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India's defense exports hit $1.6 billion in May 2019, aims for $5 billions in 2021

In the end, you didn't. I asked for industrial capabilities and you went on citing other selected capabilities where even only Pakistanis believe it to be so.
What Indian VCOAS has said carries more weight than what is said by me and you, what he said encompasses all the things in general
He said something to catalyse motivation and you are getting goosebumps here. The stats of exports actually sum up all things in general.
I'm repeatedly saying, Pakistan doesn't have a proper industrial sector to produce third revolution goods.
Oops!! As a beginner...does India has got MIRV tech??? any link.
Yes India has & Pakistan doesn't.

Demonstrating carrier vehicle doesn't make you test MIRVs. Pakistan never demonstrated RVs on it.

MIRV tech involves satellite navigation, spin stabilized boosters, thrust vectoring systems, miniaturized computer sets wiup advanced seekers for individual warheads and so on.

There 94 defined missile technologies and India produces 90+ out of them.

The reason why India doesn't have MIRV production yet is doctrinal which is same as that of China. USA, USSR and France had massive stockpiles and could ramp up production to produce hundreds of nukes (France had capacity but didn't produce thousands). There is no point in having MIRVs if launching a few finish your stockpile.

China had MIRV tech since 80s and India had since early 90s. China meanwhile inducted it only a decade ago because it's very recent that China can produce thousands of thermonuclear weapon.

India may only after a decade once nuclear centrifuges are high. We have right now problem with holding material just like France had. Brits told them how to do it who in turn were told by Americans. Soviets to told to PRC. But India isnt that lucky and we are trying to find out for past 21 years. Even if India gets it, Indian government will never reveal it directly. But India will test a 10k-15k kilometers range MIRVed ICBM.

Countries like Pakistan and North Korea on the other hand a kind of suicide doctrine where they say tumko bhi radiation lag jayega. They don't make large strategic warheads to finish the war but rather to blow huge enemy armed forces. They won't survive after enemy chooses to nuke them.
60% of Pakistani GDP falls in range of Indian heavy artillery systems and India can win a nuclear war without using nukes at all.
For a max 5kt warhead (max 5kt warhead on Nasr which is between 1 to 5 kt)

– Blast and fireball radius 500m or approx < 2 sq km

Integrated Combat Group frontage < > 10 km with two combat teams up. Depth < > 5 km. Total area covered approx 50 sq km.

How many nukes would be required to 'destroy' one CG? - 25.

Initial strike with 10 -15 combat groups simultaneously. Total area covered < > 500 sq km.

Minimum battlefield nukes needed to 'destroy' the CGs > 250 Nasrs! (Most A vehicles would be M-kills and thus repairable in situ).

That’s a hell of a lot of Nasrs required! Remember, all tanks and personnel carriers are protected from nuclear radiation. There will be no infantry out in the open. And then, most armored vehicles affected would be M-kills and not K-kills.

So, going a step further, 250x5 kt =1250 kt ie, equal to the yield of 65 Hiroshima atom bombs on Pakistani territory (as these will be employed only after the CGs have penetrated deep into Pakistan and would be used as a last resort!!) What would be left of Eastern Pakistan? It’s like cutting off your nose to spite your face!

And do they have that many Nasrs? Highly doubtful. Have they been tried and tested? Nope! Will they work? Allah knows! And most of all, before they can fire off their second Nasr, the Pakistanis will have a whole lot of Indian-made mushroom clouds to contend with!!

This is the difference between a credible nuclear deterrence and nuclear bluff!!

Your own government knows it much better than even me and that's Shah Mehmood Qureshi and rest of Pakistani leadership always runs around to internationalise India Pakistan conflicts rather than engaging one on one like true arch rival of India and a regional power (LOL) in "South Asia".

Debates of India Pakistan issues among most experts aren't about edge. India will be the winner of war by default. Debates are about how much loss India will have to incur. Even pro Pakistani sources do all their assessment assuming India won't retaliate at all.
That isn't our concern, it may be rising.

Pakistani defense industry isn't the name of a complete national ecosystem full of government PSUs and private companies, vendors etc. which not only themselves work to fulfill more than half of requirements of one of world's largest armed forces at home but export quality goods to NATO allies, Latin America and Africa just on government's freedom to do so unlike India.

