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India's dream of splitting Pakistan will never be realised: Nisar

Dawood Ibrahim

May 25, 2016
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India's dream of splitting Pakistan will never be realised: Nisar
By GEO NEWSPosted on: 50 minutes ago

ISLAMABAD: New Delhi's dream of splitting Pakistan into several geographical entities will never be realised, Pakistan interior minister said in response to his Indian counterpart's statement Monday, painting it as 'fallacy'.

"Bharatiya Janata Party's (the ruling party in India) dream of splitting Pakistan is nothing but a fallacy," Nisar said, adding the statement by his Indian counterpart was just a shallow claim.

The minister slammed the neighboring arch-foe for ruthlessly shedding blood of innocent Kashmiris in occupied Jammu and Kashmir. "Oppressing masses in India is part of the government's policy," he added.

He went on to accuse New Delhi of openly interfering in Balochistan and other parts of Pakistan, which it has also been admitting.

"We wish peace in the region, however, will not accept Indian hegemony," he asserted.

Earlier today, Indian Home Minister Rajnath Singh threatened Pakistan of 'splintering it into 10 parts if it does not mend ways.'

Tensions soared to an all-time high between India and Pakistan in past some months. Over 150 Kashmiris have been killed and more than 15,000 injured due to the use of brute force by Indian forces to quell protests that erupted after the killing of Burhan Wani - an iconic pro-independence Kashmiri youth leader - in July, this year.

With the situation tensed in Indian-occupied Kashmir (IoK), there has also been months of aggressive posturing by India along the Line of Control (LoC) and the Working Boundary causing flare-ups between the two countries.

Indian forces have repeatedly violated the ceasefire agreement resulting in a number of casualties of both civilians and troops on the Pakistani side.

The Indian side, however, has been receiving a matching response by the Pakistan Army and Rangers every time they commit a ceasefire violation.

However, these skirmishes along the border have been reduced in the recent days.


@war&peace @Indus Falcon @PakSword @Verve @Morse_Code @Mentee
No one can split Pakistan but Pakistani themselves. I do not think any of Indian designs can do any harm so long Pakistani are themselves invested in Pakistan. 71 were not possible if Pakistan had managed situation within east Pakistan well.
No one can split Pakistan but Pakistani themselves. I do not think any of Indian designs can do any harm so long Pakistani are themselves invested in Pakistan. 71 were not possible if Pakistan had managed situation within east Pakistan well.

If the bengalis were the same race as the REAL Pakistanis then bangladesh would not have been created. For the past 6000 years, history has shown that you cannot form nations with 2 very different racial groups. Us Pakistanis were not going to disprove that fact. 1971, 1981, 1991, 2001 or 2011, the creation of bangladesh was enivateable.
It appears to me that large swathes of land in the western regions of Pakistan are already semi-autonomous. These are the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), Khyber Pakhtunkwa, and Balochistan. While the Pakistani government has nominal political control over these regions, it is impossible for them to maintain control over such a vast area with relatively poor infrastructure and a massive influx of refugees from Afghanistan. This influx of refugees from Afghanistan brings with it a steady stream of Taliban militants, guns,weapons, drugs, etc. which increases the strain placed on the already overburdened Pakistani economy. As such, in the future, Pakistan can very well be witness to a massive breakaway of large portions of its western provinces.

The two nation theory does not override cultural differences. There will be break-up of pashtuns, tribals, balochs who are distinct from punjabi's

Lol........:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:........biggest delusional indian bollywood propaganda rant ever...lol!...coming from the same indian school of thought that claimed Pakistan would NEVER EVER become a nuclear weapons state with or without Chinese assistance.....lol

Such delusional comments are made by creatures from the East who have no idea of the ground realities of Pakistan. First point, the VAST majority of Pathan and Baloch of Pakistan are FAR MORE patriotic of Pakistan than even the Punjabis. If they weren't than they would not still be a part of Pakistan. 2nd point is that the infrastructure and economy of that region and Pakistan as a whole are becoming world class thanks to CPEC and other less talked about programs. The people of that region want to be a part of that success and reap the rewards. There is a reason WHY the world's next global hyper power has invested in at least $55 billion in Pakistan with many more billions earmarked for investments in the coming years and decades.

Unlike bangladesh in 1971, the Baloch, Pathan etc are the SAME race as one another but are different ethnicities of PAKISTAN. This strong racial bond is more than enough to keep Pakistan united.

No indian is in no position to question Pakistan or our economy. Especially in light of the fact that 30-40% of the ENTIRE Earth's most severely malnourished and extreme poor are indians in india :






So please indians, solve your above problems first before you question other nations and races. Indian hypocrisy knows no bounds.
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If the bengalis were the same race as the REAL Pakistanis then bangladesh would not have been created. For the past 6000 years, history has shown that you cannot form nations with 2 very different racial groups. Us Pakistanis were not going to disprove that fact. 1971, 1981, 1991, 2001 or 2011, the creation of bangladesh was enivateable.

There are a lot of concepts here I do not understand.

Who are "REAL Pakistani" according to you? What do you mean by 'Race' here, it seems it is not exactly the skin color based one.

Mind you, even having same 'Race' did not prevent europeans from fighting among themselves since antiquity.

As far as I know even present-day Pakistan shows quite a bit of racial diversity.
There are a lot of concepts here I do not understand.

Who are "REAL Pakistani" according to you? What do you mean by 'Race' here, it seems it is not exactly the skin color based one.

Mind you, even having same 'Race' did not prevent europeans from fighting among themselves since antiquity.

As far as I know even present-day Pakistan shows quite a bit of racial diversity.

The bengalis have a different racial heritage compared to ALL of those from Pakistan. They therefore don't have that bond and connection that modern day Pakistanis share with eachother. Hence the reality is that we could never ever form a nation together. Race is more than just skin-colour. It's features, physiques etc.
Man why don't you give then a description of REAL Pakistanis except that they came on donkeys from arabia.

When did I say that Pakistanis came from Arab nations? Being racially different to indians doesn't make you Arabic.

Who claimed Pakistan would NEVER EVER become a nuclear weapons state with or without Chinese assistance?? Give a proof or link??
Do you know malnourished children percentage is higher in Pakistan than India??
Now about CPEC, wait &see what will happen..

The Vajpayee government and indian military officials were saying as such before Pakistan tested it's nukes.

So 30-40% of the ENTIRE Earth's most severely malnourished equates to less than 25% of india's population??????????......Someone is obviously lying somewhere:



Been to Pakistan recently. Thanks to CPEC, world class infrastructure and industrial projects are going on all over Pakistan that were deemed impossible just 2 years ago.
pakistan is already split.......between the crooks and charlatans like this "interior" minister serves and those emracing shahadat every say in its defense.......
when a low life like benazir is called shaheed what else is there to say,.......ppl praise a cowardly crook like pervez [musharraf] or a small time street thug like altaf.......
Haven't you read on pdf Pakistanis as as white as Milk and Indian as black as coal :D :D
There are a lot of concepts here I do not understand.

Who are "REAL Pakistani" according to you? What do you mean by 'Race' here, it seems it is not exactly the skin color based one.

Mind you, even having same 'Race' did not prevent europeans from fighting among themselves since antiquity.

As far as I know even present-day Pakistan shows quite a bit of racial diversity.
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