If two women had to go out into some bushes for shi**ing because a complete lack of toilets, and get gangraped in the process by a group of retarded men then something is very very wrong in our country! Stop looking at others.
And why is a nation like Sweden on the first place? Does anyone seriously believe that the average woman is safer in India than in Sweden?
Sweden has different and much broader definitions of rape, they are frantically registering any sexual assault or offence. If a victim says that she has been raped and abused for a year, the police might record over 300 cases of sexual violence because of this case alone!
Meanwhile, courts in India even discuss whether rape in marriage is a real rape or not
The police is as useless as ever, and due to social matters many victims are afraid of going to the police!
A rape trial can take so long that many victims are simply too afraid of reporting the crime.
etc etc etc