India defense industry and exports aren't at their real pace yet. India doesn't export strategic weapons as it needs for it's own. Within two decades, India will be self sufficient in most of military technology and will have strategic partners too, defense exports will be $20 billions+ at today's exchange rates.
Here is another which Pakistan has and India doesn't...the tritium tipped tactical nuclear weapons, to check the India cold start doctrine...read more about it here.
We know Pakistanis didn't test Plutonium warheads which are needed for miniaturization rather they tested HEU implosion type warheads to be replicated in plutonium type pit as New Labs facility at PINSTECH only came online.in may 1998 . So Pakistanis have not tested a Plutonium spherical implosion device but a Linear implosion device. Anything more is out of question.
file (1).png

This device upon detonation the high explosive will drive the pusher plate into the tamper, which will then begin linear implosion of the fissile mass which will not only compress the plutonium but will push it inward and away from the control rods the same time, the lip on the outside of each control rod will "catch" a small portion of the force from the explosive.

Now these devices will not give more than 10% efficiency without testing which Pakistan has not , so Pakistan's triad will not be useful for countervalue targeting .

It's only India outside P5 capable of producing all kind of nuclear weapons as we demonstrated in our reactors. ITER sent an invitation to India and not Pakistan, North Korea or Iran.

Cold Start Doctrine is simply irrefutable as India also has nuclear weapons. Let's see how many times Pakistan bombs itself to push back Indian troops and gets bombed even more India in response. Or how many slaps it will get if it doesn't stick to it's doctrine.

Simply, Pakistan can compete with India only in limited attrition warfare. Once India makes up its mind to thwart international pressure, India can open wars on every front making it hell for Pakistan.

Anyways, as for cold start doctrine, I've been studying few assessments by foreign experts. I will put some pages here when I have tithose
Pakistan is among the handful of countries with armed UAVs. Pakistan's Burraq UAV is capable of carrying two air-to-ground missiles, has a service ceiling of around 15000 feet and an endurance of 8–10 hours. The UAV's operational range is thought to be around 350km through LOS communication.

It is equipped with two ASMs and a laser designator and has a payload capacity of 100kg.

Except the IAI Heron, India has no capable operational UAV to speak of (except quadcopter UAVs) and certainly no armed UAV.
"One of few coubtries" LOL
Let's agree to please you once.
Small UCAV tech isn't something India can't make. It's not a tech either something to boast off. We don't even need Chinese CH-4 platform to design drone on or import foreign engine for such a small toy unlike you. We have made and scrapped lot lot of designs.

We don't have super strong insurgencies unlike those in Northwest Pakistan. So, we chose to get them directly high quality from Israel and Lakshya & Abhyas ourselves.

Real UCAVs which would be useful for war would be like Rustom and AURA/AUCA that could fight in place of fighter aircrafts. I'm yet to see any large UAV like Rustom from Pakistani side.

For "few countries", in India's context it is much much bigger than Pakistan will have in next 20-30 years.
Having large navies, air force and army, anti ballistic missiles, advanced exo atmospheric interceptors, hypersonic vehicles, aircraft carriers, DDGs and FFGs, massive corvettees, making advanced fighter planes, advanced composites, seekers and complex electric circuits & chips (yeah semiconductor chips but not on industrial scale), large launch vehicles, space tug, extra terrestrial probes, FBWs, AESA Radars, TR modules with GaN, ASAT missiles, very high resolution reconnaissance satellites, own satellite navigation systems, advance AAMs, ramjets & scramjets, nuclear submarines, turbofans and so so on.

what is india exporting that is worth millions of dollars?? its over exaggerated figure. maybe 1.5 billion in past 20 years??
No, its $1.6 billion between 2017-18 only at 2019 MER. In 2017 MER, its already more than $2 billions. However, exports aren't high enough. Ammunition, aircraft parts, subsystems like scopes for guns and military vehicles form most part of it.

