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India's entry into South China Sea aimed to counter China:Chinese Analysts.

So if India keep annoying china you will get more jf 17s.I have seen many deals this one is special between china and pakistan.Here is the deal pakistan will get INDIGENOUS jf17 from china for india annoying them.Now i understand this taller than himalayas deeper than ......friendship.You may also get more jf17s for supporting the chinese in each & every thread:rofl::rofl:

you do do you? Thats incredible.
if the U.S closes its market to China the Chinese economy will turn the other way around i'm sure the U.S will find a way to keep China in check the free world always wins one way or another

By keeping someone in check means it's not a free world my friend. Sadly, the U.S. is in no position to do so with thanks to wall street.
if india goes ahead with oil exploration in south china sea, there might be a naval skimish between china and india which might lead to bigger problems... its a wait and see game, lets see how chinese rhetoric unfolds...
if india goes ahead with oil exploration in south china sea, there might be a naval skimish between china and india which might lead to bigger problems... its a wait and see game, lets see how chinese rhetoric unfolds...

these are all assumptions. there will be no skirmishes b/w india & china as india has nothing to do with disputed areas. china is just over-hyping the whole issue.
Viet Nam invited India joint oil exploit so that also meaning Viet Nam will protect investors at all cost. No worries about China let's see what China could do about it.
India as a third party hasn't right to provoke existing conflicting situation and China has to keep India away from regional matter. Indian association with Vietnam is the kind of counter measure but this decision should be neutralized by China-Vietnam direct talk over their disputes.

Same applies to China in P O K, let them understand the indian sentiments in the first place or else TIT for TAT. i mean common sense
if india goes ahead with oil exploration in south china sea, there might be a naval skimish between china and india which might lead to bigger problems... its a wait and see game, lets see how chinese rhetoric unfolds...

Nice, but sad it's only a figment of your imagination and war mongering attitude, keep trying though. :lol:
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