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India's entry into South China Sea aimed to counter China:Chinese Analysts.

A credit to your two nations.

LOL cardshop, I am just laughing at your ignorance and let alone the ultimate ego you have for your country...
Let me tell you something, China has 10% arable land, geographically disadvataged japan, india, Sk, America in yellow sea...

Your economy is controlled by the Communist regime, WHO KILLED 10,OOO ppl in 1989 tinamen square, FOR ALL WE KNOW UR GOV could be faking these economic number with False growth of injecting local goverment with orders of massive HIGH SUPPLY LOW- NO DEMAND, ur local gov have incured massive debts! We will see how the communist regime actually pulls china forward NOT lead it forward!!! u get my point....

the gov kills ppl for their voice, imagine what ur gov does to the economy just to let u red guards sleep at night
18 Sep, 2011, 04.20PM IST, PTI
India's entry into South China Sea aimed at countering China: Chinese analysts.

BEIJING: Watching warily India's decision to go ahead with oil exploration cooperation with Vietnam in the South China Sea despite objections from Beijing, Chinese analysts say it is New Delhi's counter-strategy to checkmate the forays being made by China into its neighbourhood.

India's efforts to firm up oil exploration cooperation with Vietnam in the South China Sea, which China claims as its own is a provocative move to show its annoyance over Beijing building up close ties with countries like Myanmar and Pakistan, said Shen Dingli, Director of the Centre for American Studies of Institute of International Studies at China's Fudan University.

"In recent years, China has also been building up ties with countries like Myanmar... Pakistan invited China to provide safety protection and offered China a naval port on the Indian Ocean. All these moves made India feel nervous," Shen told state-run Global Times.

Ever since the Indian firm ONGC took up oil exploration in two blocks in the South China Sea claimed by Vietnam, the Chinese official media has extended proactive coverage to it calling on the government to firmly handle it to reassert its supremacy in the region.

Besides China, the disputed waters in the South China Sea are also claimed by Vietnam, the Philippines, Brunei and Malaysia and contain rich oil reserves, estimated up to 28 billion barrels.

The joint exploration between India and Vietnam is not accidental since in recent years India has taken an increasingly eastward-looking stance, Wu Xinbo, Professor at the Centre for American Studies, Fudan University, said.

As a South Asian country, India actively takes part in East Asian issues through the support of the US which has been advocating for Asian countries to counter China.

"The US takes every opportunity to counter China, and its joint military manoeuvres with Japan and other regional countries have been more frequent in recent years," Wu said.

This project helped India kill two birds with one stone. It will bring economic benefits to India and at the same help it to balance out China politically, Wu said.

Rong Ying, the Vice President of the China Institute of Strategic Studies, attached to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, however advocated that India and China should carefully handle the issue considering the advances they made in their relations.

Twnety first century belongs to Asia Pacific region and India and China are the most important countries whose leaders have been saying that the world is big enough for both, he told state-run CCTV.

The countries have come a long way in improving their relations and should carefully handle their differences, he said.

India's entry into South China Sea aimed at countering China: Chinese analysts - The Economic Times

India as a third party hasn't right to provoke existing conflicting situation and China has to keep India away from regional matter. Indian association with Vietnam is the kind of counter measure but this decision should be neutralized by China-Vietnam direct talk over their disputes.
India as a third party hasn't right to provoke existing conflicting situation and China has to keep India away from regional matter. Indian association with Vietnam is the kind of counter measure but this decision should be neutralized by China-Vietnam direct talk over their disputes.

Isn't China third party in India Pakistan conflict ? Does China has the right to get involved in *** ?
You sound like a Soviet and a Nazi, Hahaa just look what happend to their communism and totalitarianism....

You sound like you are getting afraid about the massive chain of powers that are against your, India, Japan, USA, are there.... you know each of these countries can finish the job of destroying your economy and letting you run wild and and wipe out ur arrogance

Soviet ??? I thought Soviet was India's alliance in 70s??? what's matter now because it's not longer exist you can say what ever you want of your old friend??? show some respect dude :lol:

Yes, we're scare of massive chain of power :D...but India is not in the league that's why Indians made such much noise to get attention :lol: ...Destroy China's economy??? we own trillions of US debt and Japan economy is literally in stagnation ..sure we evil China is so scare :lol:
Isn't China third party in India Pakistan conflict ? Does China has the right to get involved in *** ?

this case is like coming out from nowhere by india which is always considered a soft power...

it's a note that pakistan should take seriously...
if the U.S closes its market to China the Chinese economy will turn the other way around i'm sure the U.S will find a way to keep China in check the free world always wins one way or another
China feels it is its legitimate right to keep the South China Sea off-limits. China also needs to secure its forces in the South China Sea and modify its maritime strategy and doctrine accordingly. Currently, the primary wartime missions of the People’s Liberation Army Navy are: 1) securing sea approaches to Taiwan; 2) conducting operations in the western Pacific to deny enemy forces freedom of action; 3) protecting Chinese sea lines of communication; and 4) interdicting enemy lines of communication. With the introduction of the Type 094, protecting Chinese SSBNs will become another primary mission, and this mission will require China to kill enemy strategic antisubmarine forces and end the resistance of other claimants in the South China Sea. Chinese anti-access/area-denial capabilities, especially quieter nuclear-powered attack submarines, can be used to counter enemy forward antisubmarine warfare operations. China’s aircraft carriers, already under sea trial, will be deployed in the South China Sea to silence the neighboring claimants.