India is yet to export big strategic assets like US, Russia, China and France.
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The figures are suspect. Funny thing is I tried to figure India defense imports by googling and couldnt find anything. But beyond that offset exports are nothing but screwdriver giri. The entire designs, plans, actual materials and metallurgy is from abroad and some screws are fixed in India and exported. its like import 4.8 billion add value of 0.2 billion and export 5 billion. Even there to comes india's "feel good" fake accounting. I am reasonable certain India is counting bathroom fixtures to a defense manufacturers as "defense exports" . I mean this is a country whose ordinance boards cant maintain consistency of quality in frigging rifle.
what is india exporting that is worth millions of dollars?? its over exaggerated figure. maybe 1.5 billion in past 20 years??

No, like some have mentioned a lot are due to the offset clause in most defence programs. ie India will buy an Rafale, Apache, etc. but off sets are injected into small, big, private firms and usual gov companies. Some of these are reexported to OEM for full integration, testing.



TATAs Apache, S92 fuselage


Dynamatic tech - Bell heli, Chinook


L&T K9 Thunder



Punj Llyod, IWI small arms

Basically these OEMs are producing a MIC for India.

The, "real", exports are mostly driven by small private firms like tonbo imaging, MKU, etc. who cant wait for orders by the gov.
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The figures are suspect. Funny thing is I tried to figure India defense imports by googling and couldnt find anything.
India imports strategic weapons mostly. That includes fighters, UAVs, aero engines, rifles etc.. Bill of such items is enough to make India single largest importer of weapons.

We are much more capable than other importers. Our requirements make us top chart, not our technological limitation.
But beyond that offset exports are nothing but screwdriver giri. The entire designs, plans, actual materials and metallurgy is from abroad and some screws are fixed in India and exported. its like import 4.8 billion add value of 0.2 billion and export 5 billion. Even there to comes india's "feel good" fake accounting. I am reasonable certain India is counting bathroom fixtures to a defense manufacturers as "defense exports" .
No, reverse is true, that's why you didn't find much when you googled Indian imports.

India doesn't sell finished products by adding values on them. We sell subsystems and consumables which make us OEM. We provide aircraft components at very low cost.

Other defense industries are inflated not India. I don't remember if we sell much of any substantial full system like a complete plane or ship. We sell its components what we make. It's US or Latin Americans who add value by screwdrivers.
I mean this is a country whose ordinance boards cant maintain consistency of quality in frigging rifle.
We produced very much of them. They are active with our special forces and support missions to NATO as well.
India is quite a defence market not only for a country who imports a lot and has a lot of diverse sellers trying to get in, but also quite the export capability
My personal opinion, I believe the BrahMos, Akash, and maybe some warship designs will really bring in the $$$ for India's defence companies.
my question is this, Is India now trying to pursue and get transfer of technology, license production with every deal they make with a foreign partner, or they looking to become completely reliant by a certain time frame? because I know some of India's homegrown is either put on halt, cancelled or doesn't make it past development/prototype phase.
India imports strategic weapons mostly. That includes fighters, UAVs, aero engines, rifles etc.. Bill of such items is enough to make India single largest importer of weapons.

We are much more capable than other importers. Our requirements make us top chart, not our technological limitation.

No, reverse is true, that's why you didn't find much when you googled Indian imports.

India doesn't sell finished products by adding values on them. We sell subsystems and consumables which make us OEM. We provide aircraft components at very low cost.

Other defense industries are inflated not India. I don't remember if we sell much of any substantial full system like a complete plane or ship. We sell its components what we make. It's US or Latin Americans who add value by screwdrivers.

We produced very much of them. They are active with our special forces and support missions to NATO as well.

Subsytems and consumables are also made in the same way. Import everything, screw them and export them. I did not not says I couldnt google the contents of India imports (which even a child knows) but the dollar value of India's imports. I could not find because "feel good" "acche din" indian bhakth statistics dont publish them. And what do you mean INdia imports only strategic systems ? India imports or license manufactures rifles(when is rifles a strategic weapon?), pistols, carbines. India recently floated tender for license manufacture of ak 203 rifles for infantry. In addition it directly imports rifles from USA and Dubai. For special forces it imports everything direct - rifles, pistols, optics even ammunition. These are not "strategic". Even bulletproof vests are outsourced to Indian private company. Not sure if the private company has any real IP or simply imports and does screwdriver giri in India.
India has no ammunition standards simply uses foreign standards. It seems you need to pull your head out of clouds.
India can extend as much credit line as it want. But India can’t make jack. India can’t even make a decent rifle.

