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India's Excalibur and Ghatak Rifles

That's quite an ill-witted comment. If you had knowledge on this affair, you would know that the G3 model used by Pakistan Army is much more recent than the 1950s and even so; it's not relevant at all, considering that the G3 is hardly being used now and is in it's last stages of being phased out.

That was meant as an answer to horus's equally silly comment.In your words,the Excalibur models are much more recent than base insas and in any case INSAS is in the last stages of being phased out(frontline units use AK) with new tender on for new rifle.
The heavily armed police mostly belong to big cities. As every body knows in India mostly the guns carrying crowd is very less and the legal licenses as well have very strict conditions on type of guns allowed to be carried. We don’t require a super cop with SWAT like units in most of the cities, towns and villages in India.
The Spec ops teams and commandos of state police forces are mostly used to handle terrorist and naxal activities in the interim if the deployment of NSG is delayed and states started allocating more funds to such special police forces after the 26/11 attack. In Central and South India, Andhra's Greyhounds, Chattisgharh's STF, Jharkhand Jaguars etc are used for anti-naxal ops even though naxal movement has died down drastically in recent times
Weapon that shoots straight and can hit what you want to hit is good enough for a solider. Be it Morden SCAR or WWII era bolt action 303. But that’s not the point here on PDF ;) people will cry for spending too much and same people will cry for not spending much :rofl:

Agynanam timiram dhasye gyanan jana salakaya... thats what it is :lol:
These are the latest designs that are ready for induction:

Not ready:

Development over, unique multi-calibre:
When G-3 was fielded by us, it was cutting edge technology. You're fielding 30 year old technology - now.

Nope,u still use it.These are for paramilitary and police.INSAS in army replaced by AK and tavor in main COIN units,for ordinary infantry tender ongoing and to be phased out.
Man, the Trichy just (almost) cloned the Arsenal M1s.

Did the pistol grip for the Ghatak change? It looks... really odd for AK standards. And if so, since when?
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