If the tension on this sea intensifies, the world will witness global realignment into Allied and Axis powers as a prelude to First World Naval War. Presently, all nine states that touch the South China Sea are more or less arrayed against China and, therefore, dependent on the United States for diplomatic and military support. These conflicting claims are likely to become even more acute as Asia's spiraling energy demands -- energy consumption is expected to double by 2030, with China accounting for half that growth -- make the South China Sea the ever more central guarantor of the region's economic strength. Already, the South China Sea has increasingly become an armed camp, as the claimants build up and modernize their navies, even as the scramble for islands and reefs in recent decades is mostly over.

War or no war, will this realignment translate into another bi-polar world like the one which came into being post-WWII? Professor Samuel Huntington, in his famous book, Clash of Civilizations...., predicted a war between China and Vietnam sometimes close to 2010 over the maritime resources of this sea. In view of Huntington, this would be a war within a civilization; but the later evidence suggests that South China Sea will be a hotbed of a much broader international conflict. Analysts have their fingers crossed but given the economic growth and fast industrialization of China, the world is already on the road to its cherished dream of bipolarity. Read more at: National Security: South China Sea and the dream of a bipolar world….
Soviet ??? I thought Soviet was India's alliance in 70s??? what's matter now because it's not longer exist you can say what ever you want of your old friend??? show some respect dude :lol:

Yes, we're scare of massive chain of power :D...but India is not in the league that's why Indians made such much noise to get attention :lol: ...Destroy China's economy??? we own trillions of US debt and Japan economy is literally in stagnation ..sure we evil China is so scare :lol:

hey bagel fagel, DONT GET too excited China owns only 1.3 trillion dollars of America's DEBT! Dont take more credit than you deserve!! Japanse holds 1 trillion as welll SO WHAT???

China is NOT in the LEAGUE sorry and neither IS INDIA... China is panda and India is a sloth, and America is Real TIGER/Dragon! dont munch on that American media crap that they feed u or chinse state controlled biased media Xinhua! LMAO hahahah

HEY CHINA u only have 5.8 trillion dollars, even that is skeptical as THOSE numbers seem to be artifical growth created by the chinese local goverments building GHOST TOWNS
hey bagel fagel, DONT GET too excited China owns only 1.3 trillion dollars of America's DEBT! Dont take more credit than you deserve!! Japanse holds 1 trillion as welll SO WHAT???

China is NOT in the LEAGUE sorry and neither IS INDIA... China is panda and India is a sloth, and America is Real TIGER/Dragon! dont munch on that American media crap that they feed u or chinse state controlled biased media Xinhua! LMAO hahahah

HEY CHINA u only have 5.8 trillion dollars, even that is skeptical as THOSE numbers seem to be artifical growth created by the chinese local goverments building GHOST TOWNS

Gubbi is that you?
hey bagel fagel, DONT GET too excited China owns only 1.3 trillion dollars of America's DEBT! Dont take more credit than you deserve!! Japanse holds 1 trillion as welll SO WHAT???

China is NOT in the LEAGUE sorry and neither IS INDIA... China is panda and India is a sloth, and America is Real TIGER/Dragon! dont munch on that American media crap that they feed u or chinse state controlled biased media Xinhua! LMAO hahahah

HEY CHINA u only have 5.8 trillion dollars, even that is skeptical as THOSE numbers seem to be artifical growth created by the chinese local goverments building GHOST TOWNS

what planet is this guy living on. America is on the decline and is busty musty.
what planet is this guy living on. America is on the decline and is busty musty.

Well these are the usual talking points we hear from Indian Americans. These guys are surprisingly uniform in their opinions and attitudes for supposed independent thinkers.
why are pakistanis on a pakistani forum:rofl:

we want india to keep annoying china we get more jf17s lol

So if India keep annoying china you will get more jf 17s.I have seen many deals this one is special between china and pakistan.Here is the deal pakistan will get INDIGENOUS jf17 from china for india annoying them.Now i understand this taller than himalayas deeper than ......friendship.You may also get more jf17s for supporting the chinese in each & every thread:rofl::rofl:

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