Oops, I take that back. India does make Brahmos, a down graded, export version of a Russian missile.
Why do you hate India so much? The moment i saw your post on this thread, i knew i could bet all my money you would be trolling...and lo' and behold....you love to troll and hate on India. Its amazing you can consistently put in this much effort to attack a a country with good and bad sides, but you only see the bad. Try to stop being so hateful towards India. its not that serious and its not good for your health .
Why do you hate India so much? The moment i saw your post on this thread, i knew i could bet all my money you would be trolling...and lo' and behold....you love to troll and hate on India. Its amazing you can consistently put in this much effort to attack a a country with good and bad sides, but you only see the bad. Try to stop being so hateful towards India. its not that serious and its not good for your health .

He can't help who he is or the fake flags he puts up.
Why do you hate India so much? The moment i saw your post on this thread, i knew i could bet all my money you would be trolling...and lo' and behold....you love to troll and hate on India. Its amazing you can consistently put in this much effort to attack a a country with good and bad sides, but you only see the bad. Try to stop being so hateful towards India. its not that serious and its not good for your health .

I don’t hate your country. Speaking the truth about India doesn’t equate to hate,

As for you, be honest about your Indian heritage. I can smell your curry dinner on your post.
Why are Indian defence exports growing?
This is how they are growing. All the items India exports for defence ends up re-imported again to India. For example let's take Apache helicopters. Now India makes seat covers of Apache and exports them to USA. Those seat cover are fitted onto Apache which India has bought from USA and then sent back to India. Hope this explains. None of European countries are buying Apache fitted with Indian seat covers. They prefer their own seat covers.
I don’t hate your country. Speaking the truth about India doesn’t equate to hate,
I say you hate India because you are pathologically obsessed with attacking India. You spend alot of effort and intelligence doing that CONSISTENTLY. I do agree that speaking the truth =/= hating a country, but when its only negative things you say combined with the fact that its so methodical and persistent, that is no more speaking truth, that's clear evidence of a bias against/hate for India.

As for you, be honest about your Indian heritage. I can smell your curry dinner on your post.
Lol, i wish. I have 0 Indian in me. I am just excellent at understanding patterns and i have noticed a clear pattern with your posts and attacking India. Offcourse India should and will do better but India also does good things, but you will never mention or admit them. that the evidence of your bias. can you show me 1 of your posts where u give India credit for something genuinely?
what is india exporting that is worth millions of dollars?? its over exaggerated figure. maybe 1.5 billion in past 20 years??
Ammunition, radars, spare parts,
I say you hate India because you are pathologically obsessed with attacking India. You spend alot of effort and intelligence doing that CONSISTENTLY. I do agree that speaking the truth =/= hating a country, but when its only negative things you say combined with the fact that its so methodical and persistent, that is no more speaking truth, that's clear evidence of a bias against/hate for India.

Lol, i wish. I have 0 Indian in me. I am just excellent at understanding patterns and i have noticed a clear pattern with your posts and attacking India. Offcourse India should and will do better but India also does good things, but you will never mention or admit them. that the evidence of your bias. can you show me 1 of your posts where u give India credit for something genuinely?
Its called insecurity and jealousy.
My personal opinion, I believe the BrahMos, Akash, and maybe some warship designs will really bring in the $$$ for India's defence companies.
Rather Indian shipbuilding industry will. India is working hard to hasten its time to build naval warships and inducting 4-5 ships every year to become fourth largest navy soon.
As submarine strength crosses 40 and DDG/FFGs cross 50, India will start exporting them. But aerospace production has a lot to fill at home first.
my question is this, Is India now trying to pursue and get transfer of technology, license production with every deal they make with a foreign partner, or they looking to become completely reliant by a certain time frame? because I know some of India's homegrown is either put on halt, cancelled or doesn't make it past development/prototype phase.
Some of, not most of. India keeps on visiting foreign partner to learn more & more. In case technology is denied, India makes things independently. Some have limited while some has complete success.

