch
I pissed myself laughing at the 7 lakhs rajput, 8 lakhs Sikh, 5 lakhs Dalit bit. ...these fanny hole PTSD victims cannot drop the caste shit for 30 seconds....even when warning girls about love jihad, filthy brahminist caste based modern slavery brainwashing must find a way into the discourse. It's getting very hard to distinguish non-caste Hinduism from the rest of it to be honest.

Though it's intriguing that they themselves say Sikhs are more valuable than rajputs....What's that all about?

The Hindu mind - fascinating place.
Utter nonsense,

The laws are made when men hide their identity to lure girls.
Just to suit your narrative, you have turned it into Hindu & muslim marriage.

You are obviously not that dumb to understand the difference between muslim men pretending Hindus to trap Hindu girls
normal couples falling in love and marrying each other, irrespective of religion.

Waiting for you to come up some BS about something else to roll off from the crux of the issue - muslim men pretending to be Hindus to lure HIndu girls....

They can convert to which ever religion they want, it's their choice.
whether it hindu women or muslim women.

but that's not what the love jihad laws are about.

why pretend you don't know about the laws? is it because you assume people debating you are stupid?
Does the law state that it applies only when the boy pretends to belong to the girl's religion.
The duplicity,
The vile hatred,
The double standards are recorded in this documentary, it is only 20 minutes long, and needs to be watched fully to understand the story of structurally organised love Jihad/Hindu Jihad against a Muslim girl.

If you really want to see the crux of the whole documentary, you'll find it from 14:10 in one minute.

@lightoftruth @pothead @masterchief_mirza @hussain0216 @jamahir @EasyNow @Mugen @terry5 @Suriya @Chakar The Great @User @Clutch

Excellent find bro.
Yep as I suspected, the same filth that cry love Jihad I engaged in the very same act itself i.e. an all out assault on Muslim females. The girl looked lonely, confused, didn't really want to do everything he said (she did sign papers). Could you imagine the opposite, there wouldn't be a chance for any court papers to be submitted, no nice formalities, just a grab and snatch and the Muslim family usually beaten senseless or even killed.
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The duplicity,
The vile hatred,
The double standards are recorded in this documentary, it is only 20 minutes long, and needs to be watched fully to understand the story of structurally organised love Jihad/Hindu Jihad against a Muslim girl.

If you really want to see the crux of the whole documentary, you'll find it from 14:10 in one minute.

@lightoftruth @pothead @masterchief_mirza @hussain0216 @jamahir @EasyNow @Mugen @terry5 @Suriya @Chakar The Great @User @Clutch

Thanks for the vids. Will watch tomorrow. Am now going to watch this week's Graham Norton Show and will go to sleep. :)

If your divine revelation tells you whom to MARRY and whom to NOT MARRY and whom to CONVERT BEFORE MARRYING, can you please spare us, the normal humans beings, from telling what is LOVE, what is HATE and how to convert one to another?

Thanks in advance.

Funny that you talk about love and hate given that your profile-pic carries violent ethno-nationalist imagery and the accompanying text says "We conquer, we kill". :lol:
In isolated cases maybe, but if a Muslim family killed a Hindu boy over this it would trigger a riot with Muslims taking the most losses.
Do you have any links about Hindus being criminalised over such behaviour, not that I'm denying it, it's just on the media all you here is love jihad.

Most of the cases muslim families attack Hindu boys and when the situation is opposite they ask Hindus to respect adult choices of women, hypocrisy is very open thus the need of such laws.

The "love jihad law" is religion neutral law and even in op its mentioned

Of the 85 people booked, 79 were Muslim men accused of “enticing a woman and forcing her to convert to Islam”.

such laws are practiced in UP, MP and other BJP States and are very helpful on ground in reducing communal tension.

Even congress will be forced to enact such laws in the long term.
Article from 2017.

Vid from 2014, the year that BJP won central rule.

Thanks for this;

Chauhan added that the campaign will serve as a “population control” measure too.

“If a Muslim girl is married into a Muslim family, she will have to deliver 10 children and when these children grow up they will speak against Hindus. But if that girl is married to a Hindu family, she will not have to deliver that many children and she will be an addition to the Hindu population,” he said.

Yep that's it in a nutshell. I remember very well when the RSS rioters were asked about why every Muslim woman raped in the Gujarat riots was killed immediately afterwards, they replied that hurting Muslim males was no good. That once they had their fun they kill them because each Muslim female will produce four or five additional Muslims, and by this way by killing off Muslim females they reduce the Muslim population.
Utter depraved evil. They deserve the sword period. I hope you guys can defend yourselves from such vermin.
Yep that's it in a nutshell. I remember very well when the RSS rioters were asked about why every Muslim woman raped in the Gujarat riots was killed immediately afterwards, they replied that hurting Muslim males was no good. That once they had their fun they kill them because each Muslim female will produce four or five additional Muslims, and by this way by killing off Muslim females they reduce the Muslim population.
Utter depraved evil. They deserve the sword period. I hope you guys can defend yourselves from such vermin.

Yes, evil. Along the same lines as one of Yogi's henchmen saying in a speech some years ago that Muslim women be dug up from the grave and raped.

OK. :sleep:
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