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India's image hit by crimes against women, U.S & U.N express outrage

If two women had to go out into some bushes for shi**ing because a complete lack of toilets, and get gangraped in the process by a group of retarded men then something is very very wrong in our country! Stop looking at others.
And why is a nation like Sweden on the first place? Does anyone seriously believe that the average woman is safer in India than in Sweden?
Sweden has different and much broader definitions of rape, they are frantically registering any sexual assault or offence. If a victim says that she has been raped and abused for a year, the police might record over 300 cases of sexual violence because of this case alone!

Meanwhile, courts in India even discuss whether rape in marriage is a real rape or not :mad:
The police is as useless as ever, and due to social matters many victims are afraid of going to the police!
A rape trial can take so long that many victims are simply too afraid of reporting the crime.
etc etc etc

You lost the plot entirely , the simple point is it is Hypocritical for westerners to blame India or anyone else for Rapes . If you look at the manner of their reporting you will find the intent of reporting is to create a stereotype.

Courts don't make laws, they enforce it, the whole Rape in marriage law is a British Era law which was not changed till now .
Which ever way you look at it, the west has a serious problem with crimes against women in more than South Asia , but do you see Indian media and Indians going on a rampage reporting it and creating a stereotype ? I can prove it right now if you want ...

We will deal with the problem ourselves like we are doing it right now , but we do not need advice from folks who have failed in such issues...

Though i agree about Scandinavian countries .
If someone compares Sweden to any developing country, then sir - regrettably - you are a retard.

Hell, the US, Britain and others would love to have the life that Swedes, Norwegians, Danes, Icelanders have.
where does the federal government fall in all this, I mean can they take action against Yadav?

Oh I dont think so.Because Yadav is a leader from UP.People in UP will not tolerate if fed take action against him and laso ours is federal system.So centre has limitations.Unlike BSP ,SP has a long record of criminal supporting.Its all up to the people in UP.It is their choice or decision that make this type of leaders fortune.If they decide to kick this people out then UP will succeed.
UP is also backward in several index including literacy and an ever growing population make their life painful.
Look at the fate of infamous A .Raja in TN.Tamilians kick out that corrupt idiot from Parliament.UP people must follow the same path.Infact they follow that path in this election and BJP got 75 seats.But now there is a news coming that Akhilesh govt take revenge on poor people on UP by cutting their electricity.
We deserve this humiliation.

when A**holes like Mulayam can pat the backs of the Rapists saying " Ladke hain galti ho jati hai "

what else would you expect from the rapists. obviously their morals will be all time high.
UN has nothing to say when it happens in sudan, but has to pull up India for crime as if no crime ever happens around the world.
Do you realise,the West using UN as a puppet to preach us morals, Their agenda to influence our policies and elections failed,so back to mudslinging.US saying hey India , if you don't join my camp you will be next whipping boy like russia is now,therefore the media campaign against india.
Modi should show usa middle finger. and tell them to go F*ck themselves.

The US expresses outrage? Really? :woot: Guess who's got one of the highest incidents of rape in the world? The Yanks should get their house in order first before pontificating to others! Here's a report from the UN. The US of A stands 7th in the Hall of Shame and they have the gumption to express 'outrage'? India doesn't even figure here! Check this out......

Nothing but USA using its media wing and UN to pressurise india into its camp, untill then this media campaign of rapes,toilets and etc. will continue,India should ignore West and look east, that will be a big slap on their media propaganda.
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UN has nothing to say when it happens in sudan, but has to pull up India for crime as if no crime ever happens around the world.
Do you realise,the West using UN as a puppet to preach us morals, Their agenda to influence our policies and elections failed,so back to mudslinging.US saying hey India , if you don't join my camp you will be next whipping boy like russia is now,therefore the media campaign against india.Modi should show usa middle finger. and tell them to go F*ck themselves.

Nothing but USA using its media wing and UN to pressurise india into its camp, untill then this media campaign or rapes,toilets and etc. will continue,India should ignore West and look east, that will be a big slap on their media propaganda.

India has global influence.Look at the publicity during PM Modi swearing ceremoney.Almost all international media is reported that historic event .Live airing in BBC etc.
All this gave a good image to India.But some western nations cant digest our success
India has global influence.Look at the publicity during PM Modi swearing ceremoney.Almost all international media is reported that historic event .Live airing in BBC etc.
All this gave a good image to India.But some western nations cant digest our success
Yes after the initial Largest Democracy blah blah media coverage, they have to go back to bashing india untill it joins their camp, they don't realise these tactics only make them look like enemies to Indian people.They couldnt assess modi before and now they make the same mistake thinking their mudslingin campaign will work.
Yes after the initial Largest Democracy blah blah media coverage, they have to go back to bashing india untill it joins their camp, they don't realise these tactics only make them look like enemies to Indian people.They couldnt assess modi before and now they make the same mistake thinking their mudslingin campaign will work.
It's a well known fact that western media is pro-Muslim and anti-Hindu.
It's a well known fact that western media is pro-Muslim and anti-Hindu.
More likely it's their hatred for other religions which are not abrahamic, Muslims and christians in USA joined together to stop Modi, goes to show how much they hate hinduism or the revival of nationalism in India.They want India to be their colony forever,UK left India but in their minds they still want it to be their colony, Uk realises the hardships UK faces now without India.
The most plausible solution to this endemic problem is to upgrade the current sets of law in the country.By upgrading i mean enforcing even stricter punishment for the sexual offenders.Personally would like to see them killed in public by firing squads,rape should be made a capital offense and the offenders need to be punished in front of the common people to enforce the fear among the common people of being put down in public by firing squads in case of committing this type of crime in the future.If we can enforce this type of fear among the general populace then i am quite sure that we can successfully tackle issues like raps and other sexual offenses in the future..:coffee:
Pro Muslim ? they hate everything non western . they are definitely not pro Muslim
No sir, liberal western media always shows propaganda for free Palestine and says bad things about Jews.
The US expresses outrage? Really? :woot: Guess who's got one of the highest incidents of rape in the world? The Yanks should get their house in order first before pontificating to others! Here's a report from the UN. The US of A stands 7th in the Hall of Shame and they have the gumption to express 'outrage'? India doesn't even figure here! Check this out......


is it some sort of a justification to rapes in india ...
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