The aim is to build an eco system of private and government companies to provide support to Indian defense industry. Lot of startups have been there in aerospace and space sector. Some are already functioning well and will form backbone of Indian aerospace industry 30 years later.
Subsytems and consumables are also made in the same way.
No they aren't. Consumables include mostly ammunition.
Subsystems are made of composites and electronics. India is well & good in composites and electronics. We have our own semiconductors for defense projects.
I did not not says I couldnt google the contents of India imports (which even a child knows) but the dollar value of India's imports.
I didn't ask for your shenanigans or whatever BS you are fed with in your echo chamber where your failed state celebrates petty achievements without any R&D while you guys don't put question at all and just shouting conspiracies when a much bigger capable country does it after investing billions and time in R&D for decades.

India produces most of damn things produced in East Asia or western world. Their specifications don't always meet what India wants. No matter what how much on PDF you shout about delayed Indian projects even those are you can't imagine to conduct in your dreams.
I could not find because "feel good" "acche din" indian bhakth statistics dont publish them.
And that's best you could come up with.
And what do you mean INdia imports only strategic systems ? India imports or license manufactures rifles(when is rifles a strategic weapon?), pistols, carbines. India recently floated tender for license manufacture of ak 203 rifles for infantry. In addition it directly imports rifles from USA and Dubai. For special forces it imports everything direct - rifles, pistols, optics even ammunition. These are not "strategic".
Both US & China import as well as export lot of such things.
India has created an advanced 5.56mm AR but army changes standard to 7.62mm.
So, India puts earlier made AR for military police and exports, starts a project to make its own 7.62mm AR and goes in international market to purchase same due to time restrictions.
Even bulletproof vests are outsourced to Indian private company. Not sure if the private company has any real IP or simply imports and does screwdriver giri in India.
If you think Indian companies get assistance from foreign firms simply, then you are even more pathetic. Do you know how big issue a security deal is?

Indian DPSUs have a production crisis so they have started to subcontract manufacturing to private vendors. That's why share of imported weapons in India has fallen, that's why India's exports have grown and that's why India's defense budget has fallen. India directly transfers tech to private cos.
India has no ammunition standards simply uses foreign standards. It seems you need to pull your head out of clouds.
India manufactures ammunition and guns on those standards. Doesn't mean it can't set its own. I would not want an inventory crisis when I have such a mix of imported and own weapons at home and I want to export as well.

You can't deliver IBR or ASTM stuff to Boney Forge. They won't accept it. They have no use of it.
I don’t hate your country.
Indeed, you hate your own country more than mine. That's why you are even reluctant to put real flag.
I had been stalking you for a while and I've confimed on my end, no matter what you say.

By the way damn!! Being a Pakistani is this shameful??
Speaking the truth about India doesn’t equate to hate,
But you aren't speaking to truth. You are purposely dishonest, who trolls on opportunities, downplays what India does, even spread lies and BS about things you don't know anything about while you have been quite lenient in Pakistani section.

In this forum which is created to degrade India's image with shenanigans, you constantly troll India in East Asia section.

I wonder how funny this echo chamber is. Everyone spreads why a de facto failing state is resilient, why India is failing or why China is on 7th heaven. Whenever reality lashes and something happens, you guys start bearing conspiracies.

I admit, I had stopped posting on PDF. I purposely posted this thread here to see reactions.:D:D
As for you, be honest about your Indian heritage.
We are very much honest. Our heritage isn't something to discuss here. Because the country of origin of this forum has no identity of its own.
I can smell your curry dinner on your post.
Your love for India is overflowing from your post.:enjoy:
For example let's take Apache helicopters. Now India makes seat covers of Apache and exports them to USA.
India even makes entire fuselages and subsystems.
None of European countries are buying Apache fitted with Indian seat covers. They prefer their own seat covers.
Count the number of Apaches India is buying vs number of systems India is exporting. Case closed.
If it earns India money, that is the only thing that matters. And India's defense industry is growing and becoming more profitable. Recently at SCO India announced a 200 billion dollar credit line to Kyrgyztan that includes defense exports.
200 billion dollars credit line. Over what period. What's the source?

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