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India's hybrid hypersonic, reusable , costeffective launch vehicle

This vehicle will take off like a plane from the runway . Subsequently Ramjet will Ignite and speed will go above mach 5. Subsequent to that screm jet engine will take the charge and take the vehicle to the boundary of the atmosphere at the speed of Mach 9. From there , From here, turbine will start and vehicle speed will reach Mach 12. . It will release the rocket carrying the satellite and the vehicle will come back on the earth and land like a plane. The rocket will take the satellite into the required Orbit launch is there and land back on the earth. This will be an absolutly cost efective mision where India will not spend anything except the fuel for the mission. Only very few countries can afford to design such vehicle.
IDRO and DRDO both have hypersonic launch vehicles. Now their hybrid vehicle vehicles arec oming. Both agencies are wofking on this sort of vehicles. Design is out. Hear is how it will work.

Bunch of b*** Shit just propuganda Godi media.
Bunch of b*** Shit just propuganda Godi media.

Ohhh, you can not even accept this. Design is ready and you will see the launch of this vehicle in detected. DRDO has the same project but for for other purpose. We have parallel pprograms like we have the hypersonic program of of ISRO and DRDO. We have already used these technologies in many of our missiles. We have successfully tested scramjet engine as well by ISRO and DRDO. So it is basically a equation of integration. All the technologies are already realised. We just need to integrate them.
India has all the building blocks of technologies involved. They will now have to be integrated.
OK when can you stop using Ariane?

We have already stopped. Don't you know that? Anyway, when will you stop buying 4th generation Russian planes after the ckaim having so called fifth generation plane?
We have already stopped. Don't you know that? Anyway, when will you stop buying 4th generation Russian planes after the ckaim having so called fifth generation plane?
5 years back I guess. But what has su-35 got to do with Indian launch vehicle? Lolol
OK when can you stop using Ariane?
Unlikely in the near future.

Actually all the space launch vehicles and systems that India claims are all for show. They don’t really deliver anything. The claims of other countries using Indian space launch vehicles is also a propaganda. I sometimes doubt that the launches are actually doctored videos.
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Unlikely in the near future.

Actually all the space launch vehicles and systems that India claims are all for show. They don’t really deliver anything. The claims of other countries using Indian space launch vehicles is also a propaganda.
True most Indians make tall claims and then it lingers for decades, as seen from Arjunk to LCA. I believe India will continue to use Ariane.
I believe India will continue to use Ariane.
Any reason for this belief?

Last known ISRO launched GSLV MK III successfully with similar payload that it used an Ariane in 2020?

Ariane 5 does have a load carrying capability upto 10 tonnes upto GTO.
Any reason for this belief?

Last known ISRO launched GSLV MK III successfully with similar payload that it used an Ariane in 2020?

Ariane 5 does have a load carrying capability upto 10 tonnes upto GTO.
I saw a scehcule from ISRO about launching gsat24 from Ariane this yr not sure if it is still. Valid.
India have to import basic rifles and used military clothing from US and yet Indians boast about their Bollywood computer drawings
Yes a very valid point.

But why do you presume that these drawings are from Bollywood?

A country as poor as India should stop spending on anything other than managing Food, Clothing and Housing for its citizens. Bollywood and all sorts of entertainment should be banned considering that it leads to so much enmity and heart burn with our dear neighbour.

Only and only after achieving self sufficiency in all these areas should it start anything to do with scientific development, research, entertainment etc etc. A great model of development where things happen one by one.
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