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India's Hindu nationalists aim to 'convert' Muslims

Something comes out of your back does not make it true.

How funny, just put it in reverse order.. and see how that sound so TRUE.. :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

You still believe that you are inferior to Pakistanis ? Jeez and we seriously believed that we liberated your mind as well as your body in 1971 :D
Who in their right mind would want to worship statues and anything that crawls on the ground?

at least they are not killing others who dont believe in their form of worshiping !
Christianity is a foreign faith that is planted by Western imperialism. Convert christians to hinduism.

Islam has now become a part of indian fabric. Leave it alone.
this conversion -re conversion is only for those who has changed their faith recently ( mainly tribal and remote areas) . No RSS will go traditional Muslim/christian areas to propagate their religion !
Check the source of the article, this one is from a f.king mullah site trying to show how big the victims poor followers of religion of peace are. They are only spreading love and peace in the world but everyone is after their @ss. Typical mullah victimhood mentality which blames everyone else to cover up the crimes of the followers of religion of peace.

Keep trolling on the troll article.

Islam is the fastest growing religion, their are reasons for this the same goes for abrahamic faiths like xtianity

in the modern world trying to convince people to worship monkeys Gods or lingams in the 21st century is an insult to human intelligence

These are the wet dreams of the hindutva crowd

They will be pissing in the wind

breeding like rabbits has its own advantages !
Let me answer your question. When a group such as the RSS makes stupid and unfounded statements such as "love jihad" and conversion or reversion to Hinduism since India is a "Hindu state", that remains nothing more than intimidation of the minority religions by a thuggish majority religion group. If this group went out (like the minority groups did) and put across the benefits of Hinduism to people and converted them passively, I would have no problem with that. Their current attitude in my view is no different from an organization like ISIS for example which dictates that "if you want to live here then you must follow this or that religion". I seriously doubt that is what India or the majority of Hindus in India wants
That is what they will do aswell.
As for open proclamation, what makes you think that the rss is worse off than others? All these organizations openly proclaim "convert the devil worshippers","build the kingdom of god", " convert kaffirs" and so on.. When was the last time this was reported in the news? Like never. But since itn this case it is the rss, it is of course news worthy.

As far as love jihad goes it is fairly accepted, there are genuine cases. Or maybe those women who are national shooters, TT players etc, are all lying aswell. Thats a different topic, go through the thread has many more instances.
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breeding like rabbits has its own advantages !

Yeah sure, the millions of converts/reverts around the world are just a figment of your imagination

Let hinduism die a natural death it id time

Trying to force innocent villagers to abandon God to worship lingams or cows is obscene and abhorrent

For every one villager forced into cow worship 10 hindus will willingly accept Islam and Gods will

You csnt change destiny
There is no such thing as love jihad

it is simply women looking for the best looking, strongest males amongst their society

This happens to be Muslims

If the Hindutva brigade get bent out of shape what can be done
Human beings are not chemicals. Convert from one to another blah blah. :omghaha:

In India many had been converted in the past by bribing them/force etc. RSS is trying to bring them back. Peacefully. The people who wish to return are returning. The RSS is just the medium. :)

I see what you did there :devil:

Yes true. They all practice Indian Islam, they have nothing to do with other who practice Arabic Islam. Indian Islam is different. Same way Indian Christians too, lots of them still puts Bindi on forehead and uses flowers.
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Yeah sure, the millions of converts/reverts around the world are just a figment of your imagination

Let hinduism die a natural death it id time

Trying to force innocent villagers to abandon God to worship lingams or cows is obscene and abhorrent

For every one villager forced into cow worship 10 hindus will willingly accept Islam and Gods will

You csnt change destiny

WHATEVER! i have no intention of indulging in mud wrestling with a pig !
Something comes out of your back does not make it true.
How funny, just put it in reverse order.. and see how that sound so TRUE..

Only on the internet you can do it. In real life, converts like you can actually join mainstream humanity by coming back to your roots and shunning the deviant bangladeshi lifestyle you lead...you know right what "they" do to you ? ;)

We will convert you and save you from burmese...:agree:
Good luck on that..

How about first converting all the Dalits to Bhramin first.
Thats the very little first step towards humanity for Indians.

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